Asians and squatting

why do asians focus so much on squat compared to all other lifts? why do they want such big legs and ass?

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Doesn't apply to guy in pic but a lot of Asians do Olympic lifting and high bar squats are good for that

>Doesn't apply to guy in pic but a lot of Asians do Olympic lifting

because asians love powerlifting
why? i dont know, maybe its because they're shorter so they have better leverages

yea but even when they do powerlift they focus too much on squat. literally it seems like 3 quarters of some of these asians training is squatting

you'd think after a millenial of eating critters they would have be immunized to this shit

Man, asians make this board seethe more than attractive women

You wish Chang.

You're generalizing, the second most known asian dude on Yas Forums exclusively bench presses.

most people that do bodybuilding claim dbz inspired them, yet most don't do martial arts dispite that is half of the appeal, why wouldn't asian get into squating by being motivated by asian weightlifters even if they don't do oly weightlifting.

lol im an asian dude with strong glutes who likes being pounded by other asians

Sounds like a lot of the white guys here. I see loads of quads that I wouldn’t want to have to shove into a pair of jeans.

I'm not seething, I'm concerned for them. some of their bodies are disproportionate because of this over obsession with squatting. its essentially just the typical SS body without the GOMAD.

It's a gym, mind your own business and lift heavy shit
Fuck off with your gossip, cunt

Whatever an autistic incel will do, an Asian will do doubly

Genetics, shorter limb length and greater leg muscle fibre recruitment
Think about it, how many asians do you see in the 100m dash?

Trips of truth

in your opinion do you think asians have the lowest chad to incel ratio of any race? surely whites and blacks must have a higher ratio

the only thing azns do is squats and sumo deadlifts. maybe they want to get dicked by other fags at the gym.

they do make the most BBC mutts law posts

There isn't even a name for an Asian Chad (no Chang is not it).
Only whites can be Chad and only blacks can be Tyrone.
With Pajeets and Asians, there doesn't even need to be a name for it, so rare it is.

lol tru. They can't get an attractive woman so they seethe. An Asian does something better than them, so they seethe. The seething doesn't even stop there.

Having better leverages isn't better than having a larger frame for more muscle mass, which leads to more strength potential. Having better leverages would only make the lift at most 10% easier than someone who doesn't have good leverages. This was proven in a study. Nice seething, retarded gainlet.


Currently live in Korea, 90% have chicken legs, so maybe they want to break free from that?

OP is mogged by the Asian in his pic

Well, then his name shall be Bruce.

Oh you’re Asian?

I can squat what he's squatting for reps. get rekt faggot

>shit frame and tiny bones
>under 5'8
It's all they have

not all asians are the same. my powerlifting gym has a bunch of korean ex football playing chads who kill it at national competitions.

and louie simmons once talked about how chinese women squat differently than white european women because their hips are built differently. i'd guess it's the same for men. they may have some kind of anatomical advantage

Post proof

very high iqs; know that squat is best exercise for gainz

Nope, just live here (not working because schools are shut down due to corona virus). The men here are absolute sticks.

I dont need validation from you bud

Trips of truth

Since Asians already got them beat in the iq and money department, they have no ego left if they can't even out lift them

If you are secure in yourself, you won't care if another guy lifts heavier than you

squats are the math of lifting

rent free in these asian's heads

Attached: e03f00184e02d73f66e9ceab3a9f17de--frog-meme-the-frog.jpg (222x216, 8.5K)

I squat 4x a week and I love it!

One time I was doing some squat curls in the gym. I looked over and this little Asian feller was doing squat curls right beside me. Scared the shit out of me

Asians are the smartest race in America, maybe we should be following what they do

Why are you insecure about Asians lifting?

Asian think alot about their legs
You always see them kicking in street fights

Because squats are the fastest way to gain size and strength unlike doing meme bro split routines

Bruce is Australian

Attached: bruce carry.png (720x477, 257.14K)

what the fuck are you on about retard leverages decide your natural genetic aptitude for something and people are more likely to do something they are genetically predisposed towards

asians are built to squat. majority have short femurs, long torsos, and the proper hip structure for squatting (has to do with socket shape).

look at Toshiki Yamamoto, this guy can squat over 300kg but you would never guess if you knew his clean and jerk and snatch numbers.

>because asians love powerlifting
Powerlifting wasn't even a thing in China until a few years ago

damn good answer, and totally true


you're right obviously op meant asians in china

this is true

a ton of them have short bones with very thick joints, super huge mechanical advantage for powerlifting

Idk where you gusy live, but I live in the bay area with some of the biggest asian populations, and all the asians at my gym have pretty well developed upper bodies too. I see more white guys squatting.

Asians are already alpha since the beginning of mankind. Don’t know why you are seething and being a cope dyel

why is it that i can tell you can't even lift 1/2/3/4 for reps after years of working out from this post alone?

They’re trying to lift bales of rice. No joke. A strong Asian can carry 150 kg of rice .

Attached: 12777D70-8DF7-4B81-908F-3B3465BBD98E.jpg (600x399, 88.96K)

It depends on the asians you know. I got a few buddies that love the deadlift more than the squat.

Only thing theyre good at

Asians are sick weightlifters and the only aesthetic squatcels.

This is Lu Xiaojun high-bar-squatting 260kg at around 80kg.

Attached: iu[1].jpg (1400x932, 148.22K)

Attached: soy093.jpg (810x810, 82.51K)

Look at all these deluded flat faced slit-eyes replying lmao

To make their penis look even smaller