Are you on team /onion/ or team /garlic/?

Are you on team /onion/ or team /garlic/?

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Team onion AND team garlic.

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They provide pretty much the same flavour.

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>They provide pretty much the same flavour.


Use both dipshit

Shallots, onions, garlic, all of them. I'm an allium addict.

>imagine not putting both in every meal you eat.

Onion, garlic, and chili pilled.

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Step aside, team /jalapeño/ coming through

ogre mode for onions right?

or is it vampires? cus they hate garlic and would prefer onions instead??

I'd rather be shaped like an ogre than a dyel vampire though...

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Mouth waters at the sight of those tiny spicy beauties

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you look like a bloated goblin, shoo shoo.

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I fucking love halopenos

i cant stop eating red onions and garlic cloves in olive oil please help

Stop eating red onions and garlic cloves in olive oil.

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They are solid contenders to Pickled Habaneros with Red Onion

irl senzu beans

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nigga what

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Do you smoke your ginger or just eat it raw?

Fuuuuckin onions man. Everything i cook starts with atleast one onion.

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I shall download this image

is that you jocko?

not him but I eat it raw every time. just thin slices and down it, maybe dip it in some onions sauce or rice vinegar.


Both. Onion in every food, garlic just as a "supplement"

Ya fukn smoothe tongue

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Typical coomer
both btw

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How do you guys add onion and garlic to your diet? I’ve been meaning to eat more of them but realized they would be out of place in my diet.

>inb4 eat them raw

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Both, obviously

My mom's half-turkish, we always joke about just slapping garlic into everything
That being said, try it out and experiment, you'll be surprised how well garlic fits into many different dishes

Your tongue is fucking retarded.

Literally put them in like any cooked meal. Garlic makes like anything taste better.

>garlic and oats

This man knows.


How much garlic do you guys eat per day? Does it help increase your T?

Can I use this as a substitute for fresh onions?

I already use minced garlic in water. I don't have time for slicing and dicing

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4 cloves of garlic a day. I definitely get some type of test boost from it, women go crazy when I'm on that garlic high.

I'm on two per day atm but I noticed more 'mires than usual.

No, there is nothing worse than the taste of rancid old onion in your food. Stop being a pussy faggot and just buy fresh onions.

fry minced garic in the oil you cook in, easy way to use it.

Redpill me on garlic and T levels

what the fuck is that

Wtf it doesn't even taste good let alone be healthy fuck no

Try some. You'll be fucking fat girls in no time. You might even fight a nigga or two. Mmmm-mmm, bitch!

Well in Finnish garlic is just called white onion. Also both, I like them

No more brother wars
I put both in almost everything

Garlic + Rosemary Team

team soi reporting

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Do you only eat carbs? Any food with oil, butter or meat goes with garlic and onion.

onion and garlic are on the same team, you fucking nincompoop


>4 cloves per day

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I just slap a shitload of both plus pepper to everything I eat and cook my mouth is watering just thinking about it. It's so fucking good.

I just cook pretty much any meat with a couple cloves of garlic. just mince it and toss it in a couple minutes before it's done

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>not being onion, garlic, chipotle and ghost pepper mixed seasoning, and tomatoes pilled


>eating cooked garlic
Eating one raw garlic clove a day is easy as fuck, just bite it while having the rest of your food in your mouth so it doesn't burn you

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I chop it up fine and mix it with a spoonful of honey

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but user you want the burn

nigger detected

I fucking love garlic.
L. O. V. E. garlic.
It's the bomb for real, but...
When I cook a dish and forget to add the garlic, it's missing something for sure but still palatable.
However, if i forget to add the onion...
Shit's just trash yo.
Never skip onion.
Team /onion/ forever.

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Team onion if I had to choose because i can eat them raw and good for Test, but garlic is nice too.

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> Tfw youre in love with garlic but your gf hates it so you take garlic pills on the side

how bored are you?

No they're not. Did you read the OP?

Onions, garlic and mushrooms in n a pan with some oil is God tier

why for? you still take the raw juice, it's just that it permeates the food in your mouth instead of burning your tongue

based and allium pilled.
team onion, garlic and especially chives here.