Straight facts

Straight facts.

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>let me explain to you what a macro is
Well, I'm listening

Only tangentially related, but that American sniper scene is pure cringe.

>Dad bod
good bait anonymous user

>Eating Jasmine rice?

>"""""Dad bod""""

Lol, all those people you posted have a solid base and look like they're off season/on vacation. Compare that picture of Chris Pratt to when they were actually shooting Avengers.

Don't use this clickbait image to justify your shitty diet you fat fuck.

That's what the dad bod originally meant. It's builtfat- a guy who looks like he lifts but also isn't afraid to eat or have a beer.

Only recently did the faggy ass basedboys change the meaning to be Seth Rogan fatass body.

far right top guy is goal

dad bod isn't being a obese fuck like it is now. Dad bod from the 40s-70s was big, but not super lean. Like barely can see outer outline of abs, maybe 20% bf-ish. Who started this dad bod shit of being like 35% bodyfat?


Jasmine rice is slower digesting than brown

You know you can be

This entire thing happened years ago you fucking retard, girls discussed it for a month before moving on and the phenomenon so thoroughly baffled the male race that we are still having this discussion years afterwards in a kind of collaborative psychoanalysis study. Nothing relating to dadbods developed "recently" at all, these threads have had the exact same replies since at least 2015 and by the time we reached the airtight "girls don't actually find it hot but do want to effortlessly have the upperhand in any relationship" conclusion the femoids had forgotten they even brought it up.


i literally almost had a stroke trying to understand whatever youre attempting to convey

I think you might just be stupid user. He was clear enough

Good, my powers are developing
Next time I reply to one of your shitposts in another thread I'll finally be able to fucking kill you

>You know you can be

I do whatever I want.

>a human being took time out of their busy schedule to make this image
very strange


Those guys on the left aren't fat, they just aren't single digit bodyfat

If you’re under 200lbs or you’re over 200lbs but with no abs you’re still in the self improvement stage

Parboiled is. Jasmine is not slower digesting than brown.

>a dyel fatass telling you girls want a fit guy that he likes instead of a fit guy that he doesn't like

>trap bar

Heh, can't be a dad if all you do is suck cocks

bruh thats not a dad bod non of those are.

Stop pretending any of these guys aren't just twinks.

Attached: bloat twink.jpg (1024x622, 231.29K)

Dad's don't look like they lift

Based and underrated
Y'all niggas need to pay attention

actual dad bod vs actual low bf

Attached: Pratt.jpg (1280x720, 306.38K)

elevated trap bar deadlifts that anyone could pick up

with massive cope plates probably totaling 100lbs.

if they were twinks, my dick would be hard, so by my dick's judgement, they're not


>Straight facts.
seems kinda gay, i think they're gay facts

>NEET shitposter

The guys on the left look like shit, especially the top and bottom ones.

>male race

^ is actually 20% BF

>Women are gains goblins and an absolute waste of time, money and effort
>Jasmin rice is tasty
>Alcoholic beer tastes like piss
>Vanilla latte is tasty
>Improving yourself is a good thing

So what is this shit supposed to prove again? The "benefits" of a whore who drains your wallet, fucks other men and forcefeeds you into an early grave?

Left isnt dad bod. Its strong dad. And strong dads are based.

One is an alcoholic and a food addict, the one cares about his health and had fun hobbies most people practice like running
What am I missing?

Most people (especially woman) feel more comfortable when around a man that is lazy and undisciplined just like them

"Just do 2 hours cardio a day bro" user I...

Straight cope

fatass gigacope

"Dad bod" is a radfem psyop to devalue male conceptions of masculinity and encourage males to seek female approval rather than impose a male worldview onto females.

>Most people (especially woman) feel more comfortable when around a man that is lazy and undisciplined just like them
Really? I know some runner qties that even make their own bread by some special fermentation

Ngl you're kind of retarded.


Fucking kek what a great reply

He's not wrong. Although I would have gone a step further and differentiated as "the male species"

>no discipline vs discipline

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user you what?

excellent comeback

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unironically: left is chad men, right is fuckboys

How much of that builtfat body is genetics?

Damn user you just dropped that kid calm down.

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Image is concentrated "crabs in a bucket" mentality. I am a lazy slob and want others to be slobs aswell, so I can feel better about myself. I am gonna make an image which rationalizes my worldview and post it online, so positive feedback can entrench this delusion in my socially oriented lizard brain. One of the oldest schemes in the world.

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Undisputed ownership.

What is reading comprehension

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>Chris Pratt and Bradley Cooper vs some virgin looking spergs
wow great comparison

I have never prayed before
But tonight i will pray to God that this comes true

You drink sugar and carb free spirits, and take your coffee black.

who is stronger? who has more drive? who wants to win?
this is what matters, fretting about a 7 percent difference in bodyfat is pointless.
all that matters is performance.

you see small antifa twinks getting knocked out by fat trade workers constantly.

if you look good that is also great and just icing on the cake, but this society is too focused on looks and not merit.
having a body fat percentage between 15 and 21 percent is perfectly acceptable and completely healthy.

the orc would be good in a crowded street fight where there is a formation
but will tire easy, single him out and he dies, needs to loose weight

according to the computor warriors on Yas Forums, right is still too fat
he is perfectly healthy though

maybe modern fathers do, sitting behind a desk and eating fast food for lunch for 40 years will do that to you. proir to the industrial revolution most men had farmers bodys. look at any picture of a army recruiting station from the first and second world war.
you will see ZERO fatasses, a few smoll bois, but mostly guys with at least a little musculature
nowadays their genetic line has been corrupted by g.m.o. and sloth. those same working class men are now low t alcoholic orcs. no longer capable of holding up the farmer levey aesthetic that the romans held in the highest esteem.


Left (CP) is a ex fat he literally can't get that low even not eating shit, so many fay cells

I built this dad bod on nothing but jasmin rice, motherfucker.

A big nutrient like carbs, fat, and brotein
It’s short for macronutrient, opposed to micronutrients, which people who fast are losing and thus destroying their bodies because a simple (and really shitty) electrolyte mix isn’t going to fix everything.
I prefer having the dad bod, especially when I’m huge.
However I’m really feeling the effects of overtraining syndrome and losing my enthusiasm. I think it’s just post gym depression.
>low bf
Yeah right that’s literally obese vs average built

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Fucking brutal

This might help you.

>Yeah right that’s literally obese vs average built
>Visible abs
>Not low bf
Based retard, unless you're Eddie Hall that ain't happening.

>This is how fatties see themselves
>Implying you are not closer to boogie than chris pratt

I can't have the dad bod because I'm a fucking lanket.

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fucking lmao

If I'm 20% than you must be morbidly obese

Holy based

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Nice cope faggot. Dad Bod = fat. Not built fat. Kys you fat sad fuck.


>dad bod
Hollywood star

>ripped 5% bf otter mode

Post body

this is the gayest post i've seen in my life

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