/ck/ & Yas Forums

ITT Yas Forums fu/ck/s

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My dinner every night. The vegies get mix up a bit but peas pumpkin and broccoli are always in there

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not the match made in heaven you might think. Yas Forums learns to eat chicken and rice everyday of the year whereas /ck/ strives to find new ways to combine koolaid mix with porkchops.

I’m poor

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I'm a busy dude and I just got a crock pot. Anyone got any easy recipes? Like pulled pork, chili, and the like?

Macaroni and cheese

Do you have to move your arms across the steam to adjust temperature?

Just do a fry up bro
Eat like an english farmer

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Yeah, it builds character.

>boiling with the lid off
Nigger what the fuck are you doing

Alright, im hungry now. gonna make some eggs.

>Like pulled pork, chili, and the like?
Meat, onion, garlic, rice, sweet potato, carrot, broccoli, cauliflower, mushrooms, chick peas, beans, tomato, pumpkin shallots, wine and olive oil.
>Lightly cook some onion in some oil and wine
>add meat and garlic and another herbs and spices you may want, lightly cook meat
>add about half cup of water, desired vegies and rice.
>let cook until potatoe is soft but not falling apparent.
Mix it up with your own tastes but you can use this as a base to start making it up as you go. Easy fast and tastes good

I'm boiling with the lid off. What the fuck are you on about?

all the steam is escaping you numpty you could cook in half the time with the lid on

Amerimutt stovetops are fucking retarded, like everything in ZOGmerica

>hurrr let's put the controls so that you have to put your hand and arm above hot steam durrrr



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if you put it lower, children can easily grab the knobs and burn a house down. Any adult that isnt braindead can reach to the side to avoid being scalded by the heat, but I guess that's too much problem solving for a euro.

If you put the knobs there on my stove it would burn itself down if you ever turned the rear burners on high. How about, shit, I don't know, teaching your kids not to touch the stove?

>worried about steam
Ngmi pussy

This has literally never been an issue for me and it strikes me as something strange to have strong opinions on.

What's the recipe here

Then your children are retarded and so are you for being a bad parent. By the age your children are tall enough to reach the knobs they are old enough to be thaught not to touch the stove.

>This has literally never been an issue for me
It's idiotic design. Who the fuck wants people to reach out with their arms and hands (or even lean over with their body if they are a woman or a manlet) over a hot stove with food cooking? What kind of a an idiot thinks this is good design.

>who the fuck wants people to reach out with their arms and hands (or even lean over with their body if they are a woman or a manlet) over a hot stove with food cooking?
just dont do that then

Found the idiot.

God these look awful.
Just make a curry you white bread fucks.

>full of spices for antioxidant DNA protective gainz

Indian and Jap food are top tier for weight loss and lean gains.

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i love curry but dont lie you stupid faggot

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>lots of veggies and spices
Curry is great if you cook it yourself. Restaurants throw way too much cream/oil/butter in there.

I'm in poverty mode, my dinner for the next 5 months is going to be

>scrambled eggs
>ground beef
>whatever organs I can get for cheap
>Brussels sprouts
>ketchup and salt
>protein powder

That's my last diet soda until next mid march, hold me lads

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i basically live off of quick oats, eggs, beans, ground beef, and cheese.

Also I'm pretty sure I'm going to run out of food by the end so I'm trying to make a decision as to whether I should do a fast or live off oatmeal and whatever protein powder I can spare for the last week or two

t. American

Dumb cunt

>Drinking soda at all

Single digit IQ

vegan food is always superior

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are tomatoes really that good for you? they give me mad acid and i pretty much dont eat them anymore. t.oldfag

Genetically inferior people need to be put down. Those who cannot live on a vegan diet alone need to die.

WTF is this planet.

