/plg/ Powerlifting General

>10 Cent Squat Edition

>Squat Videos:
youtube.com/watch?v=QhlNbTsvxbE Juggernaut - High/Low Bar Squats
youtu.be/U5zrloYWwxw Duffin - How to Squat
youtube.com/watch?v=DsXj2fQ4uow Ed Coan - How to squat -
youtu.be/fU2gjpPcs_Y Juggernaut - Leg vs Back Strength in Squats
youtu.be/uGyuMqNVC-U Juggernaut - Foot Pressure and Knee Movement in the Squat
>Bench Videos:
youtu.be/F5kB94frA5U Bell - How to bench press
youtu.be/ily2X9LCEfg Duffin - Lat involvement in benching
youtube.com/watch?v=hZPYTIPb2To Spoto - How to Bench Press
>Deadlift Videos:
youtube.com/watch?v=oiDczs9j75E Duffin – How to deadlift
youtube.com/watch?v=xxFpHWEi6UE Coan – Conventional Deadlift
youtube.com/watch?v=edBFYfRVguo Pollack – Deadlift Tips
>Sumo Deadlift Video:
youtube.com/watch?v=lDt8HwxVST0 Coan – Sumo deadlift
youtube.com/watch?v=3PM9_MwlK2Q Wenning – Bands
>Assistance for the big 3
youtu.be/ACQizQOvLb8 Wenning - Box Squats
youtu.be/-febRoO0gG0 Coan – Squat and Deadlift Assistance
youtu.be/mTxOBkKDkzs JM Blakeley - The JM Press
youtu.be/ExL0-gJcUbs Alshrue – Row Variations
>Mobility, Stability, Stretching, etc
youtu.be/2ZGQ97fmmcM Duffin - Copenhagen Abduction Drill
youtu.be/Gvah8cWNkg8 Duffin - Tactical Frog
youtu.be/5avcuX4-wMI Duffin - Hip Impingment, Hip Stability, & Lat Engagement
youtu.be/e8JaC9SVQZs Duffin - Hip Airplane
youtu.be/7dT4KHtMM-A Athlean-x - Flexibility Drills
youtube.com/watch?v=EN6HAheRHYQ – Duffin – Warmup Squats/Deads
youtube.com/watch?v=YGglqs8YstU Meg Squats – Lower body mobility
youtube.com/watch?v=LAkV4fXwu8A Cohen – Ankle Mobility
youtube.com/watch?v=-ZXda1OqV4Q Cohen – Hip mobility

Attached: 10centsquat.jpg (1024x551, 113.63K)

Other urls found in this thread:


bench press is gay overhead is dope

You talk like a fag and your shit's all retarded

Love Louie, me

tfw squatted with a hurt hamstring
went well

>be me, first powerlifting meet last summer, bloat up for it to fill my class
>set some decent numbers (for me) and felt like I was actually getting strong now
>decide to cut because I felt fat as fuck
>injure back 2 months ago trying to hold onto S+D numbers (disc I think)
>back still not 100% but is maybe slowly getting better
>S+D numbers nowhere near my pre-meet strength (well S (~75% of last summer), can't deadlift still)
>at least my bench is slightly higher than it was before
>regained almost half of the weight I cut in the first place

anyways thanks for reading my blog post.
will it take me as long to get back my previous S+D numbers? It's depressing as fuck and I almost wish I hadn't cut

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Unless the injury will permanently hold you back it will take less time working back to your previous strength than it took you the first time. Something to do with myonuclei remaining even after atrophy from disuse.

You'll want to be strict with your form though as injuries tend to be cumulative and never fully go away.

>been lifting for a while but only recently started taking powerlifting seriously, babbys first comp 2 weeks ago
>everyone around me has some sort of injury
When will it be my turn to snap?

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Hopefully after you've made significant progress. Obviously one shouldn't lift like a retard but some degree of injury is inevitable, just be sure that it's from lifting heavy weight with suboptimal form due to effort rather than from lifting babyweight with dogshit form due to laziness and ego.

What are some good flat shoes to lift in that aren't converse? Those pieces of trash fall apart way too easily.

