/fast/ - Lent Edition

What is fasting?
>A period of time where you don't consume any calories
What is the shortest time I can fast?
>16:8, or 16 hours of fasting per day, is the shortest that counts
What is the longest time I can fast?
>As long as you have more than 8% body fat and supplement correctly
How do I supplement correctly?
>Get enough minerals. Mainly sodium and potassium.
Where do I get sodium and potassium?
>Sodium Chloride is table salt, sea salt, or pink salt. Potassium Chloride is salt substitute, found next to the salt in grocery stores
Can I just take sodium without potassium?
>No. This is how you really fuck your shit up. Potassium is non-negotiable
How much sodium and potassium?
>2500 mg / 1 teaspoon of each is a good start
Can I take all the salt at once?
>No. You will shit yourself and flush electrolytes. Mix the salts with water and sip throughout the day. Mixture is called snake juice
Can I just drink water without salts?
>For shorter fasts, yes. But for long ones, you'll deplete your electrolytes and feel like shit
How long can I go on just water?
>Til you feel like shit/get muscle spasms
Any other minerals I need?
>Some people add magnesium, b complex, or nutritional yeat to their routine as well
What about multivitamins?
>Fine if you want. Not super necessary
Anything else I can add to my routine?
>If your gut is fucked, some people add cyanne pepper to their snake juice
>Some people do 1 tsp of baking soda and 0.5 tsp sodium cl for kidney health
>Also for your kidneys, you can add apple cider vinegar and lemon juice. These acids can fuck your teeth, so don't mix with snake juice.
Why not just do CICO?
>CICO fucks with both your TDE and your insulin levels in ways that fasting does not. Also, fasting has other benefits making it healthier than CICO
What are the other benefits of fasting?
>Autophagy, reduced inflamation, HGH boost, immune system recovery, increased insulin sensitivity, more muscle sparing
>pastebin under construction

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Other urls found in this thread:


One week. Rolling 48s

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>Tells me to buy his snake oil to gain god bod.
Source: Trust me bro

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2 new threads at the same time. Asking in both:

I've been trying to go back to OMAD, but I can't get in enough calories. The only time I have time to eat a healthy meal is at the very end of the night after work/gym. So I have like a 2 hour eating window, and it usually ends up being under 1000 calories.

Obviously I'll lose a shit ton of weight doing this, but I also lift 6x a week so I'm afraid I'll lose my gains as well.
Would it be better for me to just do 16:8 and eat a healthy lunch at work or should I just keep feasting with OMAD at the end of the night and just get as much in as possible?

Going around 6-7 days without eating each week. I prepared in advance by gaining a lot of fat. I only eat on Fridays, and even then i limit myself to fish, carbs, grain, oats, and veggies. Overall i have never felt better, and if anything i enjoy this type of fasting period. Along with this schedule, i have been avoiding social media, stop listening to music, cut off soda, and also attempting to nap less. God willing, i hope you all make it through this period with prosperity.

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I guess I'll also ask in both:

I've been trying to lose as much weight as possible in the next 24 days but fasting is actually torture for me so I've just been eating

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Not an expert but sounds like you're going to damage your metabolism doing that.

elp. I'm at work and able to get free food. I got a shit ton if bacon and eggs. I'm at 36 hours, and I was planning to take the bacon home to eat tomorrow but its taunting me. I dont know what to do.

I'm pretty sure my jacket is less tight. Feels good.

Nobody has explained to me how to get rid of the awful taste in mouth on longer fasts.
>just take more salt
I could down a whole fucking container and it makes no difference.
It's the only thing I can't stand while fasting, makes me feel sick cause the taste is dogshit.

I'm going to crack. Fuck it

Keto breath my dude, there's nothing you can do other than brush your teeth more often

Clean your tongue with your toothbrush.

What's the point of fast if nobody is going to step up and help others? You fuckers were just active and instead replied to some nigger crying about taste. FUCK YOU


Obviously, shitter.

