What is your primary driver to go to the gym daily, or for life in general? Be brutally honest.
For me, it's to get the admiration of others, male or female. Not a noble pursuit but I can't help it, it's hardwired into my DNA. My dad was the same.
What is your primary driver to go to the gym daily, or for life in general? Be brutally honest
To make up for my ogre face, since getting big my nickname became Shrek
To be like my hellenic and celtic ancestors, aesthetic as fuck. I even have the curly hair, it's my duty to improve.
I'm sort of a bitch and I'm not really a fighter by nature, I prefer to solve things with words but I realized a few years ago that doesn't always fly in the real world so I started lifting so that I can end any fight by just picking a dude up and throwing him
Capitalise on this opportunity and open a gym called "ma swamp'
Two reasons.
The first one is to be effective as a warrior, I'm going in the military in a few months and I want to get into SOF; so I have to train hard.
The second one is to be loved by someone: I want to make a woman proud of me and of being with me, I want her to love me with every fiber of her being and I want to do the same for her. I'm starting to understand what love is and I want to experience it, at least once; can't do it if I don't have anything going on for me.
The man in the mirror
I'm addicted to seeing numbers go up and the gym is like a better alternative to rpg skinnerboxes.
your delusions will hurt your face one day
better pick up a combat sport before that becomes a reality
Vanity. I can't stand the concept of me not being a sick cunt
Self harm thats productive
this, getting stronger and better looking is just great fun in general, fuck other people, gave up on others a long time ago
I live to mogg everyone
yeah I'm doing BJJ as well. I just figure having a huge muscular and size advantage over another dude will probably be useful too. I'm 6'2 so i hope if I get big enough I can just intimidate people into not wanting to fight me lmfao
Mainly for that post workout high.
Fear. Guilt. I'm mostly treading water, but I feel worse if I don't work out.
I live in a basketball american town with no car at the moment so its either lift and get big for intimidation factor or be small, weak and an easy target.
I just look at it from a pragmatic stand point of being better off doing it than if I wasn’t
with size and frame, yes you will
but remember not to look like a pussy
you gotta show it in your eyes that you don't prefer fight but could fuck someone up if it comes down to it
remember, HUNTER EYES
you live on the edge
To look in the mirror and like what I see
I started for vanity probably idk but now I've made spiritual gains I see lifting as a simulation of the hardship the european man is supposed to endure. I'm way happier now and suffer no social anxiety anymore despite only being a tenth of where I want to be.
damn bro i'm getting there too
At first it was for the attention. Now it's for the attention and fun.
>28 and balding.
Got a lot of pussy until now and i really understand the game: its all a point system, loose a point for hair gain it back for a nice body.
Im not gonna give up on the easy life
I just want to try everything before I die. I don't want to say 'I wish I did x, y & z' when I'm on my death bed. I pursue happiness and health.
For the feeling of accomplishment I have every time I progress. To actualize my potential. Because I know that I do not exist or experience outside this body, and treat it as the part of me it is. Because men were not made to fear sweat. For the external benefits that the physical manifestation of self respect earn you.
just to keep myself afloat mentally
To not only be 6'4'' but also be 6'4'' and swole
My primary driver to the gym is a guy named Eduardo, been of service to my family for 15 years now.
What else am I supposed to do everyday?
Based. Nothing more satisfying like it.
I don‘t know tbhfam
I got bullied as a kid (they told me when I got older they did it shits and kicks) and it gave me a super strong desire to be stronger, meaner and more violent than any guy I meet. Sucks ass
for me its a mix of things
the driver is the progress ive made, regardless of how slow its been, im considerably stronger than when i started a year ago, and i plan to keep getting stronger.
a sub drive is to not be weaker than cunts basically, i mean really why choose to be weaker than someone you hate, not that i hate many people, its just if i ever come across one in life
So that my ancestors can look down on me. And feel proud.
feel power
I don't need a driving force to do work, i just do it
Proper upbringing and father influence i guess
In order of importance:
>fixed mental issues
>gives an anchor to your life
>I like sex
I don't want to disappoint myself.
I lift so I don't look like a pussy modern "human" compared to the early homo sapiens. I'm sick of them making fun of how small I am.
way to strive for the silver medal
to make sure when the time comes to carry someone out of combat I’m able to do it
Unironically this and also because most of my family is fat and has health problems other than my 80 year old grandpa
You must realize you are exactly who any martial artist or mma practitioner dreams of running into right? Some dude with basic training is going to destroy you and because you are big, get applause for it
I have the biggest balls after a workout.
