Do you think you could take on a tiger in a hand-to-hand combat...

Do you think you could take on a tiger in a hand-to-hand combat? People tend to assume it's impossible but I bet I would stand a good chance since I've been working on my agility and explosive strength for more than 15 years now. I also practice judo so I would be able to use his momentum against him and after that deliver a swift kick to the head to knock him out.

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Other urls found in this thread:

Youll never know until you try. Plz post video.

You would be eviscerated in 0.5 seconds

It's just a fucking cat, how hard can it be?
Any serious powerlifter would demolish the pussy

What kinda tiger are we talkin? A juvenile Bengal, a full-grown Siberian or something in between?

I love these threads

I fucking hate these threads

Youre totally right. Get that gopro and be ready to become a famous internet star.

Bro every body attribute of a tiger makes it better at killing
It's so good at killing that it doesn't even need camo like a bear or a gorilla might
It's so alpha evolution gave it a disadvantage for fucking game balance and it's still alpha

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Then explain why they’re nearly extinct retard

god i wish humans were as strong as apex predators fuck this intelligence and weapons bullshit i just want to be an animal

Chinese people want bigger dicks

No. A cheetah is the biggest cat I could defeat in a neutral arena

A full grown tiger? No weapons? My best shot would be to charge at it, scream, and generally behave unlike any prey animal its ever seen. Hopefully, tiger says "fuck this. I'm gonna go eat a gibbon." Should the tiger choose to engage, I would do everything in my power to attack the eyes, nose, and throat, preferably while hugging its back/neck avoiding the claws. I can do little actual damage, but I can try to be too much trouble to eat. Even if I optimize my chances, odds are still heavily in favor of the tiger.

You'd probably have a chance against a mountain lion too. Not even odds, but a chance.

>tfw my gym has a tiger
>tfw he blocks the toilets all the time so i cant refill my water bottle

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This basically, honestly with bare hands unless you are a 6’5” Olympian wrestler you are at a big disadvantage. If you had a knife you could maybe win although pretty heavily battered, and a Speer or yuge ass 5’ club or something of the sort and the strength to wield it you could maybe get away mostly unharmed. Humans evolved to use our brains and while we can get very strong and could take on many smaller animals bare handed imo, tigers a pretty big and have claws


Cats absolutely hate when you touch their bellies, that dude must be retarded.

I rank a cheetah higher than a mountain lion. I would smash a average size mountain lion.

Depends on how you start
Mile away or inch away

You just gotta cardio enough to get away

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Yeah, you can stomp a tiger in a marathon, but not even the toppest sprinters could run away from one

Imagine that happening to you. I dont blame pajeet for shitting on the street that time.

Based Orochi Doppo wannabe
Post vids of getting mauled to death

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>inb4 not a tiger

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Some dumbass is eventually gonna think these threads are serious and will try actually fighting one of these monsters

There will be a generation that thinks Tigers are mythical creatures because they will be extinct

China was a mistake

absolutely, is very simple actually, there is only three steps, duck, take its back, choke.
>inb4 jiujitsu fag
lol no, a jiujitsu fag would try buttscooping to get a butterfly sweep, jokes aside tho
if you are face to face with a tiger extend your arms to make yoursefl look bigger and never break eye contact, the tiger will try to impose dominance and will stand in two legs two, whatever you do don't break eye contact or take a step back, since his prescence doesn't seem to be working to intimidate you he will roar, counter that with your own more powerfull roar and silence the little kitten, even tigers want to avoid confrontations with another beast, but the tiger still has its pride and will attack, the tiger will leap up to 20 meters, so don;t underestimate the distance and the first attack will be tiger paw strike, make sure you catch with what paw he was standing in front, if its orthodox then duck under the right, if its southpaw, duck under the left, congratulation the hardest part is done, with the opposite hand of his strike grab the fur a pull down with all your bw behind it, then jump and take its back make sure you have a strong leg triangle on its body so he doesn't shake you off, from here you can do anything, ground and pound, shoving your hand rhough its ear, but i am an animal lover so i suggest doing a rnc to put it out quickly and painlessly, however the tiger neck is very thick so you are going to need to press real hard and don't let go until its no longer moving or breathing, that's it, that's how you beat a tiger.

oh i forgot to add, if i tiger is sprinting towards you he will leap, but this only makes everything easier, just go straight for ducking under, everything else is the same, its just matter of focus, will and a little bit of technique backeed up by a solid foundation of strength

Because we broke the game. Literally nothing can defeat us. We cause shit to go extinct accidentally at this point

Well that's terrifying

Mountain lions kill moose.

