/fat/ - communter edition

>Who is /fat/ for?
For roly poly rotundo retarded roundbois who want to better themselves through meaningful hard-work, strategy, and dedication.
This is not QTDDTOT, stick to questions on fat loss

>What do I do first?
1. Read the Yas Forums sticky
2. Calculate your Body Fat Percentage
3. Calculate your BMI
4. Calculate your TDEE
sailrabbit.com/bmr/ (complex)
fitnessfrog.com/calculators/tdee-calculator.html (simple)
5. Plan your weight loss week by week
6. Track your calories and macros with MyFitnessPal or Cronometer. Don't listen to memes, either of these are fine based on what you need
myfitnesspal.com (better for packaged food)
cronometer.com (better for generic food/tracking micronutrients)

>Now what do I do?
Count calories, all of them.
Calculate your TDEE at sedentary
Buy scales, be accurate in your measurements
Learn how to cook. Try to stick to lean protein and green vegetables.
Eat a lot of protein. 1g per lb of goal body weight.
Do cardio. Even if its just walking, cardio will improve your health which is sorely needed. There is no such thing as a healthy fat heart, but you can off set the risks.
Lift weights. This will keep and gain muscle mass and burn fat much quicker. No lifting results in the body burning away muscle AND fat. You don't want this.
Post your height/weight/screenshot of MFP/Cronometer food log when asking for advice

Eat refined sugars, they're terrible for you regardless of calorie count
Eat processed foods, or at least try to avoid if possible
Drink your calories. Alcohol, soda, hot chocolate, fancy starbucks shit. forget it.
Freak out over a stall in weight loss. Plateaus can last up to three weeks.
"Reward" yourself.
Be a retard.

Previous thread:

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mfw already ate my calories for the day but there's potato chips in the kitchen

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I don't eat much, but I get thirsty all the time
Which are the best drinks with decent flavor to drink in large quantities without gaining weight? water tastes pretty bad where I live
can also appreciate tips to make water taste better

I get really dam sore after 2 days. I have to take a cold shower, stretch and rest. And eat decent

Am I doing something stupid or wrong?


In a gallon of water I put cucumber and lime.
Sometimes strawberries, little slices. I think it's called spa water.


Think I’ve hit my first plateau of many, usually notice weight loss even if it’s minimal every day but currently the number has been stuck or slightly higher.

Going to relax and make note of it and tighten up diet a bit more in case the reason lies there.

Those are some shit receipts

>roly poly rotundo retarded roundbois

Never seen this one. Fucking lmao.

/fat/ what are your staple foods while you're dieting?

chicken breast, broccoli, greek yogurt, bacon, eggs, diet soda

Are you one of those barbarians who don't have a water filter? Get one and drink from it. God damn freaks, stop drinking from your tap. It'll taste good then.

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Chicken, broccoli, oatmeal, tea, coffee, water, bananas.

Coffee, nicotine gums and modafinil
blunt your hunger and you won't need staple foods lmao I just pound some whey with chilled milk when I feel like enjoying a nice low cal milkshake, god bless ON's mocha cappuccino and extreme milk chocolate.

bro you might have diabetes literally

Not the user you're replying to but I drink a shitload of water every day. Went to the doc because I was actually concerned about the possibility of diabetes and after doing a bunch of tests including urine/bloodwork I came back healthy. I just drink a lot of water and that's it.

idk I'm probably not the norm but some people just drink a lot of water

same tbqh

Most people should, I can't get by without chugging 3-4L a day.


I also drink a shitton of water, in summer i chugged 3 litres every day without exercise

chicken, cold cut meats, salad, water with citrus (godlike), soup

So i did last week a 48 hour fast and today finished my 60 hour fast, i literally cant exercise while on my fasts because i get fucking dizzy except when i go for a 15 minute run. I dont want my body to goblin my muscles away, should i just eat a little bit protein on fast days if i can go lift that way? Like 300 kcal?

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Why do people do fasts with no food? To my understanding you're still supposed to eat enough to support brain function so you /don't/ get dizzy and pass out

>Freak out over a stall in weight loss. Plateaus can last up to three weeks

So all the other stuff made sense to me, what's the story on this though? I thought a plateau was when you basically reached your new CICO equilibrium point.

na sometimes you can be eating at a deficit and it can take a while for an actual change in numbers

fat cells like to bloat up with water when you are burning fat and they can hold onto water for a while which fucks up your "scale weight" even though you are still losing fat

So I've only been restricting my diet, decided to start trying to lift as well. Currently trying out JEFIT, has anyone else used it and/or would suggest alternatives?