Go 2 shoe store
Buy the flat shoe

Deadlift Slippers™

Inb4 hank tanks the thread with his bad opinions

Sabos, wrestling shoes

I just wear running sneakers.

Bad user! Bad!

leather hi top vans desu

this, i like sabos a lot

Attached: sabo.jpg (1080x1080, 132.28K)

wtf are you doing to your chucks that they fall apart? mine last >1yr if I'm just using them in the gym and leaving them in the locker. otherwise sabos are supposed to be good, I use wrestling shoes now, I think asics matflex are good and cheap

UPDATED LIST OF PLG APPROVED ACRONYMS (Arcane Ciphers Of Never Yielding Muscularity), post, but don't spam, in every thread.

>GDE (Genetic Dead End)
Exercise low-responder. High injury rate, no sports background, weak willed.

>HANK (Hambuilt Asian, Non-Kompetitive)
Obese Asian manlet with a baby carrot penis. Doesn't compete, doesn't even lift, and is insanely jealous of those who do. LARPs as a BONER to cope.

>CUCC (Cuckold Uninjured Crying Canadian)
Identify as injured, without medical diagnosis. Trans-herniated. Purposely do self-destructive programs like PH3, Smolov, etc. They wanted an excuse to quit.

>VOLEM (Voluntary Evermediate)
Late beginner, early intermediate. Panics when the bar gets heavy. Program hops, works on technique, or sabotages recovery as an excuse to not progress.

>BONER (Bench Only No Effort Retard)
Wants to have the admiration and ego of someone who lifts, but doesn't want to get the squat or deadlift of someone who actually lifts. Copes with a combination of bench press and autism.

>CHODE (Communist Homo Of Dick Eating)
Angry, godless little postmodernists who secretly loathe strong, masculine men who won't fuck their boybutt. Some transition into ugly rat faced pedos, others defend said CHODES. Also known as PHAGs (Projecting Homo Ass Goblins)

>TCHAD (Tries Consistently Hard All Day)
The Isleys, MAs, and other guys with average genes who actually like competing and getting stronger.

>UFO (Under Fed Organism)
Adult human male weighing less than 200 lbs. Throw food at them until the problem is remedied.

>user (Anonymous Nard Obtusely Nattering)
A noodlebuilt little wuss of a human. Hobbies include LARPing as someone who actually lifts and not posting body/lifts. Can be safely disregarded in all matters.

>SUMO (SUbhuman MOron)
Too stupid and/or genetically deficient to just bend over and pick something up. Copes through a combination of clowning half reps and eating butt.

Something in my lowback popped on my third diddly rep of 585. My back was flat and good when it happened. REEEEEEEEEE

I don't know which would be more baffling, that you are the same gaitfriend following me around, or that there is more than one person on Yas Forums actually interested in the way I walk.

Attached: Walking.webm (1920x1080, 2.4M)

>going out of your way to provide spankbank material to a random guy with a gait fetish on the internet

Attached: file.png (720x611, 742.19K)

i mean the way you get up from bench or out from under the bar after reracking a squat is kinda funny looking,m you walk like a duck too kek
i love it figger

ゴ ゴ ゴ ゴ ゴ ゴ
ゴ ゴ ゴ
ゴ ゴ ゴ

I wear them for the whole day to work prior to going to the gym. They can't handle being worn 2-3 days a week apparently.

Figgy you're even more autistic than me. Your squat descent always makes me uncomfortable too

>A bench press in excess of both 1.5 times bodyweight AND 300 lbs
Touch and go or competition form only?

tng is fine if you dont compete but you will get called a fag for not competing

If you mean the speed of the descent, I feel it's gotten slower. This old (2017 I think) webum is alarming to me now.

Attached: Squat 600 lbs.webm (480x360, 939.27K)

Dangerous for back and lowers your relative 1RM

While this is more controlled. And less fat. I think.

Attached: Squat 565 Feb2020.webm (1422x800, 2.43M)

finally finished golden wind (I actually forced my wife to watch all seasons with me and dragged her to the jojo bar in tokyo, pic related), not sure what to put her through next
>tng bench is dangerous for your back

Attached: file.png (668x760, 908.91K)

O I thought you were talking about deadlift yikes

kek had my 5 rep max TM Bench day.
i cant do 85kg x 5 but 80 kg 5 x 5 is no problem.
I think soon will be my VD bigger then my ID kek.

