Yas Forums humor

It's time for Wednesday humor (or humour, for the Brits) thread.

Vintage and / or rare edition

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Here's Sanchez, as I haven't posted her in a while

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I hate the British so much

>grandma firmly grabbed my right buttock and whispered into my ear, "tight."
>as her hand left my pockets I heard the faint licking of her lips
>my eyes shifted to see her face, only to see her wink at me
>I shuddered at the thought of what she wanted

"Your older brother was nicer to me you know..."
>grandma continued walking, her eyes fixated on my uncomfortable boner

"user, I know you want the Xbox... so why dont you help granny get comfortable in her bed?"

>what followed was something I came to regret
I slept with granny then set her house on fire

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lol these guys look too ugly to be Japanese - who are these funny Koreans? looks like a fun show


This one was one of the first /humor/ pics I've seen on Yas Forums

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Post the best type of greentexts pls - the shitting ones.

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fucking died, based sanchez

How much can he lift?

It's a she. She was named before I discovered the lack of the dick. You see, I am not one to look closely into animal genitalia, hence the mistake. She can climb any surface vertically and she weighs like 2-3 kg, so probably that. Not sure about her curls, but I guess not much

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I know one of you homosexuals has that one comic of some dude crying in bed then getting ripped then crying in his bed again. Thought I saved it years ago can't find it.

One of my old favs

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>dom related

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is this the new chapter

>Not choosing the best Dom character ever

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>i set a bunch of fires on purpose to use it up


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Too real.

I painted one last year.

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Went from a humor thread, to a bawww thread

nice! is your paint job trying to emulate snow camo like pic related?

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Wtf even is that?

The chest of a Zaku. Powerpipes on the head. Flat shoulders.

Its like a zaku I and Dom had sex and made a manlet offspring.

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>people replying to tripcunts
please kys first and then go back to raddit

It's wednesday my dudes

Fuck man, I browse fit during my lunch break

Wheres the line? Am I not tall enough to see it?

Satan-checked, giga-kek'd


I've noticed that the UK seems to be the source of major butthurt in this website. Is it because Yas Forumses are always seething about Dresden or what? The Euros on Yas Forums dont care about Brexit so it cant be that


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>You are either a Yas Forumse or an Yas Forums browsing euro
This is your brain on crumpets
Everyone hates Anglos, some people simply never mention it because it's a gives


>(or humour, for the Brits)
Adam please make a vid on almond rocas

Haha based

Fake plates anyway, wouldn't count

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tfw Chadam Ragusea lurks



How have I never seen this pasta before.

I've been coming to Yas Forums for years and have never seen this. I am fucking dying.

>easily top 5 funniest shit i've seen on fit

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Got me

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living in the UK, they are the most uptight and neurotic people I have ever met. They physically cannot give you a straightforward display of genuine emotion.
And now their empire is gone they have given themselves completely to degeneracy and self-pity. Sad.

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T. Empirelet


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Okay let's settle this once and for all. WHAT am I supposed to learn? Yes I'm a manlet, I'm short. What do you want me to do, commit suicide? And by the way, I have a girlfriend.

Man stop taking the bait 1

When will they learn?

Fuckin manlets...

Pretty much what this guy said. I'm studying in UK and most of the uk fags are extremely fake, disgustingly sneaky and lazy cunts. The wealth that they acumulated will not last long in this country as you can see the collapse happening due to their youth alone. If you account immigration and birth rate differences among muslims and locals the picture gets even worse

10/10 would pet