What's the best way to play the original FF7? Emulation or console?

What's the best way to play the original FF7? Emulation or console?

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just get the remake

>just get the remake

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Just finished it and its nothing like the original.

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There are all sorts of mods if you play it on pc, someone else can probably tell you about it.

Steam release with mods

switch while playing in bed

Is the Switch port any good?

Are the PSN versions of FFVII and FFIX any good?

Emulate PS1 version. The ports are a mess, and no, they cannot be fixed with mods. The engine itself is broken.

The Steam release is fine, really. If you own a console you might want to get it there depending on how many JRPGs you've played, those versions have stuff like automatic grinding or whatever.

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I've been playing it and it's just as good as any other port. PC version always has the randomizer mods though.

I'd recommend emulating VII because it outputs at 60fps during battles for smoother inputs (the actual animations still run at 15fps) as opposed to the port that just outputs the entire thing at 15fps and feels terrible to control.
The IX port has its problems but you won't notice them unless you're familiar with the original.

>just pay $60 for 5 hours stretched to 40 and an inconsistent story and graphics that they've fucked up by saying it won't yet will follow the original story
think the best would be PC with some mods, not sure the best though

Thanks, user.

fuck mods, play it like it was done

Does it get rid of the mouths though? They look dumb as hell.

Which is to say, just as shit as any other port.

Any tips for emulating FFVII, do you need any specific settings or something like that?

Just use Mednafen and the default PS1 core, it should work correctly out of the box.

switch version is the best


Sorry, meant to say RetroArch, Mednafen is a GBA emulator lol

Why do you say that? It honestly plays just like the PSX version does, except you get the babby mode option to limit break whenever.

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False. All the ports are dysfunctional.

For thorough information about why only the PS1 original is definitive, watch youtube.com/watch?v=-EOROam1GDs

is the switch version the only one with a fast forward button?

mednafen is a ps1 emulator too

>Literally 15 fps instead of 60 fps
>None of the visual effects work correctly

Yeah, totally the same bro. Retard.

portable, x3 speed, random encounter toggle, FF7 on a Nintendo console
>muh small graphical issues

>muh cloud
>muh tifa
>muh aerith
die in a fire

Retroarch with a crt filter is the easiest. You can apply a patch to fix the spirit stat too.

>FF7 on a Nintendo console

And here we see what kind of retard we are dealing with

>He watches Digital Shilldry

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retroarch with crt royal

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>FF7 on a Nintendo console
Why even mention this?

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Because all the older Final Fantasy games were on Nintendo consoles

>The Steam release is fine
The game is fine, yea. But I have to mention the launcher and the always-online DRM.

On the flipside, it turns out you can install the steam version, get rid of the launcher and regular .exe and then run that mod tool to end up with a DRM-free exe. But then why get the steam version?

>Literally 15 fps instead of 60 fps
I don't know where you're getting this information from but I'm playing it right now and it's definitely not at literally 15fps, my guy

>None of the visual effects work correctly
Again, I don't know where you're getting this information from but I'm 10 hours in and I can't recall a single visual problem anywhere.

I'd say console personally, but I can't imagine there's really going to be a meaningful difference between the two.

I need sauce now

Mods fix both of those.

> I don't know where you're getting this information from but I'm playing it right now and it's definitely not at literally 15fps, my guy

The menu and input runs at 60fps, the 3D graphics run at 15fps

On PC, the menu and input no longer runs at 60fps

it looks shit at 60fps

Here you go OP.


some people mod it to shit
I prefer emulation because that's how the game looked on my giant panasonic crt in the 90s

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