Eternal /fph/

Epic mount edition.

Here you can confess your fat-loving sins.
And we will laugh at you.

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thread theme call

this is fat-phobic and racist, and should be a hate crime. I didnt come here to receive abuse and hate due to my size and disabilities. Some people physically CANNOT lose weight, even on as low as 100 calories a WEEK! (trust me, I have tried eating only an apple a day for over a month and actually GAINED weight!)

You should all be ashamed of yourselves
Absolutely disgusting

>Julius Evola's long forgotten masterpiece, Ride the Hippo



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>Them: sorry, we should have used the word shouldn’t
>Me: hold my extra large, quadruple mocha, triple caramel, extra whip, cookie crumble frozen coffee!

trips and boogie dies tonight

Her belly bulge makes it look like she has a foot long schlong


Something I came up with on my daily 10,000 steps

If you could only read my mind
You would know that things between us
Ain't right
I know your titties ain't too wide
But you're a little on the fat side
I can't lie

Your B-M-I
Is way too high
Come around now, can't you see?

I want you
Slim with boobs
I want it bad.

Complete me
Not eat me
Shits making me mad, mad, mad, mad, mad

If you could only read my mind
You would know that I've been waiting
So long
For someone almost just like you
But without saggy ass boobs, I'm waiting, so come on

Get out of HAES time
Shrink most your waistline
Come around now, can't you see ?

I want you
Sans fat suit
Don't want you fat

You're supersized
Not "thicc thighed"
Shits making me mad, mad, mad, mad, mad, mad.

Don't get me wrong
I know you only think it's good
But that's what's wrong
You eat way more than you should.

(Refrain one)
(Refrain two)

I mean it
I need it
It makes me mad, mad, mad, mad, mad, mad
Really, really mad

Shitty OC. Song lyrics and a shitty OC vaporware edit because I've been drinking today..

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>Some people physically CANNOT lose weight
based Graveler poster

>hold my coffe
instead it should be "hold my 4 oils shake"

big roll


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Hold my fries

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Bitch looks like Louie Anderson in drag

Hold my fupa

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Are you even trying to make good bait

nothing says sexy like posing in a target with cheetah print boots from payless and a pair of shorts rated for 200 pounds struggling to hold up 350.

Quick, name boogies band

Call the ho Ariana family-size

black dude wearing a Slayer shirt and wearing a baseball cap with a bill that's not flat? That's a rare occurrence.


>chair leader

Are they stuck in his gravitational pull?

>Is 600 pounds
>Gets mogged by literal kids


I think he meant chair destroyer

that must be one thicc apple

What do y'all think about attempting to reform a fatty? Like if there's a girl who would be pretty cute if she lost 10-20lbs, is it worth it to try to get her to do so? How might you go about accomplishing it? Basically all the women who are already thin and hot are either taken or not interested in me, so I'm thinking about trying to fix up a fatty. I've tried once before without success, but maybe I can figure it out with y'all's help.

boogie and the heartbreakers

Captain save-a-hoe back at it again

She means 1,800 cal sugar fluid with a shot of espresso.

>amy slutbag
>im not a hoe like her smiley face white power bread slice checkmark
What did she mean by this?

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It's pretty good user , keep it up

Top kek

>stained shirt
>500 lbs and probably 5’2
I would never go in public looking like that

Thanks senpai, I like the offspring and that video of an Australians succulent Chinese dinner being disturbed.
I just had a need to OC

>What did she mean by this?
Me fat. Nobody fuck me because me fat, so me not hoe. Me want be hoe though, so me name me slut.

Lol almost had me there

wow that thing is fucking disgusting



You can't make a girl lose weight, and if you somehow manage it, she will leave you because she's getting more attention for more men, women don't value loyalty. You're wasting time prettying a girl up, if you manage to, just so she can get plowed by another man.

There is no universe where this works out, or is easy, for you.

What's up with fatties and stained shirts.

Dubs and he dies by Easter

cute or cringe?

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Here come the >(You)s

The best man in a donkey costume gets me everytime

Dubs and he is resurrected

Such a fukked up childhood.. i wish to no one.

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Anyone got the it's okay to be weak image?

2/10 b8
You checked off too many boxes

>4 shots of espresso, 2 cups of heavy cream, 12 pumps of caramel flavoring, etc


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>hold my coffee

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Yay boogie ded

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more like flabletics amirite

include me in the screencap pls

Why did someone vomit into a Starbucks cup?

