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I like God of War because I had never had a strong father presence and it makes me feel like I did.
father I never had :(
You didn't do that with your own sons
Wait... you are married?!
Wrong finger, retard.
>Throw axe
>Catch axe
>B-boy p-please come back d-daddys waiting for you
>Nooo y-you cant be a-angry thats bad
>Double jumping? Cant do that Ive got arthritis
>Gods? Im scared of them
>Who am I? nuKratos
Is a weeding ring not put on the right hand's ring finger?
>Gods? Im scared of them
What gave you that impression? Him breaking the neck of one?
It's the left hand
Huh, I always thought that you put it on your right
He tries to avoid meeting them at all costs, isnt confident when he meets them and look at nuKratos reaction when he meets Thor.
I really loved the first game. I hope they don't add politics in the sequel. The success of last of us 2 might scare me a bit.
>spends 5 games tearing down a whole god damn pantheon of gods
>years later after his vengeance is satisfied he finds a new life
>he's relatively happy and doesn't miss going on murderous rampages
>he has a wife and child
>wonder why he doesn't want to fight a god again
>He tries to avoid meeting them at all costs
Last time he interacted with gods his life got fucked up and he ended up offing a pantheon
>isnt confident when he meets them
He's clearly not threatened whenever a god pops up. When he meets Baldur, he's trying his best not to fuck him up - "You do not want this fight"
>and look at nuKratos reaction when he meets Thor.
Confusion? That was in a dream, anyway
Youre not proving we wrong, nuKratos is an entirely different character after the trilogy, hes a soi version of his former self and his wifes son isn't solely to blame for that.
Did you play the game?
you baited me congrats
>Last time he interacted with gods his life got fucked up and he ended up offing a pantheon
Exactly so he shouldnt be afraid of them, yet he is.
>Hes clearly not threatened whenever a god pops up.
Hes trying to intimidate Baldur, he clearly isn't confident enough to fight him.
>That was in a dream, anyway.
It wasnt and you cant deny that Kratos looked pretty scared when he saw Thor.
So you're shitposting
Go back, reddittard.
>No argument
Refute it.
It’s the left hand because it’s closer to the heart you faggot
How very sweet
If you actually played the game (which you haven't) Kratos himself says about 5+ times that he chose to live as a man, not a god, in Midgard after destroying the Greek patheon so hard.
If you're going to troll at least do it with some of the more ambiguous points in the game
>Kratos looked pretty scared when he saw Thor
Yeah man it's super easy to see that super scared expression on his face when it's super dark and super far away yep yep yep
You should focus more on claiming that the Atreus isn't Kratos' son. On that you can you can make up all kinds of shit. Questioning Kratos' strength and courage doesn't really fly as a shitposting tactic because anyone that's played the game knows that it's bullshit
Youre still not refuting anything im saying.
>W-who are you - Kratos
Kratos didnt sound confident in the slightest.