Current Body Thread /CBT/

What has become of this board

6'1, 96kg, ??%bf

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Other urls found in this thread:

Post the one in the greenhouse
I'm mad jelly bro

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No pic to post but bump. Wish I had taken a before pic 1.5 years ago to compare to now

5'9" 200 lb

Gonna keep cutting till I see abs or till I die, whichever comes first. Preferably the latter.

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Why not Post something

>Post the one in the greenhouse
Here fren

Post body

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Hope to someday have bi’s and thighs that are as juicy as OP’s

6’0 185lbs

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Did you lose quite a bit of fat?

natty or enhanced ?
also, routine pls

Yea. I used to be fatter like 35% bf.

I'm not as far anymore but I'm still at like 26% bf.

I'm trying to lose weight.

Natty. Been back training for almost two years, from a three year hiatus. Trained on and off for about 5 years before the hiatus.

Currently doing PPL, heavey mon-wed, light thurs-sat.

I'm about that height and mid 90s kg is my ideal weight. How long did it take you to get this? I'm like 80kg rn maybe 13-14bf but feels like it's taking forever. I try to hit 10-20 sets each muscle group a week but idk still feel like progress isn't going anywhere and it'll take ages

Even though you've a lot of bodyfat can tell there's still a good bit of gains in your arms. Keep it going

Doing well, mate. Can see the stretch marks on your arms, but they should go away.
Keep up the good work!

>How long did it take you to get this?
See It does take time user, make sure your diet is good, youre getting enough protein and rest.
I started at 73kg when I was about 23/24yo.

thanks, i assume you do cardio as well ?

Yeah, I really enjoy hiking. Where I live in the hills (Australia), there are many great hiking trails.
I try to go at least twice a week.

thanks for answering, sick physique and good luck in the future brother

>that leanness
>that fullness
>that development

Not natty desu. Dunno why you're getting peoples hopes up.

Youre just a tad too "full" to be natty. Natties at your bodyfat are soft looking, not full looking. Unless you just carbed up for that photo.

Also, look at he traps.

Ive never seen a natty have traps like that from the front. And youre not even flexing them...

No fucking chance thats natty.

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Trying to accumulate mass but I hate being fat. I'm currently 6'4 210. Can almost 5x5 bodyweight on bench

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Thanks mate
>someone who has a better physique than me cant be natty
I'll take that as a complement mate, cheers.
I can post my big full balls too mate if you like.

Cutting while I can still make newb gains and just wanting opinions of if my frame is shit or not, if I have potential. 5'10, 164.8 pounds, 15.9% body fat. Some people think I look too skinny, but my body fat is mostly distributed on thighs and ass.

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Post balls

>Ive never seen a natty have traps like that from the front

I'm natty

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Dude, there are known roiders who are open about their use who dont even have traps that look like that from the front. How can I believe that you're natty?

You're either lying, or genetically gifted, to have better upper trap development than known roiders lmao.

Look at this roiding manlet. You have bigger traps than he does from the front, despite him roiding for like 10 years and being a manlet who deadlifts 600lbs and OHPs 225.

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Youre soft and dyel looking, and would become even more dyel looking if you got as lean as the guy claiming natty.

He still looks muscular and full despite being LEAN, and yet you guys think thats what natty lifters look like? Lmao.

pls destroy my walls

I didn't say I think he's natty. I just said I am.

Tell me what I can do to improve Yas Forums and I’ll give you a kiss

6’2” 196lbs

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>what are genetics
Here mate, my balls arent all shrunken up like a roiders would be.

I'm certain I'm at my natty limit and so I'm going to do a local natty show at the end of the year, then I'm going to experiment with anabolics.

You have the characteristics of a natural lifter.

Which is that you would look like you lift, in clothes, but when your shirt comes off, people would think you're a fat guy who does a bit of lifting, borderline DYEL, or just a guy with good genetics who doesn't lift.

OP in question has lean, tight, full body, despite being at a decently low bodyfat %, and his deltoids/traps size/definition/separation and full look is a dead give-away of some kind of drug use.