I get the feeling when I quit smoking pot for more than 2 days. I can go up to any girl and talk to them
It makes me feel like a man, knowing that I’m always improving and getting one step closer to where I want to be.
Also making my dad proud because he means a lot to me.
Absolutely based
I feel that second reason. I want my future wife to be uncontrollably attracted to me. I want to earn her loyalty. I want her to please and serve me because I deserve it. I will love her with every ounce of my being. Love is conditional and I want a partner who understands this and works to make herself more loveable. I will do the same and our love will grow so strong it will only be outmatched by the love for our children.
Currently I am working out, learning guitar, improving my cooking and expanding recipe knowledge, and studying my undergrad. I need to get some work experience to start my career so I can be a good provider. I also should smoke less weed (I smoke twice per week)
I've been fat and weak all my life, just felt that I should change that.
seeking admiration from your "tribe" is a manly pursuit as it is what honor stems from
My primary driver is a ford escape awd V6, sometimes a take my work vehicle but the ford is my primary driver. Pic related.
My knees are fucked, so I have to compensate.
I like the gym
To be less shit.
Fords are great. All i've ever seen driving those models though are fat women
t. 2011 fusion sport
A reason to live other than my desk job
When I was a kid I saw my mom get beat up by my dad and couldn't do shit about it because I was a little kid.
I still feel like that weak little kid and I want to be strong enough to protect the ones I care about.
very based bro, sorry about your mom
Because my mom gifted me a bunch of gym equipment and I want to impress her whenever I see her with my gains
Self improvement. Progression is the only drug that makes it all feel worthwhile. At least at the end of it all I can see what I accomplished
tremendous post thank you for sharing with us sir
He literally never stops improving, which is all I'm about you absolute nigger
I was so bored.
So i can beat up the cougars that grab my cock at the bar
Take boxing.
only reasonable answer ITT
after falling deep and crashing hard i am trying to find the drive again. it is hard but i am considering a few options, maybe a hobby of watching bird. i like birds. i will take some pictures and get them printed to sell and go from there.
To crush goobers
complete psychopaths, yikesy
i feel strong, confident, and build a relationship with tension and my body that makes me less anxious, more in touch with my body and emotions, and shows me that i can push through anything
it helps me get even closer to feeling invincible
I’m mentally ill and I lift so I can look like a Greek statue and admire myself. Also I want to stream but don’t want to look like a loser
instead, like 90% of Yas Forums schizos, you will end up be the psycho woman beater and beat up your wife in front of your child due to steroids fucking your tiny brain
>What is your primary driver to go to the gym daily, or for life in general? Be brutally honest.
I want to have a family and time is running out. I'm 40, with a career and OK money but I can't keep women, Working out or going Fritzlstyle seems to be the options.
Why is arnie in your mirror?
Ford makes good cars, i had a 2005 mazda 6 v6 5spd, same chassis as the fusion, mostly a Ford product, really liked that car
I got tired of being ashamed of having skinny arms to the point that I never used any clothes that didn't fully cover my arms.
When I started and persisted to the point where I could actually see gains, it felt like the first time I'd taken control of anything my life. I haven't gone far beyond moving on from my deadend job but I'm finally doing something with purpose and I know that taking control of my health and body affected that. I can't and won't stop now for fear of falling back into my worse self. We are going to make it lads.
I lasted three years in a government office. Gained thirty pounds, a case of depression, and a heavy drinking habit. I promised myself I would never work an office job again. I'm now a weekend warrior in a chickenshit reserve unit and a school janitor mopping up vomit, shit, piss, and blood, and I am still happier than I was working in a god damn office.
I no longer want to feel helpless, to have the world act upon me
I want to act upon the world
I just want to become the best possible version of myself. This objective made me go down the /fitlit/ path
>basketball american
top kek m8
I can't handle myself in social situations, I alway act shy, weak, and emasculated. I know it's a problem, but I can't turn it off, it just kind of happens. It's an automatic mode that my mind goes into. I'm humiliated by it. I go to the gym and work on my personal life really just as a way to cope.