This is all good fun bet even a fragile cheetah can drag over 100 lbs up a tree with its face.

In a fight with any cat you would be so deeply wounded and heavily bleeding before you saw the thing move. The next thing you would be aware of is fangs in neck or face and if you're lucky death. If you're unlucky you would feel it's hind claws dragging your intestines and other organs from your body before you die

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A tiger can decapitate you with a swipe, fucking retards.

You're fucking retarded. Please I beg you to go and try it irl and record it live for us to watch you get mauled to death

dude. its a 600 lb cat. its gonna fuck you up. they dont hesitate to kill. it will simply bite your neck.

Most big cats know better than to fuck with full grown men because they know they can be seriously hurt even if they win the fight

If encountering one in the wild, most experts would tell you to take a wide stance and walk towards the tiger in a menacing gait while staring it down.

The only times tigers get the jump on adult men is when they are bending over and not paying attention to their surroundings. If a tiger gets you from behind you're just fucked.

You would be torn to shreds in seconds.
While your guts are being scattered around you with its razor sharp hindlegs digging into your stomach, your back would be impaled/held in place by 10 4in steakknife hooks, it would simultaneously be trying to crush your windpipe/neck and puncturing your jugular with its 3inch fangs.

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you are thinking of leopards. cheetahs cant climb trees

this is retarded. experts would tell you to carry a gun. or not be in tiger country. stick to the jeep. just like in fucking jurassic park.


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We're all serious here bro
I could fuck a gorilla with my bare hands

I can squat 600 lbs for reps

Would be a real shame if there was a whole internet full of proof that you're wrong, huh?

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Would help if they used something other than manlets

But even if you're the strength and mass of 3 manlets, you still can't beat a tiger. They're the equivalent of 5 or 6 humans stacked into one body.

Based and retardpilled

Humans are natural tiger prey.

Easily. Tigers don't have hands

You're badly underestimating the strength and size of a tiger, if you can't spook it away and it actually comes to fighting it you'll get your guts or neck ripped out immediately - no matter your strength and size by human standards. A club won't help either, if you can use it you're already too close. A spear is the least weapon you have the slightest chance with.

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It wouldn't gut you, they are trained to go to the jugular. It'll just pierce your neck and choke you to death.
The captcha...

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Dude you literally can't. It would instantly disable you. What, you're going to punch it? Cheetas don't have fragile human skulls.
You could get a fucking rock, throw the rock as hard as you possibly could directly at it's face, with the cat standing still like 3 feet in front of you and all you'd do is piss it off.

>Cats have barbed penises to tear vagina during intercourse. Do you really want to fuck with that?
>Pic related is what a cat dick looks like, don't fucking Google cat dicks. I just did. I am fucking scarred for life.

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>Would I stand a chance against large predators who were designed to hunt and kill for food
>I would only be using my fists
Super hero movies were a mistake.

Holy shit what a bunch of pathetic queers itt, I know Yas Forums is mostly a group of dyel faggots who barely started lifting to cope with being incels but holy fuck this shit is pathetic.
I would single handedly kill a 6'6 400 pound cat, as long as I have the option to go for the unethical kill. I'd fucking gouge out it's eyes and crush it's skull inside out, a few 3 inch deep cuts on my back or arms in order to survive are nothing, then I'd rape it's corpse for fucking with me. If I can use a knife or any weapon that isn't gun tier it's fucking over before it starts. Have some fucking self respect you fucking morons.

Also why the fuck do you want to fight a tiger op. They're mostly friendly, stop being a dumbass.

Start a Kickstarter. Raise 2 million dollars minimum. Then fucking do it. I would pay you 200 dollars personally to see you try that.

