Why are so many bjjfags retarded skinny fat virgins that think their 6 months of training makes them invincible?

Why are so many bjjfags retarded skinny fat virgins that think their 6 months of training makes them invincible?

Also /mag/
Started doing cleans as a part of my pull days, has anyone noticed benefits from certain exercises in their martial art?

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Y9u don’t start to become good until you’re purple. Blue belts are good and can fuck most people up especially white belts but a strong dude could still use brute strength. Purple level is when you’ve proven youre truly skilled with technique and you have a well developed game with variety. Don’t fuck with a purple belt in bjj they’ll grab a hold of your ankle and snap it in 10 seconds and your 500lb deadlift won’t do anything to stop it

>trying to start /mag/
>immediately start trying a style wars
There will be almost nothing useful to be gained from this thread.

>think their 6 months of training makes them invincible
Because you pull facts from your ass.
>bjjfags retarded skinny fat virgins
Because you are gay american obsessed with bodybuilding physique. On the left is GOAT freestyle wrestler, on the right is his training partner

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>bjjfags retarded skinny fat virgins
are you having a stroke user? take a deep breath everything is going to be ok. you can exist alongside the people your describing and live a full life

>when you do jiu- jitsu you are gay
makes sense

>all these mad bjj dudes
Being Yas Forums and trained is fine, my problem is with people that train and do nothing for strength and cardio, then when they get bodied by a strong lower belt, chalk it up to using strength over technique etc.
In every sport it's encouraged to be as fit as possible so i don't get it

I've been to 4 separate gyms and this culture was present, unless these were mcdojos? What are other peoples personal experiences?

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1-you can fine people like that in any martial art
2-the only people in any martial art that don't take conditioning seriously are your average joe and tma
3-technique will always be more importan but being physically strong is also importan, technique is the effective application of strength, so the better your technique the more effective your strength become, the stronger you are, the bbter your technique becomes
4-just because the goat happends to have certain bodytype doesn't mean that having the bodytype will work for everybody or that other bodytypes are somehow wrong or that somehow the goat doesn't take strength and conditioning seriously.
you need both technique and strenght, if you don't have the strength, someone that is overwhelmingly strong can break your technique if the difference in strength is too big, if you have both, no one that only has one can beat you
lastly, pulls, loaded carries and grip work are the most important exercises for any wrestling/grappling style, don't neglect cardio and mat time

I work as a bouncer, i will tell you now. 98% of the time i am threatened it's by some martial arts guy that does BJJ, and tries to intimidate me with his cauliflower ears.
>Not coming in tonight, too intoxicated

It's usually a short guy as well.

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Ngl, this thread made me want to sign up for BJJ.

more like blow job jutsu am i right naruto?

Training blogpost: been recovering from sickness, last night finally made it through a full training session without spewing, plus running there and back without stopping. Fights in 2 weeks and I am massively out of condition.
Bjj does have a bit of a problem with guys thinking they're "fighters" because they grapple. Bullshit, bjj is like a game, it's easy. Nothing wrong with that but call it what it is and don't delude yourself.
If bjj guys want to test their skills then they should spar mma... but they don't.

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This is fairly common in people who do free time casual sports. For example dudes with beer guts playing soccer. Tho their approach to the sport is that it is something fun to do with the guys on sundays. I find it hilarious when someone takes martial arts very seriously, and doesnt train their strength.

>"How interesting!"

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>How interesting

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Most guys that do martial arts are coping

Learn proper english

this. majority are retards with anger issues.

>do martial arts
>friends, family, and girlfriends tell every person I meet "watch out, he does moo thai"
>other person immediately starts acting like a tough douche for no reason
I can't even make new friends anymore, people are threatened for no reason. What makes it even worse is that I got into a fight last week and won so now they talk about that too and won't let it go

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Continue your modesty, confident dudes won't be phased. Despite modern statistics we must accept the fact that more than half the population is composed of bitches.

bjj to martial arts is what equipped lifting lolfeds are to strength sports, basically

Because they’ve never been in a real fight.
Same reason they think they can magically defeat a dude with a knife without receiving massive injuries.

>play the game with friends where you use a sharpie marker as a mock knife
>random karate fag wants in
>keeps warning me that he might overdo it because he wants to train for the threat seriously
>feint superficial strikes until he punches
>slash his wrist up the lane
>literally just mark his hands and wrists repeatedly until he gives up
We were weird kids but its shit like this that taught me why it's not cowardice to run from a weapon if you are unarmed.

