Game has a frog boss

>game has a frog boss

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name 2.5 games

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uhhh can anyone name the two others?

The Witcher 3 and Monster Hunter 4

Witcher 3

yoshi's island is one

blaster master


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yoshi's island
but you literally get vored

Castlevania: The Adventure

Attached: frogballoon.webm (1280x720, 2.92M)

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Based. Frogs are the best bosses

Attached: Frog.png (1107x790, 779.36K)

I just got done kiling the frog boss on the Witcher 3 and I wasn't really expecting it. I forgot it was a frog, like I took the quest, did the main quest first, sunk some hours into that and came back for the DLC. Forgot I was chasing a frog and had to fight the Battletoad Prince.

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delicious flat

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Blaster Master

Why are frogs so cool?

Attached: poo poo apu apustaja does a poo poo in his poo poo pants.png (1080x648, 800.26K)

Dark Souls 2

cruel unless it's an invasive frog.

>this kills the frog

It looks a lot like a cane toad, which is invasive.

can you guys keep an eye on my egg?

Attached: progg_egg.png (120x120, 29.46K)

RIP to that little niggy

crab boss > frog boss

this is a frog thread go fuck off to /d/ vorefags

>Invasive animals should be subjugated to the most horrible tortures and needlessly painful deaths imaginable instead of being simply put down
I don't get people like this

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>Saying that as he posts an image of an invasive species that deserves everything that he said.

mario bros
sonic the hedgehog
final fantasy 7:REmake 1
final fantasy 7:REmake 2

frog + boss = brog

hahahah froge is fat

PAC man world 2


sounds like some1 is about to get filtered

The fuck is this