Pick one

Pick one

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2 is more fun to play

I love the original but, I might have to go ME2 if only choosing one


1 is very cool but too tedious.

Having more characters in 2 was nice but a few were really lame

If 2 wouldnt feel like a filler,
I would pick it.

Both are pretty good.

Btw Renegade is more fun to play.

2, because Insanity isn't just bullet sponge white health bar enemies in that game.

2 and it's nowhere near as close as you think it is.
1 is kind of garbage. Let's be honest.


Give me 1 please, and let's pretend that the rest never happened.

1 is the GOAT minus the upgrade system

back to fucking reddit, jesus

1 annihilates 2

>t. doesn't know how opinions work

>storyshit garbage that belongs on Yas Forums

The one that didn't simplyfy mechanics to cater to casuals.

In only one of these I can fuck a Turian so that's the one I pick.

ME2's plot feels removed from the main ME story arc, which means it's also quite self-contained and enjoyable alone.

2 has better gameplay, better soundtrack, better characters, better missions


I liked 1 better because it felt more like an RPG in terms of skills and whatnot. As you leveled up you could put points into stuff like accuracy, which I thought was neat. You really felt like you could handle way more compared to the beginning.
In 2 it just because your standard FPS so as long as you could land headshots nothing really mattered. Also, the way powers worked kinda sucked in 2. You had cooldowns for fucking everything and if I recall the cooldown applied to ALL abilities, so you couldn't even pull off combos and shit like you could in 1

Not an argument.

If playing for the first time, I pick ME. It has the superior plot and atmosphere.
On a replay I pick ME2 because combat and exploration in ME gets somewhat tedious after 10 hours or so.

Attached: unnamed.jpg (299x289, 24.75K)


Despite the gameplay growing pains, this was the best part of the story. 2 had some good work with characters, but the plot went off the rails out the gate as did their attempt to make you think choices mattered.

>soulful rpg
>soulless "we want the CoD and GoW audience" cash grab
kinda obvious

>better soundtrack
Jesus. We can argue about other aspects, but soundtrack, are you serious? 2 has only one memorable track. One. And you know which one I'm talking about. Meanwhile, practically every track from 1 is distinct and memorable.

ME1 is just so fucking comfy bros


Mass Effect 1
The story and world building just dabs on Mass Effect 2 so hard. The open ended levels make the game feel like you're actually traversing through a planet instead of going from one restrictive shooting gallery to the other.
If Bloodborne is a great example of how to do streamlining well then Mass Effect 2 is the worst example.

at this point you should pick Vanquish if all you car about is a third person shooter with shit story

>muh subjectivity
Found the social studies student

1 for story, characters, music and setting. 2 for combat.

to be fair that one track is amazing

But then 1 hits you with stuff like
and other songs i'll let other anons link

even on replay i'd still pick 1 cause more build variety and actual roleplay choices

end of mass effect 1
>we need to find a way to stop the reapers

end of mass effect 2
>we still need to find a way to stop the reapers

mass effect 3
>we found a way to stop the reapers off screen, now go shoot something till we finish building it off screen even if we don't know what it is

>Btw Renegade is more fun to play.
i just wish it was a bit more consistent in what it actually means, cause it goes from "ruthlessly pragmatic" to "petty evil bad guy"