Not claiming OP is on tons of gear blasting like crazy, but if I was too guess I'd assume hes taking 500mg/test a week. He is in Australia also, 500mg/test weekly seems to be the average kind of use for Australians when I was over there and talking in gyms. They tend to go for 500mg because their sources are often under-dosed

Fuck me. mirin hard man what stat you from. I'm going to guess nsw or qld.

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Looking good mate. South Aus

6,1 187lbs
anyone have any cutting tips? im gonna make a new meal plan tomorrow but do i really have to eat 1g per body lb in protein when on a calorie cut? ive never gone below 15%bf

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> Wants to prove he is natty so badly he posts his balls

Definitely not natty

Why hello, future hubby

Dunno what to say mate, 100% natty.
Stay mad bro

What is this cope? Balls dont just shrink and stay shrunk on steroids, and some guys dont even get ball shrinkage, and the balls go back to normal size anyway.

Again, I dont see why you cant just say youve taken something, you want attention (you started the thread) but you dont want to get "roiding for this" comments I assume, and you want positive attention, and not to get ragged on, I get it, but whatever, Im not taking you as being 100% drug free.

Maybe you did some SARMs or some shit, or some maybe just took some winstrol, but you're definitely not 100% drug free, the way your deltoids/traps meet, and the fullness/bodyfat ratio is not natural by any means.

Not claiming youre blasting tons of steroids, but you have used something, because you just dont have a fully 100% natural look to your body anymore. Ive been around this shit looking at natties/roiders and those in-between, and you're looking like a guy that has already experimented with a bodybuilding drug.

6'3" 194lbs
7 month lifting
5 years since I was 125lbs

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>What is this cope?
Mate, just stop. You are coping really hard right now and youre unironically giving me so much praise its not funny.
Please, post your body so we can see what you are working with.
>definitely not 100% drug free, you just dont have a fully 100% natural look to your body anymore
Like bruh, you have no idea how much confidence youre giving me right now., I mean obviously it doesnt matter what I say, youve already got a preconceived notion in your mind.

Anyway before I go.....

People seem to STILL have this idea that only roiders are OBVIOUS looking roiders, like IFBB Professional bodybuilders who are 300lbs of pure mass at 3% bodyfat. But that is not the reality.................

.........The reality is that most roiders are actually somewhat "natty" looking to the un-trained eye, but if you look closer, and compare actual naturals, to many guys claiming natty, you'll find key characteristics that you can identify that are key indicators of drug use.

Just watch this thread and look at the dozens/hundreds of deltoids & traps that will get posted, and compare them to You will find none of them have that kind of fullness/separation/size and development, especially not at a decently low body-fat like that.

6'3 214 lbs, lifting 1 year

How am i looking?

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Imagine being a fraud this hard in 2020 lmao.

You unironically post like its 2012 back when everyone was claiming natty and acting all excited and happy when they got called out for not being natty.


Yes, never heard this before.

3 month progress. How am I doing bros?

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Like I said, your preconceived notion and obvious jealous has now painted you into a corner you cant back out of.

Post your body so we can all see just how shitty your genetics are, because they obviously are, if you think mine are exceptional.

>Dunno what to say mate, 100% natty.
>Stay mad bro
Gotta love how the unbelievers stroke your ego.

I know right, giving me such a big head.

Can you post your exact routine and diet? Did you bulk/cut? Do you track calories? Or did you just randomly walk into this body with Chad genetics? I am very interested to know these things.

C u t y o u r h a i r v e r y s h o r t

Seeing good progress, stats?
Back looking solid, keep going
What is your routine and how has your eating been? It’s probably too soon to say

6' 170 lbs
any here anons who managed to overcome their addiction in caffeine? if so, how did you do it?
i can only feel the mood to lift after taking 240-420mg. wouldn't be a big deal if it didn't ruined my sleep pattern
inb4 shitty tats
nice v abs

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actually post body you dyel larper

I do PPLPPLR, and I also incorporate rich piana’s feeder workouts at the end of my typical workout. Right now I do arm feeders (check his video on these to see what it is) and in a month I’m going to do chest feeders, and keep going until I get every body part then repeat.

my diet is a lot of meat and milk, I get 3,000-3,200 calories a day. I was 148 pounds in that first picture, and I’m 170.2 now.