Nah it's because you are too vertical in the descent. The ascent looks good, but your hips have to first shoot up a bit to get you in the right position.

fugg, i only asked once before i think, maybe twice. and pretty much its because of this the way you move is strange. when you got out from under the bar on your squat first piqued my interest. And its because i have studied biomechanics at uni and im about to start work as a physio assistant in a hospital. Not this video , though its evident from the first step you take with your right foot. I was interested to know what your gait looked like because of proportions and insertions. And now im satisfied, thanks homie

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yeah i'm really working on my squat form. I think a combination of tight hammies and right ankle (past sprain) is making my pelvis rotate in the hole since that's when I feel it in my injured back. been stretching both.
I guess in the past my back just soaked up the flexion but can't handle it any more
although the final nail in the coffin for my back was doing deficit deadlifts (~3in) and thats when i fucked it proper, although i had done them before with no issues but I think the cause was hammies again not allowing me to properly achieve the bottom position

careful with your backs anons it really sucks being injured

I use vans, they are great. don't get the canvas ones though
holy kek. love ya fig
checked and based. can't wait for part 6 to be animated

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it was the squat video from a few threads ago, from the other side (your left)


Everything after Battle Tendency is SHIT desu senpai

Attached: Into the Trash.png (600x597, 195.55K)


Attached: Squat 545@205 May 2019.webm (1280x720, 2.75M)

yes, that one. i dont remember how long ago you posted it, but that was the last time i asked. both legs look like theyre laterally rotated beyond the first step, which made me wonder what your hips looked like, hence asking for your walk. Plus the fact you lift heavy and i was being genuine when i said i enjoy watching your lifts

What's wrong with it? That's how I squat

@deadlift user
What happened dude?

That much rotation is often required to keep the knees from traveling too far forward for lowbar squatting.

I ended up not doing sumo """""deadlifts""""" today. I will now meditate and gain the power to resist the gayness. Then I will do it.
However, I am getting ever closer to my goal of pressing 240 kg in the calf machine. This is 220 kg fairly easy and tired already. Up from 210 (extremely grindy) 3 weeks ago.

That does look a bit weird, but I'm being told I walk weird as fuck all the time so I don't know.

Hold on you are baldie? What the fuck I thought there was a new trip. Had me fooled. I just noticed.
How long ago did you change the name and why?

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Felt pop in my lowback and then it seized up a bit.

You're just messing around here, right?

Did this happen just now?

get a pair just for the gym

at this point posting any lift at would be good content compared to the figgy orbiting hanks and the same four texas method faqs

a few hours ago. doesnt feel too bad now

> beyond the first step
i meant when walking out away from the bar. I am aware of how squat mechanics work

asics matflex wrestling shoes. like $40

I dunno, variety? It's just an abbreviation lol. I haven't been to the gym in three goddamn weeks and I'm going crazy, gonna start back on Thursday with probably some sort of 3x full body LP doing belt squat, hip thrusts, leg press and other meme leg shit and then the only upper body I can do is chest supported horizontal rows (seal rows or machine I guess) and standing lat pullovers

Baldman, have you ever injured your pec(s)?

I can’t wait till you cave and discover sumo is actually incredibly based

Uhh I don't think so, rotator cuffs yes but not pec

Huh, you can really see it after you point it out. Nice eye user.
He means at the end of the webm

Thoughts on my recent injury? FR already commented on it but I just want to hear your opinion as well

are you a kraut?
film more deads from this angle pls

That's not me, it's some American user.
I just post these to get his attention and ask him for advice and just to mire.

I'm not a PT or anything but just follow the normal protocol of taking it really light for a couple days and then work volume and weight back up over a little while. If it's discolored or interfering with your life go see a PT

i didnt mean to be rude by asking, and now people are giving him shit for how he walks. that was not my inention. Sorry Figg


Picture a fictional/mythic figure engaged in a dramatic feat of strength (Superman, conan, hercules, etc.)

Are you picturing them lying on the back, trying to push something off their weirdly arched torso? No. You're picturing them standing upright, legs braced, hoisting some massive object overhead.

