World's Strongest Man

>World's Strongest Man
>can't do a single pull-up

At what point does size become a hindrance to your overall athletic performance?

Attached: feelthepower.webm (1280x720, 2.94M)

Other urls found in this thread:

Okay, now post a video of some calisthenics twink doing a 1000 lbs yoke.

How the fuck cant he do a pull up

Vid related is literally the only time when pull ups will matter.

Attached: Pull_up_form_check.webm (368x510, 2.94M)

bodyweight + gravity, no idea how much this lad weighs but he's 6'8 / 6'9 so he has to be pretty heavy

Ok, that looks pathetic.

He weighs 280 lbs.

I gotta call bullshit on that one, you got sauce?

except being able to pullup your bodyweight is an essential skill for climbing

There are plenty of 140lb people that can do 1 armed pull ups. There really is no excuse.

Hafthor literally weighs 200kg/440lbs, I'm surprised he can do that many half reps even, especially in a movement he doesn't need to train
For reference the world record weighted chin is something like 180kg

Probably fake but I can't imagine being so weak I couldn't pull myself up.
Oh no, I'm so jealous of this man destroying his joints and bones for the amusement of a crowd and judging panel! Look at him go! Hoist! Hoist! Hu rah! Ah-ha ha ha! Look at the big man! Look how rotund he is!

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Pretty sure it's legit. He was some Chinese daredevil guy, you should be able to find him on Google.

You live in a tree, kaffir?

>What are you talking about, bro? I counted ten.

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I know plenty of female climbers that cant do a pull up.

Well there's your problem

more like 460 lbs lmao

>Then he swung his legs over one by one for a final time. He did two pull-ups into the void, gripping the ledge. Attempting a third, he appeared to struggle, trying to find a hold with one foot after the other.
>Attempting a third

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imagine the panic this fucking retard felt the last seconds when he knew he couldnt get up

bait thread but he's literally 400lbs+. try adding even a single 45 plate and see if you can do 1 pullup.

Holy fuck i was wrong. He does weigh over 400 pounds what the flying fuck.
140 lbs is a lot less than 400. Lets see that 140 lb man put 6 plates on a belt and do 10 pullups.

1 plate pull up is neither difficult nor impressive

Strength is the one and only important parameter in real life and most of real sports. If you are that big and strong, you do not need to do any pull ups. What're you gonna do? Hang off a cliff and then save yourself?

Their lifts and achievements will be immortalized forever meanwhile the scrawny 150lbs twink in the gym doing 15 pullups will die and literally no one in a generation will remember him.

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Ask a single person outside of Yas Forums what a 1000lb yoke is. That is my retort. They will be remembered as having a cool little niche circus trick, like juggling swords while balancing a door on the nose.

Most people can't do a single pull-up with the weight hanging off their bones you retard

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>15 pullups
Jesus christ I hope not at 150lbs

>got too cocky
Iktf. Started really exaggerating my pauses on bench yesterday and failed my last rep. Didn't die though

Its not a joke

The majority of women are physically incapable of doing pullups

Its a scientific fact

>what is endurance

yes, now assuming you weigh around 80-100kg try adding 5-6 plates and see what you can do

I would be able to find him on the pavement.

>Doesn't train for an obscure exercise
>wow he can't do obscure exercise

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You lift to be strong so you fight, run, and pull yourself up...over a wall, into a tree, out of car, into a building borg can only do 1 of those for 30 seconds

your average normie still understands that picking 1000lb up from the floor is much more rare and impressive than chad doing pullups

No, they’ll be forgotten the instant the next roided-up beast breaks their record

>obscure exercise
Nice b8 almost had me

>the single best test of overall fitness
>requires one simple piece of equipment
>taught to elementary school students

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Your average normie also understands that juggling burning torches while balancing on a ball is even rarer and harder to achieve than simply steroiding into a bloated meatball

Thanks man. What a fucking idiot, I cant imagine having never done a pull up before and then lowering myself into a life threatening situation that would depend on doing one lol yolo I guess

I bet he's also bad at a split clean and jerk too oh no what will his multi-time world championships in strength competition mean when this comes out

I know that. That doesn't mean they can't climb.

> SBD poster in the back
Suckin' Big Dick

What if he has to grapple with a 435lb guy who can do 25 pullups

They can if they're not vegan or fat

Holy shit, this is actually embarrassing. Never thought I could see such a strong guy doing any physical activity and cringe so much. This is like the reverse of those dumb calisthenics fags.

