Passive Aggressive behaviour

How do you deal with passive aggressive behaviour now that you’re lifting and making gains?

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Every dude I’ve ever met, even with my own brother, there is always some alpha male shit that I just can’t be bothered with. I’m pretty tall (6’2) and lift and I feel like that might be why I’m tested? I feel like II get challenged everywhere, in the work place often, had this skinny manlet one time tell me “you want a real workout? Try holding a ladder sturdy for 4 hours while a big dude rattles around on the top of it”. Like I could hammer back and tell him to load up 315lbs on his back and squat down with it 8 times but I just don’t feel the need to go there.I had this manlet newbie lifter at work do this passive aggressive shit when the coworkers and I would be standing in a circle communicating about the job and he’d slowly position himself to stand in front of me with his back facing me, like full on blocking me. He’d do it everyday throughout the day then i called him out on it and he acted like he was doing nothing wrong and pretended like he didn’t even notice it was happening. I noticed he never did it to anymore else. He’d act all buddy buddy to me when it was just me and him and then when he was around other guys he’d be a completely different person to me. He wouldnt even look at me or talk to me he’d talk about me thru his buddies as they stood right in front of me. I have many more stories, I guess I just haven’t found good people or something, idk. I just wanna be cool and talk about fun shit, I don’t wanna judge you or try to one up you. But idk. I just dont know man.

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My passive aggressiveness? I just stare until I get what I want

Someone else being passive aggressive towards me? I just stare until they go away.

I was skinny (160lbs at 6’0) for 25 years of my life and took shit what seemed like all the time. Then I started lifting and bulking, then I got to 185lbs and joined Jiu Jitsu, did some tournaments, one competition (that I won) dude fucking “accidentally” punched me in the nose (because he was losing I was in top mount) when he was going to grab my gi collar and made my noise bleed, so I went to for a collar choke on top mount and “accidentally” elbowed him on the way down and then told him “no more punches okay?”. Felt good to win, we hugged it out after but damn that was a tense battle. Gave me so much confidence made me feel like I was doing a mma match. Then I got into boxing. Now if ever tries to pull massive aggressive shit on me I call them out, you can make fun of me and think it’s all a game but I’ll push you around to show everyone you’re my bitch and if u lay a finger on me I’ll take u to the ground and beat ur face in.

Pretend to commit fellatio

I’m in my mid 20s and I’m so angry by all the shit I’ve taken. But every little bit has hardened me, one day I will go werewolf and go wild.

I used to have assholes trying to fight me when I went out to bars and shit (I don't really go out anymore)
Like I would literally be at the bar talking to friends/girlfriends and people would come up trying to start shit
Ended up getting kicked out of the military for beating a guy who suckerpunched me (honorable discharge so it's whatever)
Now I just hang out with my doggy and carry a glock when I go out
Fuck people

>joined Jiu Jitsu
>you’re my bitch and if u lay a finger on me I’ll take u to the ground and beat ur face in

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That’s shitty bro but take it as a compliment. They picked you to fight cuz they felt threatened by you. I went to school with a guy who’s 6’5 300lb steroid monster who worked as a bouncer at one of the shady local night clubs and he had these 185lb skid rats trying to pick fightswith him

>mocks that user to his face irl
>get taken to the ground and have ur face smashed in
>cry and call the cops “I-I-I was t-t-talking s-shit and I g-got h-hit!, arrest h-him pls!”
>try to press charges, realize how costly it’ll be to pursue such minor charges
>drop the charges, be forever known as the pussy that talked shit, got beat up and tried to the police

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>a glock

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You both don’t lift. Leave.