This is the dumbest thing I ever read. 20 minutes to cook eggs? This is truly some bottom tier bait

>Kids always do what they're told
Said the smug virgin

>makes your house smell like pajeets for weeks afterwards
Nah thanks

1 hour? fucking meme

This is like 1300 calories lol

Fucking retarded subhuman Europoors can't imagine avoiding steam

Curry is fucking disgusting

They are not that healthy compared to nutrient dense leafy greens, broccoli or peppers so you don't need to worry about their nutrition, they are for flavour.

looks really tasty but if i ate id take on like 10 kilos


>nutrient dense
>leafy greens
Vegetables are just water, fiber, and micro nutrients you fucking retard.


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That's because most of the fucks on here don't care to spend the money on expensive stoves that have controls on the front. Not sure where you're from, but here on America, stoves with controls on the front are more expensive than the types that OP has

top kek

Lol this is the most disingenuous comparison I’ve ever read.
20 minutes to cook eggs lol
30 minutes to cook bacon lol
2 tablespoons of butter needed for no reason, you can cook eggs with spray oil.
10 minute rest time for some reason
Also 100grams of bacon is literally 11 pieces of your average regular cut bacon, nobody eats 11 slices of bacon for breakfast. Why are vegans so retarded and delusional?

whats going on user are you out of work long term or something?

lol no why?

Dinner i had last night. Sauce is sourcreme, mayo, pickels, lemon and spices.

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>weight loss and lean gains
>indians and was asians are all skinnyfat

Too much fat and sugar in those meals

And overall* asians

Coconut milk is literally the substance highest in saturated fats known to mankind. Nothing about curry is healthy. It only results in weight loss because the poos that cook the food don’t wash their hands after shitting in the street so you get food poisoning and parasites.

Bacon, eggs and butter literally have 0g of trans fats unless you’re not using real butter.

kek, underrated

First of all, curry taste pretty awful most of the time. Second of all, it's usually low protein unless you disregard the standard recipes and add a bunch of meat. A few beans here and there aren't shit. Lastly, while I cannot comment on Japanese food I can tell you you're dead wrong about Indian food being healthy. It's like 60% carbs, 30% fat, and 10% protein.

t. have shared living spaces with Indians and Bangladeshi exchange students.

I just scored 10kg norwegian salmon today for around $80

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i'm eating this right now

Learn to read...

Because you sound like an irrational retard with an overused hyperbole.

0 cals, who cares. On one side Yas Forums is all about being healthy and the other half is /fraud/. Let the poorfag drink his fucking pepsi, nerd.

fuck indians and their ilks
they have the worst smell and are apparently have no self awareness on it

Salmon is completely outplayed by tuna and deenz in terms of gains and by beef in terms of taste.
Imagine paying 80 bucks for something objectively inferior.

damn thats awesome

>He doesn't have all the fish

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Salmon has better gains than beef, and is tastier than deenz and tuna. Is that what you're saying?

i can't, my house burned down

fucking phoneposters man

4 eggs
3 knackis
A slice of bacon
Some potatoes

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Needs cheese


Wtf man

Yeah, I forgot to add some emmental.

They do. Somehow pretty much all of Europe hasn't burned down their house or their kids because of having non-retarded stoves. I guess americans are truly "special".

But they have, it's called putting the controls to the front.

>Not sure where you're from, but here on America, stoves with controls on the front are more expensive than the types that OP has

Even the cheapest models in Europe meant for meth addicted gypsies living in hovels have the controls in front. What the fuck is going on in america that you'd have to charge huge extra for something as simple as that?

not if you make it right

gotta eat big to get big

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Have you been getting the sale circular delivered to your house to you can get sick deals on meat and eegs? The trick is to buy big when it's on sale and horde it as long as possible.

That's a lot of different pork products on a single plate

Fuck, I want cheesy pasta now

>if you put it lower, children can easily grab the knobs and burn a house down
Natural selection

>needs more fat and endorphine fuckers

No thanks, never gonna make it

>spice brain
ask me how i know youre a twink.