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Mediocre deadlift 1RM and pullup AMRAP Chads, wya?


You are severely overestimating the average person that does nothing but walk to the car, walk into work, walk at the store and nothing else.

Added weight doesn't matter, total is what counts. 100 kg guy doing +40kg is the same as a 80kg guy doing +60 kg

Absolutely disgusting

>worlds strongest man
>can't even get his fat fucking face above the bar

Guess he isn't the world's strongest man is he?
Some irrelevant fat fuck can watch as I get my dick sucked because women like a man who can do a pullup.

The taller and heavier you are, the harder it is to do a pull up.


Manlets have to waste energy just jumping up to the bar.

Wrong, power is more important, but more important than that is skill. Strength is a cope unless it’s paired will skills that refines it into something greater

>Guess he isn't the world's strongest man is he?

Haha yeah man he's totally not strong now that he can't do this single obscure lift

Pullups are shit and useless

>The taller and heavier you are, the harder it is to do a pull up.
>The taller
Lanklet cope

Incorrect. The current reigning World's Strongest Man is Martins Licis and he can do muscle ups

>try adding x plates lol
Strength should be relative
If you weigh over 400 pounds you should be as strong as a man that weights 400 pounds.
Imagine being unable to lift your own body up?

>The taller and heavier you are, the harder it is to do a pull up.
This implies all humans have the same muscle mass by default and probably the most retarded logic in the world. Larger bone structure will weigh more meaning a taller person will have a higher muscle mass by default to support and move your skeleton. Feats of strength should be measured as total weight/bodyweightxheight giving you a number that is the percentage of your build you are lifting.

>obscure lift
>pulling your self up is obscure
Welcome to Yas Forums, where the posters are retards and the posts are even dumber.

>Manlets have to waste energy just jumping up to the bar.

You know chairs exist, right? I just step onto a chair and grab the bar.


I can only do 6 pullups in a row
up from 3 when I started, but I don't really feel them in my lats although I don't feel my biceps working that much either

are you supposed to really feel it in your lats or not?

Sounds like if you're too heavy to do a pullup you should take a pl8 or two off your fat ass.

I'm weak af but even I would put up a better struggle than that if my life was on the line WTF, he just gave up

I don't understand why everyone in this thread is so asspained
yes, he can't do a pullup because he is very heavy. His training and diet is completely geared towards being able to use his entire body to lift the most weight possible using compound movements. His calisthenics ability is severely hindered by this training style.

look at wriggle

What if he fell on his back haha would he be able to get back up?

>yes, he can't do a pullup because he is very heavy.
The part that doesn't make sense is that he is also very, very strong.
How can this fucker pull 1000 pounds off the floor but can't pull 400 pounds upward?

holy fuck this meme is ancient

Who says he can't do a pull-up?

The video shows him doing kipping pull-ups. Maybe he actually believes that they are real pull-ups.

It is a baseless assumption that he can't do a real pull-up

his chin isn't even clearing the bar
doing a half rep at most, incomplete rom


It's just a case of which of his muscles are trained. a pullup like that is (not exclusively but largely) incorporating biceps, his biceps are relatively undertrained compared to the rest of his body. His muscles also aren't adapted to this particular range of motion.

If he trained pullups, he could. But, when do they ever need to use that motion in competition?
He can easily row probably like 500lbs or some crazy shit, I'm sure if he trained it, yeah. Would it be a waste of his time? Probably why he can't do pullups.
That's like asking an MMA fighter why they aren't working on their golf swing. Serves no point and waste training energy that should be used for competition.


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Fatty cope

Bullshit. How do you "train pullups"? I'll tell you how, by working the specific muscles that you need to perform a pullup. If you're the world's strongest man, you presumably have very strong muscles. We can agree on this, right? So even if he doesn't have the stamina to crank out 20 good form perfect pull-ups, he should at least be able to do one (1).

His EYES aren't even clearing the bar. they're just kips

(herd u liek)

>How do you "train pullups"?
By doing pullups you fucking retard.

Okay then explain this. Before I ever worked out, I tried to do pullups. I could do 1-2.
Then I started lifting weights with no pullups whatsover, After several months, i was able to do 5-6 pullups. But how, i didn't train pullups?!?!!?