I don't like safeties for CC
Glock 19 is very comfy

You’re a sheltered bitch boy that doesn’t leave moms house

all this projection

ah cool the results are in
yep, about a 0% chance you'd say that to my face

Said the sheltered bitch boy behind his phone

Some fat nogains who never did a barbell movement got pissy and kept suggesting other things I could do every time I was on the cable row. It was a busy gym and o had been going there for like 4 years and never had a problem with anyone else because we would always just ask to work in with whoever was on it first but this dude kept suggesting I get off of it instead. I didn't even sit on it between sets. I would get off and stand by it. Even offered to let him work in once but he was salty about something and said no thanks. One day he said, "you know the machine row does the same thing," and I said, "then why don't you do it?"
He was seething over that for a while I guess because one day he walked up while I was doing tricep pushdowns and then the second I put the weight down he unclipped it and started walking away. I snatched it out of his hand while he was walking and said, "did I fucking say I was done with that?" Then he just started bitching about literally every time he had ever seen me on the cable row. Shit didn't make sense to me because he would sit in a chair and wait for me to finish with it but he had seen other people walk up and work in with me before so I don't know why he felt he couldn't do it. Anyway he kept talking more and more shit but backing away from me while I was walking towards him. Then he got in the stairwell and took his shirt up and we squared up but then he saw I wasn't scared so he just grabbed his shirt and left.
I've always gotten along with everyone in the gym so every regular there was pretty surprised but they took my side and I didn't get thrown out. I finished my workout and walked out to my car. He pulled up behind it and jumped out of his and threw his arms up and said, "what now?" I just looked confused at him. I said, "I'm not scared out here either dude" and he put his hands down and asked me to apologise and I just said no and he left. Idk what ever happened to him after that.

lol how red is your face right now newfag?

>I snatched it out of his hand while he was walking and said, "did I fucking say I was done with that?"

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Wrestling + Boxing Goated but knowing basic jiu jitsu huge in a normie fight. You don't even need to know how to box but a well timed takedown of any kind can quickly turn into a rear naked choke

Said the sheltered bitch boy as he desperately tried his hardest to be mean online

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Oh yeah, I forgot to mention that this gym had duplicates for all the cable attachments anyway and the other one was on the tree. It was just to instigate.

Said the internet tough guy dyel.
>surely my superior speed will win

Said the sheltered bitch boy as he continued to project

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>Said the sheltered bitch boy as he continued to project

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Said the sheltered bitch boy as he became too frightened to directly reply

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>Said the sheltered bitch boy as he became too frightened to directly reply

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still too small to get people coming up to me all passive aggressive. Pretty much every encounter with other men has been positive, except for one autistic guy who I told needed a fucking tune up before I left the party. Pretty much the only time I actually wanted to beat on someone


>Said the sheltered bitch boy as he got 4D chest’d into directly replying again

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Lmfao based

He’s gonna have to do double arrows now

>one minute apart
>poster count stays the same
Found the bitchboy.

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>Said the sheltered bitch boy as he shamelessly resorts to the tiresome “samefag” tactic

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>Said the sheltered bitch boy as he shamelessly resorts to the tiresome “samefag” tactic
Reply to this if you’re a sheltered bitchboy.

unfortunately for you not everyone thinks that way. dealing with that stuff is just a necessary skill because it can affect the way people perceive you

>Said the sheltered bitch boy as he increasingly becomes unstable and resorts again to indirect replying while forgetting to use double arrows

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Your replied to the post. You’re a sheltered bitchboy. Fuck off newbitch. Since you’re dyel I’m putting you on a 3 month lurking program. Do not post further until you have completed your program. Enjoy your stay at your new website you just found last week and AS ALWAYS, read the sticky. Thanks for playing newbitch.
[ ] X gon give it to ya
[ ] X is givin it to ya
[X] X gave it to ya

>said the sheltered bitch boy as he pathetically typed out a paragraph that his handler didn’t read a single word of

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YNDTP. Your 3 months just started over.

>said the sheltered bitch boy as he squirmed and struggled to think of a reply

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>160lbs at 6’0
>you’re my bitch and if u lay a finger on me I’ll take u to the ground and beat ur face in

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OP asked how to deal with passive aggressive behavior and you two are giving excellent examples of what not to do
Carry on retards


>said the sheltered bitchboy

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>stand in front of me with his back facing me, like full on blocking me
hold him by the waist (no homo) and push him gently to the side until he's not in your way

Kek, dude didn’t reply, u won. Thanks for read lads, I had some luls at this back and forth shit


>said the sheltered bitch boy as he took 15 minutes to think of this reply

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>Kek, dude didn’t reply, u won. Thanks for read lads, I had some luls at this back and forth shit

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Sorry I had to kick some guy’s ass who made eye contact with me mid-lift.


>said the sheltered bitch boy as it slowly dawns on him that he cannot win

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Reply to this post if you’re a sheltered bitchboy.