I've started getting mires but I feel tiny :(

goal body

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Monday - Pull
>Always start with warmup and stretches
3x10 chinups
3x10 deadlifts
3x10 seated row
3x10 rear cable flys
3x10 shrugs
Throughout those exercises I'll throw in an assortment of biceps exercises

Tuesday - Push
3x10 pushups
3x10 incline, flat, decline
3x10 military press
3x10 cable flys
Again, throughout an assortment of tricep exercises.

Wednesday - Legs
>3x10 Body weight sqats and lunges
3x10 Squats
3x10 leg extensions
3x10 hamstring curls
3x10 calf raises

Repeat Thurs, Fri, Sat - except light instead of heavy

Protien shake with light milk, bowl of oats and a banana
>Mid morning
Rice, tuna & veg
Chicken salad
>Before gym
More chicken, rice and veg
Could be a steak, piece of salmon or some other chicken dish

Started at 73kg about 10 years ago, I was always skinny but played a lot of sports (lots of aussie rules football) so have always been kinda strong. Yes I count calories, but not macros.
My Mother was a physed teacher, and my farther has lifted for probably the past 40 years, so I am blessed to a certain degree with genetics.

Hope that answers all of your questions user.

> Need only one hand to hide his possibly erected penis
Why even live.

>3x10 on everything
Strength fags eternally BTFO

Why do you guys do this? Following someone else's routine will not make you look like them

What's you're strength like? I'd like to just do loads of hypertrophy but I'm sorta egotistical about my lifts as well as my body

Slow taper off worked best for me


Your heavy days is sets of 10? What does that make your light days?

I'd say I'm reasonably strong

OHP 1.5 pl8s
Bench 2.5 pl8s
Squat 4 pl8s
Diddys 5 pl8s

5'8, 50kg, I think around 12% bf last time i checked

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Im confused, is that your 1RM? or your sets of 10?

You do 3x10 deadlifts at 495? (5plate)

>3x10 pushups
>3x10 incline, flat, decline
>3x10 military press

How much weight are you pushing on the OHP after doing 3 different other types of bench press and pushups? :O

Id not be able to press any kind of weight at that point, how do you have so much training stamina/strength? I can't ever imagine getting through that workout using any kind of reasonable weights.

15, really slow on the eccentric, explosive on the concentric.
I dont do 1rm as the risk/reward ratio just isnt any good. I'll push those weights for 5 or 6 reps

for my 3x10s are 1/2/3/4

My stamina is really good, I did a lot of long distance running when I was younger.
Also, I will do 3x10 of incline, then military press, then flat and decline.

I see, what does your weight look like on those presses?

3x10 pushups (bodyweight I assume?)
then 3x10 100kg flat bench
then 3x10 ??? Kg incline bench?
then 3x10 ??? kg decline bench?
then 3x10 60kg OHP?

How do you actually do that? I have tried similar style of training, but after the 2nd exercise, I cannot reach anywhere near 10 reps on anywhere near a decent working weight. My triceps and chest are fried after the first 60 or so reps, so after doing 3x10 flat, 3x10 incline, i wouldn't have much power/strength left to do 3x10 decline or 3x10 OHP, not unless I use really really really light weight, like 20% of my 1RM.

Ill just stick with 100kg for flat and decline as well, I know people say you should use progressive overload, but this is what works for me.

I’m a different user. I already look fine, I’m trying to help someone else out.

Just kind of surprised you're able to keep hitting 10 reps at 100kg for 9 straight sets, then ontop of it doing another 3 sets of OHP.

