
do your part to bump the post

Before asking your stupid beginner questions (yes, they are stupid), make sure to read ALL OF the r/steroids wiki:

>Reddit link
yeah, fuck off

Don't ask us to help you dose your AI. It's very individual. or see CCFC's handy faggotry guide.

Oral-only cycles put strain on the liver and cause a shutdown of natural testosterone production for not a lot of benefit. Just pin and thank us later.

ABSOLUTELY no source talk.

This isn't a medical forum. Stop asking for medical advice and go to a doctor.

Don't ask us to help you schedule your pinning dosages. Use steroidcalc.com/

If you're going to ask a beginner question, make sure to include:
- age
- bf%
- time spent training

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I took 80mcg of clen today and got no "shaky hand" side effect, does it mean the pills are fake?

sides are very individual, you could not have those sides, esp if you're already used to using stimulants. could also take a couple of days, give it some time.

it's hard to assume something is fake just going by sides since they're so personal... that's why you should have heavily vetted your source beforehand so this doesn't happen

I bought the clen from the same lab I have been buying testosterone from for 8 months (always real testosterone). I guess I am just paranoid...

How long is too long for a blast?
Started cutting january with 300 test, 300 primo for 8 weeks, switched to 150 test, 300 tren for coming 4 weeks and then switch to a bulk blast for 12 weeks, 600 test, 300 deca.
So that will be a total of 24 weeks

Drawing blood for testing this week and mainly want to let that decide if everything is ok, although my lipids will be fucked most deff.

Nice creepy pedo pic you buffalo bill motherfucker. Chug bleach pussy


puta Chilena

Double the dose and find out

Depends on your bloodwork and other diagnostics (EKG, etc) as well as how many years of life you're willing to give up.
Take your fucking citrus bergamot

24 weeks would be my limit. I don't know what the implications of literally 0 HDL and 250 LDL cholesterol are but that is probably what you're going to be dealing with near the end

>running below 900mg of primo is a waste
>run test at 300mg for the whole cycle
>switch tren to injectable winstrol
>never run more test than deca

Am I wrong bros? Posting this in here as well as Because a small percentage of fraud niggas can sometimes be the most nuanced in big brain points. I don’t think there’s any point people can argue me on

Here’s my thread

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Know one really knows for sure, just mostly anecdotal shit

Here’s some trick for some of you newbie faggots (i’m feeling generous tonight):

1. you don’t NEED high test to grow. ex: can run 300 test and 700 deca + get drier results than 2:1 test deca
2. orals will put weight on you fast
3. frequency != more gains. 6x per week does NOT mean you will grow more or faster. If you are lifting hard and making sessions count, even on gear 4-5x per week is enough. I’m talking about growth, not “getting toned bro”
4. it’s okay to cheat, ESPECIALLY ON ORALS.
5. masteron/proviron should be your best friend. this frees up test and SHBG. you may shed some hair and get oily, but you WILL feel better and make better gains with either of these mixed in. try drinking more caffeine to combat oily skin (I believe caffeine will help lower DHT as it is used in many hair regrowth shampoos).
6. Legs should be hit hard twice per week. No exceptions, don’t be a faggot with a huge upper body and no legs
7. Do not overuse AI (aromatase inhibitors) unless you need them or are cutting. The lower your e2 is, the more dry you will be BUT estrogen is anabolic, so use it as infrequently as possible especially when bulking. When taking caber, time it so you have a few meals in before and don’t do more than 0.5mg at once or 1mg per week.

Is this var or nah? I want my lady to have a gigantic brapper

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Thank you wise user, additional questions:
1. Is primobolan a safe bet to run with test for first cycle?
2. Is it true you get better results if you pin daily in smaller amounts versus a larger dosage once or twice a week?
3. What threshold of test do you suggest using an AI? Is it subjective or around 250-300 or greater like at 400?
4. Do you suggest blast and cruise or cycle and PCT for continued use?
Thanks in advance

seconding for the great advice, two questions- how do you handle advice/mania like symptons when on cycle? (asking just to be insured when/if the time comes). And I'd like your thoughts on my thread > ty

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No problem. I wish someone would’ve told me these things when I started, but I had to learn them myself. I’ll try to answer your other questions

