How did today’s workout go?
How did today’s workout go?
why the fuck do girls pay such extraordinary money to put (In my opinion) hideous pieces of acrylic on their fingers, just painting them a single color or leaving them unpainted looks magnitudes better to me
>another iphone nigger twitter screenshot thread
Kill yourself
girls think they know better than boys what boys want
Rest day, but made a lot of OHP progress yesterday (currently at 2pl8 for 5 reps)
> that image
peak consumerism, anyone who relates to that should be shot and sent to the gulag
lower class girls do it and you don't like it because you're not lower class. How young are you to not have figured that out still?
Broke ass honkies
For the same reason men buy high end trainers when they could just as easily buy a cheap pair of arguably higher quality shoes. It's just a mindset people have.
>shot and sent to the gulag
Oof and commiecel pilled
He's a dumb nigger but you're a dumb Marxist
its something that fortunately just blacks do, m8
>covered swastika on the helmet
Sure buddy. Cucks, fags and niggers arent men.
That's not the same thing my man. Try running daily 10k on some shitty ass shoes and see how fucked up your feet get.
FUCK wisdom teeth
Wisdom teeth can suck my dick
I know this is a disguised incel thread but whatever, I couldn't exercise because of diarrhea and vomiting
You ok now dude? Did you ate something bad or drunk too much?
My gf just likes them, shes aware that they're expensive and pretty stupid but she likes the click clacks you can do.
Shes also not a retard and only gets them done like once or twice a year max
guzzling down to much semen obviously
Not going.
My girls prepares Lasagna for when I come home from work.
Nailed it. People think it’s dumb. Quit judging. It’s not anything. You are just different than the people that do that. Their goals are wholly their own, they are content with that, all of the people here are content to go on imageboards that don’t improve their life either. It’s just a class thing
bad. I have a form problem with squats (pushing too much on the right side) that's messing with my progression. but on the good side I busted my OHP plateau and realized I was more powerful in DDL than I thought on Monday.
because idiots like james in that picture, keep giving them so much money for shit like that
Had great diddly session did 500 m row in 2 mins and pull ups
Doing cardio for the last half of my lunch break and sit ups during destiny 2’s load times
Did squat pr and for reps too, and I felt I had plenty in tank to go higher but refrained. Needless to say, I felt fucking great. Starting to look juicier in the natty mirrors at my gym.
I haven't worked out yet today, but yesterday went well with 3x6 paused deads with 2 minute breaks at 340lb, as well as 4x10 bench at 180lb, also with 2 min breaks
Pretty average. I have a problem where I clench my jaw on the last couple reps and I'm worrying about what it's doing to my teeth, though.
Pretty okay. Squats, bench, diddly, and rows. Got 2/3 of the protein for the day in already.
>wearing trainers ever
Lift barefoot, work in dress shoes (or preferably none if you work from home)
Cardio is for fags
>yo yo bought my bitch a new Gucci bag with my income tax. Stay mad broke boizzzz
Most stahlhelms didn't have any iconography on them, retard.
I knew it, but didn't want to accept it because I have some family who does this. Sad!
surely you mean someone elses income tax my melanated friend?
>My gf just likes them
Your gf was told to like the lm and she's a sheep like all women are. They generally don't actually have any reason as to why they buy anything if you just scratch the surface
>I just like them
>Ok, why do you like them
>Well so and so has them
> So you don't actually like them you just want what other girls have
Calling my gf out in this has actually prevented her from buying mountains of retarded shit and she actually thanks me for it because she actually has money to spend on things that are actually important
I like when my woman gets her nails done, I find it hot af. Big turn on
Hey fags i need help, which of these will net more starter gainz. If i do 5x7 during one workout session or if i do 3x10 in morning and 3x10 in the evening?
Cope, nigger
It was a tough one this morning, user. Me and my lifting bro got to the gym for 6:30AM and then hit legs for a couple hours. I started flagging in my quads and had to miss out on working my calves because I couldn't squeeze my calves without my quads being on the brink of cramping. I'll have to do calves tonight instead along with shoulders and bis.
so and so. pulled a muscle about 2 weeks ago and cant lift my full potential. feels bad doing kiddie weights
Could be worse. At least it's not woman weights.
Pretty good, though I didn't have time for a complete session. Hit arms but had to skip abs.
I did some hypertrophy sets with 215lb on bench press earlier and I haven't decided if I'll do anything else.
Still recovering from yesterdays deadlifts so I don't want to stress my back.
I bet all the gym thots are laughing at me
Hit legs hard finally got 3 plate squat. I hate leg workouts. Did 45 mins cardio but legs hurt wanted do more but such is life.
perfect. Absolutely fucking perfect.
hit all my weights with perfect form, did a few exta diddlies, and left with energy left over so ill feel great till the next one!
Means you didn't go hard enough, brother.
Fear not - gym thots have no concern other than that of their own image. Probably only noticed you where a male, and posed in a provocative manner.
Cuz James is a retarded nigger. It costs his girl 10 bucks tops but she tells him 70 to get some extra money. Being the stupid nigger he is, he gives her even more.
It went alright, more worried about the rest of the weeks work out.
On a very hard bench program, and it also leaves very little time for other exercises.
Just do coke before lol
Only real ones use illegal preworkout
Failed The Press™ 115lbs (4,3,3)
Start calling ur gf a nigger
Had the best workout of 2020 today. Took a week off to recover, and came back with +5kg on ohp, +8kg on incline bench and +2kg on weighted dips.
Also beat the shit out of the heavy bag too
Because girl are like a retarded hivemind, they don’t do it for men, but for status among themselves
I haven't worked out yet. Took a rest yesterday but my whole body hurts. I'm really not looking forward to it today but fuck it. I'm never gonna make it if I get a little pain get in the way.
This same topic expands onto horrible stuff like lip fillers, and other cheap surgeries that women like to get. No man finds that shit attractive.
Been lifting nonstop for 3 months
Started at barely 145 deadlift
Hit lmao 3pl8 x 5 today
feels good, but ill never stop getting stronger.
It's a deload week and today's leg day. Did a nice easy 245 squat for just 2 sets of 5, really focusing on pausing way down in the hole.
Finishing up some dead lifts now, just 1 set at 4 pl8, then doing some calf work and some machine work, all at about 80 percent of normal weight and half of the normal sets.
Today was my leg day, thank you for asking it. How bout you?