Do I need to use 5lbs dumbbells to get those nice rippley biceps? That’s pretty aesthetic.


>hold my coffee
everyone in this thread knows that that means
an extra large 1250 calorie fucking coffee amalgam of sugar, flavorings, and whipped cream

not if these trips have anything to say about it

this is nice though


Fatties love doing stuff like this. Like adding blueberries to muffins to pretend it’s a healthy breakfast food instead of literal cake.

I pity your future wife

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Awhile ago every “boogie dead now” post never got repeating digits and boogie surviving posts always got repeating digits. But over the past couple threads exactly the opposite has been true. Has boogies power finally waned? Have we just worn through whatever beastly endurance he has? For it seems that he death is nigh.

Is the prerequisite to a Shrek wedding marrying an ugly pig woman? That’s kind of ironic because in the movie she was pretty before the wedding.

lol based /plg/

No he living check em

The bell tolls for boogie. With a mighty whimper, his candle is snuffed out.

based, fuck boogie

Can we get some more classics in these threads? Most of the time it devolves into posting fatties' tinder profiles. I want real, powerful reasons to hate fatties, not just pictures of disgusting women

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dubs and this thread is cancelled

>fuck boogie

>off by one
his time doth indeed approacheth

Lmao is that Ray Sipe?

Yas Forumsizens, we must tread lightly, for if we doth fill this thread with exultations of the death of booger most foul and the seeking of digits the fat oafish goalers shall waddle forth and delete this thread of ours. For in their söy filled misery they can not grasp what a joyous occasion this is.

I posted this one the other day - there is a cop that parks in my garage who is almost ALWAYS sitting in his bitchmobile stuffing his fucking face with garbage at 8:30 in the morning. Monday morning it was chips and a jar of processed queso.
Imagine this fat fuck being called to deal with a violent person... he absolutely could not deal with them normally. His only options would be tazer and, failing that, his gun. It makes me fucking furious to know that this is allowed in my country. In a just world he would be told to shape up or get the fuck off the force.

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>the way she tries to dress up to look good
>the way her shirt is under the belt because it's more stylish that way
How can you forget that you're this fat and no clothing will make you look better?m

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Body slam.

But his death doth approach. These numerals, the one like unto the previous, verily shall cast the final blow.

Is this good enough?

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Shitting Christ that's perfect

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every fucking time

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The fuck is in that?

>slayer T-shirt

absolute Chad

Dubs and he chokes on a peep

he deserves it for buying peeps

>one apple a day
>plus 17 mocha frappa fats with extra suger from starbucks because coffee is 'zero' calories

I want to fuck a fatty like this
I'm sorry

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>She's fucking proud of it
God I hate millennials so much

She's clearly not, you retard

you really just rhymed supersized with thick
thighed. That is some talent right there

They sweat

kill that cunt

It's OC time again.

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Yas Forums BTFO

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Not really my taste but at least she has a shape. If she were a fat amorphous sack of adipose then I'd call you disgusting.

How about the energy on this house shaker?

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One can pray a fat embolism obstructs her aorta.

Tbf at least they have good humour

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this genuinely turned me on

Boogie and the toilet breakers

Her knees are powder


You know these coomers pay money to meet and greet these porn stars.

Apparently 3.26 mb webms are too large, just like the fatty it contained.

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Women are worthless. Don't invest the only non-renewable resource ( time ) in them. She will not do anything because she sees you as nothing more then a resource to exploit.

If you meet a woman of quality X, it _always_ goes down from there.


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Is that dude wearing cat ears?

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This girl is a teenager and all that's left for her is food and nigger cock. Sad.

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the absolute mass of this lad

lmfao shes shaking the entire floor

Based Offspring cover

I'll never eat Pizza again..

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dubs and it speeds up

omg that's terrible !! lmao

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thanks user, I don't feel hungry anymore

He lost a lot of subscribers, a lot of people I watch made gay call out videos about him lying about losing weight, I think people are finally turning on him.

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still would

Literally nobody his criticizing or challenging this bitch. What a time to be alive.

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fuck, looks like my ex gf from HS who had a twin. Never got to smash tho.

Got a two-fer

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If they're store bought and baked into the muffin, the blueberries are often just blue-coloured sugary syrup.