DYEL detected. Pull-up is not a good metric of overall strength. The logic you are using is flawed. Look at muscle recruitment in a pull-up. What's going on with your legs when doing a pull-up?
Nothing, meanwhile the deadlift involves back, legs, core and pretty much every other muscle in the body.
Opinions discarded, lurk more faggot.

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You were so weak, both generally and in pullups, that any strength improvement would have driven your pullups higher. 5 or 6 pullups isn't an achievement that requires specialization for the that average lifter; its quite mediocre unless you're quite a bit over 200lbs.

A 200kg/440lbs pullup is an achievement that requires specialization.

So you can only do 5-6 pullups, but you see that as an improvement? Good for you, I guess.
What you're not understanding is he can do them if he tried, but there is no point to training them because
A. They don't increase deadlift
B. They don't really help with anything besides doing pullups
C. You only do pullups because you like it when your boyfriend fucks you from behind and rubs your back.

Overall neuromuscular efficiency increased. This is a common training effect. You didn't know this? Some people literally do not have the right levers for "pullups," and some people don't care to do them. Do your thing.

Right. Pull-ups aren't a good metric of strength. That's obvious, even a retard understands that.

were you doing rows? did you lose weight?

I was pushing 270 at the same height and I could do about 5 overhand pullups before losing form. Wheres my "worlds strongest man" trophy???

It isn't. Who would you rather fight? Someone who can do a pull-up with an extra 45lbs hanging off them or Deadlifting 500lbs+? Which one would a wrestler benefit more from? Or a farmer?

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Yeah, but where any of your specialized movements even close to a powerlifter who is worth their salt?
I love pullups, but I wouldn't do them if I was deadlifting or squatting more than twice a week, training for those movements specifically, etc.

Last time I saw this it was said that the guy was actually very fit but he was losing his grip on the slippery roof and that's what made him fall, it's also why it seems like he's not putting up much of a fight to get back up because he was planning on doing more


As a wrestler, they would both be very beneficial and we do both. I would lean more to the deadlift because it's a more full body movement.

I'm fully on board with this because I'm a manlet so therefore I'm biased. When talking about strength I only consider it relative to their size. Kinda like "pound for pound" rankings in combat sports.

It's cool that you can pick up a bunch of metal, but if you can't even pick yourself up... wtf. Your size has hit diminishing returns and you need to lose some fat

everyone who does them looks like those 125lb beta males who thinks they have abs
>everything else
look strong as fuck
strong as fuck

mechanically it's the same thing

Because he's fat

seems as good a thread as any for this (not as heavy as the UNIT op posted, but pretty close)

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>Chinese daredevil
>can't do a pullup

get mogged

>mfw I'm a random nobody and I'm superior to this man in literally every aspect of athletics except for picking things up
fat boys will never learn

based grandpa manlet

supinated grip (chinups) use a lot of biceps, but overhand grip (pullups, the one in OP) don't. Both exercises are lat dominate. If you're doing overhand pullups and feeling it in your biceps you're doing it wrong

may the bloatpath never again be doubted

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On top of that, wasn't this guy on Game of Thrones? Yet he never got to fuck / pretend fuck even a single woman.
The guys that got all the naked women were manlets like Peter Dinklage / Tyrion, and Kit Harrington / jon snow

take a look at the people who like that numale shit and wonder for a moment

the powerfatty because I can just stab him once in his chest, run away, and he can't chase me

I've NEVER seen a more obvious juicer in my life holy shit

He didn't even realize he was in trouble until the last second and a half. He wasn't thinking "oh no! I am in perilous danger! I need to pull myself up NOW!" He was thinking "That's odd."

lol kipping pullups are not pullups

>coping this hard

Those people are better looking than the numales you're talking about kid.

If you don't look good nude, you don't look good nude.
Doesn't matter how strong you are.

you and your reddit spacing can eat my cock
but you're clearly underage so stay the fuck away from me and my posts

nice newline character. that means you're from reddit. here on Yas Forums everything goes on one line. you played yourself

newline posting has been a thing since before you were here. one more reply and I'm calling CPS because you've clearly been sexually abused since you're all over this dick.

>has been a thing since before you were here
is this the part where we get into a dick measuring contest about who's been on Yas Forums the longest? I've probably been here longer but I'll concede and let you win the blue ribbon at this special olympics

I am 280 pounds now and can rep out 10+ overhand pullups. He could easily do that if he were 280 with his strength. Guy is 400+, as are Shaw, Hall, etc when they are competing for most part.

imagine losing at the retard olympics

I gotta say user, I don't really believe you until I see your form. Is it strict or are you kipping

I don't think I've ever seen a woman do a pull up ever. Only ever seen one doing actual dips, and she barely eeked out 5. I know women have less muscle mass for the most part, but this always surprises me. Like even the fit girls who I see lifting often can't do pull ups or dips.

imagine winning the "most retarded" award

cope tardlet

>He's chinese
Oh, thank god.