Friendly reminder that Wednesday, Friday and Saturday of this week are Ember days; which means your fast should be more severe that otherwise throughout lent.

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What's more severe than 0 calories?


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Planet fitness?

i'm carb loading and I hate it as much as you do but memeing will help me not feel so disgusted

If you're doing a black fast, as described, then you would move to a Eucharistic Fast, which is no food or water.

add more fats and carbs to your meal. if you're eating potatoes, butter, olive oil and cheese, it'll be easier to hit your calorie goals
godspeed user. you're ascending.
stop eating. fasting is torture to me means you are addicted to food. quit giving in to your addictions.
ignore the free food. stay strong.
clothes fitting better is one of the best fasting feels

I've lost 43 kg mainly through fasting but havent been lifting. Where do I start? I've been watching some starting strength videos and I'm still confused. Should I just buy a bar and lift at home or go the gym? I've still got about 20 kg maybe to lose should I wait till I lose that or start lifting now?

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>lost 100lbs last year fasting
>stopped fasting around Christmas
>luckily didn't gain
>just got back into fasting again
>5 days in and already lost 11lbs

I know it's mostly water weight, but god does it feel good. So close to my goal weight at this point.

/FAST Discord discord.gg/sG4vTsz

Any benefit to doing one 24 hour fast per week?

begone tranny

Stronglifts 5x5 until your estimated 1RM is 1/2/3/4. Eat on lifting days. Fast on off days.

Yo so I'm doing a snake fast, got my 2l water bottle full, with half tsp of pink salt, 1 tsp of bicorbonate of soda and 1tsp of nosalt.

I've done a 2 day water fast before, this time I'm going for 72hr, what should I do when the pangs kick in. How badly will my lifting suffer, will it be torture? I went for a run today and it wasn't too bad but the distance wasn't too great.

You'll be fine bro. Nothing to worry about.

>uni shut down for a month
>have to stay at home and eat everyday
Damn you, Coronavirus!

What country?

So I'm doing SL5x5 but I'm still on babyweights after a few months off lifting (was at 110kg squat) now down to 60, will I still be able to progress or should I just forget about it?

I need to get my weight down to make running easier, as i'm joining the army so cardio is the priority really.

>have to eat everyday

eat 3 days a week on your lifting days. you'll still be fasting 4 days per week. this way you can build muscle and lose fat at the same time.

Don't you lose out though if the days aren't consecutive?

mom already thinks I’m doing OMAD, so at least she won’t be stuffing 3 meals into me

Oops, see


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I've always thought that a 24h fast means a day without food. But if you eat at noon, then don't eat next day, then eat at noon, you've spent 48h without food. Does this mean my 2 day fasts are actually 72h?

What the fuck are you asking

So in other words, if you eat once in three days, it's a two day fast. Interesting.

“C-cope” the dyel says as he uses his improper form to squat 1 pl8

I really hope you are just trolling and you actually know that you can make snake juice with water(tm) and salt(tm) and you dont have to buy any electrolyte drinks or powders from (((anyone))).

You know this right?

Good job, I had to poke two new holes in my belt, using the first one right now, but i feel like its getting loser.
Feels fucking good.

Lol the main guy even gives you the recipe. Not sure how he does make his money tbqh but think he does coaching.

first day of snake juice and it tastes fucking disgusting, how do yall do it

What? It barely tastes of anything, kind of like smartwater if anything. You may have put too much stuff in it.

I just followed what the man himself said, 1 tsp salt 2 tsp potasium

It's 1/2 tsp salt, 1 tsp potassium
and a tsp of bicoarbonate of soda. 2 litres of water.

not according to this

Latest post I found was 2018 on the facebook page, with the recipe I posted.

I'm 15 hours into my first fast. Had some salty food as my last meal and I feel okay still, just a bit of a headache. When do I start with the snake juice?