My stepdad was stronk and didn’t like me
self improvement and not being a fat slob lke the avg north american
Some combination of wanting a qt virgin gf and hating myself for not being as perfect as I could be.
Yeah i'm a software developer... I remember during my college years doing these shit jobs, but working with loads of hot women and just generally being active and having fun.
I think I am about 2 - 3 years away in savings just leaving the country for a few years and seeing what I get into.
Kind of an amalgamation of everything posted so far, I guess
>be me, always struggled with a little OCD
>3 years younger than older bro
>he's the opposite of me: taller, outgoing, responsible, always had a gf, more attractive, just overall better genetics
>me: quiet, shy, virgin asocial retard shut-in
>join the army to try to fix my social anxiety
>make it through basic somehow, get deployed with older bro
>commander calls me 60 pounds soaking wet every time he sees me
>get pissed off
>start lifting during deployment
>gain 20 pounds in 9 months
>come back, can't stop working out due to OCD and fear of losing gains
I'm just pissed off that I'm the way that I am. Lifting and joining the military has done nothing for me but given me a bigger presence and given me veteran's preference for jobs. I can't fix things that are wrong with me like my social anxiety or OCD, after I go to the gym I come home and sit down, trying to relax and forget my responsibilities. I can't even say I have more confidence. Anyone else the same way?
lately because of God unironically
I want to see how far can I go
I'm the exact same as you man. I was always pathetic little shit when I was young. Now I strive to be the exact opposite of that and trying to become someone that everyone will admire.
Been fat my whole life. Just want to see what it's like to be aesthetic.
I used to be heavy into drugs, going to the gym and running everyday helps me feel good without abusing and keeping my life in order
good shit
Holy fuck that statue is sick.
That shit makes me want to get strong as fuck
Because it beats staying home. Just like failing nofap is better than not trying at all, and getting up in the morning beats sleeping all day and feeling terrible for it.
There is light. It may not be much light, but it beats the darkness.
Pathetically low self-confidence.
Because lifting makes you more right wing and I'm already a fascist so let's see where I end up.
I was born with a functional body and decent genetics, why not actualize its potential? Also, when I join my ancestors I want them to be proud of the manner in which I treated their gift (my body and progeny).
To be better than other people. I don’t want to lord it over them. I just want to know that I am more disciplined, stronger physically, and more attractive to potential mates.
God be with you, brother.
Have a crush on this guy and pretty sure he's not gay but on the slim chance he's bi I want to look good for him and for him to be impressed. If not him then a different guy who hopefully comes along one day. I'm so lonely. I fall for any guy who's cute and takes a friendly interest in me.
World domination.
I could come up with a bunch of cool reasons like to prove everyone wrong or become a greek god, but i think actions speak louder than words. I used to be in the gym 7 days a week, but when i met a girl who couldn't care less about how buff i was, just about how i made her laugh and feel, i stopped going as much and only go maybe 1 or 2 days. I guess i just needed something to fill the void.
To be god among men basically. have green eyes and am 6'3 already and have no STD's not even herpes, so already in the upper percentile of humans. Being fit would push me into upper 5 percent. I will transcend humans
turn into the 10th planet equivalent of Nick Rodriguez
When u don’t have any real friends u learn to make friends with the machines and weights,
personally I name them, like there’s a raised sit up station thing and I named it ‘Adam’ because abs and Adam sound similar,
so whenever I’m about to do some crunches on it I say ‘hello Adam how are you today,’
and by the noise it makes with the Slidey foot anchors that I adjust I determine if Adam has had a good or bad day
and basically if I stop going to the gym all my gym friends I talk to will wonder about me,
if I got hurt and stuff,
because they don’t have legs I have to go to them ever gym day and say hello.
So this is why I go to gym and get fit is more of a bi product at this point
This, unfortunately.
You must be new
I want to be able to win a fight
To protect myself and those I love
And to prove to my ex that I CAN stick to regime
That I'm better than the man I was years before
Nice user
Because I told everyone I know I'm gonna get huge and now I'll never live down the embarrassment if I don't.
Self-loathing. Last year I let myself go, I wasn't the fittest person to ever grace the world, but I wasn't... I wasn't ordinary. I had pride about my body, the man on the mirror looked at me with pride. Now he finds me wanting, and I hate it. I hate that I have abandoned something that made me happy, I hate that I let myself go, and most of all, I hate myself for that. And this feeling isn't something I can fucking accept, so yeah lads, here we go again.
