Where are the actual leaks themselves??

everywhere i look on google, all i see are hundred people talking about the leaks.

has the actual leak been taken off the internet? and now we are just going by what one person said to another to another and so on?

Attached: 1274403.jpg (590x350, 27.29K)

Other urls found in this thread:


google harder, newfag

Good lucking getting all the content off the internet. The damage IS done.

what the fuck are you talking bout? i am literally just trying to see the leaked footage without some annoying as fucking youtuber being like "YO WHATS UP GUYS WELCOME BACK TO A BRAND NEW VIDEO AND TODAY LAST OF US 2 GOT LEEEEAAAAKKKEDD BROOOOOO PLEASE LIKE AND SUBSCRIBE"

Cmom man, i found the last fight just by putting ellie versus abby on youtube

Attached: images (1).jpg (214x236, 6.17K)

thanks i found it, is there more?

imagine if it were fake and all orchestrated by naughty dog

op here, i found it
make mirrors while you can!

relax dude, the leaker(s) are going for the long run

literally here

Attached: unknown.png (785x323, 98.9K)

sony uses DMCA to take them down

Attached: based af.png (600x470, 70.34K)

I hate this bitch so fucking much man

Attached: 1587526414245.png (567x489, 341.12K)

only 1k likes? damn this bitch is irrelevant now

Attached: dilate.gif (432x240, 781.76K)

Still managed to get involved with tlou2...for fucks sake man, these fuckers DESERVE trump

Attached: eaff402e-f4e1-4df9-81df-deb851a5f317.jpg (462x462, 71.84K)

Who knew this bitch would bring the end of Naughty Dog

>Still managed to get involved with tlou2
Is that really surprising? Neil Druckmann loves her and what she does. He even presented her with some sort of award or something.
I genuinely don't get the outrage the leaks have caused. How was everyone blind to the very obvious writing on the wall for what this game was going to be.

>that gif

To be sincere with you, i never gave much attention to the development of tlou2 (still liked the first one thou). So, for me, it's really a surprise...a surreal one at that

Attached: 438e4e22-52f0-4af5-bdc9-92d969816150.jpg (377x598, 79.19K)

This has to be fake

>White males are the worst kind of people
>People actually Liked this
Jesus fucking Christ what is this planet anymore

I enter these threads just to find that webm of golf Joel, forgot to save it last time.


Imagine if someone tweeted black people are the worst kind of people in the world

I couldn't find it. I guess it's possible she deleted it but it's dated March 30th so not even sure what she's supposed to be responding to. I'm pretty sure the lesbian and jew joke spam started with last year's E3 and it's also well before the leak happened.

Avoid NPC YouTubers. They most likely won't show footage because their scared of legal trouble

Damn I heard that. I hate when I just want to see how something is done in a game and some dude has to spend a half hour telling you how he is doing, what the weather is like, why he bought the game, why he likes it, why he’s gay, where he likes to eat, where the wild things are, what he finds depressing, why he wants you smash like and subscribe, the fact he has a patreon, what he plans on doing with his channel, and then finally where the key is.

Why are you so desperate to defend this game?

What did I do? Generalizing a group in general is awful and hypocritical. I feel like this is fake though, there is no way someone would actually write that...

Trust me... the fact there are Images showing off all the chapters in the game, the entire intro sequence streamed yesterday, and even video clips of Joel getting killed being sent to you is all the evidence you need for this being real. this isn't like Banjo getting leaked for Smash where it's was specualtion, this is full on rendered scenes being sent out.

Nice fake tweet.

It is.

stop looking for leaks from corporate shills that want press passes to E3

Attached: 1588251161170.webm (1280x720, 2.83M)

Jesus Christ...

Attached: 1412521515.png (1906x916, 1.35M)

Based leaker.

does anybody know what happened to that guy she used to peg, Josh McIntosh?

Joel dies and you play the second half as Abby in TLOU2

>Joel kills surgeon in TLoU1
>Surgeon has MtF tranny kid
>Tranny kills Joel
>Ellie escapes and you play as her for half the game

* One of the surgeons Joel killed had a daughter called Abby

* The Firefly massacre destroyed her whole life, she's been looking for revenge ever since - knew who Ellie was because of of her dad talking about their shot at a cure, figured out Joel from Firefly records

* Cult attacks Ellie's settlement and she, Jesse, and Dinah are part of the group sent to track down and attack it - Jesse is killed during this

* Ellie is now violently angry and goes to Seattle looking for the cults home to wipe it out, meets Joel there because he heard about Jesse and came back to help her

* Abby finds Ellie because she's been in conflict with the cult too, so when Ellie hunts them to Seattle and is set to attack them with Joel her group find them and attack

* She kills Joel herself, takes Ellie back to camp debating what to do with her since for all her hate she doesn't blame her for the massacre

* Ellie butchers her group to escape and Abby is now motivated to hunt her down

* Second half of the game is spent as Abby chasing Ellie

* Ellie continues hunting the cult while you chase her down

volafile dot org/r/1958z4kxc

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He would have been saved if Ellie shot Abby from afar instead of going in like a retard. Like why would you go in instead of headshotting the tranny?