I can maybe see it being possible if you took decent breaks in between sets, but there's no chance in hell I could do that just taking standard 2-3 minute breaks per set. I'd probably need upwards of 8-10 minutes break for the last 4-5 sets of that to be able to hit 10 reps.

Its not that I'd be gassed out cardiovascular wise, its just that my muscle-strength would just drop dramatically, and that I would have to wait for ATP stores to fully reset back to normal before I do more sets, which can take 5-10 minutes.

If you want us to see it, just imgur link a nude.

1/2/3/4 is heavy for me with that much volume, but is not heavy for me in general. Also depends how I feel, on a good day I'll do all that with good time under tension, other days I might pump out the first set or two and for the third set will focus on time under tension.
I only ever have the standard 2-3min break between sets, unless I get caught up talking to someone and in the case might take upto 5 min rest between sets.

510, 180 pounds

Lifting for 4 months now, was 155

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Calorie restrict while in ketosis. Protein sparing effect will maintain muscle mass while adipose melts away. You will feel the best you've ever felt too. Not super easy or sustainable but you can enjoy a few months at a time of looking like an aesthetics god.

No h8

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Looking good bro
Stats & goals?

21 6’ 185 pounds honestly just trying to put on size

You'll bulk up easy mate, and once you shred back down again you'll look great. Small waist, good genetics.
Keep up the good work mate


Getting there kings

6'2 225 here, 8 months from skinnyfat at same weight, not natty

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Looking good mate
Whats your cycle and how long have you been running it? I wanna jump on the fraud train at the end of the year.

Mirin', ty greenhouse bro

6 ft 170 lbs
I still have long road but at least Im not twig mode anymore

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You're skinnyfat, you should actually bulk until the end of the year and lift consistently until it's time to cut next year. You'll be big, just don't fuck it up.

He’s not fat at all just plain skinny bud

This board is gayer then /y/

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Natty or not, very aesthetic looking genetics, lucky you.

I've been roiding for a decade and unfortunately can't make up for my baseline genetics.

Almost like genetics play a big role. OP is definitely natty, he's talked about how distraught he is that he feels he's hit the natty limit in the past, and asked for feedback regarding whether he should start juicing or not.

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Strong dick game bro. No homo

Looking good mate can tell you're Aussie by the Kmart undies and soap.

Thanks mate
Jesus, I've gotta stop posting here.
Ive decided fuck it, doing a natty show in September then going to test the waters.
Haha true true, where you from mate? SA here?

>Jesus, I've gotta stop posting here.
Why man? You and bulldog/Ivan Drago user are some of the anons I respect the most on here, your presence is a fucking boon to this natty fatalist board. I wouldn't start pinning if I were you, the natty police showing up ITT is proof of how great you already look if nothing else, but I remember the goal physique pic you posted a few threads ago so I know you aren't happy yet and wish you the best of luck once you start experimenting. Stay safe.

>You and bulldog/Ivan Drago user are some of the anons I respect the most on here, your presence is a fucking boon to this natty fatalist board
I don't know what to say mate, means a lot. Which one is the bulldog?
> I wouldn't start pinning if I were you, the natty police showing up ITT is proof of how great you already look if nothing else
See, just when I thought I had my mind made up, you come along and point this out. God I just dont know what to do, I've got til September to make my mind up, so I'll mull it over a bit more. Thank you for your kind words, fren.

How is your training going? Are you still natty?

Mirin like crazy.

5’6, 135lbs. Starting my cut in about a month.


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Ex fatty? I see some flabby skin there. Good luck getting some abs if you have extra skin on your belly too

Post benis

Peak Natty aesthetics your an inspiration op


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Bigboi. You natty? How long training?

Haha this bait and people take it

Thanks. Training for 8 years, roiding for 1.

>roiding for 1.
How are you finding it, is it giving you the results you desire?

>Is it giving you the results you desire?

It's alright but definitely nothing spectacular. At least I'm making some progress again. When I was natty I stopped progressing at like 5 years.