Used to be fat, sad, ugly and insecure
Now I’m fit, sad, good looking and insecure
To leave my wife is she doesn't get her shit together before I get fit
I feel this. The endorphins are wonderful
i train oly and i wanna do good enough in competitions to be proud of myself
So I can finally get the confidence to get laid
>was always the fat kid
>lost weight in highschool from weight training at first
>turns out body was eating itself (Graves Disease) and was on the edge of a standing heart attack
>proceed into years of surgery, medication and overworking myself trying to succeed in college and career. Netting me a good job but 120lbs heavier.
>Job is challenging, satisfying but also wears a bit
>wife has depression, bit of a gains goblin and sometimes coming home to be an emotional caretaker is sometimes the hardest thing in the world
>Able to hit the gym finally and consistently after work, at cost of work-life balance
>At the gym I am left alone
>Just me, my thoughts and the lifts, almost meditative
>struggles at the gym are purely physical and the quantifiable progression brings me satisfaction
>becoming more muscular and less round visibly, albeit the weight loss is glacially slow.
Lets me forget about the hardships and vent the frustrations all the while achieving mastery over my body that was once wrenched away. But fuck me I am tired, boys.
To leg/butt mog women
There’s no better feeling than when straight guys spend more time mirin you than the gym thots
To be a peak health before my inevitable and to survive in society.
My dad died of a stroke and my mom has Arrhythmia. She has a pacemaker-defibrillator in her heart and can't go 10 minutes without being winded
I commute on bike and probably will for the rest of my days. I have been jumped once in my life and refuse for that shit to happen again. Carry mace like a little bitch now.
I make it a matter of life or death
Do I want to die at 60 years old? Do I want to get cancer and die? No, well better go lift today and avoid all processed foods, if I eat shit food and get cancer the jews win
Hate. At first, I did it for her. And then I did it for me, so I could be better for her. And then she broke my heart in ways I didn't think was possible, so then I lifted to take the pain away, but it didn't. And then I got angry. Very angry. At me. At her. At him. At everything. I lift because I hate myself. I lift because I hate the world, and everyone else in it. I lift because I want them all to see what I can become, and what they threw away. And then, once I achieve my goal, I'll disappear from this world. No one will miss me, and I'll finally have done something right, and will have made the world a tiny bit better by no longer being here.
Because I'm an addict and I push my body to see what could damn near kill me but could also be enjoyable. I take RAD-140, Cardarine, and Modafinil to see how far I can push my physical and cognitive enhancement. It's a self-destructive habit. It's been worse than this.
I've tried being good, but my heroin relapse always puts me back at square one. There's been times where I wanted to see how high I could get. Been nights where I've used heroin, oxycodone, methadone, klonopin, methamphetamine, cocaine, alcohol or nights where I would shoot up meth, heroin and cocaine at the same time. Now, I really don't have nothing to lose because I've already lost everything last year. Might as well push my body's limit other ways without the heartbreak of losing everyone and everything I love. Never tried PEDs until recently. Working great so far and helps me workout 2-3 hours a day. Helps keep my mind off heroin and other hard drugs. I guess life just fucked me up so much, that I stopped giving a shit about doing the right thing for myself. Fuck, treating myself right. I've had two relationships with honestly good girls, that never did drugs and always pursued their education. My dark past has ruined and shit on everything and many other women that were interested in my until they found my dirty little secret. I know my body ain't shit compared to anyone else on this board, but this is all I have left. Myself.
I've scared my good friends away and I've broken my girls heart. I've been homeless, lost a good job, car, and all my money. Now I'm just a wage cuck. This is not a needle for steroids, this is an old speedball needle I had kept, even though I have been off of the shit for 2 1/2 months. Guess I dived into the PED realm because after being sober, it fucking sucked getting up in the morning for anything. Fucking sad all the time. Heh, guess I'll have to live the rest of my life being on something. I miss childhood honestly.
I hope your gym burns down with the machines still in it
seek help
Get help faggot
cause it's fun
My main character flaws are procrastination and unreliability. Its pathological at this point
Gym is part of me trying very hard to fix that before I irrevocably fuck my life
To praise God and treat well the body He gave me
I want to impress.
Also, say i am given one life or one shot at life... Why would I not make the most of it? I've discovered what sitting down and eating candy all day is like, but I haven't discovered what it's like to have muscles or to climb mountains.
