Holy shit, I don't think I've ever played a game with writing as bad as Tyranny, and I've played Fallout 3

Holy shit, I don't think I've ever played a game with writing as bad as Tyranny, and I've played Fallout 3.

Why does everyone act like an edgy 13 year old? Why do I have to resolve highschool tier disputes between purple and blue team that surmount to absolutely no gameplay change every area I go to? Why is every male character in yhe game either an incompetent weak little bitch or absolutely insane and petty? Why is every female character in the game an authoratitive warleader whose only fault is being prideful and "badass" in the most cringe inducing way? I got to the part where you assault the spire and the enemy party I met up with looked like a r/twoxchromosomes meetup. There was only one male NPC and I shit you not he ran off scared once my character whipped out his sword and said something along the lines of "it's time to kick ass". Who the fuck writes shit like "look at that iron wall of woman" and thinks to themselves this is okay to put in a finished product?

There are actually people out there who think this embarrassing trainwreck is a return to form for CRPGs. Explain yourselves.

Attached: Tyranny-Packshot2-ds1-670x458-constrain.jpg (670x458, 96.94K)

haha I thought it said TRANNY

Yeah I thought it was pretty bad to start. You're choice is racist/xenophobic autistic or 'we accept everyone' mindless killers. Neither of them make any sense at all. I only enjoyed myself when I told them both to GFTO and murdered them.

So did I, and even laughed.

Tranny was OK, I never finished it.

If you are going to do an "Evil" campaign, I want to purposefully commit war crimes out the gate.

They pussyfooted too much with concept and the entire game suffered for it

here's your tranny bro

Attached: 1588327459542.png (670x458, 475.8K)

>Nah not really

Attached: 1587138364808.jpg (600x696, 37.78K)

What's your idea of good evil choices? Doing morally queationable or outright abhorrent things that might justify the ends or "kicking babies for the lulz"?

I still prefer Fallout 3's story to anything nu-Obsidian has done post New Vegas

Is someone going to post this everytime

Every several weeks or so until you like it

They tried.

>Who the fuck writes shit like "look at that iron wall of woman" and thinks to themselves this is okay to put in a finished product?
don't forget the fact that the world conquering overlord is a woman as well xD

It had great writing.

Attached: 1478610383984.jpg (642x730, 250.28K)

I recall it was left weirdly ambiguous. People referred to them as he and she and when you asked someone who met them in person they wouldn't answer you for some reason.

obsidian had stopped paying salaries for awhile when they were about to go bankrupt, so everyone who could find another job left leaving only interns. the state of nuobsidian games reflects that loss, and desperation to identify themselves as "the developer that brought you game x" even though the current team didn't actually have any involvement in that. just coat-tails riding hoping some publisher would buy them out (and M$ did!)

They didn't go full furry romance, did they? I never explored the possibility, but some of the basic dialogs when she begins to respect/fear you are a little sensual.

it's a wonder how the fuck Kyros and his retards managed to conquer the known world considering how utterly incompetent they're shown to be
both the red and blue guys are constantly undermining each other and can't even squash a few bumfuck rebels at the edge of the world

The Crimson Scream or whatever they're called are the perfect example of this game not going all in on its concept & themes. They're like a pack of infected from "Crossed," except written by an edgy teenage feminist who doesn't want to make anyone too uncomfortable.

This reads like it came straight off someone's OC doughnut steel deviantart

It's an edit from Yas Forums.

What's the original?

Attached: 1478595960773.jpg (642x730, 163.54K)

Joel is defined as an "evil" person

And here's a more serious Yas Forums attempt.
I never even played this game, I just post that hyena cock edit when I get the chance.

Attached: 1478603577364.jpg (642x730, 430.26K)

>Holy shit, I don't think I've ever played a game with writing as bad as Tyranny, and I've played Fallout 3.
So, you've got no fucking idea what you're talking about. Good to know.

Fuck it's even worse

What made you cringe, specifically?

>She is also boastful, daring, smart, easily excited, and has a quirky sense of humor.

Oh yeah, that part... I think people did describe it tumblr tier when the game came out.

I mean, just read the sentence while looking at the character portrait, how is that even supposed to make sense.

Nothing I love characters that are intelligent, nihilistic and with a wicked sense of humour. I feel like I can really relate to them :)

If I'm not mistaken, I think it was hamburger helper that wrote that specific character

Full on Chaotic Evil coupled with believable motivation on how this might work. To quote a certain very fucked up character, "I'm perfectly sane, it's the whole world that's crazy and wrong".