8 months from left.
Started with 250mg/w test e.
Eventually added 210mg/ tren a, and it made a world of difference.

I haven't really circled off, just cruised and blasted Tren and a bit of clen for cutting.

Nothing beats Tren for recomp, you can eat 1500cal a day and still lose fat and build muscle, but it can be tough mentally. Tren rage is real at first

Start with test up to 500mg/w and see how you like it, I personally don't wanna ever go off, the mental gains are amazing.

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>At least I'm making some progress again.
That must be making a huge difference for you mentally I know how difficult it is when the gains stop coming. How long do you think you'll do it for? and do you regret starting?
Awesome transformation my man!
>Start with test up to 500mg/w
From all the reading & watching Ive been doing, I'm kinda thinking that 500 might even be a bit much to begin with. A few guys I watch are able to maintain phenomenal physiques on 100/week. I understand they've already got the size and wouldn't need as much to maintain as they would to grow, but I was think of starting with just two or three hundred to begin and then see where I go from there.
i'm not sure if I'll ever try it, I understand the results are amazing, but I can have a short fuse at times when pushed, so not sure if it would be wise for me to use.

Do you have any leaner pics from before you started pinning? Looking good.

250mg/w is barely noticeable really. 100 is trt.
Mentally speaking 500mg/w won't be noticeable beyond some assertiveness and hornyness, so might as well go high and build and then lower once you're at your goal.
The infamous effects of roids that you can notice are really from things like tren, test is very mild and after a few weeks you can't even tell.
That being said, starting low is smarter. See how you feel. But even at 500 you won't get rage or anything like a bit of tren would do

>100: nothing noticeable
>250: bit faster mass building, still slowish
>500: actually "roiding" zone

With 500 or tren every workout you're bigger, and stronger noticeably which is nice

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the best body here...

Not really, I started roiding because I let myself go and got very fat. Decided to try to recomp, which didn't really work with test, only with tren and low cals

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NSW, Kmart is the same everywhere I guess.

>That must be making a huge difference for you mentally I know how difficult it is when the gains stop coming. How long do you think you'll do it for? and do you regret starting?

Yea It's making a massive difference for sure. I will probably do it for the rest of my life, maybe end cycling at some point but definitely TRT for life. I don't regret starting at all, even though the effects are not massive, it was a necessary evolution in my lifting journey.

My man!
Once you jump in, you realize cruising/trt is the right way to live life

Thanks for the rundown mate. Yeah makes sense, apparently there is another compound out there similar to tren but with a better safety profile, the name just escapes me.
How long do you plan on blasting & cruising for? Have you had many (if any) sides?
Doesnt surprise me, all the dunny paper thats being taken off the shelves at the moment comes from here.
>Yea It's making a massive difference for sure.
Thats great to hear mate!
Are you stacking or just test? And how old are you, if you dont mind me asking?
I havent looked into in great detail, but from my understanding its quite difficult here in Australia to get prescribed trt doses of test.

Would coom in bro

6' 78kg ??%bf

Bench: 100kg
Squat: 115kg
Deadlift: 170kg

Have I escaped skinnyfat yet?

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I intend to cruise on trt dosage for the rest of my life hopefully. I used to suffer from chronic depression and it cured it.

Side effects of test very little, the ocassional puffy nipple. Awesome hornyness and assertiveness. Great well being feeling

Tren, lots. Rage, rape or kill mentality, insane neck cramps. Tiny bit of acne. A mental effect is that you're insanely dominant with girls which actually works, and won't let anyone mess with you. This can be good or bad depending if you tell your boss to fuck himself

>roiding for this

Post body fatty

>Are you stacking or just test? And how old are you, if you dont mind me asking?
>I havent looked into in great detail, but from my understanding its quite difficult here in Australia to get prescribed trt doses of test.

I'm currently using just test, 600mg first cycle, 800mg second and now again 800mg. Though I will try some other compound by the end of the current cycle.
I'm 22 so started at 21.