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Lamb steaks and asparagus with grass fed butter and garlic. Cooked in a CAST IRON skillet because fuck the Teflon Jew.

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>black pudding

God DAMN I’m going back to Scotland right the fuck now

The pic is clearly bait

Instant pot is a recovering fatty's best friend

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the fuck is a hyperbole you posh faggot

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Holy fuck and I thought I used a lot of butter

Finally a good fucking thread

How can a 6’4” 200lb man bulk on a vegan diet? I don’t think it is possible. I was vegan for a year and lost a lot of fat but nowhere near enough protein to make any gains

This one is good too, but I generally use granulated onion/garlic and add an extra half cup of chicken stock instead of using the white wine. Also the fresh parsley is nice but fairly unnecessary, I tend to make it with dried parsley flakes instead.

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I thought dietary fat was good for gains and high test?

The Jews will tell you that steak, eggs, and butter will raise your cholesterol, but I’ve been eating steak and eggs every single day for months and took a blood test the other day. My cholesterol is about as low as it can get. EAT LIKE THE KING YOU ARE.

Unbelievably based. If nothing can stick to Teflon, how does Teflon stick to the pan? Smells like Jew magic to me.

bros im on a cut and craving chili


Jesus Christ you fucking burnt that

Make your chili with:
> 2 can crushed tomatoes
> 2 cans diced tomatoes
> 1 can rotel
> 1 can tomato paste
> 1/2lb lean ground beef or ground turkey
> 1 can of black beans
Spice it with everything that sounds good. I usually do:
>cumin (a lot)
>dark chili powder
>kashmiri chili powder (but if you only have dark chili it's still good)
>cayenne powder
>1/2tbs light brown sugar (adds a lot of flavor but might want to leave it out if you're cutting)
>baking cocoa
>cinnamon powder (careful how much, it can overpower the rest)
>red pepper flakes
>garlic powder
>onion powder
Put just a tiny amount of olive oil in the pot, brown the meat, add the crushed tomatoes and try to scrape up the fond with a wooden spoon, add the rest of the tomatoes, add the spices, add the beans and stir together thoroughly.
If you have an instant pot, cook it on low pressure for about 15 mins and then natural release for 10, then blast the rest off with the quick release.
If not, you can do it in a big covered stock pot over medium-high heat for about 45 minutes. Then try to dish it out into 7 or 8 servings, it should clock in at 400 cals or less and is very filling.

Just bought my first cast iron skillet, did my research on how to care for it properly and now eagerly awaiting meal prep day to experience the crispening

Huh is this a thing in the UK? Will have to look into it

Doubt it'll work for me though, my flat is full of retards who keep stuffing the freezer with their frozen fucking pasta and ice cream, no space for meat


It looks boiled. The broccoli is the only thing that looks appetizing there.

>Like chikka tikka masala
>whenever I cook it family acts like I just unleashed a chemical weapon in the house
Thankfully they never mind when I garlic bomb because we all like garlic.

If you can have the ground beef with other shit then it's fine. Burgers, tacos, burritos.

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Crispy outside BLOODY inside. Just how I fucking like it, bitch.

huh, we have the same set of dishes, that's pretty cool

Stop getting your curry from take-away places (no matter how authentic) and make your own.

I've lived in the US most of my life and never saw a stove like that



>safety standards for children are contemptible if it means I have to deal with 5 seconds of steam on my arm
fucking LMAO the assmadness of pussy yuros literally knows no bounds

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What do you keto bros do for lunch in an office? I usually pack a sandwich and proton shake but I think the sandwich has too many carbs, I always crash around 2


>proton shake
negative or positive?

>pussy yuros
>my retarded fat kids will burn themselves to death and choke on chocolate eggs containing small toys, better outlaw them

America permanently riding the shortbus to school.

All fish is based. I've yet to eat fish that didn't taste good, only problem is everything other than tuna and deenz is expensive. Should learn to clean it myself

Recently started baking my own bread
Tastes great, very cheap.