OHP is strength, iconified.

I'm trans btw. Not sure if that matters.

dang. his vids are great, i like watching his DL

It's really not that bad, it just hurts a little (3/10) when I move my arm around, similar to DOMS.
I'm not sure how much to reduce the load though, any suggestions.
I like the clean stuff too, but yeah the DL is the best.

fuck off spam detection
Fuck off spam detection
Fuck off Spam detection
Fuck off Spam Detection
I will NOT reformat

What happen?

I tried sumo movement in front of a mirror
Looks like I'd have 15 cm range of motion

>Squat allows bounce
>Bench doesn't
I never understood this, either both should allow bouncing or neither should (I'm more inclined towards this one)

I like to imagine Batman archlording his lmao600lbs dirtpress, based trannyposter
Just feel it out during warmup, you should know what a deload feels like, maybe start by working up to 50% of your normal intensity if you can do that without pain, consider leaving out a range of motion at first if something hurts no matter what

>consider leaving out a range of motion at first if something hurts no matter what
Wait that's a good idea, I felt the most pain as the pec stretched, gonna do some good old spoto presses then.
>I like to imagine Batman archlording his lmao600lbs dirtpress, based trannyposter
>tfw BMan stood for Batman all along

I snabbed something in my neck (doc blames degenerating disks) and now my hand has been numb for like three weeks and I get nerve pain in muh arm.
Forgot image
>Master Bruce, when did you lose all of your hair and get a foot shorter

Attached: Screenshot_20200303-172456_Chrome.jpg (702x680, 250.07K)

I think the reason they ban bench bounce is because competitive powerlifters will do literally anything that's allowed in competition, no matter how retarded, to move more weight. Squat bounce won't kill you, but top level benchers occasionally suiciding and vomiting out ribs on stage won't look good for the sport.

Jesus, I remember seeing this years back
He really was a tough fella in the comics
Also nice, didn't know you were a Batman fan
You're now officially my favorite trip

I only like Batman for baneposting, sorry man, I don't actually read the comics. Go back to hating me

I don't read them either, I just like how they make him more superhuman and shit
Also I'm sorry but I have to retract my previous statement, my favorite trip is obviously Supermong (you're no. 2 though no hate pl0x)

Attached: No one cared who I was till I put on the mask.jpg (253x255, 18.6K)

I'm not even top five on my own list of people I like, don't feel bad. Mong was quite the character though

dont buy sabos, the velcro falls apart and dont last long at all

Let's hear that list then
My guess would be
>old pressfag
>new pressfag

really? one of the other pts a my gym has had his pair for at least a year and they still look in good shape

yeah buy wrestling shoes instead mine sucked

dang alright, cheers

Haven't been in here for ages does isley still post here? garagebro? sean? Norsefat? Boardshorts? Benchbro?

Kek something like that, I haven't thought too deeply
I've heard that, but again it's gonna depend on what you're doing to them, if you're cranking on the Velcro all day or wearing them around town or whatever. I have cheap Nike wrestling shoes and they are in the same shape as I got them, I'm sure cheap matflex will last a while too, some people like flat sole vs split sole but I doubt it really matters

Isley posts rarely, same for gbro. The rest are gone.

>the virgin lurk vs the chad stride
I'll let you guess which one you are, figgy

Redpill me on lifting belts styles. Is a latching belt worth it if your belly isn't drastically changing sizes, or should I just get a single prong?

Honestly just get a 4" 10mm single prong from an okay company, if you will ever compete make it ipf legal. Where are you, that changes company recommendation

>Where are you, that changes company recommendation
I'm in California.

Just get an inzer 10mm single prong in that case. ~$100, or less if you haunt the Facebook group "usa powerlifting gear swap and sell" you could probably get a lightly used one for $70 shipped

I DID break my right ankle when I was 4 or 5 or something, jumping around on a playground. And it was a hairline fracture my parents didn't really think anything of until they noticed my dumb ass limping more than a month later. They took my to a doctor, X-rays, and only then figured out I had broken my ankle. Possibly partly because of that, my footprints in snow and stuff always show my right foot slightly externally rotated compared to my left. Or at least they did back when I was a kid, I haven't paid too much attention to my footprints in the past decade.