I don't know how it is in Australia but in theory you should just be able to:
1. Buy some testosterone and use it for a few weeks
2. Stop using it to crash your testosterone to very low levels
3. Get tested for low testosterone
4. Get prescribed TRT

But if not, you can always get it illegally.

Thanks for the rundown mate. Yeah tren is definitely not for me. Good luck mate, hopefully I'll see your progress again in a couple of months. Cheers!

Oh bro, youre so young! But yeah, if youve been training for 8 years then I guess you wouldve been well and truly at your natty limit anyways. I'm 34 next month, incase you were wondering. I'm guessing you havent really experienced many sides either?

>I don't know how it is in Australia but in theory you should just be able to:
>1. Buy some testosterone and use it for a few weeks
>2. Stop using it to crash your testosterone to very low levels
>3. Get tested for low testosterone
>4. Get prescribed TRT
Such a simple and ingenious solution, thanks mate

>can always get it illegally.
For my first cycle I'll have to, but I'm only interested in buying pharmaceutical grade stuff, I dont want any of this chinese. I'll probably have to pay twice as much and will have to search around for longer to find it, but yeah, just not keen at all on the chinese stuff.

thanks man its a weight I hope to maintain a good while.

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meant for my mistake


>I'm guessing you havent really experienced many sides either?

Bloodwork is ok, not great but not terrible. Blood pressure is definitely higher. Acne is very minor. And I get much worse hair loss on creatine than test lol. But it does cause me some sleeping issues as I was very prone to them in the first place. Other than that, I haven't experienced any noticable side effects.

>I'm only interested in buying pharmaceutical grade stuff
That will probably be quite difficult to get in Australia. In some other countries, you can just travel by car to a country where it's legal and then bring it home.

Listen here, you little stain. You're gonna get a lot of hurtful and degrading comments, and you deserve to see them all. Let me just say, you are repulsive the way you are. You hear me, you vile wench? REPULSIVE. Don't ever change, so you can be laughed at for all time. You deserve nothing you want. Drown in a well of expired mayonnaise, whore.
>mfw thinking of you not hurting

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>Bloodwork is ok, not great but not terrible.
You are on a reasonably high does though, so I guess its not totally expected
This worries me a bit
>probably be quite difficult to get in Australia. In some other countries, you can just travel by car to a country where it's legal and then bring it home.
Definitely one of the cons of living on this big island.

I'm about to hit the sack, its been great talking to you user. Speak again sometime in the future. Cheers

>its been great talking to you user.
Likewise Australanon.

Scooby pls go

Very nice

5'10.5 170 lbs
Can't work out this week, a few days ago a stronk fat fren got piss ass drunk and threw me from a very loose rnc

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creatine causes hair loss?

Yep, at least so they say.

No, but it does cause water retention. Be prepared to feel... puffy.


Wanna see cock and balls now please

Creatine doesnt cause hairloss fucking dyel loser

Almost the same body but I have gyno. Been exclusively doing calisthenics for a year and a half. How long did it take for you to get that body?

2x a week Push Pull split for a 3-4 months (previously have gone to the gym but very inconsistently)

Unless you're from some commie country you can literally Google it.

>creatine increases DHT levels
>people sensitive to DHT are the ones who go bald
>hair starts thinning due to increased DHT

There's many studies on it, here's the first one I found on my phone ffs. Maybe you wont go bald. Maybe you wont thin. But I'm telling you from first hand experience, if your pussy hair follicles don't like more DHT than they're used to... Stay away from it, or control it.


Yes day 5 here


Lmao that dude on the left actually lost all the weight. 30-40 pounds of loose skin after.

What's your routine and macros?

94kg 183cm 21yo

Attached: 238B51A9-E005-406A-92E4-0A9D26502D89.jpg (840x675, 144.63K)

bench: 4pl8
diddly: 6.5pl8
ohp: 2.5pl8

Attached: ssgomad.jpg (1882x2118, 597.55K)

Roiding at 21?

Looking fuckin killa bro!
Whats your cycle?