Don’t bother replying, I’m exiting as soon as I post this. Bye.

>said the sheltered bitch boy as he admits defeat and runs away

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>all that effort and just runs away

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Just laugh and forget about them, not worth the time or effort. Seriously if you have people like this in your life cut them out.

Based retards, you make my day

It's a pain but sometimes you do have to flex nuts every once in a while to show you don't like to be fucked with. I know exactly what you're talking about, insecure men always try to challenge big boys to make themselves feel better. People seem to just be getting progressively worse attitudes as time goes on, sometimes it seems like I can't go out in public without almost getting into a fight.

Be careful. If you let that 25 years of sperg rage come out in one moment you might hurt someone enough to face criminal charges even if it started as self defense.

This is the kind of guy I never want in my friend group. Most mma guys are fags that were bullied and now look for any perceived “diss” to beat some normies ass.

Be suspicious of anyone who trains in a field of mma

I had some drunk retard come up to me in a bar pulling some tough guy routine trying to start shit and I ended up talking my way into him buying me a shot of the most expensive shit in the bar. The bar scene is for losers.

>ive aggressive shit when the coworkers and I would be standing in a circle communicating about the job and he’d slowly position himself to stand in front of me with his back facing me, like full on blocking me. He’d do it everyday throughout the day then i called him out on it and he acted like he was doing nothing wrong and pretended like he didn’t even notice it was happening. I noticed he never did it to anymore else. He’d act all buddy buddy to me when it was just me and him and then when he was around other guys he’d be a completely different person to me. He wouldnt even look at me or talk to me he’d talk about me thru his buddies as they stood right in front of me. I have many more stories,

People challenge me all the time and I feel the same as you—learn to deal in a socially appropriate manner though and don't take it to heart to much—situation like this caused me a lot of trouble at my last job, office environment

Despite being somewhat large I had serious confidence issues in my late teens and some scrawny wigger tweaker who I was decent friends with started getting shitty with me for no reason out of the blue. He would act like he was my pal and invite me over then start talking shit in front of friends and girls. I was a gigantic pussy so I would just take it and pretend I didn't hear anything but one night he flat out said he wanted to kick my ass and I got fed up. I stood up in the middle of the room and stared him down and just said, "What's up?" And that was all it took for him to stop staring daggers at me and of course he didn't do shit. I think seeing me stand up reminded him that I had about 60lbs and 3 inches on him. That was the first time I ever stood up to a passive aggressive pussy. I took my actual good friend and left the party and felt like an alpha for the rest of the night and really felt a stronger bond with the good friend. Then lol'd hard when I heard he and some of the other people had been doing meth. Fucking tweakers man.

Beta had to sperg out on you because you made him feel weak. People are more like animals than we like to admit. An inferior specimen challenged you so you intimidated him with little effort and ran him off from your territory.
You showed him who's boss of this gym.

asking them why they're being so passive agressove tends to work. Just call them out on their bullshit in public.

It was just so weird because I was one of the bigger guys in the gym by that time and I always talked to new guys and tried to make them comfortable and feel welcome and stuff but this guy just had a problem from day one.

>I was one of the bigger guys in the gym
That's why.

>he’d slowly position himself to stand in front of me with his back facing me, like full on blocking me
My dad does this to me. I have a good relationship with him but anytime we talk to someone in public if we're out wandering around town or if it's a friend of his he slowly makes his way in front of me. I used to get mad but I just go around and get next to him again and pat him on the back or something. All I can figure is that maybe deep down he doesn't see me as a man yet and I'm still just his kid shuffling around while men are talking.

desu i never know if im being actually fucked with or not, so instead of doing anything i just awkwardly laugh it off and then hate myself later. i worry i might go off on someone for something i just imagined as a slight and look like a humongous asshole

are you me? I'm 6'2" and cant be fucked with this shit. I see it happening too. I don't think I'm a beta I just don't see the need to flex on obnoxious manlets.