I've been on and off working out for 3 years and have made no progress as a result. Each time I try it though I stick to it a little bit longer.
That noble persuit exists strictly in our heads. We are all vain and would not lift if we were the only people on earth. Humans better themselves for others, a typical human would like to grow fat and have no responsibilities. Nobody "enjoys" lifting heavy shit of the floor, you enjoy the mires you get after the fact.
Why delude yourselves with beta stories of legend ?
For you OP. I lift for you.
What a retarded thing to say.
>go to the gym daily
To be phsyically powerful and aesthetic, to be attractive for my hot future wife, healthy, and to be able to say the N-word in public.
>life in general
Go to Heaven.
I never found any inside myself and nobody's ever been in my life that gives me one externally, so I just do nothing
>want to be a firefighter as a career
>If I finally get isekai'd to fantasy world like i always wanted then I want to be able to kill a least a decent monster
to feel more in control of my life, body and future.
A fucking 2005 Kia Spectra you cumguzzler.
Vanity. Everything else is a bonus.
>The weak should fear the strong
I play a lot o JRPGs so I want to be as fit and big as the characters I explore those worlds with.
I don't want them to be ashamed to be controlled and advised by a random fat, lazy fuck from the 3rd dimension.
post body
I was already naturally strong, relatively, before working out, but people didn't respect my strength because I've always been really skinny. When I first started my current job, we had a truck deliver some stuff which is always loaded onto a pallet which need to be physically pulled out of the truck with a jack, and these pallet can be really heavy. I offered to help and one of my coworkers just assumed I would be no help because of my size. I did just fine, but I was sick of being considered weak just by appearance.
I'm still not bulky by an means, but after I've started to work out my strength has become much more noticeable.
Arnie secret based German scientist behind the 2way mirror (literally IN the mirror) picking up the best Aryan warriors for the fuhrer
For me it's literally just mires, I want girls to look at me and friends to be jealous, also most of my life i've been sedentary and have been held back by my health but now that I lift and do cardio regularly I can do almost anything
To have fun no matter what baby
If you accept that it’s a wicked world then it’s much easier to be happy. I spent too long trying to find the good and bad and not understanding that they go hand in hand
Health aside, because it boosts my self esteem and people treat you better if you are fit. Plus, the feeling of being completely physically capable is god-tier
I'm tired of looking like a goddamn skeleton. And I want to be able to lift a gallon of milk without struggling
To improve my looks and thanks to it try to improve my low self-esteem by having hookups with attractive people I don't care about who don't care about me to not feel inferior to my hoe friends.
Based as fuck, thank you for this brother.
This. Everyone I know loves playing shit like Skyrim and 'levelling up'.
Yeah well when I go from 22kg to 24kg, or improve the machine from 120lbs to 130lbs etc, that is levelling up for me, but not in some silly game.
>skinny as fuck as a kid
>constantly played Sega Genesis and NES as a kid but I also loved riding bike, playing basketball, swimming, and skateboarding which all contributed to keeping me thin
>got hit by a car crossing the street when I was 8 years old
>forced to have a full-leg cast for 3 months throughout the entire summer
>couldn't do anything outdoors with the rest of my friends so I stayed inside where it was cool
>became accustomed to a purely sedentary lifestyle
>became chubby
>cast finally comes off, I don't bother doing shit outside much anymore
>continue to gain weight
>by 7th grade I was almost 200 lbs and only 5'7"
>get called fat once - just once - and it cut deeper than I could have imagined
>wear baggy clothes and sweatpants to cover my body
>start high school
>become addicted to Counter-Strike
>lose a ton of weight because I would forgo eating to keep playing
>become normal weight but have tons of loose skin that I would misinterpret as fat "rolls"
>diet hard
>I mean HARD
>I mean only-one-bottle-of-Diet-Mountain-Dew-per-12-hour-shift-at-work HARD
>drop to 129 lbs at 6'0" by the time I'm 26
>catch a glimpse of myself in a mirror at work
>not my upper body, but my entire body
>I'm rail thin
>feel weak all the time
>carry this on for 2 years
>decide enough is enough, I hate feeling weak
>hit the weights
>in the 1.5 years since I've started lifting I've gained 22 lbs
I'm still skinny, but I feel so much more invigorated than I did at that time. The only difference is I've developed (or perhaps "resurfaced"?) some wicked anger issues.
