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Based lucina shitposter
Based youposter
T-ten FEET?!?!?
Have you never heard the expression "I wouldn't touch that with a ten foot pole"?
They are talking about my penis.
Lucina 10”
Why do people who make these garbage images always have such fucking awful taste?
>that thong peek
Yes lord
I genuinely love those. And that Rosalina is always packing.
>tfw the artist who does fem Ike is a women
Lissa+0 cuz she's already perfect!
Lissa's weird leg cage!
Chrom makes her wear it to keep her from fucking!
Manuela’s Manuelas+20
Hi I like Jill
>tfw she self inserts as ike
>i exist on the same board as uncultured swine
I have yet to play her game but I know that she's a Wyvern Rider so I'm gonna assume she's both a top tier unit and waifu
Pretty much. Path of Radiance also gives her a lot of development and dialogue for being a character that technically doesn't contribute to the story itself
Yeah but she pales in comparison to other redhead wyvern ladies such as Miledy and Minerva also Marcia is better