How are your normie friends reactin to the leaks?

How are your normie friends reactin to the leaks?

Most of mine are still buying the game and calling unironically the GOTY

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I consider myself a normie. I think playing as Abby AFTER she kills Joel is ass backwards. That said, I'll buy it when it goes on sale.

You guys are my only friends

He got mad and blocked me after I sent him the leaks.

I’m not your friend.

People I've told about the leaks have said that the game sounds grotesque and they're not interested in watching actually realistic violence in a video game. They want fun violence.

Don't give a fuck all I know is i'm not playing it, ever. I have noticed a few playing tlou recently so I assume they are still on board, not gonna try influence them

They think it sucks

My cousin thinks so aswell but his gf is a big fan of the first one and he just has to watch her buy it

I know nothing about video games. I just play minecraft every update and then uninstall. You idiots are too engaged.

I played golf in school ya know.

The only person I know who "plays" TLOU is someone who watches a lets play of it on a second monitor while he plays another game. I didn't even realize it was so popular here with the way you morons can't shut the fuck up about it.

>I didn't even realize it was so popular here with the way you morons can't shut the fuck up about it.
What did you expect, you are posting on Yas Forums son

Cancelled my preorder and I’m steering clear of any future Naughty Dog titles. Neil Druckmann can fuck off.

I am so sorry user

1 of them still buying the collector's, one other says he'll wait for reviews( which is even more retarded than the first guy imo).

Normalfags are bunch of mongoloids with 0 taste. Name/Brand recognition is the only thing that matters to these people.


Reminds me of the Star Wars situation. It will make a lot of money but most people will acknowledge it’s actually shit afterwards.

Normies don't know about the leaks faggot

>Yas Forums - Video Games
>I know nothing about video games.

holy mother of based

the original game was a steaming pile and yet people loved it, so wouldn't expect any other reaction

what are those?

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you're nobody's friend and you know it best

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Nice try but no they aren't. Shills don't usually have any friends.

I'm not your friend, buddy.

The person whose dick you suck.
Suck mines too

I wouldn't know because I'm not a normie therefore I don't have normie friends, you fucking normie.

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>not normalfag
no john u are the demons

my normie friends who are TLOU fanboys don't even know about the leaks and never even heard of Neil Druckmann

5 out of 5 of my normie friends are fucking pissed and I quote "wouldn't play it even if Sony pay me".

I'm also surprised with the amount of tranny bashing normies are saying. It's fucking brutal, some comment sections on YouTube are worse than Yas Forums nazi larping.

that's your an average Yas Forums user

My entire friend group never even had TLOU on their radar but the OC from the leaks has been so god damn funny. One of em even turned Brian Fury in T7 into Abby, beat down another and the other friend was screeching "ABBY NO!!!!” funniest shit in awhile.

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My buddies got turned off when they found out you can't play as Joel. I didn't even spoil the tranny plot twist.

Same, friend.

>you can't play as Joel
Tell your buddies that's false.

The point is to make the player empathize with someone they have every reason to hate

ouch her nose must be broken after this

I live in a country where sony dominates and I honestly don't know anyone who played the last of us. I didn't think anyone liked the game but reviewers and sony had to give it away for free with consoles and even then no one played it

Yeah that's not gonna work. Everyone makes this comparison but just look at Kylo Ren. No one gave a shit about his struggle in Episode 8 because he killed arguably the most popular OG cast member in the first movie.