Muscle tissue on males is denser. Imagine horse meat vs pig meat.

>i've run out of things to say, better say cope

based bloat poster

I don't record them, so I got nothing. I will say, they aren't "strict" as in there is no pause at the bottom, it's more reach bottom and go, at least that's what I've done recently. For all I know I am kipping at end, I don't feel it but I guess it could happen. I've been making sure to program it and dips all throughout dirty bulking like a retard.

those aren't even pullups tho. he's kipping aka cheating

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Oh I know it is. Women have more fat on them. Still surprised that the more intermediate to advanced who I see training commonly can't get a few out though. Then again, like every women I've ever seen training is doing high rep pull downs, cable rows and like smith machine sumo deadlifts, so not really going for weight and low rep strength building.

if you can't answer "is your form strict" then you probably aren't doing strict form pullups. you're probably just doing whatever you can to get your chin over the bar. it's cool I was just curious

You know in DBZ when trunks and Vegeta come out of the hyperbolic time chamber, and they're way stronger and Vegeta dabz on Cell, it's like that.

May not be strict, still pulling with back though. I could try strict, being a fatty tho, my grip likely fails before back does. Will probably try it soon because I'm curious. Try and record for myself too to see form.

>reddit spacing

>calls someone else underage

Oh man your cope is delicious.
Stay mad you fat virgin incel.
Those of us who can do a pullup are hanging out with our women.

It's not just the fat content. They're denser, heavier, with a higher percentage of fast twitch type muscle fiber aimed for strength. Women have more slow twitch type muscle percentage good for cardio.

Why not just let people enjoy what they wanna do.
>I think it’s crazy that he wants to put so much weight on his frame he literally can’t pull himself up
>I think it’s crazy he wants to use steroids to get so giant
>I think it’s crazy he would do a sport that will leave his body utterly destroyed in a few years
But at the same time
>why would I care
>why would I care
>and why would I care
Some people give a shit about their legacy. Others don’t. The arbitrage between them is nonexistent and irrelevant to each person

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based mudkip poster

was it worth it Ronald?

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>Why not just let people enjoy what they wanna do.
>Dude just like mind your own business man

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Brian Shaw has almost the same stats and he can do 4-6 from what I remember.

We live in a society, we need to care about what others do and think. All matter in the grand scheme

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>Their lifts and achievements will be immortalized forever
not really. no one actually cares that some fat retard deadlifted a car or whatever.

Except it mattered in OPs Webm

Lol, ok authoritarian Mikes. Fucking faggots literally think the weight you should lift should be regulated. Might as well ban those XL sugary sodas, don’t want you getting too big from lifting them.

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if y9u cant do ONE y9u should fuck 4ight off

I don't believe you


Hafthor is a fucking monster

nigger, i'm a 145lb manlet and i can do a 2pl8 pullup, get out of here with that weak 1pl8 bullshit


thing is you normal people are stupid enough to do this.

Yeah and he can lift like 1000lbs, but he struggles lifting 270lbs to his chin? What the fuck

I can do 13-15, but I'm mr. Skeleton.

My bf% is at 10%
Total weight is all that matters, just stating the + weight is cope. A 150 kg guy doing bodyweight pullups is more impressive than a 60 kg guy doing +80 kg

The old world record for heaviest pullup was a combined weight of 411 (206 lbs added weight). A guy half of Thor's weight nearly pulled Thor's weight. The current record is 230.5 lbs. added weight for a pull up, and I doubt the record holder is much lighter than the previous. No fucking excuses.

Absolutely wrong lmao.

Is this what you actually believe?

It’s like doing a 300+ lbs hammer curl.

It’s not edgy if it’s a fact you tumbltard faggot.

>At what point does size become a hindrance to your overall athletic performance?
These questions are so silly. The answer depends entirely on what kind of athletic performance you're going for. If you want to go rock climbing or swimming it'll become a hindrance quickly, if you want to deadlift 1000lbs then it's a completely different story. I don't understand why everyone here is so eager to shit on everyone else.