1. Primo is safe, but it is more of a polishing steroid (like masteron). Many guys run primo alongside TRT and get decent results. I prefer masteron over primo personally, but you can try both.
2. Short answer yes. Long answer it’s a waste of time unless you are blasting higher dosages of long esters. For example I will pin anything with the Enanthate ester 3x per week. I feel best this way. Prop, phenylprop, acetate is every other day, no exceptions.
3. I believe the bigger (lean) you are the more test you can handle. Also depending on how you aromatize - many guys cruise on 250-300mg without any AI. You can use masteron with this dose at 150-250mg and get the SHBG / free test benefits. I personally have gotten away with an e2 level of 85 with 1 gram of test and 12.5mg aromasin once per week. I was also bulking so you will need to get your own blood work to see where your levels are. Bulking e2 should be 60-85 optimally. Cutting I believe you will want it 20-45.
4. PCT is a COMPLETE waste of time if you are thinking of multiple blasts. The harsh reality is you will not get the body you want in one cycle, because usually that goal shifts once you get on and are on for a few weeks. Blast and cruise is the only way to maintain normal levels and run multiple blasts per year. PCT is hell and I do not recommend it to anyone unless you are coming off for good or trying to have a kid. Drop to a cruise dose after your blast (180-300mg) get bloods and go from there. Save yourself from the hormone rollercoaster.

mania symptoms come from being insecure or not having a grip on your own emotions. You have to understand that steroids AMPLIFY who you already are. Get a grip on yourself and realize you are in control. Tren and Nand can also change your behavior so i’d recommend starting lower dosages.

So I'm seriously thinking about cycling for the first time for a show I'm going to in June. My friend is trying to get my to cycle on a mix of shit, but that sounds retarded for a first time cycler.

From I've been reading, it seems to indicate that I should just cycle with test and I should be fine for my small time goal.

However I am a little confused about orals. Some things I have read appear to indicate that orals can work better for mass, but also have more side effects.
I also don't quite understand if the orals are a substitute for test, or simply used in tangent.

test and var for a show. make sure diet is on point.

>mania symptoms come from being insecure or not having a grip on your own emotions. You have to understand that steroids AMPLIFY who you already are. Get a grip on yourself and realize you are in control.

Good point but I’m also wondering when you successfully pct’d after your first cycle did you keep the positive mental affects that you had while on cycle- like maturity, sense of self, confidence? Kind of hard to put into words I guess

Where can I get barrels and pins? I’m dangerously low

>positive mental affects that you had while on cycle- like maturity, sense of self, confidence? Kind of hard to put into words I guess

nigga that is some reddit tier numale bullshit. roids don't have any effect on those things

What are the chances of gyno from 20mg of dbol every day for 2 weeks? I'm on my 3rd day and my test and my AI isnt here for maybe 2 more weeks (order complications).

Rereading guess it sounds kinda Reddity I must be placebo’ng hard or just had low t pre pinning

Certain orals do different things. Orals aren't a substitute for test, you add them to a test cycle.
dbol week 1-4 for strength gains + bloat (size)
or as a hardener (var, proviron), can be used at the start or end of the cycle. For your purposes the end of a cycle would be best.

You're correct they have more side effects and your liver wont like you for it. It can be mitigated, but not completely.

For a show, test + winstrol is a proven combo.

lol wrong. I have better pysique than anyone here and I only take deca and creatine

Aspirating is for sissy gay nigers. This is hard cold fact

guess who's gonna pussy out and never post a pic of his body

it's you

>asking someone for a body pic
I thought you guys are injecting test not est

I've been an on-off gym goer for a while. I took a 9 month hiatus and am going back on it. I train HARD although being dyel.

159 lbs
~10% bf

About to take a cycle of 30mg ostarine 4 weeks, rad-140 4 weeks, and then mk-677 for 4 weeks with a pct. Anyone think this is a bad idea?

Lmao dude do not do this you really don’t know wtf your doing if you’re gonna do these orals for 4 weeks, your just gonna shut yourself down w no gains atleast do the rad or ostarine for 8 weeks but don’t do it at all if you’re this dumb and inexperienced

I’d bet my life you’re not 10%, fraud attracts the most variable type of retards

Combined thats 8 weeks and 4 weeks of something simulating growth hormone, can you do math retard

How about ostarine 8 weeks, but stack w/ rad 140 for another 8

4 weeks osta
8 weeks osta and rad140

I'm very very lean. Always have been. Know jeff caviliere? he's probably 8-9%, I look very similar to him in bodyfat. I think 12% would be pushing it if I said I was that.

Post body

I've been drinking beer all night and I'm on creatine and a gallon of water a day and still look this cut

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yah im dyel but i only started a month ago so cut me some slack. I have already increased all my lifts significantly. plus phone camera and angle aren't ideal

Lmao cmon you drunk retard. You have visible subcutaneous fat everywhere and don’t even have a four pack, 15-17% at best, 10% is a bitch to get.

post body

In all honestly do you really think so? Fuck maybe I am fat. Only looking to improve. I am excited to see my progress in 4 months.