Also, I initially step forward out from under the bar with my right foot, then turn left towards my phone to end the video. My right foot being in place on the ground, turning to my left effectively externally rotates my entire right leg.

watch this excerpt for a barbell medicine talk: youtube.com/watch?v=mdwj5ORPmX0
>1 Reassurance: adopt the mindset of desensitizing the aggravated area, do things which hurt less, not more. make steady progress in this fashion, and over time exceed the point at which the injury occured
>2 Load: Pick a load which lets you complete the movement through the full range of motion without pain. Can't complete full ROM?
>3 ROM: Pick a ROM which you can do without pain, do that. Can't do ANY portion of the range of motion?
>4 Exercise selection: Can't low bar back squat? Try high bar. Can't high bar? Try front squats. Can't front squat? try belt squats and so on and so forth

For all above points, after determining the thing that lets you complete the exercise, do your work there, and GRADUALLY move back towards the primary movement pattern which the pain was stopping you from doing in the first place.

Okay, now you've got me looking into this too much. This DOES look like my right foot is still externally rotated more than my left as a standard.

It was towards the end of the workout, I believe, so it may be a bit off due to fatigue. But I also have comically short legs, and this shit to make it look strange.

This is now Tripfag Walking General.

Fuck off. That is all.

Ok, thank you m8


its lateral rotation, external rotation is something else. And im not criticising you or trying to diagnose something, once its pointed out it becomes obvious, and once you watch your gait my observation also makes sense. Its just the position of your hips and how youre proportioned affect the way you walk

What's a good bench only program that is so simple that retards can follow it?

based trained walker

based short shorts

based colors of the Reich

based 1450+ total

internal and external rotation OF hip are different to medial and lateral rotation ABOUT the hip. is what i mean.
And its more like both hips are laterally rotated, most likely as a result of your foot and hip position in the squat. Your walking is slightly to the left of the central line of the camera, thats why youre noticing the lateral face of your right foot more than your left. Hence why i say im not diagnosing your or something , because you dont need to start obsessing

I trained DL without my belt for a few months amd now I can't seem to use it at all anymore. Struggled on a 455 pull but after taking it off got 4 clean reps. How do I relearn it fast?

I've read their article, and I submitted a request for a consult just to see what they say and they emailed me back and said it was $200 to talk to them on Skype kek

My deadlift sucks so don't listen to me but floor pulls feel all wrong with a belt. I only use it on squats and the Press™. Cleans and deadlift /nobelt/

I absolutely hate belted squats. It helps me grind out of the hole easier but it prevents me from hitting the depth I like to load my hamstrings and I can feel a lot more shear force on my knees. The Press gets the belt.

bc mobility?

Weird, I guess we have different anthropometry. The belt is like a jacked Nigerian man putting his arms around me and lifting me up and telling me I can do it right at the sticking point. I just 5RMed my beltless 1RM with ease.

>belt is like a jacked Nigerian man
Wait till you try a squat plug


oh my just started the excretion and this Norman khan already smells terrible






Wow this is getting messy and the Norman khan has a ton of luggage

Squuuuiiiiissshhhhhhh droppp plooopp sploop plooop splitpitysplaaat PLOOP

Squiisssh splosshhh SPLOOSH FLOP

... drip

.. flop

Squuuissh plop splosh plop

Stink factor 8.4/10

Wtf I’m not gone I post everyday (Sean here)


That better be paused

You can't fuck your shit up in most conditions doing a normal squat. If you take bouncing to the extreme on bench you can break some ribs

Try changing positioning and/or tightness

Your belt could be too low or too wide for your body to use it well with a (I'm assuming) low bar position. Could also potentially not be spreading your legs to make room for your gut.

Also seems to me that paused bench is way fuckin easier

It's not, you just don't know how to maintain tightness without effectively dive-bombing it for tng. I'd say that paused is about 90% of tng, ime.

>That better be paused
Touch and go isn't paused obviously. I can do 325 touch and go, have not tried a max paused. My only experience in the difference is that I can do 5x5 with 275 tng but only 5x5 with 250 for paused.

