Are there any actual studies on the effect of not ejaculating for long periods of time...

Are there any actual studies on the effect of not ejaculating for long periods of time? I've heard prostate cancer risk is high, but there's no actual proof.

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we all gotta die from something, bust nuts or don't bust them, it's up to you

There isn´t any documentation, but there is tons of broscience with conflict of interests

there's studies with conflicting results about regular ejaculation and prostate cancer, unless you have a family history you don't need to worry about fapping affecting it.

Who gives a shit about studies. Few days are great on nofap then you get sad that you are alone and you have no hole to coom.

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ay bruh yall think she likes to get her ass eaten


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>Few days are great on nofap then you get sad that you are alone and you have no hole to coom
but if you do fap and coom, you feel bad as well... and it's a definite bad for your body because you're losing protein and blowing out your receptors.

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Of course, who doesn't?

Is there a way to have orgasms without releasing so much dopamine?

no porn and get it over as fast and as 'unpleasurable' as possible

I do it in a shower once a week, but it still feels like too much. Like there is too much dopamine and doesn´t feel really good

I find that standing up makes it feel more powerful so maybe try lying down.
beyond that I don't think there's much you can do.

i´m currently searching info about dopamine blockers. I mean i´d like nut every once in a while, but orgasm feels my head is exploding.

>not ejaculating for long periods of time
How do you prevent pollutions?

>but if you do fap and coom, you feel bad as well...
It's not normal, see a doctor.

LOL u know she do breh

>blowing out your receptors

Alright. Let's hear it. What kinda bro-science bullshit are y'all spewing now?

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Nofap only makes me want to fap more, but NOT pursue women. In fact my hatred for women and by rage is getting higher but more in a violent manner, like I'm going hard in the gym or just training harder in the ring, but I.still have no actual desire to pursue sex.
28 years old virgin, had a few relationships but it felt like a chore and felt like I was carrying the whole shit on my back so they all ended very soon.

I have reasons to believe I might be unironically asexual.

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I can relate, but my hatred for woman has decreased by lurking less imageboards

Same. Whenever I do nofap it allows me to process sex in my non-dick mind, which makes me realize how much of a waste of time and energy it really is. If you're not trying to have children, then all you're doing is wasting tons of resources pursuing whores for the sole purpose of "pp feel good".

what's it like to be loved haha

>losing protein
>"The average protein concentration of semen is 5,040 milligrams (mg) per 100 ml. Since one ejaculation usually produces 5 ml of semen, we can say that the average amount of ejaculation contains around 252 mg of protein."
For reference, a single egg contains 13 grams of protein
A single egg can compensate around 50 cooms

Your supposed to bust one every 5 to 6 days for max test. Into a woman

What do those studies say?

my guess is it starts to feel not as good when you coom over and over.

but...whats the point of nofap if theyre "blown out"?

Mastrubating more than necessary will cause your dopamine receptors to lose sensitivity, you're basically bombarding it with feel good chemicals so the response is that it needs more of the stuff to open again. flciking through tons of porno stuff isn't natural, and we've never had access to this kind of artificial stimulation at any other point in history, the only people who did where those creepy porno aficionados that had whole rooms stacked with mags and VHS tapes and they're not known for being well adjusted. That guy in the red velvet bathrobe with cum stains all over it, balding and with tinted glasses, that guy is now everyone who watches porn. This is how the rich developed deviant preferences, people who could literally afford all the women in any fetish they wanted, eventually burnt out on vanilla stuff and moved on to watching kids be split open or fucking people in the eye till they dropped dead.

Aside from that, you're losing tons of zinc and other vitamins if you jack to frequently, and most men don't get enough in their natural diet, leading to further mood swings. You will also experience losses in serum testosterone, but perhaps not blood test, however the few studies on the subject show that after teh sharp spike after abstaining, there's a steady rise in test, albiet slight, suggesting there's some sort of baseline to return to.