Same height. Same experience. Kek.
The other day we went all out as a group with one Asian girl. I started talking to her because I’ve never been in Asia and I was curious and this man let would go from behind and hug her and touch her and I really didn’t understand why he’d think I was interested in a woman let chink but he sure acted possessive. Happens in the bus where guys stare at me blatantly and try to hold eye contact whenever I look at them. I feel zero competitiveness towards other men. I just care about myself t b h

>How do you deal with passive aggressive behaviour
I don't know I barely speak with girls

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>I had this manlet newbie lifter at work do this passive aggressive shit when the coworkers and I would be standing in a circle communicating about the job and he’d slowly position himself to stand in front of me with his back facing me, like full on blocking me. He’d do it everyday throughout the day then i called him out on it and he acted like he was doing nothing wrong and pretended like he didn’t even notice it was happening.

He wants you to fuck him in the ass, obviously. Gays do this to guys they're attracted to.

Im a fucking loser manlet autist and I even I have to deal with this.

I dont understand, what do you have to win by trying to out alpha me? Ive already lost before youve even began the whole thing.

Dunno why all these "JACKED AND TALL" getting tested cunts are complaining about.

I get "tested" all the time, im an easy target to "test" or fuck with, whatever you want to call it.

>ask guy for a spot
>ask him not to touch the bar
>he does
>half yell at him and tell him not touch the bar
>need another spot, apologise for getting heated but the guy says he doesn't feel comfortable doing it (understandable)
>his friend says he'll spot me but I can't be rude to him (stares me down)
>I laugh and say yeah sure
>he "spots" me with his arms crossed the whole time, do my set EZ
>week later
>same guy overhears me saying I weigh 135 and bench 165 to the guy spotting me (a friendly pajeet)
>that guy starts yelling loudly about strength training making you skinny and ego lifters are sad
>now every single time that guy sees me he talks loudly to whoever he's next to about how much he lifts and that he's eating 6k calories
caught him watching me bench 175 the other day, almost gave him a wave afterwards

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you sound like a good guy man, probs just jealous

i ignore everything that isn't immediately life threatening. for something that is life threatening, or threatening injury, i will attempt to escape. if i can't, i'm just going to shoot you and then leave because fuck braindead mongoloids engaging in fistfights, fuck people who have ego issues and need to create conflicts or voluntarily engage in them, and fuck people who can't control their tempers.

>to the guy spotting me
This implies two people in the story you've told.
As I understand it you have the first spotter, who's uncomfortable which is understandable, who is a friendly pajeet, and then there's the second spotter who had his arms crossed and later got mad at you, is this correct?

yeah, there were two guys
both spotted me which I should have mentioned
I yelled at second guy then apologised
then the first guy got salty and it's that first guy who ALWAYS brags loud or slags me off in front of people when he sees me, he'll look right at me then turn to his friend and be like "yeah so I benched 2pl8 the other day, shit was easy"
I've never seen him bench or squat btw

You know if you lost you gotta pay for the legal fees? It's generally not a good idea to go around lunch people and depending on "high legal fees" as a safety against getting prosecuted.

Based department CEO

>Be me
>Bench pressed 335 for a triple
>lower weight down to 155 for high rep close grip tricep burn out
>50 year old boomer hops on bench next to me and pulls out his phone
>he starts smirking and taking pics of my weight
>he says some shit to his son like "man its a shame how weak this generation is, the guy didnt earn his size just look at that" and makes a injection gesture
>His 12-13 year old son looks scared shitless as i catch eyes with his cuck dad half repping 185.
>tired as fuck but i feel like making him feel like i cuck so i load 275 back on my bar and hold a 10 second pause rep while exclaiming to my bro on the chest press beside me "man this is so light, i wonder why pussies at this gym cant do this" and rerack it effortlessly.

Commercial gyms are shit tier, this is why i am building a home gym

i dont see that, if anything people are nicer and more likely to try to get to know me

>I yelled at second guy then apologised
>>ask guy for a spot
>>ask him not to touch the bar
>>he does
>>half yell at him and tell him not touch the bar
>>need another spot, apologise for getting heated but the guy says he doesn't feel comfortable doing it (understandable)
Is the person you mention here "second" guy?? Who the fuck is the first guy then user

what happened next?

sounds like you're pretty insecure desu

>2 guys
>I ask both of them for a spot and say DO NOT TOUCH THE BAR
>First guy spots me, touches the bar (this is the passive aggressive guy)
>second guy spots me, touches the bar
>sperg out then apologize to the second guy
>first guy spots my final set (but expects me to fail and need his help, but I don't)
>now the first guy constantly talks shit the second he sees me
can't wait to mog him

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don't listen to him friend. glockchads 4 lyfe

Nothing my ego was satisfied so i just went on to do some incline db presses. I am sure the boomer came up with some other shit to cope on after i left. This same boomer is always critiquing zoomers who are fitter than him.