He gets on top of me, easy scissor sweep to top mount and ezekial choke

Maybe some day, ideally I'd like to fight a rhino to the death. An elephant would be too cruel since they see us as dogs and I can't bring myself to kill it knowing that it wouldn't defend itself it would just go "Why are you doing this to me."
Which is another problem, I like animals too much and tigers aren't particularly autistic. I'd have to find the biggest most aggressive one out there then see if it throws the first punch. Then I'd kill it.
No clue what the fuck op is trying to accomplish fighting a tiger it's not a test of strength by any means.

Hey, faggots.
Read this, you are severely underestimating how powerful a big cat can be.
50 pound kitty almost kills a 150 5'10 fag, he is lucky he was able to choke the kitten.

you are retarded

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Look at it's fucking face in the second video. What the fuck even is that thing?

Start with a mountain lion bro.

Ngl, I thought mountain lions would be like, pussy ass cats because they're only 150 - 200 lbs full grown. Then I went to this zoo that deals with rescuing injured local wild life and I saw a mountain lion close up-- holy fuck that thing would kill me in seconds. They're fucking massive, way bigger than you would expect.

Then imagine a tiger that's 3x that size. Like, straight up 700+ lbs of solid muscle and 12 feet in length.

But honestly, tigers are endangered so you should start with killing mountain lions. Capture one, bring it into some sort of cage, then fist fight it in the cage. I believe in you

This is the dumbest fucking thread I have ever seen on Yas Forums
Tigers are the Yas Forumstest of all big cats and would viciously kill any person on the planet. Without a weapon, a man is doomed against these creatures. Do you not realize how thick their hides are compared to our shitty skin? You dumb niggers, you can't kill a tiger with your bare hands.
Holy Jesus fucking Christ the retardation.
Of all apex predators, they are perhaps, the chaddest.

>Of all apex predators, they are perhaps, the chaddest.
Idk Orcas might beat them out.

Bears are cool as fuck, excluding their polar counter parts - those look kinda dumb.

Orcas look like a bunch of fucking virgins, uncool and unbased.

>Orcas look like a bunch of fucking virgins, uncool and unbased.
Orcas are smart as fuck and can kill great whites with ease.

Now TIGER is my best friend

Meant for

How about a gorilla?


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>This is the dumbest fucking thread I have ever seen on Yas Forums
I can do better if I try

Should've linked the gorilla fighting technique thread.

Hey isn't that a hentai?

No he should have linked the donut spam threads.


Leopards can drag a shit ton more than 100lbs up a tree

itsd just an indian person calm down

If I guessed right the whole fight and never got pinned or something, maybe I'd have a shot. It feels like one of those things that would vary fight to fight. Most likely not though.

Fuck I forgot how hilarious some of the threads were on Yas Forums. I would pay solid fucking money to see someone willingly try to fight a tiger. Honestly even if that person had a sword I'd still heavily bet on the tiger. They would absolutely fuck up 98 percent of the human population in one on one combat.

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I would totally fuck it up. Yeah it's pretty strong, but it's dumb as fuck. All it knows how to hunt is retarded deers and shit, it never dealt with someone smart enough to study it's moves before a battle and train. All you really have to do is jump on it's back and put it into a rear naked choke, then it's game fucking over

>imagine accidentally betting against that 2% of humanity
honestly if someone is willing to take on a tiger i would genuinally thin that there might be a chance the he can actually do it

I can see your point. But I also think there's enough idiots out there to make it unapplicable.

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Nonsense, I trained muay Thai so my elbows and kicks would just break that poor cat. I could probably best a gorilla on a 5x5'

Post body

Some roman gladiators would specialize in fighting animals, one of those animals were lions and they would win. Not one doubt in my mind you could take one on OP just arm yourself with a shield and a sword.

true, true, i guess you would have to take into consideration the looks of that person, you know how he looks, how he talks and all that, maybe check for calluses on the knuckles and stuff, also i know its an arbitrary number but supposing that only 2% of mankind can take on a wild tiger, that's arround 14 million people in the world that can take on a tiger, that's a pretty big number and i would like to make it bigger, how about you?