Really? Wow I thought I was maybe lower than that. Oh well, can't wait to see my gains in four months. Gonna have to cut even harder then! I want that 8%.

I know my chest is the weakest area, I hit it hard, just waiting a few weeks to see it respond to my targeted sets

For one month it’s good and you have seemingly decent genetics just wait to roid and think longer before you post shit on my ducking board
why on earth are you cutting you have no lean muscle tissue, eat at maintenance or slightly above and then try thinking and lurk more

What kind of steriods does she take?

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post body or gtfo

I keep thinking this is an anime face (Kaiji) with bleeding eyes

E blocker or AI for test dbol first cycle?

You'll need test anyways when you're middle age... The future is TRT. Why not just blast and cruise now?

What steriods does Iris Kyle use?

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All of them

Internet myths literally everyone believes because they have clue:
>you need a "PCT"
>you need a test base
If you believe any of this you're retarded

Not the guy you're linking but you're a faggot. He's right that the image-poster has no business cutting right now.

this guy is a fucking retard. you're nowhere near 15-17, you are pretty close to 10-12 eyeballing but has it right, you have close to no muscle mass (that's normal, you're a beginner) so start fucking bulking.

as for your retarded cycle, it's retarded. mk677 isn't really something you cycle, it's something you start even noticing months down the road (minus the sides such as hunger and bloat). ostarine and rad140 are both incredibly underwhelming but if you're gonna go down that road because you're a pussy who refuses to pin then do at least 8 weeks

fuck off retard

>this guy # is a fucking retard.

> eyeballing but # has it right,

Well I’m the same guy who you posted in those two references so what am I

This is 10-11

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Yikes good luck champ. I got gyno from 30mg a day for 5 weeks of dbol. Oddly I did 20mg and only puffed up my nips. Stupid taking with no ai. Gyno surgery is 6grand

>6'3 159


Just use nolva or letro

Is there a problem with only injecting once a week 400mg test and 300mg deca?

Also am I likely to gyno after 300mg deca? Are the deca gains any good or should I wait for my dbol to come in the mail before deca test blast?

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? So I'm guessing 2x a week?

does anyone know if the 100$ minimum on ppl includes shipping or not?

Am I gonna get hit in an FDA sting if I buy stuff online?

no they are going after the guys who are shipping kilos of raws from china not some kid buying a few vials of test and ancillaries

you're a moron who can't understand the difference between body fat and muscle mass. ignore the fact that the other dude's a beginner with no muscle mass and actually look at his body. he's not skinnyfat, he's straight up skinny, he's fucking 160 at 6'3. where do you see all this subcutaneous fat?

deca is fine. test depends on the ester. on e/c you want twice a week.

deca gains are good but 1) you're on a low dosage and 2) it takes forever to fully saturate due to the decanoate ester. this is where the dbol kickstarter comes in to help.

as for the gyno, nobody knows. how do you react to just 400 test? how about 400 test + dbol? do you have your ai under control? do you have caber/prami/p5p for prolactin control?

It does not, in my experience.

>got some cardarine to help with my cut


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no you fucking idiot body fat depends on the specific individuals height and weight, visual is the best test not dexa or a fucking scale at the ymca, thats why its a fucking percentage, how dense are you

my third injection of beginner cycle is thursday but my nipples were itching alot during my workout today should I just dose AI now?

what the FUCK are you even trying to say

10 % is stage-ready, niggers. 4% is the leanest you can get and that's only sustainable for a few days at most. 3% is basically at deaths door. If you can barely see abs you aren't anywhere near single digits.

What ester?


You're probably just imagining. Test E doesn't start to work until 5-6 weeks in. But if you're worried, just take some estrogen control. Better safe than sorry.

another moron who doesn't understand bf% is BODYFAT PERCENTAGE not how fucking swole you are. open mspaint and circle all his fat that takes him to 17% please.

If I do a tren cycle, will it make it harder for my body to get more miscle with other roids after it is over?

test e doesn't take 5-6 weeks to start working you ape. it takes about 4 weeks to FULLY saturate. by week 2 you're already supraphysiological.

30% minimum

Winny + test p

I’m here for the shitposting and jokes but giving blatantly wrong advice for fun is big gay. Kys quadruple nigger faggot

In what division is 10% stage ready? Bikini?