Fuck off with this nigger ironic bait, you’re either samefagging or you’re both fucking cretins. Piss off shitting up threads you humongous cumbrains.

>doing deadlifts
>the resident 5'5 blond manlet is circling around the platform and staring at me
>i wasnt even slamming the weight down or anything (since it was a lmao 2pl8 warmup set) and there was another platform available since it was like 12AM

you need to get to a point where passive aggressive behavior doesn't bother you. you look straight into his eye and laugh it off because this pathetic person acts like a little bitch and can't stand up for himself until things build up and he loses it like a child. big difference between this genuine kind of laughing it off because you pity him and a sort of nervous uncomfortable laughing it off because you can't stand up for yourself either.

Not the other guy but if some guy is annoying the fuck out of you like this when they do something that’s too far you do get instinctively aggressive, if it was anyone else it’d be a normal “I’m still using that mate” if you actually do things outside you’d probably have experienced this yourself.

>he thinks the victim has to pay for public prosecution


>Not the other guy but if some guy is annoying the fuck out of you like this when they do something that’s too far you do get instinctively aggressive, if it was anyone else it’d be a normal “I’m still using that mate” if you actually do things outside you’d probably have experienced this yourself.

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I'm more of an aggressive aggressive kind of person

I woke up and went to class.

>he needs a spot to bench 165
what are you? a woman?

I avoid those people and try to interact with more cool people. If anyone tries to pull of some kind of insecure beta male passive aggressive bullshit, I just move on, that person is an NPC not worth even talking to.
The people I like and I get I along with don't care about how I look, that I lift, they just like to have someone to talk to on a personal level, with no bullshit, no weird social mind games.

I had been working out for like 2 months or so
Now I need a spot for 175

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every good fighter i know irl doesnt boast and always tries to calm shit

The same way I always dealt with it. Pretend I do not understand what they are doing/hinting at and constantly try to put the spotlight on them by being very direct.

I hate this shit at workplaces. I just want to do my job, fuck off with your bullshit masculinity you overweight faggots.

>it's a 'they notice your hairline is getting weaker depiste you're being younger than them' episode
Boomers are cunts.

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Lmao dude he’s into you! Holy shit how blind can you be?!?

get a revolver

who cares
no point associating with retards anyway

Is this some cultural shit where do you live? I was thinking maybe this a tall dude thing, but says otherwise.

I almost never see this shit, and it never happens to me. Especially not at work, everyone is super nice.

It's hialrious you mogged the shit out of him despite trying to indulge him, fucker deserved it

>go to the gym in weird morning hours
>always the biggest guy in the gym
>always lifting the most
>never have anyone try to be pissy at me because they just physically can't
>mfw all the lanklets in this thread

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>taking a post workout nap on the bench
alpha as fuck, I do it occasionally with the loaded barbell on my chest for the lung gains.

My bf calls me bud a lot now that I've been lifting with him, wtf does he mean by this?


Family only buys shit to eat and loads the freezer with ice cream. Fast food always on stand by when i get home from work. My willpower is drained from quitting drinking and I smoke cigs and nofap. Honestly feels like the doom picture with doom guy benching in hell

>being this afraid of the 6'8 gigachads that go at normal times

it is ALWAYS manlets. I hate them so much

You do realize that you were having a conversation (if you can call it that) with someone, right?

you sound passive aggressive yourself

dont let people fuck with you.
dont be an ass, take a joke, have some fun at your own expence but if you notice nastiness, fuck m
look m in the eye and calmly say: dont do this man, not today.
they will deny, act like nothing happend, but they know. they know what they did and they know you don't have it.

they might continue, so you must be willing to back your words up. you might have to get mad or fight. But most times people just back off because they are pussies.

just remember: stay true to yourself, remeber what's right. dont be nasty yourself. Many will try to fuck with your mind, make you feel bad, make you weak. Don't let it get to you. people who act like this are no friends, they are your enemies. Eventhough you didn't wanted it to be that way. Some people just hate you, or are mad at the world. you a big boy, you can deal with it

I act like I‘m oblivious to their shitty challenges or look at them confused

This used to happen to me as well. The issue is that people think that you think you are better than them because you are cold and aloof AND fit/good looking. They’re like, who does this guy think he is? Let me prove how I’m better than him. It will never end well for you and the best you can hope for is that they make you look better by trying to qualify themselves to you.