When the time is right, King.

>not even a week into my fast/keto/omad combo
>pants that were super tight around the waste now feel super flexible
god i love lent

what is the benefit of all this, is a faster way to lose weight on a cut? I though it was important to still intake calories, just at a small deficit, not a huge one. wont you lose your gains?

Most of us here are concentrating on losing fat over gaining muscle
Autophagy helps you preserve muscle at the very least though

in layman's if you are fat, creating a calorie deficit will only cause you to lose often times more muscle than fat, feel more hungry, and feel worse. Fasting forces your body into ketosis and burns fat at a high caloric deficit.

If you're trying to bulk, I wouldn't recommend fasting. Fasting is for fatties.

but if your just cutting normally, and are not a fatty, is it worth it?

No. Unless you have a serious self discipline issue. You're probably better just eating within your macros.

Thanks for helpful OP and I’m not kidding

Im 5'10 150lbs
Kind of hit a plateau but still have some stubborn chest fat
Is it even possible for me to go lower without becoming skeletor?

Just for reference I was 180lbs before I started fasting.

No, just get ripped.

Also if you've lost that much weight since Ash Wednesday, consult a doctor.

Yes. Eat at a 1000 calorie surplus on lifting days, fast on off days.
Boom. Caloric deficit on the week, caloric surplus on the day, hgh boosts from fasting.
This is the best way to bulk.

Yeah you could go down to 135 at that height given you have no muscles.

It took about 8 months fasting on and off and eating better cutting out fast food.
I'm digging the ultra skinny fagboy feeling so I'll probably try to get down to 135

running 10 miles would put you at -1000 calories

And then. You lift.


Thoughts? I have never seen anyone water fast for an extended period and look lean after.

I can't watch a whole 13 minutes of this faggot, post pics

How many days should I put between 3 day fasts?

None just keep going.

I literally posted with the timestamp 10:50
He lost 4.9kg of muscle and gained 0.4kg of fat over a 10 day water fast.

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Man this. Brushing helps a bit not a lot, I've found using baking soda is more effective. I chew a piece of 5ive gum, lasts a long time. Sometimes I sprinkle pure cinnamon on my tongue and let it burn.

Open to other suggestions haha

Go to the gym, it's better motivation. Honestly just try shit, watch, learn, get curious and look up workouts / exercises beneficial to what you want to improve. Compounds like pull up, squat, shrugs, accessories like curls, overhead press, Flys. Keep it simple enough, be tired and unable to complete 3rd set of each, try to stay off machines. Few are beneficial

What happens if you only eat "negative calorie" foods while fasting? Do you still get the benefits or is even minuscule amounts of calories going to fuck it all up?

Is this alright to drink during a fast? Does carbonation or the natural flavor fuck up anything i might not be aware of?

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Does this stuff taste any different from all the other carbonated drinks like bubly?

Let me guess
Didn't exercise at all

The lack of sodium leaves less of a burn going down and the taste (B+P) is soild. They were only 3 bucks at my meijer so i snagged some to try.

any calorie restriction diet will result in weight loss

god what a fucking waste of quads
you're not wrong but you're still a dickhead

Anyone here got any advice on running while fasted?

I'm late to the lent party - God have mercy on me - but am considering getting in now because I'm fat bodily and spiritually. However I'm currently on a plan with 3 days calisthenics, 3 days running. I just got my first 30min 5k done literally yesterday and it's only gonna get harder I am currently running close to what I think would be failure..

If I OMAD on lifting days how will I feel being completely fasted through rest days and running days? I've maxxed at 24hrs before last lent.

shut the fuck up and drink your snake juice gaylord

oh yeah? you like "snake juice"?
here, drink my cum

I've been doing 3-4 day fasts for 3 weeks now. I still don't understand why I see different ratios for potassium and sodium.
Can anyone give me the basic gestalt on potassium and sodium just so that I don't fuck up my weight loss. I want to make sure I'm getting enough to not screw up my weight loss.