It's a 13mm SBD belt. I'm 6'4" so it should be too wide in general but my feet do feel kind of narrow since I have to fit in between my gym's kind of narrow racks to use the safeties. Low bar, yes. Maybe I'll work on a wider stance outside the rack at weight I don't have to worry about failing until I learn to bail.

Is powerlifting good for escapism?

The only thing good for escapism is a bullet to the head


Does touch and go actually build muscle by itself or it's just a skill thing

Why would touch and go not build muscle? Everyone does it for nearly every lift.

I'm retarded, I meant paused work

>three goddamn weeks
know that feel. been a month for me, and im not sure when ill be able to go again

Paused is longer TuT which would mean would stress which could lead to more muscle yes

Attached: yeah.jpg (1134x2016, 139.36K)

I think I'd probably cause necrosis in my legs if I had them bent long enough to shit in my SBDs but I still did a double take thinking it was me because I have those and the same red romaleos

but tut only matters when maximal motor unit recruitment is achieved
otherwise you'd get jacked doing slow ass 225 forever

Bench 1xF

miss isley
miss mang
miss sparrow

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6 years and I’m still depressed
oh boy

yep ive noticed this for a while figgy moves like a complete faggot

>Identifying Hank
>Yep, it's Hank
Now say your line

Extremely based. Anyone who advocates for men in women's divisions gets the rope.

Attached: ABSOLUTELY GLORIOUS.png (330x417, 379.41K)

Do you guys ever dream about each other? If one of you just stopped posting one day, would the other worry what happened to you? Would they nostalgically browse through the archive, lightly dragging their fingertips over the moniter as they fondly remember your shitflinging sessions with each other? As a foreveralone myself I think you guys should cherish what you have, as with all things, it too will one day be gone.

Tagging in this

No, that's just how far the bar would move from the floor to lockout with my legs spread

I've started accidentally taking a wide stance when getting off the shitter kek

>Do you guys ever dream about each other?
I thought my dream of being hip checked by Yokozuna was of Yokozuna, but I suppose it could have actually been Hank.
>If one of you just stopped posting one day, would the other worry what happened to you?
I might actually miss the little (he's 4'11'', you know) bugger. But I could rest easy knowing he finally left his fucking basement and maybe even went to the gym. Fly free Hank, may you one day not be such a morbidly obese, autismal buttsexman.
>Would they nostalgically browse through the archive, lightly dragging their fingertips over the moniter as they fondly remember your shitflinging sessions with each other?
I manage to wallow in nostalgia over MA, Alex, Tatsumaki poster, and Supermang without being THAT much of a faggot over it.

Oh, and Norsefat. Fuggen pollyanna dweeb.

Attached: But It Do.png (1200x800, 128.08K)

Why can't I lock out my legs when Deadlifting?

interesting how 3 anons now have gained back injuries at the same time

you think its the winter

if you can shit comfortably in sleeves they are either too big or too thin

yes let the sumo flow through you

at the bottom pre lift or at the top?

>Tatsumaki poster
who that?
winter is a possibility, but it could be anons are finally lifting hard and trying even harder to increase their maxes

Attached: Dr. Phil teaches Bulking 101.jpg (540x304, 27.56K)

At the top

Post interesting podcasts and articles, day off and I feel like taking in some new thoughts.

Has anyone tried the coan deadlift routine? Thoughts




Wow honestly surprised at this first burst of Norman khan where a lot came out.. wasn’t really expecting to dispose anything after last nights session
Swuuuish SPLOOSH GLUG FLOP... drop
SQUUUIISSH SPLOOOSSH SPLOOTCH PLOP. Doink!! Flop flip plop glugggerl

Take this new thought in!!


bench press is the best gauge of RAW PHYSICAL STRENGTH. you only downplay this because you're a pudgy, weak little shit of a manlet with an equally embarrassing bench press.

nobody gives a shit that you can bounce your morbidly obese gut off of your legs for your little bullshit wide stance "squat". nobody cares about your 5 inch ROM sumo "deadlift".

bench. press. is. king.