A far better approach is to flatter them about what they do and make the conversation about them. Even if you’re stronger and more fit, you exaggerate the importance of what they do. “OMG you hold a ladder for four hours?! That’s hardcore man, I could never do that.” The trick is to do it unironically and not mock them. Their ego will be preserved and they will actually become your ally because you have turned yourself from a threat into a friend by validating their life choices and making them feel included.

If they still insist on being niggers you can clown them but only use it as a last resort. You can win over most people by being humble and it’s far better to have lots of friends who are on your side than be an untouchable lone wolf. Life is not a video game

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>look m in the eye and calmly say: dont do this man, not today.
Donr test me

Wtf dude. Meth? Jesus. You hang w meth users and their shitty behavior bothers you?

Yeah, best course of action is to ignore this behavior and file these people into your idiot bin.
If you're getting shit for not "standing up for yourself" or "letting yourself be disrespected," it means your social circle is full of trashy people and you need to find new friends.
Healthy, well-socialized individuals sniff these kinds of insecure fools out instinctively, and shun them/make fun of them.


That about sums it up

only if you're not trying to be an anime

>big boy on internet
>talks shit about beating people up
>pathetic fucking bitch in real life
>u walk up to me(anyone)
>u suck my cock
>fuck ur ass till u cum

Wtf??? Never seen or heard of this before but I'll definitely be on the lookout for this from now on. If I ever spot a manlet doing this to a tall king I'll try to disengage this shit by pointing it out subtlely somehow.

I'm not a blue hair tumblr retard but I'm fucking sick of this toxic masculinity bros. Enough. Only pure clean positive masculine energy from now on. We can't be tearing eachother down like this. Stop seeing vulnerability in others as an opportunity to lash out and air out your own insecurities. Let's stop doing this gay ass gorilla chest pounding shit that only impresses twinks and let's start acting like gentle giants. Practice restrain but not be docile. Peaceful but not pacifist. We might not be perfect at first but we'll be better than before. I'm so fucking sick of this shit. I'm not even sorry for this reddit post. Fuck women. Dudes rock 2020

Attached: ded.jpg (604x434, 20.14K)

Based, lifting is to make you stronger healthy and happy. Youre still gonna need social skills.

I am six three and at work I deal with this almost every day. There’s this one fat bigger I work with that thinks he is getting away with it, but as soon as I catch him outside of work, I’m stomping his ass into the dirt.

I have to deal with someone like the coworker you described, even sounds like the same person. How do I deal with people like that?

Lift hard and MOG them in front of as many girls as possible.

>says the sheltered bitchboy as he responds hours later, afraid to click the Post button

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You're right, although what if you don't want to flatter them?

Any other options?

I work in academia so I rarely have to deal with this shit. Most guys are DYEL as hell and there's virtually no physical posturing at all. I have noticed guys tend to take you less intellectually seriously if you lift though.
I was back in my home town over Christmas and had to experience enough passive aggressive bullshit down the pub that I've had to conclude I live in a bubble. People intentionally blocking my way or trying to stand in front of me at the bar and move to block me etc. Almost feel sorry for them, imagine getting your validation from stuff like that.

>look at them confused

You can take it one step further by just asking them what they are doing. They tend to change tack pretty quickly when they realise they can't rationalise their behaviour

Swing till they drop

This started happening to me after juicing and getting swole. When youre tall and look like you lift, you become a target to insecure men around you. It blew my mind and kind of sucks.

Don’t take these passive aggressive shit tests so seriously. If you get thrown off your center than you’re doing exactly what they want. Just fire back with lighthearted banter.

>just finished 275lb pr
>reading a book before my shift starts
>bunch of co-workers that come into the break room go YOUR READING AN ACTUAL BOOK?

What the fuck.
People just assume you are retarded if you lift weights.

Immaculate post

based and redpilled user, despite all the claims of many that we have to ubermog and put down people to push ourselves up, we
should practice a minimum level of restraint and civility but not to the point of weak pacifism