Nobody itt has ever seen a tiger in real life. Visit a zoo you actual retards

Broccoli IQ. If tigers were 1/2 as smart as humans and formed large social groups our prehistoric ancestors never would have survived.

You would be physically unable to summon any strength as it lunges and bites your neck in the time it takes you to even realize its moved and by that time all your explosive power is gushing from your crushed windpipe.

I know this thread is in good fun but I'm honestly astounded that some people are either too stupid or ill-informed that they think they could possibly last more than half a second. Hell, half a second is generous. That beefy fucker will instinctually go for the spine and sever it with one buttery motion, turning you into a Christopher Reeves.

Humans are relatively weak and fragile creatures. Nothing wrong with that. We have large brains and form complex groups. Being eusocial is our greatest strength.

I would put money on a full grown tiger being able to kill the strongest human, in a fight to the death. They are 600 lbs, obligate carnivore, killing machines.

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Actually manlets would have a lower center of mass and better leverages on their lat and other back muscles. They'd actually be at an advantage. I'm also not sure how slick the floor is where they are pulling compared to the lion in grass that it can grip. Still, its pretty impressive.

The strongest human with a sword and in full chain-mail would still lose. Its going to be biting down on your neck or skull within 1 second of seriously trying to kill you. The pressure alone would be enough to incapacitate you, if not begin to crack your skull or snap your spin.

A human's biggest advantage is the tiger not being an autist and actually trying to fight you to the death - if you are somehow able to poke at its eyes or get some cuts in with a blade, if might leave you alone. Assuming you could even cut through their thick skin while being mauled.

Nigger, I've visited a tiger park in India where, in the past, one tiger and her cub alone killed about 350 people until some Englishman hunted them down.

Very good.

I am ambivalent towards these threads

>Tigers dont have camo

It's a tiger, basically a really big cat. I'd just scratch it behind the ears and rub it's chin until it was lulled into a false sense of security then suplex the fucker

Checked and keked.

>nothin personell, kid

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Maybe if it was too busy killing someone else first and I was the Mountain on roids

fukken stellar post, pal.

Shame. Tigers are friends, not wrestle buddies.

Go fuck with a pissed off house cat and decide for yourself.

lmfao you dumb nigger the thing would rip you the fuck apart

If you grab a housecat by the neck and slam its head into something it freezes up and stops attacking. Wouldn't put up much of a fight if any at all.

No human can ever hope to beat a tiger in one on one combat. That being said, I left humanity behind long ago

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>be a panjeet
>visiting some place in the north that’s kinda remote
>2 Landrover convey for my family + panjeet help
>drive around at sunset
>we’re stopped on a dirt road at this river near a woods
>looks real nice
>one of the panjeets on top of the Jeep start shouting something
>”tiger tiger”
>it’s a good 20 meters from the tree line to us and I can’t see anything
>everyone is running back to the jeeps
>I’m kinda not worried like do we need to run?
>panjeets are fucking losing it at me
>I get in the back car
>driver takes off
>turn around and see it
>sprinting out of the trees a hulking mass of orange
>it’s seriously huge
>everyone in the car is going nuts
>the tiger has caught up to us
>this car is already going 60
>it jumps at the fucking car
>swings and puts it paw through the back window
>inches from my face
Shit was fucking awesome. It’s fucking hilarious that white people think you can take one of these. A tiger can pounce while running at like 60kms and hit you before you can think

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Unless it just seduces you like in that webm

You could easily take a tiger with no weapons. If you were at least 6'0 and full of muscle and had a full suit of medieval body armor you could smash that little kitty to pieces, remmber that your lower body are your strongest muscles. Lots of kicking and keeping your distance and you could ruin a tiger. Only with the armor of course. Otherwise it will rip your throat out

I don’t mean grab a neutered cat that trusts you and suddenly smash its head. I mean find a pissed off male feral cat that weighs about 10lbs. You’ll kill it yeah, but your ass will be tore up. Then scale that up to 500lbs and realize how fast you’d die.

