Are eggs bad for you? I heard you should only have one a day max due to the cholesterol in them

Are eggs bad for you? I heard you should only have one a day max due to the cholesterol in them.

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At my peak I was eating a little over 3 dozen a week and my blood tests always came back fine. As long as you don't have a genetic predisposition to have bad cholesterol then it's fine

Sounds like a lie but OK.

I've been eating 3 a day for years and I'm perfectly fine. Probably best not to go over 3 though as even good things in excess can be bad.

imagine being so retarded you don't understand the difference between HDL and LDL cholesterol and the importance of the ratio between the two.

You could eat nothing but eggs and be fine OP, dont listen to any DYELs tellin you different

Cholesterol is good for you. There is no such thing as "bad" cholesterol.
Can you guys seriously just do basic research?

>Just ignore all the major health organisations they're tryna steal your gainz!!!
Ok schizo.

Literally nobody reads the fucking sticky. Everyday I see at least 5 threads that are either bullshit questions that you could ask google, or information that’s in the sticky. Bunch of lazy douchebags.

Imagine having such a fragile sense of identity that seeing a cartoon egg in a cartoon salad makes you feel excluded.

Eggs are fucking good for you. Dietary cholesterol DOESN'T RAISE bad cholesterol (LDL) significantly. If you made a breakfast of a dozen eggs and some bacon, the bacon will do more harm (albeit small) than the eggs will to your cholesterol. Oh and the healthy fat in eggs raises T, so the (((scientists))) saying they’re bad for you are just trying to keep the goy in check. you’re welcome.

When I was a lad I ate four dozen eggs
Every morning to help me get large.
And now that I'm grown I eat five dozen eggs,
So I'm roughly the size of a barge!

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imagine it's your job to tweak emojis

use google you faggot retard

Everyone on fit already knows that eggs are based and a perfect start to your day

The real question is: Raw or Cooked? I dont have time to cook my eggs in the morning so I drink about 5 of them raw, rocky style. Am I potentially losing any nutrients or macros from just eating then raw?

Raw is fucking disgusting, it's like cum

you would know, fag


My parents said that in their country, doctors were going around making sure people had more cholesterol. Too much cholesterol is only a concern for burgers with clogged arteries from decades of eating fried and processed garbage. You need lots of cholesterol to make new cells and synthesize hormones (like test).

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I read that eating 4 a day increases your any-cause chance of death by 8% and chance of cardiovascular problems by 12% or something. But hey, I'm not trying to live forever. Just wanna get aesthetic so fuck it.


I'm 31 year old Boomer
bean eating several eggs a day regularly since I was in college
blood test are always good, blood pressure good, hr good

Stop falling for the cholesterol is bad meme

>Just ignore all the major health organisations
this but unironically

yes, consume the vegetable oil goy, after all, vegetables are BETTER than meat!

Unironically only eat egg whites now

Dietary cholesterol doesn't affect your blood cholesterol levels unless you already have cholesterol problems. So unless you have high cholesterol and your doctor says to avoid eggs, eat eggs. It's the closest thing to free protein you can get. Aside from bone broth of course.

>be for inclusion and diversity
>exclude the egg to make the salad less diverse
after all these years, I still don't get s-o-y logic

Probably the healthiest food on earth close to avocados and liver so no

Cholesterol through foods is mom science. The amount of cholesterol your body produces each day is such a huge amount compared to what you get through food, it's a drop in a lake. Cholesterol is what appears when arteries get clogged but arteries get clogged due to inflamation, choleterol goes to seal up the cracks, it's like blaming the firefighters on a fire.

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my personal bro science opinion is to eat a grapefruit everyday to combat the bad cholesterol. it all evens out...right? prove me wrong

oh right, the (((major health organisations)))

bioavailability is trash raw
just scramble them quick

Eggs are fine. See .
Plus, they have choline.

If eggs are so unhealthy, then why do chicken are born in them?

the hero disney deserves

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Raw is better for nutrition from the yolk, but shit bioavailability of the protein. Cook for protein, raw for nutrients on a cut.

Uh no. There's an actual difference between ldl and hdl retard

Ok schizo

blood cholesterol != dietary cholesterol. you should be fine.

Based and Gastonpilled

dont talk shit about eggs here.

Vin and Tortorpilled

dietary cholesterol has been proven to have little correlation to blood cholesterol you absolute brainlet


Eggs are good for you. You can eat at least 6 a day and be fine.

??? 3 dozen a week isn’t even that much. I eat a dozen for breakfast when I’m bulking. Right now I’m down to 6 a day because I’m cutting, which is still more than 3 dozen a week.

liberals are not people.

Dietary Cholesterol has little impact on blood cholesterol. Saturated fat might. Trans fats definitely do.

Raw is better. Egg protein is better when it's not been denatured by the cooking

There's studies on this you can google in less than a minute showing your body can't utilize nearly as much of the egg protein if uncooked. Whites also contain avidin, which binds to biotin in your gut and can lead to a biotin deficiency. Cooking the whites denatures the avidin and prevents nearly as much of it from binding. This is unlikely unless you're eating more than half a dozen raw eggs a day for a very long time, but it's still a thing.

eggs have good cholesterol, always forget if that is HDL or LDL

That's not how cholesterol works.

This seems to be true as far as scientific knowledge today goes.
Dietary cholesterol intake does not show correlation with blood cholesterol levels in adults without genetic disposition for high blood cholesterol levels.
So yeah, you could eat all the eggs in that case.

The food pyramid was developed by the department of agriculture.

I eat 5 eggs every day, I'm doing fine. Can post pic of the mountain of cases I still have.

8-12 a day.

Had to figure out what to do with my garden after I went carnivore. Grow plants, put plants in black soldier fly bin, feed BSF to chickens, eat chicken eggs.

I eat 4-8 daily and my cholesterol is fine.

testosterone is made from cholesterol, why would want to miss on your test gains, plus it's been proven a while ago that eating a low fat diet increased the "bad" cholesterol

Thanks dude now i hate some jennifer and google more than before.
No change in relation to vegans because i hated those before

My God, how I hate liberals

Based and chickenpilled. Post photos of hour setup.

this is true.

Ever since I've been eating 8+ eggs a day I've seen a lot more gains


>Multibillion dollar companies spying on us and oppressing the free flow of knowledge are good because they removed eggs :)
What a bunch of spineless morons

day of the rope won't spare you, filthy kike.

Raw is fucking shit for our body, you cant absorb all of its nutrients.
Just don't overcook the yolk

I ate steak and 2 eggs every single day for months and got a blood test done and my cholesterol was very low. But if you want to be a good goy, replace with onions or bugs.


Nah the evidence now really points to genetics. If your shitty genetics make you susceptible to having bad cholesterol, eggs will kill you. If they aren't, you're fine.
We're finally getting to the point where people can accept reality that genes decide almost everything - this completely true viewpoint fell out of favour after wwii but it's just now becoming acceptable again.
Just wait until Yas Forums finds out that different individuals respond massively differently to different types of training, as demonstrated in studies - some people only respond to power training, some to medium reps, some to high reps, some to anything, and a few to absolutely nothing. At least the GDEs among us know about that last one.

nothing wrong with onions