
>titanforging gone
>retarded corruption bonuses gone
>gems making a real comeback
>targeted legendary crafting
>being able to pursue the stats you want without RNG
>pvp vendors back

Who would have thought lessening the effect of timegated rng garbage gear dependence and reverting to older wow systems could make an expansion actually sound decent

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its gonna be shit anyway

Still don't like the idea of covenant abilities tho. You gonna get denied raid spots only becouse you didn't choose the best one.

>boosters are still here
>token is still in game
>dead realms and retarded cross realm sharding haven't been addressed at all
>bazilion raid difficulties on different cd
>community and guilds are mostly destroyed
You can't fool me, it's still the same modern WoW.

Oh look more "legendary" items. Sure makes me feel special.

I never believed the ''shill''meme but people STILL trusting blizzard to deliver a non subpar product must be paid or mentally challenged jesus christ

Its going to be shit
Don't kid yourself.

>remove stuff then add it back in is now the PINNICAL of mmo

These days? Yeah

They are paid for sure.

They destroyed Hots, OW, Diablo, Hearthstone, W3 but this time they will change for sure!!!

>class tiers back
>cleaned up leveling experience
>zones and music top tier as always
>raids better than ever
>BfA story just about forgotten

holy shit Ion does it again!


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The only people who give a shit about any of this have already moved to classic

>They are paid for sure.
the reality is that a game with several million subscribers will still have people who get excited about its potential and post about, but you're a fucking 85 iq peabrain who thinks that they're actually paid to do so

Nah, WoW is basically a part life for many. There are people who have been playing for over a decade at this point.

But classic is shit. I want new content with old design philosophy.

>worst class design in history of wow

On one hand this is good, choices should matter in a game. On the other hand, modern wow fanbase is so obsessed with minmaxing even when it's not necessary that there is no choice unless you are ready to sacrifice a lot.

But frankly this is mostly a DPS problem and it happens because there are so many of them around that there is no reason for healers/tanks to not pick the very best all the time.

you mean bfa? because nothing is even changing in SL

>gcd hasnt been reverted
>still forcing you to choose between "talents" which should be baseline
>inscription is still a dead profession

They reverted GCDs on cooldowns yet?

Unless they do, you can tell they haven't learned and are just feeding you shallow garbage to make idiots think that they have.

How else would they get you to do torghast? Actually make it good and fun? Are you retarded or something.

>people think it's going to fix anything
The real problem with WoW is that: It's too accessible, and also datamining and the resulting minmaxing. Why play the game when you're just going to follow a guide anyway?

>several million subscribers
Sure about that?

>minmaxing meme
minmaxing exists in every fucking game, if you give people 50000 talents to choose from there is going to be an optimal choice that people follow to perform the best

He's probably about as sure as you are regarding their sub numbers

Why play MMOs 6 months after launch like an idiot?

Wow actually has over 10 million subs guys and you can't refute that so :^)

What's wrong with tokens?

>wah why isnt everyone being a scrub like me

There's plenty small changes that ruin the classes even more in sl

Can we just have wow2 already. None of that shit you mentioned means anything to me and I'm a potential core consumer of this shit. I don't think it means anything to a large majority of anyone willing to pay for warcraft universe ip mmo that matter. The modern target audience of the game is clearly incapable of deciding what they want despite their bemoaning having a direct impact on the game overtime and clearly will continue paying anyways so why not just fix everything by nuking it and starting fresh.


mandatory endless grinds will still be a thing
covenants will make pugging a nightmare

fuck off shill nigger

minmaxing is required for about 0.5% of the content, and even then you can out-DPS with a sub optimal build if you just play right

you're right about the accessible part, that's the problem

People will play it for 3 weeks then it will be dead. Same as the last 4 expansions for this dead game in a dead genre

No. Fuck you retard. Make a new game entirely, don't ride off of the festering corpse of Warcraft.

please don't
first we need to get rid of ion and his d3 team

>obligatory comment that has been made since the announcement of TBC

Nothing ever requires min/maxing. Just play until your gear is good enough to brute force it.

No, we do not want that.
Blizzard has shown that they are incapable of making anything even halfway decent now.

It's the same fucking thing every time. Either it's a very deluded faggot thinking that this time they will really fix it or shills, but I honestly don't think it's even shills anymore because the people who still play WoW are pretty much self contained.

I won't spoonfeed you, you little bitch. Read the class changes yourself or watch it on yt

I play exclusively for arena with my friends now, and this has been the worst expansion for me yet. The amount of RNG involved in traits and corruption which provide a defining advantage is a fucking joke

I played all of Legion from start to the pre-patch of BFA. Only WoD and BFA were genuinely bad.

I'll give the game a month to impress me, but I know I will regret it

outlaw roll the bones change
slice and dice being a useless chore that you now have to maintain
cheap shot giving you 1 (one) combo point

>hostile when asked to provide examples
The changes are minimal with a slight bit of unpruning, which is why I wanted you to show some of the changes which are apprently breaking classes, i'll still wait

It attracts f2p third worlder crowd and allow legal p2w.

>still have do 15 dailies a day to power up some gay item or else you fall behind (better keep buying time goyim!)
>still have some gay class hall/garrison
>servers still can't handle more than 40 people wpvp

absolute garbo, maybe next time.

meant for

>titanforging gone
A problem legion blew up
>retarded corruption bonuses gone
bfa problem
>gems making a real comeback
cool I guess?
>targeted legendary crafting
Took them 4 years to figure that out congratulations blizz. Only a big deal because of how bad they fucked up legion.
>being able to pursue the stats you want without RNG
I didn't know that gear stats were rng in the first place that seems like a real fundamental problem.
>pvp vendors back
wod problem

So basically blizzard took a quarter step back and blizzdrones are drooling over their shadowlands preorder receipt.

>allow legal p2w.
only because you can buy absurdly overpowered corruption boe gear on the AH, for some reason