You realize they have claws.

i got my knuckles

It already ate your knuckles

Because I fed it a knuckle sammich and there's another one coming

>There will be a generation that thinks Tigers are mythical creatures because they will be extinct
>China was a mistake

Who cares about enviro bullshit. Preach your Gaia worship to the atheists fag.


Fighting a tiger is one thing. How about fighting a muscly martial arts guy in an amphitheater filled with land mines AND a tiger?

They don't hate it. If a cat has a high level of trust for you then it will happily let you touch its belly.

But they didn't tho...

You clearly have no clue how to use a sword, even a bear can be killed with somewhat relative ease with only a spear and those fuckers are so much harder to kill than a puny tiger, bears have larger and thicker bone structures, more, muscle, more fat, more fur and thicker skin. A good swordsman would make quick work of a tiger

If you're referring to the character which is actually 8ft tall and still just as muscular, I honestly don't think a tiger would even try attack at all unless provoked or in a group

>Some dumbass is eventually gonna think these threads are serious and will try actually fighting one of these monsters
stopped reading right there, i don't know about you but i'm pretty sure i can take on a tiger with just my bear hands


>even a bear can be killed with somewhat relative ease with only a spear
.t bear trying to trick people into becoming food.
I'm onto your schemes Mr. Paddington.

it's a big cat. Just use some catnip and a cat toy mouse.
After that the tiger will have been tired so you can jump it

>chained, starved lion virgin
>healthy, fit tiger chad

Animals brains react much faster than ours, think of it like fps in a game. We're at 24 fps and cats and dogs are at, say, 60. Motherfucker would die so quick..

brain fps doesn't matter at all if all you can see is max 30 fps using your eyes? now imagine if you are forced to fight against tiger in darkness, human eye fps is 0 when tigers can see in darkness very well.

I could...but i'd have to be serious and actually try. then it's easy

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imagine being this delusional

This webm I s misleading because the angle the lion is at with that rope gives it a mechanical advantage

holy fuck

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this is how fucking dumb your average American is. it's fucking sad and funny at the same time lmao.

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My old man was a tug-of-war champ back in the day. 5.8 farmer, his taller farmer brothers weren't as good. Even Mike, the shredded one, wasn't as good as my beer gut farmer dad.

This is autism. This thread is good because it's dumb and there's lots of funny responses.
Much better than 'i hate women' or 'tha joos' threads


A 7'5 400lb man on tren, and with all the fighting experience in the world, would still be fucked fighting a tiger.

The main problems are

1) they have claws and teeth that can end things in a second, while we have to slowly beat it unconscious with kinetic force or choke holds
2) most carnivorous animals have different type of muscle than humans. A baby female gorilla at 100lb could outlift any human that every lived.
3) tigers are made for catching and killing ng, humans are made for survival and creativity

I can't imagine what it is to be that retarded.

It's a pussy...
Just punch it in the face.


>I-I would lose a fight to a kitty kat s-so it must be IMPOSSIBLE
I believe in you OP

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>It’s fucking hilarious that white people think you can take one of these
White people just conquered your family and the tigers.

looks like a scared pussy

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Maybe you're a nigger. Close enough.

absolutely pants on head retarded, 10/10 post

>Op finds Tiger to fight
>Tiger jumps at Op
>Op ducks down, catches Tiger on his shoulders and proceeds to squat it for 5x5
>Tiger kills itself since it can't live with that brutal mog

>bear hands

Bearlet detected

my female villagers in aoe2 can take on a Jaguar with a dagger so it must be a pretty easy fight
hungarian villagers can take on like 10 at a time

>my bear hands
*cracks you open and plays tf2*

Not completely true. You need to have an excellent relationship with the cat to do so. Even then, there’s a line that you could cross though, they’ll let you know.

Nice bait, faggot.

>I've visited a tiger park in India where, in the past, one tiger and her cub alone killed about 350 pajeets until some Englishman hunted them down.
fix'd that for you

>Demolishing ANY pussy

I did this to one of those huge mastiffs, except it was curling him and he respects me as the alpha male.
I can confirm this works, if you wanna make an animal your bitch mog em.


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I would just punch him in the nose. Tigers hate that. Also pocket cinnamon.
yea sure