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You'll be fine, dog.
Currently, I eat one meal MWF and lift.
I fast and do cardio TRSa

i just licked a bit of precum off my hand. did i just break my fast?

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If you aren't cramping or having any other electrolyte deficiency symptoms, you're good.

I bought one of these and use it every day, never experienced bad breath when fasting though because I still brush my teeth every day anyway.


Does eating the dirt under your nails break a fast?

I've been going to a gym and have been given a workout, I go 3 days a week and fast on my off days. Is this a good workout? I'm 6'4 94kgs.

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Does fasting make weed work better or worse? I smoked a bowl 6 days into a fast and didn't really feel high at all.

40 hours in. I'm not hungry anymore, but I just want a taste.......

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no, this is atrociously bad.

look up a beginner "full body" routine, done three days per week. that will be a far, far better starting point for you.

that workout listed is just fucking awful, I am sorry they tried to trick you user.

What's so bad about it?

I looked up Stronglifts 5x5 but I think I might still be too weak for things like ohp etc

You start with just the bar, user. You'll be okay. Even my fiancé (female) can press the bar. Download the app fren

Are these the people who give me advice on this board?

Okay I downloaded the app but I'm honestly still too weak to squat the bar, the bar is 20kgs and I tried to squat just holding an 8kilo dumbbell last week and I was struggling just doing that.

Check out the stronglifts 5x5 website. It has an extensive section on form. As long as your form is right, you should be able to start with the bar and work up to at least one plate.

Your problem is mobility.

I have FAI (look it up, it's not pretty), and started squatting the empty bar at age 28 with almost no ROM. A year later I'm busting out 5x5 100kg to parallel like it's nothing. The reason? Mobility. The FAI won't let me go too deep, but stretching, etc was crucial for me.

Mate I'm one the website now and honestly looks daunting, 5x5 is 25 reps, there's no way I could knock out that many. I'm weak as fuck.

Read my above post. I'm the weakest, laziest piece of shit who ever walked the earth, and after a year I'm still breaking PRs. Just do it, only the first rep is hard.

Start with bodyweight squats, then.

See if your gym has a 35-pound bar to start off with.

It's your typical bro routine. It won't do you any harm, but it'll take way more time to build strength doing that than following something like SL.

Ok, I can try that, thanks.

True, right.

The gym I'm going to is an exercise physiologist gym and all the trainers are EPs, I made a thread on Yas Forums the other day and I was told to look into Starting Strength, I told one of the trainers I see that I was going to bring in a workout like Starting Strength to help me put on serious mass and he was open to it but I think he might be naive to the kind of workouts I want to do, like if is the kind of workout they're providing me then yeah, I don't know what to do.

a cute girl I don't even know just asked me to hang out

i have to keep going

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Keep going brother, I'm doing 3 5s and then Im going to fuck my friend's recent ex

Best of luck to you man. I'm gonna go for her and her friend

Holy shit I stood up and my vision went completely black a while, couldnt see shit so I just dived into my bed


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I had originally planned a 48 hour fast, im gonna get there at like 3 am so its just better to eat tomorrow late, making it a 60 hour fast or so

if you're blacking out under 48 hours you probably shouldn't be doing this lmao

Foreal man, I've done 30 day water fasts before but never had any problems at all. Only time I've blacked out is from alcohol and huffing butane

you still a huffer?

Hmmm this is the first time that is has happened tho. Probably had something to do with me lifting heavy on monday (started fasting late sunday) and not drinking snake juice even tho i sweated a lot

any tips to improve concentration ability when fasting? i feel like a brainlet when i fast

bronkaid and caffeine pills

Just about to finish my 64 hour fast, brehs i am proud of myself

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will my concentration improve in the coming weeks with fasting? dont want to rely on drugs long term

So I'm about to be doing a weekly program that goes like this:

Sunday: Lift, cardio, eat at surplus.
Monday morning: OMAD.
Noon on Monday - 11 PM Tuesday night: Fast.
11PM Tuesday night: Lift, cardio, OMAD.
Wednesday- Thursday: Lift, cardio, eat at surplus.
Friday morning: OMAD.
Friday noon - 11PM Saturday: Fast, rest.
11PM Saturday: Lift, cardio, OMAD.
Sunday: Lift, cardio, eat at surplus.

