Unironically what is sony doing...

Unironically what is sony doing? For like a year or two there have been absolutely 0 good news surrounding the playstation brand. What started with an early weeb genocide where they started censoring everything, they canceled their E3 presentations, released games that bombed horribly, delayed everything else for months, released first party games on PC, showed hardware weaker than the competition and now they last big game on the system gets the story leaked and everyone is pissed because it happened ontop of the industries favorite meme right now, crunch. Where are the good news for sony to make their customers excited for next gen?

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get excited faggot

Cope harder. 120 million PS4s sold

Give me a reason then.

>why should people buy the ps5?
>"because the ps4 sold well"
No thanks, I hold myself to higher standards than simple group mentality.

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They took the woke pill and moved their headquarters to Commiefornia. It all went downhill from there.

u got some unannounced movie games coming your way. and some niche Japanese games no one cares for. Stay on pc if u have one that can match next gen consoles or get an Xbox like me.

I would buy one if you were right about some niche japanese games, but even those come to PC nowadays.

I don't think there's reason left to care about anything Sony does at this point.

Jews/ SJWs infiltrate the most successful organizations. Naturally, those organizations then decline because of it.

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I believe the switch is also getting them

yes, sony now is collapsing, but to Restore their glories
they should reveal Bloodborne2, or GOW with a new shit game that fagboys was love, cause exclusives is the only thing can sony do.

why do u want to get excited about fucking vidoe games

Because they are my hobby and I would rather look forward to play something that excites me, than be miserable because everything looks like shit. Are you fucking retarded?

maybe try another hobby like something that "excites" you. sex or something. i dunno i'll go buy some beer brb

OP didn't ask why you should buy the PS5

>Where are the good news for sony to make their customers excited for next gen?
>Where are the good news for sony to make their customers excited for next gen?
>Where are the good news for sony to make their customers excited for next gen?
>Where are the good news for sony to make their customers excited for next gen?

120m ps4s sold

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tell me what your retarded post saying
>>why should people buy the ps5?
>>"because the ps4 sold well"
>No thanks, I hold myself to higher standards than simple group mentality.
has anything to do with the question
>Where are the good news for sony to make their customers excited for next gen?
no one cares what standard you hold yourself to retard, no one asked either

Okay, then let me answer you in a way even a retard like yourself will understand. I am OP, I want to ask why I should be excited for next gen. Current gen selling well does not excite me, henceforth your answer was unsatisfactory for me. Even more than that current gens success is completely unrelated to my excitement of next gen, your answer failed on a fundamental level to answer my question.


I think he's implying that they have no need to offer you anything special because the masses will just buy the new system anyway

your question never once referenced your own desire to get a ps5, you don't even say I or me or myself anywhere in your post. if you want to know the answer to why YOU should get a ps5, maybe you should ask that, instead of "what will make people who aren't me excited?" like a retard

I am a customer, you retard. And you still haven't given a single reason why people should be excited, you just cited CURRENT gen sales.

what a faggot graph

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thats good enough for most people, old console good, new console good

Why would they announce anything this early when people will forget it by the time the system comes out?
Announcing early has never done any good for anyone that's done it. It literally caused MS to fail last gen.

>sales numbers equal quality
That's good enough for shareholders, you inbred moron.

>nintendo got the sales
>xbox got the power
>sonygroids got fucked in the ass and their credit cards stolen

most people buy what they are used to and know that has been good. it's more "safe".
people do it all the time no matter if it's video games or food or cars whatever.