There probably won't be any official in depth research on this for many more years because of how useful porn is to keeping a population sated,and how lucrative the porn industry is.

Keeping it to once a week should be fine, more if you can handle it, less if you want to work your way up.

still brah, you're killing your gains

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I'm a bit skeptical of the whole "once a week" thing.
I remember seeing posts about how prolactin hangs around in your system for 2 weeks after masturbation, which basically jams up your hormone receptors. This means that the one week spike is worthless because the testosterone is just hanging around in your bloodstream doing nothing. The post I saw then claimed that as time goes on during nofap your baseline test rises and your body becomes more receptive to it.
I'd been doing the once a week schedule for a while, and right how I'm trying for a full 90. I'm gonna make a post about it when I'm finished.

Do whatever the fuck you want dude. Nofap wont give you a gf. Quitting Yas Forums and having a life will.
>t. jerk off everyday and recently hit it off with a qt girl after 1 year nogf


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On day 10 (or 11, lost count) and feel fucking amazing. Crazy how after the 8 day mark you just have way more energy and confidence when talking to people. Women and men alike.

Enjoy the vacation

All I know for sure is that test steadily goes up for a week when you don't cum, and then goes down a bit and averages out after that. So max test would be doing it about once a week, probably. Anecdotal, I know I feel a lot better when I masturbate rarely and never use porn. And no, it isn't guilt, I'm not religious and I don't think masturbating is morally wrong. (((Porn))) is fucked up though.

You mean like wet dreams? You prevent them with dedication. Can't find it right now but there's some quote from a fighter, maybe a boxer, who doesn't masturbate or ejaculate for like a week before big fights. He talks about having dreams where women approach him and he turns them away in his dream because he has a big fight to prepare for.

Dopamine receptors get less sensitive when you flood em with shit all time time, like this guy says. As a matter of fact I'll just quote him instead of typing it all out again

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this is one of the prettiest girl i've never seen in my life
this webm is highly disturbing
I need to be alone for a minute and rethink about things


stay strong King

After doing the 8 day cycle and back to masturbating 3x+ every day.

8 day cycle definitely helps. I feel way more confident and secure.

This is dumb, the sword was the equivalent of a pistol sidearm, the Romans most certainly did not march up with only a fucking sword against enemies with spears that could stab them a mile away

Also when Hannibal invaded with elephants, they specifically mentioned spearmen going against them. Swords would have done nothing. Retarded fat larpers can't even do it right.

is 2-3 weeks of not fapping enough to help restore lost sensitivity?
im on day like 5 and i don't know how much longer i can do this

just castrate yourself bro. No balls no problem

>what were pila

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Hoplites were specialized units. Utilized against chariots.

Wtf is she kissing? And arm?

>Mfw dressing up and larping as a roman soldier sounds fun as hell but also sounds (and looks) reddit tier pathetic

Why can't I simply be ten again bros?

Been on nofap for 53 days now and noporn for about 7.

Not sure if related but I've been down in the dumps since about 2 weeks in. I have anxiety and even had a panic attack. It's going away I think but I never felt worse before in my life. It may have been withdrawal or my body lpst the ability to produce happiness hormones on its own after a lifetime of fapping.

When I was 25 I did this for 112 days (with porn and edging, fucking Remy man) and I felt great. So again, not sure if related.

There does seem to be a low when you're recovering if you were pretty heavy on it before. Just like a withdrawal from any other drug that floods your brain with shit that makes you feel good. But it passes. Your brain is incredibly adaptable, just give it time and hang tight, King.

how on earth does one do nofap without also doing noporn
are you just looking at porn for the fun of it?

You can't really do noporn and browse Yas Forums at the same time. He probably counts all the times he's scrolled by it.

i coom every day i simply cant nofap

i dont think it really counts if you're glancing over it, that's like saying going to the beach ruins your noporn streak

it can't be healthy breh
but it fulfill a need real women refuse to provide

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i dont think you understand. i have tried but failed always so theres no point since ill fail after a day or half a day

but if you have a real girl to fulfill your needs, you won't have to nofap.