>“By climbing on high buildings without taking any safety measures, Wu put himself in danger and pushed himself to his limits, but that does not mean what he did is a sport,”

I'm at your exact spot rn, after having done pull/chinups for quite a while. Gotta say I started out at 250 lbs where I couldnt do a single one. Its just the same as with any other exercise, really. once you've done them enough, you wont get DOMS as easily anymore. what usually works for this is changing up your rep range, but thats kinda hard for pullups since you can only do 6 at a time...

What might work is if you increase your reprange by doing jumping pullups and focus really hard on the negative. if you can do 6 strict pullups rn, maybe its a good idea to aim for like 3x12 jumping pullups?

How good of a workout are pull-ups? They were one of the first workouts I really got into, kek I remember walking to Walgreens and buying a fucking iron gym pull-up bar for $25. I was 16-17 years old, maybe 165lbs. Now I'm almost 30, 175lbs. Broke out the old iron gym... been a long time, I could only do 5.


Fuck the Pope


pullups are a great exercise

Everyone is obsessed with PRs and beating this dude's PR for pull-ups is a lot easier than beating his other records

That makes a lot of sense in a pathetic sort of way.

Based. Gonna have to build that back up then. Being doing push-ups, used to be able to easily do 60 consecutively, think my max was 70, could only do 25. Up to 40 now, probably more tomorrow. Think it'll be good if I can get my endurance back up for pull-ups to get the push-pull symmetry going on, definitely helped develop my shoulders in the past. Now that I'm older I want to focus on workouts I can do at home.

>At what point does size become a hindrance to your overall athletic performance?
above 40 cm

How many pull ups can mass monster bbers do?

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Call me an asshole, call my mother a whore, i dont care. But stay away from the mongkut!

>Same height
Bull fucking shit

>we need to care about what others do and think
>lol, ok authoritarian Mikes
Do you are have the redarted?

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God you are retarded. I mean the dude weighs 180kg and never does pull-ups. That's like saying that Phelps is a bad athlete because he can't deadlift 4pl8.

>Manlets have to waste energy just jumping up to the bar
>waste energy
Dude, jumping up is what? 3 calories of energy?

You'd be surprised just how little energy you expend doing exercise. Jumping once is probably on the order of a tenth of a calorie.

I know dude (that’s why people “cannot lose weight even if they are working out”, they think they burn more than they actually do), I took it to the extreme because even then the sentence he wrote doesn’t make any sense.

This actually looks more like a form/technique problem then a strength problem, in the beginning he doesn't look like he's struggling at all, just that he doesn't actually fucking know how to do a pullup

He weighs 405lbs tard

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>That's like saying that Phelps is a bad athlete because he can't deadlift 4pl8.
Thats true though

i'm 193 and I still jump to the bar you faggot

Needed more chalk

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high quality bait

hes literally an actor, world strongest man, youtber, and you're saying nobody outside of fit cares?

Youre not a daredevil.

to be fair he probably has some kind of shoulder impingement or other shoulder issue that keeps him from doing full range of motion

Doesn't really explain what he's doing with his legs

Fucking faggots literally think the weight you should lift should be regulated.
Yes, serial number and lifting license required
>Might as well ban those XL sugary sodas, don’t want you getting too big from lifting them.

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With height also increase mechanical disadvantage.

2,06 m
Normal weight for your height is between 78.5 kilograms and 105.7 kilograms.

So lets assume 100kg as normal weight, Björnsson weights 190-200 kg. So with his weight It's almost like a double bodyweight chin up.
How many of you can do 40 kg added plate chins for reps? 50 kg?

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You're only good at something if you do it regularly. He probably doesn't bother with pull ups at all

>deadlift involves back, legs, core and pretty much every other muscle in the body
LMAO then pull ups involve chest, abs, delts and if you do L-sit pull ups legs

How is this legal?

Athletic performance
Looking good

These are the 3 Yas Forums specialties. You MUST decide on one of them as a goal before you start your journey as they are not mutually exclusive at their highest levels. At their lowest levels they are pretty much the same.

Nobody gets this.

I'm 5'9 and can reach every pullup bar in my gym without jumping. How short are you people?

Strong denial.

You are going to a shitty manlet gym. Use your tiny brain for a second. If you can reach every single bar in the gym at 5'9, where the fuck are tall people going to do their pullups/hangs/leg raises?
If you can reach the bar without jumping, then a tall person is going to be scraping their knees against the floor when they attempt to do anything with that bar.