I react to 400mg test just fine nips puff but its easily manageable. Dbol though gave me bad gyno in one nip but I learned how to control it.

Online it says 300mg deca is a fine dose I've never done deca before.

So I should wait a month till I get the dbol in the mail? Ffs.

Is pinning once a week with the 300mg deca and 400mg test in the same syringe fine or should I do twice a week to keep levels stable?

>run 300 test and 700 deca + get drier results than 2:1 test deca
and not have a functioning dick
>orals will put weight on you fast
depending on the oral and your appetite and what other drugs you're on
>try drinking more caffeine to combat oily skin
literally 0 evidence or anecdotes on this where the fuck have you got this from? microdose accutane works though

When I was a little boy I had a gyno cirgury. Does that make me inmune to gyno now?

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Alright then. First start explaining why you need a test base.

test is needed to function normally
deca only means no estrogen conversion which especially with a 19nor is neurotoxic as fuck


>test is needed to function normally
explain why, go into details.
>deca only means no estrogen conversion which especially with a 19nor is neurotoxic as fuck
First of all, Nandrolone also aromatizes. Second of all, those mental effects you're talking about are caused by Trenbolone (because of its affinity to Progesterone receptors), not Nandrolone.. and who was talking about a Deca only cycle?

How do you not need a pct

he said oily skin you dimwit, not everyone gets acne. my sweat gets greasy on masteron

Does clen actually work? Seems like bullshit to me

>Want to try sarms to test the waters
>have to PCT on sarms
>PCT drugs are illegal in America

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Just because somethings illegal doesn’t mean you can’t get it

Yeah but it's annoying to have to cross that line and break bad plus I don't feel like fucking around with crypto currency

This is a bit complex but I'll try to sum it up. Whether your body will be able to jump back or not does not depend on a so called PCT (I'll get back to the term in a second) but on what you've taken, for how long, how many times and genetics because in the end and it's not the amount of LH and FSH in your blood that will determine your ability to jump back but the state of your Leydig cells to reactivate/regenerate.
The pituitary gland and the anterior pituitary always start to produce GNRH or LH and FSH when the receptor signal is low (after a cycle). It's the Leydig cells (which get stimulated by LH and FSH) I mentioned above that usually fail to bring back Test levels because they have athropied. Doing a "PCT" won't do anything at this point because you're trying to intervene somwhere in the begining of the chain.
The only thing that makes sense is already taking HCG DURING a cycle in order to prevent Leydig cells from athropying which disqualifies the term "PCT". Doing this has a drawback though because overstimulating these cells can result in damage. Taking SERMS will temporarily boost GNRH levels, think of them as a short-term amplifier which will at best make you feel better for a couple of days. The problem with SERMS are their downsides. I don't have to explain their side effects (especially Tamoxifen, which I would not take under any circumstances because of its toxic effect on mitochondrial cells) but the real problem here is Estrogen receptor upregulation which can cause shitty side effects like Gyno (which is ironic) after withdrawal of SERMs.
Unless you're dealing with long cycles or strongly suppressing agents like 19 nors you will likely jump back without dealing with HCG during a cycle. By the way, what makes you feel like crap during and after a cylce (muh Testosterone base but this is another subject) is usually caused by Estrogen.

>Does clen actually work?
In tolerable doses, no.
>Seems like bullshit to me
It is. Cost/benefit ratio is retarded.

What doses do you do?



Someone just please respond and don't only give me the CCFC guide.

Is it within the limit of reason to use 0.5mg adex ED while running 30mg DBol ED and 500mg/week of test?

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Good alternative to AAS for women

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post body

Ah fak. Ty for the reply.

Certainly on the high end, but not unheard of.

Np if it saves someone else from the mind and financial fuck that is gyno. 6 grand I could have put towards a car. I'm gonna reward myself and get it taken out after I pack on 20 more lbs

Test it out bitch tits

im kinda new to the whole fraud scene but I was previously a depressed neet who would abuse drugs often and felt 10 years younger than my age. Now Im on my first newbie cycle and I plan to never go off, just blast/cruise/ ai/ hcg/ bloods/ and topical anti androgens. I feel like I have all my shit sorted out and have the answer to my problems. Things are going great and I finally don't want to an hero. I might run into a problem down the road but I think my new mature self can handle it. I can finally socialize and have relationships now. I think dat dere endocrine system was my problem all along. Cheers god moggers. might not be back for a while, but this place has also always been my home

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Why never run test higher then deca?

