This is a video game journalist

This is a video game journalist

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This is another shitty twitter thread

I'd fuck the shit out of that boy.



What's worse, a FtM weeb tranny or a MtF western tranny?
Gay, because it's a woman LARPing as a K-Pop boytoy.


>do nothing to even be seen as a man
Why do women

>do nothing to even be seen as a man
But, hey, she cut her hair.

I want to savagely RAPE that sissy little boipucci.

and you're why gamergate lost.

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Why the fuck does Yas Forums care about all of this social shit now? Am I just old? Is everyone really a zoomer sometimes pretending to be mature and of age?

Who cares. It has a 50% chance of being dead soon.

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she has a woman's haircut, not even metalhead hair is like that

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if she still has a vagina it's not gay in the slightest

Because it's getting worrisome that these degenerates are arriving everywhere

GG gave everyone on the internet braincancer, so we get now all upset over literally who’s on twitter

Looks dead inside

What a waste of an otherwise perfectly good tomboy.

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I hate modern feminists, but I understand the terfs.

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No it's not you silly ass kid. In my life I just raise and spend time with my family, play vidya, and for some reason still come here. The worriesome thing is there are kids like you that somehow have let these random literallywhos occupy your headspace without paying a dime. You don't even just have a video game to talk about?

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when you say "why should i learn japanese" remember that this are the people translating your games

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I'm 36 and find it odd trannies are everywhere

every time

keep this mutant off my kof

I fucking hate American culture.

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36 and still hasn't learned how propagandists cherrypick shit that supports their ideas?


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We have someone like that where I work. She is not obnoxious about it, but I still don't get what's the point of saying you want to be addressed as a man and then doing precisely nothing to at least appear masculine. Stop wearing skirts and makeup at least.

Can't this stupid bitch do something useful like translating all the yuri films out there. Nobody gives a shit about lgbt news.

I still find it odd. I'm new to Twitter tho. I've only seen like two or three trannies irl.

whats with these people always going IM TRANS AS FRICK NOTICE ME PLEASE

The assist mode shouldn't grant achievements. Also whoever though making the second half of chapter 9 all about wave dashing needs to hang.

Women never paid them attention, so they try and get it anyway they (think they) can

Why you have to ruin my homie Kiryu like that

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>American culture

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I have seen only ~4 niggers in my life and I won't pretend that it means niggers are rare.

what's with these user always going IM SHITPOSTING AS FRICK NOTICE ME PLEASE

it's absolutely ok to wear skirts and makeup as a man

It's literally americans mixed with a little bit of british, germans and swedish, you aren't wrong

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Only if you are fine with being called a woman.

this thread (among dozens posted on a daily basis) is proof that it works

TBf it did me a service, before GG I was completely unaware how seriously people took Twitter, I thought it was just for losers to tweet at their favorite celebs and get a robot response. I had no clue you could just tag people into conversations they wanted nothing to do with and get their phones blown up from all the replies, shit was fun
And no I don’t give a shit about video game journalism, the Dragons Crown debacle was all I needed

imagine being this insecure

I've seen thousands of niggers. Trannies were a lot less common 5 years ago. It's been growing rapidly for 10-15

That's why some of them took countries are full of ladyboys. Spics too. Nice try faggot

I'd hold HIM down and go balls-deep in HIS MASCULINE vagina

Smash community continues being based for not harboring tranny players.


>Yas Forums - Twitter and E-celebs

>self hating japanese kraut trannie cuck
liberalism and the enlightenment were a mistake


And yet you and threads like this give them attention. Please kindly slit your own throat

Thailand and other gook countries were fucking tranny tourists spots for decades. Spics are heavy into it too.

This timeline still could've been salvaged if someone returned to the save point when Marx was born and shot that piece of shit and his kike mother in the face.

Thailand is full of ladyboys today because American G.I.'s turned their country into a pervert's paradise in the 70's. As usual, America is to blame.

Oh yea that makes sense, but I thought the context was that the sorta LGBT journalists that make bad articles are in overwhelming majority american, british, german or swedish