>90% of /fitizens have a wife and child
Ask me how I know you’re retarded.
On a somewhat unrelated note, does anyone have the quote with this statue in the background, its along the lines of being able to look back at your life and be able to be happy with how you did?
I always had a sense of duty. If I slack off in the slightest I feel like a failure.
because i have this fear that when i die i will come face to face and be judged by the man that i could have become if i had put all of my effort into my life pursuits.
post hair
post nose
I owe it to mai waifu.
>see myself on video
>cringe instantly because of I skinny I am
6'1 and 75kg. Lanklet supreme with a long neck.
Also want to show some people that I can do it when I put my mind to it.
Also want to get back at hyperthyroidism for making me this way on two episodes.
Also want to be stronger because I feel my knees give out sometimes.
Lastly, for girls.
Actually training to be a pro wrestler, and size matters in that industry.
Based grandpa
Nice, thanks for that. Checked.
be better than everyone else and not kill myslef
lanklet? 6'1 is manlet tier
I do it because it’s a habit at this point
I don't want to look and feel like a bitch anymore.
To live up to the glorious history of my forefathers, and feel no shame when I join their company.
I'm a flabby weak piece of shit,I want to boost my t and be more masculine as well
Idle curiosity and the desire to establish a good routine pretty much drive my whole life. That's probably not a good thing.
Can't be short and fat, plus it boosts the ego/confidence when I can feel the power in my body.
get busy livin or get busy dyin
Just to make amends with myself for being a lazy piece of shit. Down 26kgs since January 2019.
I'm 6'7" And I want my kids to look up to me when I have them.
That's what drives me every fucking day to go to the gym even if I don't want to.
Being fit/strong just feels good. It's like a permanent +15% buff to happiness.
Hopefully going to train to be a paramedic, the last thing you want to see in an emergency is a lanklet struggling to lift a box to get near you. Also I'm 6ft 2 so not having any muscle makes me look retarded
I want to become someone worthy of living all the autistic fantasies in my head lol. Basically I want to become what I admire. Also I want my sons to have a father they can look up to.
Perhaps most importantly I need the mental fortitude to survive whatever absolute bullshit the future holds. Right now it looks like we're all getting airborne Bat-AIDS. Gods know where this wild ride will take us. What is certain is that there are no breaks.
Been a bitch all my life. Hitting the gym with as much fervor as possible, eating insatiably and learning to be quiet and strong. AKA, I’ve decided to grow up, mentally and physically.
The fact that everybody treats me better since I started looking fit.
Also fear of being fat again.
Maybe a pinch of looking intimidating to normies since I work directly with customers and people are goddamned retarded.
> Because it’s not that hard. Being above average (or way above, geographically depending) takes almost no effort. An hour a day of your time. If you can’t be the best, be way above average; and that, is simple.
> It’s hygienic. When you’re lean, you don’t get as hot, you don’t sweat as much, you don’t leak alcohol from your pores and you don’t fart and burp from beer and grease and bullshit.
> It’s useful. Being lean and strong is functionally practical, and fat is literally some more shit to manage. Navigating the airport is a great example. Being fat is slow and difficult, taking off your shoes, fitting into planes, being hot and stuffy are chores. Being lean you can get down to a wifebeater, wear silkies, lift and bend and maneuver with ease.
>It future proofs myself as much as possible.
>I like to be attractive. Sex is better when you’re attracted to yourself, if that makes sense. Knowing the girl is into you makes sex hotter and more exciting; being in good shape also helps longevity, flexibility, circulation for dick gains, and more postions. My gf trains hard but is a lean and tiny latina, so feeling like a barbarian monster taking my prize from a sacked village is based.
> To be lethal. I unironically lift in hopes of the Boogaloo, and being fit is way better than head to toe Crye and your drilled out third hole.
I'm skinny that's what matters
I lift because I want to reach my full potential. I'm 6'0" with a good face, no acne, no illnesses, two parents, good grades, I've traveled the world, and my resume is stacked. However, I'm naturally a skinny ass dude with a giraffe neck and my social anxiety has kept me from making the friends I want. I started lifting 18 months ago and have put on 25 pounds since then. I've made great progress in the gym, and I don't see myself ever quitting because it's so rewarding to add weight on certain lifts or on the scale. As for the social anxiety, it's still a work in progress.