Thats why i ask here, over in /fast/ they tell you that every calorie breaks your fast

Burgerland issues

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I know burgers meme about having perfect tasty water from their tap but if yours doesn't taste good, get a filter. I wouldn't trust the zogged public health department to keep my tap water pure

Even in Europoor you get shit water if you live in or near a city. Only tap water i drink is at home in the middle of some vineyard hills

not true for germany.

Cant argument with that, but while studying in Vienna i dont dare drinking from the tap, heard many bad things

Just polished off one of these cunts I reckon it was a good 2000 calories.
Turbo fatty 55kg down another 35 to go (was 180kg), not going to be a problem when I can eventually bulk again.

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What the fuck is that? Looks like some fried bullshit with BBQ sauce and cheese

More or less the same as you. I also eat crispbread and sprinkle it on my yogurt.

Northern european here who lives in capital city, the tap water is fine. Must be some mediterranean thing where the tap water is full of chlorine.

Yeah its chlorine

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>first time drinking soda in 6 months
>want to vomit now

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I see some french fries poking out. I'm not sure I could even eat all that in one go.

Looks fancy. What is it? I just use one of these.

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What we call a kebab snack pack.
Pretty much chips(fries) with a layer of cheese then meat on top smothered in sauce.
Absolutely filthy buggers.

Cottage cheese, chicken, salmon, minced meat and some fruit

No one likes nuts? Too many calories?

Waist is 37 inches
Body fat is 22%
I hate this

Ah, I actually have walnuts and peanuts at home. I do try to eat some walnuts now and then. And I love peanuts so when I eat them I eat a lot, so I haven’t opened them.

Is making homemade Orange Juice bad for weightloss? It's the only drink I really have besides water.

>he doesnt intentionally salt his water to make it more shit to drink as penance for letting fatbrain decide
Its like you want to be fat user

looks like a donair poutine, common drunk food

Well it depends if you're tracking the calories of it or not? If you're and its fitting in with your marcos then i see no reason not to continue drinking it. If youre not or it's causing you to go over then no. its not good for weightloss.

How much are you drinking per day user?
Personally i

I do OMAD so I have about a glass (two oranges) a day with my dinner.

Omad got it.. but you didn't answer if you're calorie counting that one meal or not?

I usually don't.

More than 50kcal will break your fast. My suggestion is to stick to 48h fasts once a week and get accustomed to it. Later on, proceed with longer fasts.

That sucks, you might need liposuction because you have unfavorable fat distribution genetics
I expect I'll be in your shoes soon enough, I'm 120 kilos at 6ft with a 50 inch gut. I saw another guy on /fat/ and he was the same weight and height except he had a 38" gut. Unbelievable.

Make german water
Make cold tea without sugar

What is german water?

>Gassed water


hale hortler

Ate like a fucking pig for 2 days after 8 weeks of perfectly strict dieting. Felt like shit during those days because I know much even 2 days can set you back. My last weigh-in was at 77.5kg, 4 days after getting back on the horse I'm at 77.4kg feelsgoodman.jpg. Definitely a relief, but I will certainly never go full fatso again. At most I will eat at maintenance for a couple of days after every 8-week cycle. Thank fucking god I didn't balloon up 5kgs.

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Throw them away. Flush them down the toilet if you have to.... and stop buying them. If food get into your home, it get into you.

listen to this guy. currently drinking the juice of half a lemon and a small orange mixed with hot -but not boiling- water. good shit, lots of vitamin, way less sugar than you'd expect, and cheap as fuck
buy one of these badlads, and for a couple $/£ a month you can have citrussy water several times a day. It's not blow-your-socks-off amazing like energy drinks but as a former sugar junkie it hits the spot

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For months now, I've only had a little (about 1 can) once a week if I'm out somewhere.... and really it's lost its appeal. I used to drink a a 12 pack a day no problem.... now I don't care if I ever have any again. Seriously.....

I may just make it this time my frens

Just hit 74,0kg lads. Lowest weight for me in like 8 years. Only 9kg to go. We're gonna make it guys.