Lol I saw a guy with no training kick the ever living shit out of a BJJ blue belt. It's like the jiu-jitsu guy didn't realize it's a lot harder to grapple when someone is repeatedly punching you nonstop.

BJJ black belts are absolutely based though, they can mitigate damage extremely well by manipulating your body and positioning.

>I'm sure to win because my speed is superior

>they’ll grab a hold of your ankle and snap it in 10 seconds
I've seen this happen, and it's faster than 10 seconds. Bully was bullying and knocked some other random guy over by accident. Rando dislocated Bully's knee on the way down. The scream was delicious. Bully didn't know what happened, age only me and one other guy saw it happen and we didn't talk.

>How Interesting!

Next fight you get into try and win by shitting on the guy, nobody will be talking about your martial arts skill then.

Could a crappy wrestler of 6 months use wrestling in a fight? Yes I know I have a chance of getting curb stomped but it's the only defense I know. I also haven't practiced in like a 2 months

Chewjitsu had a specif video on this topic, but i dont rememeber the title.
But i can tell you that training with a bigger opponent sucks, you rarely learn anything if they keep muscling throught you grips

Just say something like
> Oh yea, i do it just because it's fun, i dont want to fuck people up or anything haha
People usually dont bother you as much when they understand you arent a wannbe Rambo

Not even that, actual professionals will tell you to just hand over your wallet and walk away, it’s not worth it.
Even if you do it perfectly you can still get injured on accident, same as a street fight, everyone is MMA gangsta until the 7Ft tall giga retard picks up a brick and gives you permanent brain damage.

Define a fight here.

In a fight you fall down to the level of you training so
> I also haven't practiced in like a 2 months
You can try to use what you learned but probably panic is gonna take over and you wont be able to do anything remarkable.

>you rarely learn anything if they keep muscling throught you grips
what about learning how to deal with a bigger opponent who can muscle through your grips?
fucking dumbass
using your skills against a bigger stronger opponent is the #1 test of your jiu jitsu. if you can't control and submit them (given they are less experienced) then you need to work on your game

My gym gives out blue belts pretty easy (but from there you have to be good to get your purple and up). They give blue to
1. guys who are shit but have been going for long enough (like 1.5-2y)
2. guys who can regularly tap the people who have turned up enough times to get their blue

Is this normal or I go to mcdojo?

its normal blue belt doesnt mean shit

My gym gives blue belt if you got at least 2nd place several times in white belt division.

t. forever white belt

Yeah,assuming I dont get sucker punched i would go straight for the legs and if I succeed in the take down hopefully I have control.

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why are muay thai fighters able to have hundreds and hundreds of fights but UFC guys have like 30 tops and then theyre all cte'd out?

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goddamn this board's retardation doesn't surprise me anymore.

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well thailand is an overall poor country, muay thai is one legit way for poor people to escape poverty, so they fight from a single digit age so at lower levels despite all the intensity of the combats is relativelly low wich is why you often see amateur carrers of up to 300 fights or so and unironically, blows to the head seem to be way lower because muay thai has a focus on low and middle kick, knees and clinching, also it has a solid defence for headblows, so while it may not have a headmovement as aesthetic as boxing it still has a good defence, also in higher levels fighters are allowed to fight less but by then their bodies are used to the constant pressure and grinding, their conditioning is on point and overall thais seem to have great genetics for figthing, meanwhile in the ufc most guys have lower than average skkill in different styles and tend to have cero defense or headmovement and focus on wild haymaker and blows to the head, plus ground and pound seem to be exclusively for head pounding or grappling

MT guys are generally standing when they're fighting, whereas a UFC match generally ends with the ground and pound which multiplies the amount of force you generate due to gravity, and then UFC refs wait until the guy on bottom isn't able to defend themselves intelligently, and some even wait longer than that

>multiplies the amount of force you generate due to gravity

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Agreed about Saitiev but I thought he trained with his brother. What is his training partner's name?

hello mag i have a few questions.

if i start training right now assuming moderate lifting experience but no martial arts experience, how long will i have to train/compete as an amateur before i can get paid to fight people?

>antagonize people
>they respond
>omg you guys are so mad
this is some 3rd grade trolling shit

>have control
Then what? If you don't know any chokes or submissions your best bet is ground and pound and it sounds like you don't know that either. Your best bet is not getting into fights.

go learn some wrestling for a year or two. You can do bjj later

You are also a retard if you think those guys are skinnyfat.

ignoring my question was not nice fagots, im going to learn martial arts to beat all of YOU up now

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I'm having a hard time believing that guys with cauliflower ears regularly call you out. I could see it happening once, maybe twice. But 98%??