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Just cooked this, some vaguely asian chicken thigh lettuce wrap situation. Turned out gr8

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If only there was a way to have curry without coconut milk.

Unfortunately there isn't. It just grows like that.

>negative proton

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nice try rakesh, shouldn't you be doing the needful right now?

>doing the needful

Imagine being so butthurt about food that you drag someone with esl for using vicrorian phrases in everyday speech.

Post body fattass. Only lard demons get this worked up over dinner.

2lbs of beef per day. Doesn't matter how I get it in me, steak, spaghetti w/ meat sauce, meatballs, raw steak, etc. Supplement even more creatine with a post-workout electrolyte drink. Feel like you're on top of the fucking world. Nothing quite like it.

there is no need to be upset sir

i made this but without the onion and it was godtier. My gf complained about combining about combining eggs with fish but I ignored her. This shit is pretty god gonna eat it whenever I am bored of chicken

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VEGAN eggs, bro

Be gone JRE

you need some that's all

>choke on chocolate eggs containing small toys, better outlaw them
lmao are yuros not allowed to read news that's not state-approved? kinder eggs were allowed here years ago.

looks health and functional, probably all fat fuckers will be barging about le taste, but from experience I already know that you saving a lot of time.

Believe me fuckers, you don't wanna to spend two hours every day of your miserable day to cook. It become boring after first 2 weeks

>My gf complained about combining about combining eggs with fish
Your not supposed to eat it raw

I made these once. They're a bit boring.

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No pictures but I've been mixing all my food together (protein, bean of the week, and whatever canned veggies I have) with a bit of brown rice and smothering it in Cajun seasoning for the last 2 years. A huge turkey roasting pan of this stuff costs about 15$ to make and will last me a week.
Sometimes I add hot sauce, and in the morning if I have time I toss it all in a pan with some oil and a few eggs to make a sort of scrambled omelette.
I just keep it all in the fridge with a measuring cup in the tin and grab a scoop or two when I'm hungry.
Life is pretty easy frens.

>maybe if I add a lot of "fuck"s on my recipe they won't notice how bland it is

It is, but that's not the only impact on health. Despite what fit will tell you, the data still tend to indicate that high levels of saturated fats are not ideal for cardiovascular risks.

You sound like a working class chump. I bet you thought it would be a great "investment", how you would wake up to a warm, healthy breakfast to start off your long day. Maybe, you even had a couple thoughts about all the other nifty little uses you could find for the thing, how it would help you cook healthier meals in general, shed a couple pounds off the old gut, boost your confidence around work and with the ladies. Yeah, maybe that slow cooker would start your life cooking again, wouldn't it? I can see your strained hands holding the box and reading through it carefully at the store. A little bit pricey, but you're the type of guy who thinks everything is more than you can spend, aren't you. And look what happened to you. Look what the slow cooker did to you. Fucked you over, and made you clean it like a useless bitch. You don't even fucking like oatmeal. Piece of shit, you've been repeating those three words your whole life, haven't you. Yeah, how was work after that piece of shit fucked you over? I bet it was on your mind the whole day, you probably didn't say shit to nobody. Can't be telling people about your mistakes. How your little fix yourself plan, failed you. Don't want people to start thinking you're the failure. You're the piece of shit, all along. You don't want that do you? You don't want to be the piece of shit everybody secretly whispers about, do you? Was your father a piece of shit like you? I bet he never had a slow cooker. He had a woman, a house, a damn good job. I bet it's slow cooking you the fuck alive, isn't it. Comparing yourself to him. How one day when all the steam runs our of your life, you'll discover how you're nothing more than burnt shit to be scrapped off and thrown in the trash.

>My dinner every night
depressing, sorry dude

now THIS is a meal

this pic is like 12 years old and it
s still one of the best recipes. gives you absolutely obnoxious farts though.