Ejaculating is not a need.

You may feel very strongly about it, but it is not an actual need. Let that sink in.

but i cant get real women ;^)

No, I used to watch porn actively while on nofap. I'd wait until i had a good solid erection and then let it dissipate. I'd just go until I'm tired and then fall asleep. Previous to that I'd edge right up until the end and stop myself. I've been very good at controlling cumming. No illegitimate kids.

Doesn't matter if you physically die, keep being a degen then you're gonna die spiritually, op.

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Hoplites weren't Roman, they were Hellenic and they predate the Roman empire. The guy in the webm is dressed as a Roman legionary from around 1 to 200 AD lad armed with 2 pila but using his sword for the majority of the fighting. The traditional view is that skirmishers (velites) rather than spearmen were most effective against elephants.

Now that you mention it that might be true for me as well.

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I'm killing myself tonight

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I can't seem to get it up with anyone but my ex. I tried fucking another girl and nothing, but with my ex I'm diamonds. I don't even fap a lot, what's the deal?

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some dudes just aren't wired to fuck randoms, or even if they are, the penis can be real particular sometimes.

But I WANT to fuck randoms. I have no problem getting them in bed but my dick just won't work. I'm having a hard time with this.

When you do watch porn is it a category niche? Something that you watch every time that you need if you want to get off?

I seem to get 80-70 percent boners with randoms but when I'm consistently seeing a girl and I'm comfortable its definitely more 100 percent boner.

Not necessarily, but I do feel the comfort thing 100%
How do I get over this???

Hmmm, I wouldn't really have anything besides abstinence from masturbation and pornography for a good while. and all the other typical bullshit like eating better, lift weighting etc etc.

Another thing could be the quality of women, I've met up with girls that were below my usual standards and found my willy not reacting as well as I like, But when I went out with more attractive girls who were more my type my peepee would get hard.

Finally, the comfortability point is a big one. When you're with your ex there's most likely little to no pressure and thus no stress. So maybe try to reduce the stress in your life as well? Boners are crazy things brother

How do you restore the dopamin receptors and all this system ?
How and how long ?

dunno, but i am again, giving no fap a real try. A complete fucking coomer here, only thing ive ever been addicted to. Fapping and porn, christ its a hard habit to break

3 months is the general rule for this kind of stuff but there's not studies on this specifically about masturbation so you'll have to take my word for it.

some say increased risk, some say decreased risk

It's 14 months to recover from an addiction

Romans explicitly did use swords as a main weapon during the Late Republic and Early Empire.

Nofap is for mental health. Cumming is great. It's really porn and cumming to porn that's the problem

I'm not talking about an addiction i'm talking purely about dopamine sensitivity here
and that link is talking about drugs, there are different rules for different addictions.

>but if you do fap and coom, you feel bad as well...
that's called post-coital depresion... you should seek professional help with that

What you describe is intentional misinformation from, I don't know who would do that, but you can find it all over the internet.

What you describe, (and what those sites call "adrenal burnout") is actually copper deficiency. Copper is necessary for utilizing dopamine, without copper, dopamine accumulates in your body and cannot be used productively. Some of the sites insist it's copper excess and recommend zinc, which will naturally make it even worse, as zinc depletes copper. Those sites claim it will eventually get better after getting worse, but it never will. Supplement copper (you can get animal supplement in bulk for cheap) or eat liver and it will go away more or less immediatelly.

Just block porn bro, there are many porn-blocking hosts files you can download, you can even go full autist and put pihole on router for house-wide porn blocking

If i take both Zinc (part of my ZMA) and Copper supplements, is it good ?


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do you take them at the same time?

Not at the moment but i want to try the copper option so wanted to know if there was interactions or problems
Now i'm taking ZMA before sleep and vit D

it's good to take ZMA before sleep but you are probably getting enough zinc from your diet anyway. Make sure you avoid calcium before taking the ZMA.
supplementing zinc will make you lose more copper in your stool but if you're taking a good amount anyway the effects shouldn't be too bad.