I pray for you guys every day. We're all gonna make it.
Based Aristocratic pride
initially it was to get in better shape and be more attractive but changed to the fact i simply like the feeling of straining muscles and being in pain
I escape all life’s problems and substitute them with ones I can defeat in the form of weight increases.
Instead of an arbitrary world of luck I am rewarded for my hard work in measurable quantities. It’s like a real world rpg.
>reach my full potential
This is a good way to describe it. I just want to become as powerful as my physical form will allow, in all capacities I can improve.
First: Anger Management, i really enjoy going out of the gym, after i worked out like a maniac. I get calm.
Second: Reduce my stress from work. The day after my workout, i am physically useless but i am sharp in my mind.
And of course my 5 scoops shake.
>No man has the right to be an amateur in the matter of physical training. It is a shame for a man to grow old without seeing the beauty and strength of which his body is capable.
B a s e d
Iv've got a 2012 Tacoma as my primary driver. Not sure why I need to be brutally honest about that but there you go.
i lift to lift cute boys over my head and suck them off
no homo
bro this fucking quote changes every time i see it
My mom usually takes me to the gym. She wants to drop me off at the front door but I insist she let me get out around back.
Holly shit. Thanks user. I like the numbers too. I do calithetics in my apartment but it's not as fun as when I had the money for a gym. I'm going to find one of those cheap 24hr gyms now that I know why. I need those numbers.
do you think there's only one way to translate from ancient greek to english?
It's a petty reason but i'm moving to japan in a year, and I want to not be overweight when I go so I can try to pull some Jap girls
Was always naturally athletic and handsome, let myself slip and realised I had lost my powers, lost a tonne of weight and now putting muscle on, I’m back baby.
Extremely based.
Because my subconscious, for whatever reason, persists in my idea that i must be better than before. Be stronger than my past. It’s just the will to strive; To be stronger than sisyphus. And just like sisyphus, maybe the end game is futile, but we do it because in the present moment it is a necessity. Also i just want to be an inspiration to my future children.
I'm in the same boat. Good luck fren
to lift the feels away
Started as the vain attempt to attract the love of my life who turned into a whore because she was molested as a child and now I lift because if I allow myself to be like the average western man I'll kill myself.
This. Absolutely this. Words cannot describe my distaste for modern “Onions culture”. My only goal is to either revive what men used to be, or die before i become one of them.
I was always really fucking skinny with thin as fuck bones. I felt cheated. So I picked up the weights. Once I realizedhow easy it was to gain muscle, I never stopped. Nowadays, it is mainly something I do to justify my eating habits.
Started so I can finally get laid
Turns out it's worth it to go just for the sake of lifting, still hoping to have sex at some point
>Onions culture
Explain what this means
Basedboys and what not.
S öy boy s and what not. Fucking gay Yas Forums corrections.
This is what happens when you use the blue pill as a suppository.
I don't want to be a wagie. I want to do MMA, get rich in it, and smash absurd amounts of prime puss into my 40s, then settle down and breed without wagecucking so I can give the next generation of Chads my full attention, homeschool, train from child, etc.
I want to stop being a lanklet. I'm not really the fittest person and I'm tall but I had thinga like 5kg dumbbell curls go to 10kg and a weak af bench go to 40-50kg.
But now I've lost that little gained strength and I'm pissed
Because I like lifting the heavy thing
For my wife Asuka
this, i too prefer sucking cocks and chugging HRT pills
you'd be better off being gay from the sound of it.
Woman give literally zero fucks about anything your saying in this post brother
its over for you dog
I am bored with my wife and want a hot side chick
I honestly don't know. I don't care about aesthetics or strength, I started out looking good and strength is aaalmost pointless in real life. I don't even feel 'not bad' after working let alone good. I fucking hate life
If you have kids I hope you reconsider. We don't need any more kids growing up with single moms or parents who have contempt for each other.
I'll fuck your wife if you want
I use to be a completely druggie fuck up loser. Some of my friends died from this lifestyle, going to the gym was the only thing that saved me really so I carry on. Unironically use to get laid a lot more back then, such is life
I go because if I dont go then not only will I be a poor loser who is lazy and not very bright, but I'll be all those things plus dyel.
Enjoy dying for Israel, goy