I feel sorry for those kid's parents.


Well, least she's doing something.

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My fav because of the ending. Fat bitch btfo herself.

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I got you... Bro

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I can't describe how much I hate this.

Those asses ain't bad, bro.

Laughing so hard at this one, nice contribution

There's no direct evidence that smoking causes harm, simply because directly testing for that kind of harm on human patients violates ethical standards of doing harm. Yet, everyone knows for a fact just based on how strong the mountains of correlational evidence is that smoking fucks you. Obesity is in the same camp, and these days is arguably worse.

Her coffee:

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Camel toe of doom, don't look directly at it.

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Wasn't she on the last Golden Globes Awards show?

Had me in the first half not gon lie

That's a man..? Faggots and trannies aren't women user, stop playing the pronoun game.

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Fat people are funny stereotype comes from their constant performing, hoping for some attention and validation.

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Replace 'fat' with 'infertile', as what is a "western standard of beauty" is, truly, signs of fertility.

no repost pls

Only attention-whores need a gender identity.

Everyone else can just live as a (hu)man.

>She knows her worth

So sad.

Boog die

dubs and it's by foul play

It is decided.

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>It makes me fucking furious
are you literally shaking right now?

i feel truly enlightened for being able to understand this


if its just 10-20 pounds then MAYBE if they are already thinking about it, any more than 20 and its not going to happen unless she already started

I have a friend dating a fat chick now for nearly a decade. Even his family telling him to ditch it but guy just likes chubby booty

>she knows her worth
They never know their own worth. They usually think of themselves as being 10/10's

anybody ever been to one of these coomercons? wtf happens there? exactly how horrible is the smell??

You know, when i reached the last words of your post i actually tought about the smell, it must be disgusting

>these tiktoks
NOT how it works

You just know Boogie smelled fried food from miles away and ended up there

Obesity is FAR worse nowadays than smoking. I'm 24 and only know a few people who smoke but I know (and see on a daily basis as I'm in downtown Chicago every day so I've seen upwards of 10,000 unique people) relatively few people that AREN'T obese

don't even want a one-er

>looks are a 4
if only


What is it with people like this and the love of the middle finger? It's such an edgy teenager thing to do.

digits and boogie will become stronger with each lb he gains

You cannot save your false, dying god.

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Rebecca Black really let herself go

She'd be very pretty if she lost weight

>She'd be very pretty if she lost weight
For you maybe

No one posing in this pic will touch a vagina without paying for it

these trips refuse.

Why do these always hit 50ish images then die 3 days later?

Did he eat all the funnel cakes?
Oh shit

Just when I thought a man could not be any more based I saw the slayer shirt

If you are too fat to fit in cinema or theater seats that should tell you something.

The funniest people, or at least most comedians, tend not to be of high social status. They are fat, ugly, short, or generally flawed and they play up these traits for the sake of humor. People who are attractive in every way are seen as much less funny

that's not a cametoe, it's just her belly folds

another fatty with a "femme" shirt or identifying with the word "femme" otherwise. Femme is basically a synonym for an obese feminist.

this is poopoo bad smelly stinky CUM crust evil man stuff and peepee smelly NIGGER stank meatball wackojacko, and should be a state sponsored police training program. I didnt come here to receive a fine mixture of tomato sauce with nicotine juice, steel reserve 211(what you know about that? probably nothing), quacky cum cookies and poop salsa due to my size and investment portfolio. Some kids physically CANNOT lose their drive to succeed in today's ratrace of a world, even on as low as 100000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 calories a WEEK! (trust me, I have tried eating only an Little Jebbie Cum Cookie[lemon onion flavor, of course] a day for over a month and actually GAINED weight!)

You should all be ashamed of yourselves
Absolutely disgusting

totally would the middle one, fucking shame of the one on the left is she's got a top tier face.

imagine being sandwiched in-between these hamplanets.

fucking hell, either lose the weight or like being fat, if you're not sexually turned on by being fat you're not going to change the mind of the human race to enjoy you're massive size.

>it's bad to not like fatties
>flips off normal dudes

She wouldn't be a 4 if she lost the weight, fucks sake

>the final blow

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The Solar System

Dubs and boogie dies next month

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People who cant take control of their lives tend to be immature. More at 11.

Satan checked

Dubs and boogie survives the corona virus