>what about learning how to deal with a bigger opponent who can muscle through your grips?
>fucking dumbass
>Yeah bro, start benching 2 pl8 from the get go, you'll learn how to handle that weight soon enough.

Manlet cope

Train in what sport? Fight in what sport? Just because you can lift doesn't mean anything in combat sports. And athletes usally don't make shit, even at top pro levles.

Yeah I don't,I'm cool with everyone I meet. But sometimes I wonder if I could beat someone up using my wrestling

>implying BJJ and freestyle are the same thing, and that freestyle isnt't objectively better.

Soccer is a term invented by the British dumbass

Someone punching downwards is going to do a lot more damage than someone punching upwards, even horizontally

>meanwhile in the ufc most guys have lower than average skkill in different styles
Spoken like someone who knows quite literally nothing about the UFC roster.
At the top of the roster in each weight class you have multiple world champions in respective martial arts.

The fights are more dangerous in UFC simply because it has better competition.

That's not how that works.

Sounds like 6 months more than you faaaaaaaag


BJJ is a self-defense discipline, people looking to start fights with it are doing it all wrong and are probably going to a McDojo

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1) You physically cannot put as much power into a punch when on top of a downed opponent, since your hips are stationary, and your upper body movement is limited.
2) Even if standing, an upwards punch has a much higher power transfer from the hips than any kind of downwards punch.
3) Even assuming you get hit upright, vs with head on the ground with the same force. The concussive impact is higher when upright due to the ground bracing your head and limiting its movement.

Sure that makes sense, if you ignore the extant history of BJJ families, and especially the Gracie family, in the practice of Vale Tudo, an open invitation to fight anybody and everybody.

Being a douche that wants to fight everyone is built into BJJ from the start.

Yeah I loved when all those UFC guys won by knockout from the bottom, pls go back to physics class user

when you do tren you won’t look at a bigger guy, ever

do you not see where your logic is flawed here?

I never said that being downed makes you have a stronger punch than the person on top. I said you can't hit has hard when on top a downed opponent as when standing up. Learn to read.

>people looking to start fights with it are doing it all wrong
In what way is an open invitation to anybody and everybody to fight them not, by definition, looking to start a fight.

>Those blue belt retards that trained for a year and think they will pull guard in a street fight
They all have never been punched in the face, train with gi's and probably don't even drill with punches/kicks on the ground .

What do jiu-jitsu fags say to this?

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>I-I'll put you in a rear naked choke and kill u I s-swear on it

I posted this a while back but I’ll post it again. Got in a street fight a while ago. Stats are 5’8 165lbs blue belt bjj 6 months of Muay Thai.
Other guy was maybe 6’ 190 skinny fat. He also started it.

>drunk dude follows me talking shit
>kept following me
>also drunk and fed up after two blocks of him following me
>push him back and square up
>leg kick 60-70 percent power
>dude eats it
>leg kick 100% power
>dude eats it and legs buckle
>close in and throw left hook
>graze him and get tangled up
>double under hooks and shitty takedown
>he stands up
>double under hooks to shit takedown again
>pass to mount
>rape choke of pure rage
>he starts turning red and gargling
>snap out of rage and ease up
>lean in and whisper “I could hurt you so easily”
>punch him once while holding rape choke kinda like wanderlei Silva
>get up and run away

My take always from it how everything I did was on complete instinct. I didn’t have a thought in my head until he started gargling and changing colors. I was also reluctant to throw a punch on the ground since I’ve never trained for that. I had to actively think about that part. I have no idea why I went for a rape choke also, I just wanted to hurt the guy.

You don't realize how big muay thai is in thailand, and it was even bigger 30 years ago

i mean your average person has 0 defensive wrestling experience so i think you would do fine.

You learn those grips don’t work on a stronger opponent.


No shit it's their national sport and kids start doing it since they are 8 or 9

All those 8 year old prodigys retire by 19 because of the beatings they take

Either mma or boxing although probably the former purely because there’s a gym near me. I also actually have trained a little bit with a heavy bag and videos but I assume that counts for very little. I also don’t care about earning that much, I’m mostly interested in a source of income doing something I enjoy and bettering myself.

needs a Bane/CIA edit

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what a fucking retard you are

no u

Same guy who had to cheat and manipulate his way to victories just so he could promote the bullshit