Setting aside your goals, who's your favorite Animal Crossing villager that you've gotten so far?

Setting aside your goals, who's your favorite Animal Crossing villager that you've gotten so far?

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Phoebe and Jacques. Don't think I'll ever let either of them go.

Didn't Animal Crossing threads get banned from Yas Forums?

Katt. Only villager I won't allow to leave.

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Skye a cutie even though she has a DIY house

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What are some villagers that have cool secret details that you can't immediately tell from looking at them? For example Dotty becomes a Terminator when she is surprised.

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dom's chin gets pronounced in certain expressions and its fucking hilarious

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thank god my nfc tags come tomorrow so i can replace all these DORKS

Scoot, though he was my first.

Did somebody say based?

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