Heya lads, is a 27gauge needle okay to pin with? They're the ones junkies use to shoot crack or whatever, I pick em up from the chemist cause they gotta supply to junkies here so they die from aids or whatever. Get 5 needles, 10 alcohol swabs and a sharps container for 3 bucks lol

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Do yk for 4 weeks then lgd 4 weeks then rad 4 week, mk677 whole time plus 1.5 months after to hold gains, cycling the mk677 5 days on 2 days off. Cheack blood sugar regularly

Nope. Unless you want to do subq

I don't, that's prolly why it hurts so much.

Just did first pin monday. Reccomend? I heard 23 or 25 is good?

I also don't think I got the right muscle, I got the rectus femoris instead of vastus lateralus. I'm pre sure I went into muscle tho. took like a solid 4
Minute to inject as well



based strokeposting. if they did it right yes ur immune

not that i really have faith in this place to be able to answer this question, but:

how to tell if my masteron (enanthate) is real or fake?

Post pics nigga

of the gear? i don't know what that'd tell you, it doesn't have any "lab" name or any info on it other than "masteron enanthate 250mg/ml", "for intramuscular use only", "10ml reusable vial". label printed via what looks like an ink-jet printer or consumer label printer.

Can I pin my calves if they are much above average? Like I've had body builders mire my calves, they are massive.

>label printed via what looks like an ink-jet printer

Red flag right there matey. Post pics

Pic is test e. Notice the retarded iridescence on the print, also it's a reputable lab.

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Looks hard off brand mate, home brew hunned percent. Do what you want but personally I wouldn't ject unless it's got stellar reviews

no shit it's "home brewed", anything short of a legit rx bottle of testosterone you get filled at walgreens is "home brewed".

the question is if gear that is "branded", or with more elaborate/sophisticated packaging, is more likely to be what it claims it is. maybe.

i've already injected it multiple times, there's certainly some amount of some anabolic in there, i just don't know if it's masteron or something else.

Well mate I dunno shit about masteron. Honestly. Just tryna keep the thread bumped. Just giving what little advise I can.

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Dont use it, all it did to me was make my heart hurt and somehow made me gain weight

All these Natty fags these days don't even know. They're swimming in quicksand. Sad. MANY Such cases.

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God damn, I guess my estrogen is high. 400 mg test w no ai, nips are fine but I'm greasy and I've been going soft mid fuck. I've been wondering if it's underdosed since I never got appreciable sides. Gonna go back on letro, need my dick gains.

Rate mk677 and ostarine for pussies first sarm?

Sarms are for queerboy zoomers, makes sense since they're almost women already.

Unironically true

Bbbbut testosterone is scary >:(

How long is you pin?

Id do rad, lgd, or yk. Not mk2866. Almost no gains on 2866. Lgd put 10lbs on me. Had a uddy do rad and he put on 20lbs. But I found lgd to be stronger. Yk I still use whenever a cycle is stalling.

Sarms got me from 180 to 220 in about a year, blasted almost none stop. They become less and less effective very quickly. So make the first ones count. Also when you do go to real gear, you will have to start at like 600mg test to see anything cause you its like youve already done a few cycles

Kys nuance fag

I was feeling the effects of 9 weeks in of 500mg test as a fraud virgin plus some ketamine, became an /x/ chad in those posts

Like half inch

I want to try ketamine some time, missed the boat on that one during my crazy 20's.

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hey. im currently on 500mg test and 500mg npp per week and been on this cycle for little over a month now. I was running aromasin at 12.5mg eod with from day one. I started feeling really tired and lazy like one week into the cycle, so after two weeks i started taking 12.5mg aromasin e3d instead, but the tiredness and lethargy remained. One week ago i stopped taking the asin altogether and now i start feeling like myself again.
Is it possible that i'm hyper sensitive to this shit and managed to crashed my estrogen with such a low dose as 12.5mg eod? Is an AI necessary for this cycle? i plan to add tbol 70mg/ed for 6 wks soon too.
I've never used ai's before

yeah it sounds like you way overdosed your AI. You need way less AI than you think

it's been 2 years since I stopped roiding but I figured I would ask you guys because you're the only ones on this board who know anything.

I've been feeling like absolute shit lately, taking ages to get out of bed, feeling sleepy in the middle of the day, unmotivated and lazy to do anything. I checked my bloods and everything seems to be okay - is there anything else I should be checking in addition to thyroid/hormones? my blood pressure is on the low side but it's always been like that so I doubt it's the culprit.

any ideas?

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vitamin D and the PHQ9

Literally the shittest advice of 2020

>stopped roiding

maybe dopamine/serotonin deficiency