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Pic is me, due to severe acid reflux I’ve been forcing myself to eat only boring stuff like sandwiches with no condiments and brown rice and beans every day. Nothing tasty basically besides maybe a piece of cheese on the sandwich for a few weeks and sometimes I rinse off a piece of barbecue chicken at work and eat that sparingly. I’ve jogged a few times lately but not regularly. I also haven’t drank beer in over a month. I’m dropping weight pretty fast. This is all gonna be regular for a while but now I wanna get Yas Forums. I have a job and money in the bank but do not want any extra bills, gonna buy a cheap weight set this weekend. Any suggestions on how to get as ripped and sexy as humanly possible for me? How much should I jog versus lifting weights? How often should I lift weights for maximum effect? The motivation is there bros, how do I get as muscular and fit as possible from here? I have no idea what I’m doing

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congrats user! 74kg is my goal, I'm currently at 80 kg

Congrats man! I'm , also just hit my lowest weight of 77.4 in 8 years as well, feels amazing. I think I still need to cut down to ~70kg to reach 14% bf (I'm 19.5% atm) and after that I'll bulk at maintenance. What are your stats? 65kg feels pretty low. I'm 1.8m and think anything below 70kg would get extreme.

I skipped my run (just one mile daily since I'm just getting started) because my knee was hurting a bit.
Still lifted though so that's something. I think next week, I might be able to do real unassisted chin ups

>I'm 1.8m and think anything below 70kg would get extreme.
I'm 178cm. I have a friend who's exactly the same height as me and he was 65kg for a while and he looked great. Anyways, I'm doing it for face gains, I really want that lean face with hollow cheeks (had them when I was younger). I might stop before that though based on how I look.

Check Greg Doucette's videos in YT, he's a bit over the top but his advice is on point. I'd do the following:
- Eat at a deficit of 500 calories below TDEE.
- Get at least 1gr/lb protein daily
- Train compound movements in the 8-12 rep range for 4 sets. Train to failure in the sense that getting one more rep would cause you to degrade form considerably. Train each body part twice a week.
- Add isolation exercises when you are more accustomed. Maybe 1 or 2 months in? Training in the 10-15 rep range sounds ideal here.
- Cut most junk and processed food (refined sugars in particular).
- Keep the cardio but don't let it get in the way of your training.
- Make sure not to underestimate the calories you consume and overestimate your energy expenditure. Otherwise, you'll just get fat. Lifting weights does not really burn a lot of energy, maybe 200 calories, if that, for example.
- Forget about motivation. Think discipline.

Gotcha, that sounds good, I might actually aim for that too, could definitely use some face gains. Basically, all I want is get visible abs since I've never had them. I have decent muscle otherwise. I think getting there will also get me the face gains or at least very close. Anyway, best of luck going forward. We're all gonna make it.

>I think getting there will also get me the face gains or at least very close.
Yep. Visible abs generally means optimal face aesthetics, fat wise (or so I heard).

>Anyway, best of luck going forward. We're all gonna make it.
You too m8, we got this.

That's an odd reaction I've been clean from soda for years with only the very very rare exception
And I still love the stuff, it's a constant battle. Luckily being a traveling salesman makes it easy to bring a 24 pack of bottled water instead of stopping somewhere and getting a soda with a meal or something like that

Can fat in your body get stale at some point and impossible to lose without surgical procedures? Is body fat always fresh?

fucking kek

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What do you fatties do in the gym? Do you just make it up or do you have a routine

I'm 1,83m and I've weighed all the way down to 53kgs at this height.
At about 62 i felt normal again. Currently dropping in weights and about a kilo above you but I doubt you'll need to go much beyond 70 if at all

I just sweat a lot
been like that since I was a child

Dude you literally have the internet at your fingertips. Fat are cells, they get gorged with lipids (fat) and expand. When someone is losing body fat essentially the fat cells shrink, some of them end up shrinking so much they die and your body recycles it into energy leaving you with less fat cells.

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A lot of the broscience behind fasting involves insuline levels and shit, so the basic idea is that if you digest something you break the magic. I don't know anything about that but my personal experience is that eating at a massive deficit (just a little bit of something and nothing else) every once in a while can still lead to good progress in the scale. It's not technically fasting but try it out.

I've been drinking about 800 calories a day in protein shakes. I'm vegan for now so getting enough protein otherwise seems impossible.

>Thats why i ask here, over in /fast/ they tell you that every calorie breaks your fast

This is true. If you get dizzy while fasting, it most likely has to do with vitamin and mineral deficiencies.

>Eat a lot of protein. 1g per lb of goal body weight.
286 g of protein seems a lot

What for?

your goal body weight is 286 lbs?

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1.5 hours of cardio, 30 mins bike, 30 mins elliptical, 30 mins treadmill. Before that, machine assisted lateral rows, chest press, shoulder press, bicep curls. I tried just lifting the bar on the actual bench press for 30 or so reps, trying to get proper form for future lifts. I want to incorporate squats and pushups but still too heavy for that

So i ended last week at 153.4 and I've been at 155.6 for the past couple days. Is it fasting time for me, would that break the mini plateau?