Will this help me lose the last 15 lbs of fat and loose skin that are stubbornly hanging on?

Does fasting for a few days make you lose strength gains and muscle mass? Talking like 48 hours

Lol. I had a wank yesterday and at first I told myself I wouldn't lick it up, but when I saw that first glistening stream leak out I just instinctively wiped it up and sucked my finger clean.

You've already failed with that weak minded attitude.
Stop whining and just try

Leg day tomorrow, will make sure to put Yas Forums in my prayers.

If anyone else experience this, this is lack of sodium (bp is too low)


Can anyone give me links to studies usually posted in OP? Want to show them to a friend


user delivers.


thing i forgot what huger is, its my refeed day after 72h fast and i dont feel like eating at all

any Yas Forums bro from poland ?
i wanted to buy potassium choride but local groceries don't have them
so maybe if someone could recommend me a good supplier ?
for anons who find my question werid i'm answering: we had an incident where they were selling salt that is used to melt ice on road for consumer use, so i don't wanna have cancer and this is why i am asking this question

So what do you guys eat when your fast is over?
Do you still try to eat normally or do you go full /fat/ and eat a large pizza yourself?

I try to stick to healthy food but I don't worry about eating some junk. I also go over my TDEE a bit.

It's hot. Try it.

isn't this person starting with 7% bodyfat

Here's what I'm planning to eat for breakfast on Saturday (after fasting from Monday to Friday):
>rice with some potato thing my mum made a few days ago
>a whole thing (200g) of brie with a couple of apples

Is this a good fast? Eat a normal Calories deficit on days I work out and days I don't, Fast with a protien shake in the morning.

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G-guys I still need an answer.

I think I fucked up my 48 hour fast by drinking coffee. Did I fuck up?

Yes, but you really should think in terms of fasting days and feasting days.

Did you add anything to it? Black coffee is fine

Well yeah, thinking of it as days is what I do, was just curious what exactly people meant when they said they fasted for 24/48/72 hours

Thank jesus. Gonna push some more

I believe in you user. Make sure to keep up on your electrolytes though if you're fasting for more than 24 hrs!

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do you workout before or after eating while alternate day fasting?

So, how does a fasting/keto lifestyle work for someone who is at a good fat percentage, or underweight?

>haven't eaten since Saturday night
>planning to break fast this evening after work
>checked weight this morning
>lost over 3 pounds since Saturday morning
I think I'm going to keep this routine of eating only on Wednesdays and Saturdays for a while, it seems to be working

Hit your macros and OMAD I guess? Not sure if you should be concerned with fasting if you're underweight, unless you're REALLY looking for the authophagy and shit

and as the user said to hit your desired calories
>add more fats and carbs to your meal. if you're eating potatoes, butter, olive oil and cheese, it'll be easier to hit your calorie goals

Eating is for growth, fasting is for fat loss. When you eat, eat big. Moderation and calorie counting are for suckers.

I have a shameful confession, I barely did a 16:8 if on monday and tuesday.
I shall repent with fasting till Sunday.

Amazon or e-bay. In many Europid countries it is called Kalium, not potassium

Get a tongue scraper. They are like 5-10 bucks and they are a fucking godsend.
After I scraped my tongue once I knew I could never go back. So much shit comes off of the tongue every single day.

bored, bored, bored, so bored

I had shitty food for my refeed yesterday, and now I'm struggling today. What's do bros?

push through it OR eat keto today and start again tomorrow

Holy shit bros, just woke up on day 5 of my fast (90ish hours is the longest I've done previously) and I feel like shit. Chugged my salt water and about to hop in a shower. Tell me it's going to be okay bros. ;_;

it's going to be ok user, i love you

Sounds like a good way to get fat

Only if you don't balance the eating periods with fasting periods, retard.