Kek why you mad lanklet? Just bend your arthritic knees if youre able

Once again, dumbbell handle is not a pullup bar.

>world’s strongest man
>can’t row his bodyweight

Wow, what a joke. They need to add rows to the world’s strongest man competition.

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Read the thread hen kill yourself weeb

>strong mother fucker
>can't do one pull up

So Hafthor does more than the current WR, got it

Don't post this kind of shit on here please

you have no idea how fast your grip gives out while holding a ledge and not a bar.

If you need clue then its very fucking fast.

Youre retarded

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Shut the fuck up.

15/10 cope

I don't want to watch people die on a blue board.

hafthor absolutely btfo by the king

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>This thread
>150lb twinks vs fat rippetoe "powerlifter" types

You are all faggots

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>guy weighing 20% less lifting 50% more extra weight.
>the same thing
Great logic buddy

Shaw's pullups weren't exactly strict either, but he got 6 at 440lbs

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You can't talk about halfguy. The internet loves him.

Never improve!

he weighs 400 lbs lol, not 280

He is using the belt faggot. Belt protects the joints and bones.

>the single best test of overall fitness
the single best test of being a fucking manlet LMAOOO

Found the fatty

I may weigh 280 but I can still do 7 good pullups.

Bro, unless youre 6’5” and solid muscle then youre a fatty at 280

alphadestiny is like 160lbs and can do weighted pullups with 120 added weight.

he's lifting the same amount of weight. i bet you think manlets are stronger than normal humans because of muh weight classes too, right?

brainlets who aren't aware of the square cube law
>yeah dude ants are able to lift 5,000 times their own bodyweight because they're just really strong.
>just look at how jacked their arms are. pic related

Attached: ant arm.jpg (800x387, 35.96K)

just one leg of that guy weights the same as you retard and they aren't used in the motion, they just are dead weight

>best overall fitness test
>favors manlets with atrophied legs

You can be tall and still do pullups if youre not a fatty


I am 6'4" but like 25% bf

all I know is is that I would rather fight a srawny 160lbs kid who can do 50 pull ups than Thor

Damn I honestly don't even know if I could get up from that, and I can do 15 pull ups

yes, but because of the square cube law manlets will always have an inherent advantage. it's also advantageous to have as low bodyweight as possible, which means having skinny legs.
quads and glutes (along with lats) are the two biggest and strongest muscles in the body. these are very important for athletic ability - yet your supposed "best overall fitness test" rewards the complete absence of these muscles

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Nah m8 its not your big quads that prevent you from doing pullups

Its your bodyfat


i can do pullups myself. even if i couldn't, my argument would still stand. nice cope

the masseter is the strongest muscle in the human body

one time when i was little and was doing a rock climbing thing during the summer, i was struggling up on the wall and a person said "use your legs. they're the strongest muscles", and i had recently heard a thing that the eyeball muscles are the muscles used most in the body or something, so i autistically replied "actually the eyeball muscles are the strongest"

The amount of manlet twinks with short arms in this thread is too high

calisthenics are the only thing they have

Thor is bulked up at 440lbs rn

Current WSM Martins can do 5x5 pullups I believe

That depends on which athletic feat you're attempting to perform.

Manlets get go feel stronger than lanklets on this exercise
Then reality hits

Attached: 1583242451693.webm (300x532, 957.74K)

Very good .webm
Seeing these pretentious fearless people thinking they can forever get away with their imprudence meeting their impending end is always a satisfying sight

Wider grip means more lats, closer grip means more bis, middle grip means a bit of both. Also make sure you are retracting your scapula as much as possible and pointing your chest up. The motion should be as close to a row as you can manage. Really concentrate on squeezing the lats when you pull.
Instead of this try 5 sets of 10. Do as many pullups as you can and then on the remaining of the 10 do negatives where you let yourself down as slowly as possible.
Do this 3x a week and you should both be doing at least ten pullups within a month.

almost all normie guys i know are aware of diddly world record rivalry yet almost no one knows of any bodyweight faggot world record

weak dyel's sour grapes

>a guy who specifically trained a movement for years to break the world record is better at it than somebody who never does it
I think you might be onto something here

Do some heavy lat pulldowns, then go do some pullups while still sore.