Cruising right now. Was blasting test tren var before

Actually started 2 months before turning 19

lol @ ppl behind you

Feeling well mentally?

Yes. My life got way better since i hopped on the juice. I only get depressed when the kcals are low, kek.

I saved this to my fitspo folder ngl.

Do I need to do any more of this. Alternating 5x5 and 3x10. Not doing squats done enough borderline trex mode

Incline Bench
Dumbbell incline

Pull ups
Seated rows
Chin ups
Snatch grip shrugs
Face pulls

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>25 - 25.5 FFMI

Very very extremely impressive if all stats are true as you claim, i'd put my money that you're lying though. Still mirin extremely

>250mg test + 210tren
>look like that

You don't have good genetics mate, you look like an okay natty on a test+tren cycle lol. No offense but you're gonna wreck your health, hop off asap

Looking stro bro

Looking good, any more? Are you about 145lbs?

a lot of /fraud/ and self admitted juicers in /cbt/ still manage to look less impressive than confirmed natties like Hackenschmidt or Pandour, it's pretty wild

Any unflexed no pump pics?

Shirtless pic? How much does it cost?

>Ive decided fuck it, doing a natty show in September then going to test the waters.
Chart your progress on roids, there's a lot of evidence showing you can retain gains past the natty limit if you cycle off after spending some time on, something to do with cells. Chart the progress.

Either trim the gay hipster fringe on the stache or shave it off, you're doing a disservice to men with staches being you're one of the few who can pull it off without channeling pedophile uncles.

>(previously have gone to the gym but very inconsistently)
how long were you doing that

he made that progress in less than a year starting from fatty fat mcfattits mode and no muscle. Give him another year or two and see if he still looks like that. Took Laid 2 years to get close to where he is now.

5'9 160

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5 months in. 185cm, 82kg.

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>250mg a week is barely noticeable
you have never done steroids and you have no fucking idea what you're talking about

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It’s true but you are only keeping a fraction of the progress. Top left is before ever doing a cycle, top right is current body after coming off. Bottom two are on cycle. Huge difference between all three.

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about 160
fuck off retard

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6'2 195
pls dont bully

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2-3 years with 3 months tops being consistent then 5-6 without

How to achieve anything like that? I'm lifting since 2008 and nothing happened.

Stop all lower body and focus on upper.

Good progress
Get the surgery if you can afford it

I thought my upper body looked pretty decent?

6'4" 220
pls advise

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Your arms are very thin compared to your body

What the fuck should I do

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Yeah from the front they are thin, think I’m fucked genetically cause from the side they look alright

be bf pls

not my type, but that sweat trickle is hot
looking good. Have you ever considered wearing your hair a little more flat? The current volume sort of makes your head appear disproportionately long

what's your routine for top left pic?

i experiment with my hair and facial hair a lot,rocking a different style every month or so

I did 5/3/1 BBB for a year or so and then ben pollack's powerbuilding program for maybe 9 months

68kg and 180 cm never been to gym before what should I be aiming for. Do I need to bulk or cut away fat before I start

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Just start lifting and eat whatever your body tells you to eat. Do that for like three months and then reassess your situation. DO NOT CUT. You might vanish.

Yeah I've always just eaten loads of carbs cos I do running/cycling never had a proper diet but I want to gain some weight and muscle for a change. I can run a half marathon and ride 100 miles but it makes you light as fuck doing endurance

Dad? Dad.

This is nice, just high protein bro less carbs gradual caloric deficit. Keep it up bro.

6'0 185. Best lift OHP 165 4x5
Worst squats at 255 4×5 (leg surgeries, legs still look okay tho.)
Overall about 1.5 years of training.

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that's fun then, mate. Just having fun or experimenting to optimize?

ty famalam, keep up your training, maybe you'll find a good female one day to spread your genes

gay, but I've got a few surrogates lined up if I ever decide to pass along these cursed genes

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Based for being open and honest about your roiding. Hate fake nattys more than anything
