Who is the best joke character and why is it Shingo Yabuki?

Who is the best joke character and why is it Shingo Yabuki?
>Just a normal guy
>Completely disrespected by his idol
>Trained wrong as a joke
>Despite all this he manages enough mastery of a martial art that requires a special bloodline to use effectively to fight at the same level of the world's strongest combatants
>Theme music based beyond all belief

Attached: shingo yabuki.jpg (500x950, 64.67K)

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Attached: dan-hibiki-wins-by-mundokk.jpg (647x1000, 195.52K)

dan is shit just because capcom doesn't even bother to make him decent at best

>In SvC Chaos they gave Dan a Ichigeki Hissatsu as a regular special
Cheers SNK you crazy bastards, doing what Capcom can't

I love Shingo, he's actually passionate even if he lacks special powers and is always willing to do the right thing.
Dan is just a walking joke but Shingo eventually evolved.

Post your fightcade profile, let’s see those replays mr snk “fan”

I can't play 02UM on fightcade tho

Attached: Salted wounds.jpg (360x480, 33.8K)

Dan is supposed to be a "fuck you" to SNK. They just made him a gay retard version of SNK's Robert Garcia after they created Ryo Sakazaki who is basically a Ryu ripoff.

SNK used to be based, shame they gave up on trying to tell a story or develop their characters. XIV was a regression all around in every sense as far as story and lore is concerned. Ash's saga was pretty good if you ignore 2003, it didn't deserve the hate it got.

Shingo may be strong for a joke character, but he's not the strongest.

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XIV was just a warm up, Verse was a convenient plot device so they can bring back old favorites that will hopefully bring in more cash. While the game itself certainly felt barebone when it came to character interaction, at least they commissioned a manga to go with it and maybe XV will have more due to fan demand. I certainly hope they used working from home to think everything through.

What happened there?

Someone did a raw Ryo super and got stabbed for it. I'm not even joking.

ryu is just a rip off of player 1 from karate champ

He deserved it for breaking the no raw supers rule what a cunt.

So he is basically Sakura?

potemkin in rev2. literally a clown of fate

and yet through sheer passion and force of will, manages to achieve some results

As opposed to you, for example


You tried

Attached: kofxii_ash_anim.gif (113x243, 194.15K)

you didn't

Imagine coming into a thread about a video game just to insult people for imaginary failings. Get some help.

sorry for hitting so close to home user, but you started it

fighting game threads always have this shit, just go to /fgg/ for like 5 seconds

No. Ryu respects Sakura and is just a it weirded out by her eagerness. Kyo actively fucks with shingo by not telling him that the kusanagi style only works for kusanagis, straight up tells him to fuck off a couple of times, and beats the shit out of him the one time he felt confident in the progress he had made under kyo's farther tutelage. I dont think you quite grasp just how mean spirited the joke was.

Kyo finally started respecting Shingo after he somehow survived tree he onslaught of one of the most powerful and murderous characters while trying to keep him from killing kyo, though, so there was a bit of a happy ending for him, if you ignore the life threatening beating he got in the process.

>You started it
>By posting a thread about how cool Shingo is even though he started as a joke character
YEah what was I thinking, should have just posted another veiled Yas Forums thread or some wojaks, how dare someone try to discuss vidya unchallenged on Yas Forums. Keep fighting the good fight user, you're doing important work throwing out baseless insults to people just trying to drum up some discussion about video games.

The hell is a raw super?

only the mentally ill visit fgg at this point. I feel for the SFVfags who don't get a general for themselves that isn't full of literal mongoloids.

What the fuck is Kyo's problem? Is he still mentally disturbed from being captured by NESTS?

A super performed "randomly", not done specifically to end a combo where it's guaranteed or to punish a big whiffed move. It's basically a gamble because it's a huge waste of meter if you don't land it, and some people consider it very disrespectful, although if you get caught by it, it's your own fault.

A super move that isn't part of a combo. I'm not sure if the definition strictly excludes reversal supers (mashing out a super so it comes out as soon as possible after you get combo'd), though.

I wanna see Orochi somehow posses Yamazaki and become the cheapest final boss ever.

It's funny because for how deranged Yamazaki may seem, he's the only one of Orochi's descendants that can resist his call and tell him to fuck off. It's those little facts that make me love the series so much and I really hope they make reviving every character worth it in XV, because the story and character development in XIV was just criminally shit.