>They're adding new plot to the game
>But the main story isn't changing
Literally what everyone who wasn't retarded already knew. Kiss my ass tortanicfags 7REMAKE GOTY

Attached: IMG_3100.jpg (194x260, 11.26K)

It's shit, Nomura.

Anyone who isn't a retard realized this long ago.

>it's shit, Nomura.

Attached: IMG_5346.png (1036x579, 217.5K)

Joke's on you we just got our real tortanic 2.0 just the other day so most of us have moved on

Nomura is god. Fuck the haters, go eat your western cookie-cutter shovelware tranny shit.

This but unironically

So aerithfags are still going to get cucked and Zach is still dead?

nobody cares
it will be finished by 2035

Snoyboys are insane, why would you not only be happy, but praise the people that try to squeeze every single penny out of you? How can you defend being forced to purchase a whole new console just to continue with a shitty story?

In other words they realised the old fanbase thought his story telling and changes are all fucking terrible so he's been told to dial it back a notch

Attached: Part 1.png (1199x390, 57.03K)

Attached: Part 2.png (1216x610, 139.28K)

Attached: Part 3.png (1219x636, 139.85K)

>makes huge deal about fighting predeterministic fate and shit
>still follow the same story 1:1
What a hack lel.

This means they got a shit ton of negative feedback and sales are prob not what they are actually claiming.

That still doesn't change the fact that they undercut and foreshadow the WHOLE FUCKING STORY in midgar already

>Some loser wrote this
Get help

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These interviews are from before the game was released user. This was always the plan

The ghosts really ruin the scenes though

you already fought sephiroth and jenova and aeris and red xiii already know the future, what's the point of continuing the story

>But the main story isn't changing
Nobody is this delusional.

The main story has changed. The main story changed about 10 minutes into VIIR when Shinra blew up their own reactor.

Nomura needs to jack off to his work a bit more

Kek, timejannies are the fucking cryfags

This means "all your favourite VII moments will reappear as fanservice, between the new bullshit"


That means they got negative feedback from the playtesters then.

If you have to reference the game that came out before it, FF7 original, then it's a sequel.
So much of FF7R would not make much sense if you didn't know the originals story. It would just look like some confusing kingdom hearts shit.
How is he still paying you shills to defend this.

Attached: FF7R shilling reviews.gif (692x515, 712.33K)

It was marketed as the new way for people to experience FF7 for the first time, but it's not
>It was marketed as the new way for people to experience FF7 for the first time, but it's not
It was marketed as the new way for people to experience FF7 for the first time, but it's not
>It was marketed as the new way for people to experience FF7 for the first time, but it's not

Attached: ff7_generations.png (390x520, 308.85K)

Keep shilling moron

Kek you are denial.

They are going to make four games and the remake fags will keep eating it up