What PS2 games have you been playing lately?

What PS2 games have you been playing lately?

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Talladega Nights
Pirates of the Caribbean

>Grandia 3

Quite possibly the most underrated ps2 game.

Valkyrie Profile 2

rayman 3 and beyond good and evil (both HD) in xbox360, they were sixth gen games, and also on ps2.

Still waiting on SE to fucking either put that on PS4 via PS2 Classics, or port it to modern platforms alfuckingready.

Same here, albeit the port.

>Rayman Revolution
Didn't enjoy it that much, might be because I've played other versions of Rayman 2 to death in the past.
>Jak X
Actually really fun. Got gold medals on all events and had a blast.
>Sonic Mega Collection Plus
>Mainly just messed around in the Game Gear games I never properly tried. Beat Sonic Labyrinth, was trash. Tried Sonic Blast, was also trash. Sonic Chaos is OK but I get pissy with myself if I fail a special stage so didn't actually finish it.

Not sure what to play next. Might put the PS2 away and get the one of the other consoles out, or play something more modern.

beyond good and evil plays like utter dog shit on ps2, framerate is horrible


Its not. That title belongs to Xenosaga 3.

replaying some of the older NFS games, Most Wanted is still my favorite. thinking I want to replay Jak and Daxter 1-3 though, I haven't touched Jak since I played them on my original PS2 all them years ago. One of my favorite series

I need to get a new controller as my ds2 broke and replacements are pricey. Any recommendations for 3rd party controllers?

The second episode was more enjoyable than I thought it would be, but episode 3 is really great so far. Just beat Voyager in the Elsa's hangar, and he was a real asshole.

As someone who played them for the first time very recently, on real hardware too.

>Jak 1
Really fun, smooth as fuck framerate that is locked to 60, a bit low res compared to the sequels but still an incredibly enjoyable game in year 2020. No loading times, no gameplay interruptions, fun to 100% as well. Aged like fine wine.

>Jak 2
Challenging, good variety, didn't mind the switched up formula. Cool neat mixture of steam and cyberpunk atmosphere. Enjoyable as hell, the only downside is that framerate shits the bed in the city. Luckily, most missions don't take part in it so it's not that glaring of an issue.

>Jak 3
Same as 2 except more guns, more powers, more abilities. Cool atmosphere from 2 is tossed aside for a Mad Max vibe which I personally didn't enjoy at all. A bit more platforming than in 2, but also A LOT more driving than in 2. Didn't like it that much. Iirc framerate is better than 2.

Gotta go fast kino. Very recommended.

I'd say 2 = 1 > 3. 3 is a solid game, I just thought that atmosphere is a severe flaw going from first two games, which despite being quite opposite, were charming in their own ways.

Didn't play The Lost Frontier.

pretty underrated title in the series, always gets overshadowed by VC while it does alot of shit better (plane controls, empire building, swimming)
also it has fucking Phil Collins

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Sweet, sweet Armored Core Silent Line.
I've forgotten just how *unf* artstyles constrained by the PS2 limitations looked, like this, ZoE and MSG2.
Need to track down the rest of the AC games.

Also, Virtual-On MARZ
That game can suck my dick goddman

>Didn't play The Lost Frontier.

Not him, but I'm going to do it. I know it's dogshit but I want to see for myself.

i played prince of persia 1 and 2 recently for the first time and it was honestly one of the best gaming experiences I ever had.
makes me long for games to be games again and not just propaganda tools with slow, bloated or zero gameplay

I'm gonna play Nocturne or Persona 3 FES

Rayman Revolution is the best version

Dawn of Mana. It's frustrating because the game is almost good. The Combat is just so stiff and akward, and the camera sucks.

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deus ex was on ps2 butt has worse graphics then silent hill 1

God Hand. I'm really bad at it. Also beat Kuon recently.

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I started Ring of red. I had fond memories since it was one of the first games I had on the PS2. Never finished it.

It....it is not as good as I remember it to be.

>Ace Combat

Prince 2 is a buggy piece of shit. Killed the franchise for me.

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Beaten King's Field IV, it was great. Are there any other similar games on ps2? Where it's only you against the dungeon, with little to no dialogue and plot?

I prefered the Dreamcast Version personally. I didn't like the hubworld but I liked some stuff like the new bosses.

Just beat Fatal Frame 2 couple nights ago.
Still stuck near the end of FF1, as it's much more brutal.

Should I play the later sequels ?

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3 is pretty good.

Still waiting for translation patch.....

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