Just buy our fucking game anons

>just buy our fucking game anons

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>The final experience will be worth it
Only if you're a rotten Jew. Gentiles are not going to enjoy your torture porn fest with shitty twists.
And I can enjoy some gore, and love twists in media.
This is absolutely retarded, cringy and "shocking" just for the sake of being "shocking".

It's always twice as funny when devs do damage control. It's three times as funny they panicked and just cut all development off and are now just rushing to get it out ASAP.

I'll probably buy it

What's best is you can tell they're freaking out. It's such a short and desperate reply and they beg you not to get spoiled because they know you won't wanna play it.

This is pretty humorous to me as it's possibly one of the most pathetic responses to a fuck up by a vidya company i've seen. It's funny because they literally have nothing witty or smart to respond with, they put all of the cards out on the table and the best that they can muster is 'we're disappointed, please don't look at spoilers'. There's no marketing lingo or PR speak, it's literally unfiltered freaking the fuck out and begging to not look at spoilers and buy the game

Better that it's on Twitter. Even normies get to watch the studio internally combust.

What can they say though? They have to post something

We'll see, I've already have my copy pre-ordered

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I would but it doesn't look fun and hardly seems like a game. I'll wait for a proper game like Dragon's Dogma 2, that wait and experience will be worth it

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I think the leaks proved that you can also have a good time watching the game as opposed to playing it.

Twicht and YT proved that with TT "games" already

NO! you're supposed to post le tranny senator meme

Well, acknowledging the studios shit internal practices and having to deal with the awful feedback from the spoilers is probably something they weren't expecting. Best they can hope for is people don't look up the spoilers at all.

>incredible difficult
peak onions, it`s just a bunch of video game spoilers

AMC should sell tickets to watch the spoilers.

Hypothetical here;
Let's say that Last of Us Pt2 comes out and everyone hates it, even the SJWs who love any old shit representation, would Yas Forums change their tune and love the game, or would they be happy that the game is a failure?

I'd be happy for any games failure, all I wish for is the next videogame crash to destroy AAA games and bring us into a new golden age of games

No. Shitty people hating a shitty thing doesn't make it less shitty. Rabid SWfags hate the Disney movies. I hate rabid SWfags. Doesn't mean I now like Star Wars.

>bring us into a new golden age of games
That would never happen even with a crash. Way too many devs have died last gen.

Sooo... What's up with this whole "kill off every character the audience has grown found of"? Is this a new movement I'm not aware of?

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Game of thrones was popular user, Neil always has and always will be a fucking hack who just grabs whatever popular idea is floating around at the time then try and pass it off like he is a genius.

absolute jewish perversion that only belongs in hollywood
get a grip you kike faggot dev

I'll play it on PS Plus come August


>take an existing platform with fans
>Disassemble it so what they liked and knew was wrong
>use it as a platfrom for their brand of bullshit until the well dries up
>rinse and repeat

This user is right. I'd say the killing of beloved characters was popularized in the media because of Game of Thrones.

It generates emotion, and its a lot easier to do it via killing characters than just writing a good story. Why write a good continuation of Joel when you can just kill him and then subvert the plot.

>market game on Joel and Ellie
>knowing one dies and the other becomes the villain
>knowing you force people to play as Joel's killer
>knowing players will spend 5-10 minutes QTE spamming and watching cutscenes of Ellie being beaten close to death
>snicker behind closed doors about how subverted expectations will be on release
>based employee leaks the plot
>suddenly have to damage control since the two characters that draw players in are confirmed ruined
>game may tank even though TLOU sequel was guaranteed money printer
looks like it was Naughty Dog who got their expectations subverted

Shock value, or in this case pushing a bullshit narrative (pablo and trans murdering whitey).

The smugness of le subversion shit is too accurate.

You know what is even funnier? People who choose to shield themselves from spoilers a very very small number if I can do something about it lol will get the end tail of the discussion. When this game finally arrives, all the memes will be gone, the discussion will have dried out, and everyone around here will be fed up already on talking about TLoU2

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What a despicable way to try and spin this whole situation. Vermin, lower than shit. 70% staff turnover for fucks sakes.