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They are a workout in themselves to get on. Some days I can't even get them on so I have to use my older bigger pair. They are SBD mediums so idk if you consider that thin. They are sleeves not wraps. Why would they be uncomfortable

>mfw i BTFO of a deadlift 5RM PR and smoke a fuck ton of weed and drink a bunch of liqour
>mfw this makes fat manlet incel shit stains bitch and cry and shit their cargo shorts like bumbling retards for some cringe inducing reason

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It's really good for strength off the chest

You probably rebend your knees to make lockout easier

any good exercises for a better Bench?

[current bench] + 5lb

Increase bench volume, increase tricep accessory volume and do JM Press, close-grip bench, skullcrushers, dips.

nope, not a single one has ever existed before some fat faggot midget showed up and asked about it one night on Yas Forums. sorry, buddy. too bad. fuck you. kys.

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There goes Hank being an unhelpful cunt again.

wow, did your boyfriend dont sucked your cock after he fucked you in the ass or why are you that mad and salty.

cringe quote, fuck this thread

bench press is retarded
ohp is literally a front raise
what SHOULD be THE press is cable weighted pushup. it involves more muscle mass, requires more stabilization, allows pushing muscles to express themselves fully in their true range of motion without being forced to pack shoulders, and can be failed safely.

consider weighted pushups but on a device similar to belt squat cable device, with belt being fastened around the waist. this would force the exercise to involve core muscles significantly, and would make arching and other cheating useless. if failure occurs, no damage is done.

There was a guy posting Terrible Tornado reaction faces and shit for, like, two weeks. Everyone else may have forgotten, or not even noticed, but FIGGY remembers.

Attached: DYEL Tornado.png (383x624, 139.25K)

Anyone have the video of the guy that snap-locks his legs during deadlifts? His lockout had a snap to it that was just unlike anything I've seen. Need a good laugh

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that was me, kbro. made that too. ran out of good tats. murata needs to stop dragging out the monster association arc as long as possible so we can more tornado during golden sperm and the tats vs. saitama altercation chapters done before 2025. the psykos stuffs been nice

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Apparently my university is having a weightlifting competition (but it's actually powerlifts). If it was a cash reward I might actually compete, but I don't really care otherwise.
Today is squat day. We'll see how heavy I can go with 5s, back is feeling good. I can do 405 for a 3x5 but I want to get back to the 440s. I'll probably try 425 at most today. Shins/ankles bothering me a little from cardio but we'll see how many laps I can do today after legs anyway. After some running on the track I'll do the bike for a bit.
Pancakes, chicken, maybe some pasta or pizza.
George Strait, Cody Jinks
Same as ever.


Pull: Stiff leg Trap bar pulls 1x20

Pull2: Neutral chins 3x10
Pull 3: T-bar Rows 3x10
Biceps: Preacher Curls 8x8
Pull 4: Neutral Pulldowns 3x15
Milk and whatever is available at work. Chugged a litre of milk to the awestruck amazement of my coworkers
Gotta mind more albums like Hatebreeder and Wintersun. Gets me fired up
Better than I probably deserve which in itself is something to be thankful for

anyone train 5 days a week

I train 6.

My paused bench is the same as my tng
My leg drive 2good

i started lifting again instead of calisthenics
did 220kg deadlift now my pr it waa easy 6 plates i get this year maybe

making it look easy


3x150 cheatlift
0 increase in back pain

Nobody cares about s*mo though

second squat session post injury (1 year no squatting). 160kg SSB squat ezpz. 200kg within the next month???

tjank u based SSB

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that's not 5 is it, you stupid fuck

I do 4

>You probably rebend your knees to make lockout easier
How do I not do that?

Go have sex, faggot.

I care, user

Just had 13 sunny side up eggs, cooked in olive oil, with salt and pepper on top, sided with feta cheese. Am I going to make it?

I'm proud of you user
Now eat a bigger meal in three hours

>Am I going to make it?
make it to the ER with heart disease lmao

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>overeating with a huge meal
wrong thread fat

you'll fit right in with the morbidly obese tripfags here

Rate me cheatlift form fren
After a dozen sets pain is just a tiny bit worse though

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youre just doing wide stance conventional

just do trapbar deadlifts

I don't know why I but I only just now realized you're a downie. Based overhead tard strength.