>avoid calcium before taking the ZMA
Why ?

will hinder the absorption to the point of it being useless. They probably say this on the packet.

Pics or it didn't happen

Your worry is less about protein (not all of that egg is available by the way) and more about difficult to get trace elements essential to functions like testosterone production or muscle building, which are found in very high concentrations in sperm, like zinc or selenium

I disagree, sex is really important but chances are there will be some kind of difference in sexuality, and that's fine.

Having a centrist opinion about anything is retarded. The world HAS to be black and white in order for it to make any sense. You're obviously a fucking troll. Now back to cooming.

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It’s a shame her porn videoe are some white dicklet and not a proper BBC

One study found that men who masturbate frequently are at a higher risk of prostate cancer because there's more androgens like prolactin constantly bathing the prostate tissue.

90 days man

Iirc test spikes around day 7 then returns to baseline. So fapping (or having sex) once a week would be optimal in theory

Who cares what she likes, it's happening either way

I think you're probably not as good a judge of your dopamine levels as you think. Its incredibly subjective.

who's this girl sauce?

I think the issue is that you're edging user, you know it would be more beneficial to not edge. It takes the reasoning for No fap and kills it. I personally think you have to completely stop both to not have the panic attacks

>enjoys sex
>watches porn

At least one of those statements can't be true, user. More likely you feel uncomfortable with the idea of being in a relationship. If you found some cute chick who was happy to be fwb and no strings attached I bet you'd be all over that deal. Do whatever makes you happy, bud. Have you considered a hooker to lose the v card? It may put things in perspective.

They say "have sex, incel"

Lol just kidding. They say "the authors of this publication therefore strongly advise celibate males to have sexual intercourse"

>pun intended

Try a cialis next time, just to counteract the nerves or unfamiliarity

I didnt know this, and I'd bet my left nut neither my zinc or calcium supplements say this on the packet

I'm currently on day 8
No porn, no edging.
Unironically feel better, days 2 5 and 7 were absolute hell though

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how you do it bro

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andyyy93, she's a filthy whore

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>she pretty as fuck

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what an insecure faggot you're the pathetic one

So I would masturbate in the morning after being in bed for 1hr and I would be edging and going from porn video to porn video for 30 minutes before cuming on my belly and then going to the shower.
It was the only way for me to get out of bed and it disgusted me. I got sick of it and now I'm getting serious about no fap. Longest streak before this was 2 weeks when I went to vacation.
Read the following for inspiration.
Replace pain with temptation / lust / sin whatever

>Whenever you suffer pain, keep in mind that it's nothing to be ashamed of and that it can't degrade your guiding intelligence, nor keep it from acting rationally and for the common good. And in most cases you should be helped by the saying of Epicurus, that pain is never unbearable or unending, so you can remember these limits and not add to them in your imagination. Remember too that many common annoyances are pain in disguise, such as sleepiness, fever and loss of appetite. When they start to get you down, tell yourself you are giving in to pain.

>Just block porn bro, there are many porn-blocking hosts files you can download, you can even go full autist and put pihole on router for house-wide porn blocking


Don't fall for nofap, it makes your dick stop working. Masturbate about once a week, preferably without porn and you'll be fine.

I have been doing nofap for about three years. My longest streak was about 8 months, and currently I'm at bit over two months.
I haven't Noticed much effects except for an increase in female attention during longer streaks.

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Notice how the guy looks like a dyel?

Lifting is a meme if you don’t have a good face or are short.

Thanks for the advice user.

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is her shit cataloged anywhere

I don't know how to find cam stuff anymore

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I was on day 86 yesterday and I relapsed because I got blue balled by a chick. I feel so weak now bors

Whe you noporn, do non nude pics of attractive women count ?

>Also when Hannibal invaded with elephants, they specifically mentioned spearmen going against them.
Yes because that was before the marian reforms where they moved away from using spears