get paid money to worship satan
Get paid money to worship satan
Oh but I do
based and anyonewithanyfameorinfluence-pilled
Is this dude a genetic freak or has he done tons of hormomal treatments?
Jocko is more of a gorilla than a human.
Jocko posting is being bastardized. Stop.
Opened thumbnail and boy was I not disappointed
Making this much cum ain't easy
> 4 dubs
>jocko posting
I wish this nigga would shut up about his dumb kike wars. Okay shit head you fought in some retarded places for retarded ideals. Cool man.
I think he's pretty cool.
Only thing I dislike is his mental gymnastics to justify what his government did in the middle east and his belief that Murrica numba wan and should rule the world. Respect for warriors is one thing, complete cognitive dissonance is another.
I mean.... they are kind of savages over there my dude. The wmd thing sure. And there were gas bombs that went off. Saran or something like it. The army swept that shit under the rug though. what other stuff is there?
first time it was an hilarious thread, it really got old fast. cancer
>worshipping a salty loser
Pathetic. The only one worth our worship is Jesus Christ aka God in the flesh. Jesus is so OP that s*tan flees at the mere mentioning of His name, that retarded coward
Eat your own shit
Holy shiet larp much? How braimwashed can a person be?
>how brainwashed can a person be
Take a look in the mirror
circumcise your cat
>they are kind of savages over there my dude
And this involves the USA half a world away how?
shit your bed in the morning
you have corona? good! now get up, fight it! stop being weak!
I'm broke where do I get money to praise satan?
Smile? Alright
tongue kiss a chinese man
>And this involves the USA half a world away how?
People always think this until shit goes down. You might start pulling out of the middle east, but 9/11: 2 Electric Bugaloo will pull you back in once it happens
you have corona?
no reason to stay home
Show up to work and show that virus it can't stop you
Shit bait.
America and Russia directly caused the middle east to become the violent shithole it is today. It never used to be like this back in the 70's. Burgers think they need to rule the world and spread democracy everywhere, even to savage shitskins who need brutal dictatorships to keep them in check.
>It never used to be like this back in the 70's
It has been like this for over a thousand years. Blaming the US and Russia is just historically illiterate and naive
>It has been like this for over a thousand years
No it hasn't you deluded Burger
What the fuck are you on about?
Nearly every insurgent group can be directly tied to either the USA or Russia directly funding, training, and supplying, them.
>we were training new groups to fight Isis as late as 2019
The USA keeps the sandbox a hellpit on purpose because if they ever got their shit together they would own the world via manipulation of the oil and rare earth elements trade.
>Our stance is literally, "If we can't beat you in a economically, we will kill your children."
>le athiest thinks he's not brainwashed
You're unironically retarded. Iran was as progressive as America in the 70s.
Atheists are the easiest religion to troll lmao
dilate, you tranny freak.
there's more savages in africa and mexico than there are over there. actually, nigger, we have plenty of savages right here in our own country, but you don't hear jocko saying anything about that. it's just a cope
hey that reminds me, what's jocko's opinion on the USS liberty incident. does he hate all of the americans who died on board that ship like all his politician buddies do?
i laugh everytime i see this shit lol, just the image of Jocko with a caption that says some dumb shit like ''wake up at 2:56 and fight for israel while shoving ice cubes up your ass''
Sauce on Jocko and the attacks on the Liberty?
he never said anything. i'm just speculating. that eyepatch guy won't even acknowledge the the victims of the attack though
I find it funny that he has absolutely no idea that a fitness board on the internet shitposts him constantly.
He may find out one day, and then join us.
>in fact.
>*camera cuts uncomfortably close*
>the virus may knock you down and make you spasm uncontrollably
what if he is, what if all these posts are unironically him telling us what to do
I don't think he would care, even if he knew desu, might even think the posts are funny, but probably feel it was a waste of time to spend more than 10 minutes a day here
Satan should worship me. I actually exist.
He's been pretty committed to lifting and jiu jitsu for close to 20(30?) Years now. I know he's said he squats over 500lbs. You figure over the course of 20 years if you add 1 lb to your squat every 2 weeks you'd squat over 500lbs. Less about genetics and more about being very dedicated to it.
stop blinking
Based and redpilled thread
How do I get on his level of squint? Do I just practice everyday?
Check digits.
Four scoops
Just foster your hatred of light and your eyes will do the rest