I never feel lats pulldown in my lats.

wide grip uses more rhomboids and shit like that.
close or medium grip, with palms facing each other or facing towards you is what uses the most lats

>Wider grip means more lats,
>close or medium grip... is what uses the most lats

LMAO at your butthurt, my dick is dead weight in your mouth

Why ?

wide grip doesn't use more lats. almost everybody is weaker at wide grip pullups than they are at medium grip chin ups.
the reason is because wide grip uses the smaller, weaker muscles.

>putting your dick in a guy's mouth
that's pretty gay

A closer grip allows you to use more biceps to do the work, which limits the work your lats do. A wider grip doesn't allow the bis to do nearly as much work so you're moving the weight with your lats primarily. Try them and see for yourself. When I do close grip my bis start burning and failing before my lats, the opposite happens when I do wide grip.

I'm 280lbs been lifting for 2 years and cant do a single pullup
I can barely do 1 chinup tho

>fire department wants me to do 20 pull ups

Would it be faster to train with just bodyweight, or weighted? I can do 12 now, I've looked up programs and they're all completely different.

Attached: 1552785502372.png (1022x1146, 494.23K)

Make up your minds please
>Your latissimus dorsi and other wide-grip pull-up muscles in the back have to lift a greater percentage of your body weight with wide-grip pull-ups, which makes it the more challenging of the two versions.
Just look it up yourself and try it. You should know after like one fucking session.

be slow and intentional, do as many sets of x pull ups (however many you can do slowly for reps) as often as you can until you can do 20 easily, it shouldn't take that long

He probably weighs almost 300 plus being super tall means he has that much further to pull that weight up. Anyone who brags about the amount of pullups they can do is a coping manlet. That guy even doing one pullup would be more impressive than some 5'9" 160 pound guy doing 100

Armstrong pull-up program
Recon Ron pull-up program
Both great and would highly recommend. Just pick something and stick with it.
Alternatively just start doing 100 every day throughout the day.

You shut your fucking twink mouth before i shut it with my enormous cock

I've been lifting for 6 years and no variant has ever made me feel anything in my lats especially. The only thing I can think of is maybe the bars available are too short for my 198cm wingspan to do "wide grip."

>He probably weighs almost 300
He weighs 440 right now.

>He probably weighs almost 300
is this a joke?

Considering the lats are the strongest muscle in that movement it's not surprising. My lats are never the first to give out, but the wider my grip the more I can focus on contracting my lats and avoiding biceps during the pullups. For pure lats I prefer rows.

It was a publicity stunt with a company that would bankroll his mother's medical billing. The guy had fone similar things in the past, but never on a surface with so little friction as that steel building

should I pre-fatigue my biceps before doing pulldowns or pullups then?

I wouldn't. I prefer getting the most out of my pullup routine and then doing biceps after. If you prefatigue your bis before pullups you'll probably have a shit pullup workout because you need your bis for any sort of pullup.
Also if your goal is to do more pullups don't use the lat pulldown machine. I've always seen people get more progress in their max pullups from doing negatives than lat pulldowns.

Thanks, lads.

>206 cm
>79 kilos
>normal weight

What the fuck is this retarded shit?

Why are liftfags so weak lmao

so I should just get used to not feeling lats?

BMI is retarded

Until you end up doing really high volume, yeah probably. I can feel it if I do like a hundred in a training session.
Just keep at it and you'll notice your back starting to get wider.

Anywhere above 18 BMI because then you’re bigger than OP and he’ll desperately try to cope.

is 3 plate squat and 4 plate deadlift the max you should hit if you still want the ability to be agile?

how do you count 6? only on the first two movements is the nose barely over the bar, and even then he used momentum from his lower body. The next attempts are just swinging around..

>bmi is retarded

Not really if you understand that health negatives are more likely to afflict you in the overweight categories regardless if you have low body fat or high body fat.

Something akin to 60% of body builders now have to use sleep apnea mask because they can't breathe.
It weakens your heart.
It weakens your skeletal structure.

You're a retard if you think you can sit in the high ranges and think you'll get off with no negatives just because you lift weights.


fatass powershitters completely and utterly btfo

imagine my keks

I legitimately have sleep apnea and gaining muscle mass made it easier for me to sleep comfortably. i.e. 160lbs to 175lbs at 19% bf

Even pianoman said, if your pullup count goes down, youre not getting proportionally stronger.

of course not. You just have to make sure to train everything you want to be able to do.

yes, truly a paragon of health and fitness

>all the think cope itt in awe of a walking meat t itan
Jesus christ.

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