Is still alive after 7 games

>is still alive after 7 games
>gets beaten with a pipe, but fights back and wins
>has a lovely heterosexual daughterfu, who doesn't need to be strong and independent
>best dad in the world
>story celebrates family and human bonds
Japan wins again

Attached: Yakuza6-101.jpg (1920x1080, 122.16K)

Kiryu is a cuckold who raised another mans daughter. And that daughter then got knocked up by a chink. Kiryu then begins raising his not-daughter's son.

Kiryu is the only double-cuck in videogames. And he's a virgin.
If Yakuza was a western game, Kiryu would be the biggest snoy meme on Yas Forums.

Kiryu would beat the shit out of fucking juggernaut and then goes to play with car toys with 8 year olds
you will never do that

Did I say anything that was untrue? No, I didn't, and that's why you're so mad and defensive.

Yes you did. Kiryu being a virgin is a meme. And he doesn't raise his grandkid, Haruto lives with his parents.

Can't wait for him to be a party member in Yakuza 8 when the game goes back to being an action brawler.

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>Japan wins again
Honestly true. Yakuza is "TV drama but video game" done right. Something no western company or even other Japanese attempts have managed to replicate.

you mean moviegame

what is with nip characters raising other people's kids?
is the cuckoldry just genetic?

>He is a meme
but aren't side stories canon? Because I feel I made Kyriu lost his virginity in 0.
Whichever was with cuties or uglies is debatable, but I'm sure he got a bit off ass for sure.

No way. Kiryu will be back in 8 for sure but 7 sld incredibly well and got great reviews. Once the worldwide sales figures come in it will be the best selling game since 0. The new combat is here to stay. 7 is a huge success.

The series is paced and written much more like a TV crime drama than what you'd see in movies, with each individual game playing out like an entire show season.

It still depends on fan feedback though. Y7 being great is not a bad thing still but if given a choice, I think most people would go for the real time gameplay. They might just do a party based real time one too. Just copy FF7R or something.

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Possibly. They said that they could do that. I think Ichiban will still be the protagonist, but I dunno how it’ll play, as they’ve stated they have multiple ideas, and that they’d like to challenge themselves more.
Either way, I’d rather not see Kiryu return after so many games of him playing a big role in the story.

>they’d like to challenge themselves more
So they're going to stop assetflipping and copypasting games off steam? Or actually write a good story? It's been a while since they did that.

They only want to "challenge themselves more" because the sales have been getting worse and worse. They know they have to do something different, so they changed things a little with 7 and fucked it. Yakuza is a zombie now. They spent 10 years not innovating at all and now they don't know how to.

Are there any other games that are structured like that? Long narratives that span for a long time about the same characters.

>but aren't side stories canon?
It's debatable and even then you could easily say they're not simply because of the timeframe of substories. If you want to unlock Amon you have to do every substory but that means doing a lot of stuff that would be impossible within a two day timespan, most notably raising a real estate empire and raising a cabaret empire. We know Amon requires all substories because in most games he tells Kiryu or his friends he's been watching them help others or something akin to that and wants to fight him again.

On the other hand Yakuza 3 technically makes every Amon encounter but K1 and K2 canon due to Minamida because you meet him again in Yakuza 4 during the main story as Akiyama with no way to skip him in order to progress. He specifically tells Akiyama a man helped him out a year back before moving where he was. I can't remember if he specified it was Kiryu to Akiyama specifically but he did speak to Akiyama in a way that would imply Kiryu is the only reason he's there which would mean that the events of 3 are canon which would mean that Amon would become canon to every game up until at least Judgment because IF6 and its upgrades are in every game up until 5, Amon in 6 sends Kiryu a message basically complaining about being unable to beat him for years, and Shin implies that another person was the strongest in Kamurocho up until that year.

K1 and K2 Amons can't be canon because K1 and K2's Jo Amons want to fight Kiryu to "Become stronger" which immediately makes no sense with any of the brothers trying to kill him in K2 and 3's Amon wanting to kill Kiryu because of his pride and because of the hit sent out for Kiryu in 1.

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The Wolf and the Cub

The Ace Attorney series does that. In a way, the Broken Sword series does the same, but the characters don't seem to age.


K1 Amon needs majima everywhere as well, which also raises canon questions too right? also, there's that 0 tie in substory at which the end of it the nikkyo consortium promises to help kiryu in the future, which never fucking happen

Majima Everywhere time-wise wouldn't work in the week I think Kiryu has to get stuff done plus substories but I think from a practical standpoint it could technically work? I mean, if we only assume e-mail encounters are what he does then I think he could realistically squeeze him in with the substories and the main story. Keep in mind Kiryu more or less loses a day chasing after Lao Ka Long.

Literally not an issue because these games are from Japan

Some side quest are literally the same too holy shit

How many cities have you lived in in the past 8 years?

Mate go back to r/asianmasculinity

It is funny when you consider there was a "controversy" over people finding the same shed in two CoD multiplayer maps a few years ago. Nips are so lucky to have a weeb pass for literally everything.

What's wrong with being a virgin?

>best dad in the world
>daughterfu, who doesn't need to be STRONG AND INDEPENDENT
sounds to me like he failed at parenthood

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>has a lovely heterosexual daughterfu, who doesn't need to be strong and independent
You've had one redpill too many