I was thinking this desu, I'll decide by the time I get to dinner and see if I get any better by then.

Dont eat nuggets and fries for your refeed, learn from my mistakes /fast/

Meh, I ate McDonald's for dinner on Sunday and haven't eaten since then and I feel fine.

My gut is also fucked up so that my might be part of it. I had another bad refeed on Sunday, fasted Monday, ate Wendy's yesterday, so it might just add up. Monday wasnt that bad compared to today.

Thank you bro, we're all going to make it

fifth day of strict omad bros. (having smaller meals normally on weekends)
The struggle is still real but getting easier. basically 23/1 schedule.

I'm catholic but have never fasted. aren't you just supposed to give up something for the 40 days and not eat meat on fridays? idk im not very religious

I don't understand where you are fasting in this routine. You're eating every day and having a protein shake every morning. Anything with calories breaks a fast. The minimum fasting time is 16 hours. You are not fasting.

I could use some ideas for a website or an app for my webdev portfolio

Read the OP

Does the cold in your limbs go away on snakejuice?

Hmm, yohimbine Wed-Sat? Yohimbine Wed-Sat

it's up to you how seriously you take it - most people just give something up because they're no devout enough to follow the actual practice of fasting, but as far as i'm concerned intermittent fasting is acceptable too


how many times should i fast for optimal health benifits, but not lose any weight?

One 48 hour fast per week

As far as a church is concerned IF and OMAD is really acceptable

is it okay to fast on a day youre working out?

yes if you ate the night before and hit your workout before your glycogen gets depleted naturally.

It's fine if it's close to either end of the fast, but doing it in the middle will probably rob you of some gains.

gonna have myself some carbs tonight

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Will fasting help me to loose fat on my face? I'm 4'7 and my weight now is around 103lbs but even when I was 92lbs, i still had kinda round face. Could you advise me how much weight should i loose to have less rounder face? Fasting seems like a good idea and i'm already way too fat for my midget height.

I hope you're a grill. Either way, post body


This is the first time I've actually seen appetizing food in a fast general. It is usually some disgusting slop. No idea what is it though, aside from the eggs and the sandwitch.

That's a tough cookie. You seem to be at healthy weight for both cases. I don't think we can really tell you anything you'd want to hear.

pork loin bits fried with chili in honey ginger sauce with shitton of toasted sunflower seeds

so I was thinking to mix the salt and potassium in 1l of water or is that overkill?
Also when I eventually have to eat a meal whats the best thing to consume without sending my body into frenzy and how much?Rice, boiled eggs?

>day and a half into fasting, already down 4lbs
I want to go to the gym tonight. Would it be smart to do 36/48 hour fasts, refeed at a caloric surplus, lift weights, and then repeat?

do 48s between workout days, lift 3x week, fast 72h on weekends if you need to drop more fat, keep feeding window tight and all carbs post-workout

Sounds good. Is the caloric surplus on the refeeds okay? I want to try to preserve as much muscle as I can. I usually did low carb OMAD even when I was bulking, most of my carbs came from milk.

That recipe sounds complex as fuck

i eat at maintenance with stupid amount of protein and

Awesome, thanks. I'm excited, I'm surprised at how much energy I have despite not having eaten in 30ish hours.

>Pray for 24 hours straight
>Hear nothing
>Learn no scripture
Wtf dude when do I start getting Holy Spirit gains?

Wait! I can't regularly workout when I do this shit!?

One plate of food. 3/4 low carb veggies. 1/4 meat. Alternatively, start with bone broth.

user, i........