Is weighing yourself after a fast day cheating? I do it the morning after a whole day of not eating anything, so about 38hrs of fast.

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25% at 89kg (186cm tall)
Does that mean if i want to hit a bf% of 15 i need to lose 9,15 kg?

>Go to friends party on Sunday
>Relapsed and binge drank until Tuesday

Fuck. At least my heads clear now. Time to get back on the straight and narrow

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i fit in drinking on weekends occasionally but I'll fast the full day, and before drinking I'll have a slice of pizza or something so I don't go boozing on an empty stomach. I can usually keep it under my TDEE that day and be social without losing progress

Bai tea, Sparkling Ice (black raspberry is my favorite flavor), and the vitamin waters that are 10 calories per bottle

If you always weigh yourself this way then no. You could do a weigh in after every fast

I’m an alcoholic so my tolerance is way too high. I need to be dry, lose weight, and get my tolerance down before I start thinking of reintroducing social drinking into my life

I don't always do it so I guess I'm inconsistent. The problem is that most of my 48hrs fasts are not regular because the conditions I need to do them (no stressful events or extra work, no social occasions etc.) are quite random in my life. I guess I just have to decide whether to weigh in regularly or to do it at random but with more consistency.

It means you need to lose 9,15 kg of fat without losing any muscle mass, which is very unlikely to happen.

Damn, I'm guessing you were cut as fuck at 62? I really don't see myself going below 68 at the very least, that would put me at around 10% bf I think.

I did it /fat/. I got the job despite stumbling all over my words like an idiot during the interview and not knowing how to answer some questions. I won't be a worthless NEET for the rest of my life. I'm going to celebrate with a calorically responsible amount of dessert after dinner tonight.

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Does anyone else have the issue I have where:

I can go weeks without eating junk food but once I go to McDonalds I find it really hard to gather the willpower to not go again the following day and the day after that until I've cut through all my money. It's crazy I know.

Starting weight: 167kg. Now: 140 kg.

Congratulations user, you're gonna make it!

It's almost as if fast food companies pump millions of dollars into researching how to make their food as addictive as possible

>Doing OMAD
>Have 1 giant meal any time after 12pm and before 8pm
>No matter how much i eat in this single meal I never go over in calories

Holy fuck lads, this is amazing. I'd already lost 2.6 pounds this week by feasting once a day. No matter how much shit i stuff down my throat I am STILL short of maintenance, while being perpetually full and satisfied. I'm gonna make it lads.

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finnish tap water best in the world

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still struggling with alcoholism. Went for a week without drinking then did a Friday+Saturday night where each night I consumed over a 6-pack worth of alcohol.

Going on a water fast this week until Saturday. It's been working out so far; usually I get a headache on day 3 but I've been taking electrolytes and I've been able to avoid the headache for the most part. My body seems to have decent energy left, I exercise nightly and that's been going just fine. Looking forward to finally dropping my bad habits and restoring the excellent willpower I once had. Too tired of being comparable to the degenerates that surround me in the world.

Based and wagepilled!

I'm so fucking lonely and I'm having a hard time finding a job

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How many people who have lost a lot of weight (10kg or more) and are aiming to lose much more (20 kg or more) do with cheat meals? What are you eating in particular and how often do you have it? I'm curious because I want to start my weight loss journey but I can't say no to the double quarter pounder with cheese in large meal with a vanilla coke at mcdonalds (sorry if that triggered anyone appetites or get them thinking about food again).

you just cancxel it out later in the week with a low calorie day. Coulnt it out to see much less you have to eat.
Cauliflower rice + green beans + carrots can bulk out a low calorie meal or two.

Obviously this assumes you arent eating that shit more than once a week, if you are you arent going to make it.

Chicken, eggs, potatoes, green bell peppers, cheese, black coffee, water and diet soda at the beginning of the month.

you can kill two birds with one stone here if you get a job

I fucking know but no one responds to my applications

replace the soft drink with a non sugar version soft drink and leave out the fries
just eat the hamburger like that once a week you will be fine if you keep your weekly calories in check

i get a small pizza like twice a month and its fine


The subject of this video has put the idea of surgery into my head...is that really the best opition?

I am no where near this level of weight but am still obese.

266lbs 5'9

>.is that really the best opition
its the absolute worst option and success chance is not always a given