What the fuck is wrong with this piece of shit?????? The audacity

What the fuck is wrong with this piece of shit?????? The audacity

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>"haha if I lean into the joke it'll make me more relatable and it will come off like I don't care"

>There are people on Yas Forums who really gives a shit about tlou II.
Let that sink in.

surely it will work this time

he deserves to be lynched same way joel did

Since do the homeless make video games?

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>being obsessed with a month old twitter profile of literally who

OP you fucking retarded dumb faggot, please stop breathing and consuming our precious resources, you deserve none of them.

Oh, so it's only okay when you guys shitpost and act retarded for attention.

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Someone should edit to just say

>month old
oh no no no no

why do people keep doing this? it's a trend I started seeing mid 10's with youtubers using it as a defense against drama
it doesn't make any sense
>you rape kids you bastard
>haha yeah I'm such a pedophile lol! like and subscribe

Neil Druckmann's
about to make
you his bull

Yes, yes Yas Forums...
Let me in.

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Kill yourself pedo


>Lou 2
>Twitter screencap
Embarrassing son.

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Embracing the meme works when it’s harmless or not anything super serious, these people think they can use this tactic for every bad thing they do, and for a lot of them it actually works

You motherfucker


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Neil, what the actual fuck?
He's taking the leaks way too hard.

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you cheeky breeki made me laugh

is he.... our guy Yas Forums ?

let me put it simply
I was a naughty dog fan from the beginning, and this guy single handedly made it so I will never play another one of their games again


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He wants to show off how 'bold' his writing decisions are.

Don't you get excited by just thinking about watching all those cutscenes, user?

why did you post what it is the OP again?

Fuck you.

I genuinely laughed.

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acknowledging the existance of glaring problems and not changing them lets you pretend that your horrible mistakes and just general awfulness is intentional
the end result making you look like a complete asshole instead of the incompetent retard you actually are. its not much of an actual upgrade but boy howdy is it a LOT fucking easier than actually trying to improve yourself.

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Ultra fucking based.

>Embracing the meme works when it’s harmless or not anything super serious

You mean like making a video game?


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here is how every Twitter npc and shill will talk about about this game once it's out
>you know, when I saw the leaks I was worried and not very convinced. Then it came out and turned out to be a masterfully executed subversion of expectations. This game doesn't deserve the hate and is one of my favourites.

Ofcourse you did. You use social media memes.

>it’s harmless or not anything super serious

Generally speaking, it's harmless and not super-serious when it's done to a video game.

What I feel instead is that Humor defuses the situation, and kind of undermines the entire problem.

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Worked for Todd Howard until Fallout 76 released.

Passive aggressively responding to what I assume are death threats and cries for his public flogging. Shame I have no sympathy for a hacks.

It's like making a not funny joke and then saying that it wasn't funny while hoping people laugh anyway

I want to lick those legs up and down

pol is against pedos, get your facts checked tranny

But Fallout 76 was a broken mess, even by Fallout standards.

The game not selling hinges entirely on Naughty Dog making the first broken game in the history of their company.

If it turns out the game is AAA and 90's worthy, I can almost bet my house that even user will go back and check it out.

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>Humor defuses the situation
This only works between friends
any other person would just tell you to fuck off


Days Gone is out if you want a zoombie game that is fun and not full of crappy modern deconstructionism.

based Jew trolling Yas Forumstards

god this cunt just reeks of pretentiousness. he really thinks the massive retcons and character fuckups and complete narrative dissonance is actually good writing.
i could give a fuck less about the shit writing but to go around with his head lodged between his cheeks and taking giant huffs of his own farts over it is grating no matter what. he's like kojima without the legacy or even a single decent story under his belt

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Druckman isn't playing humor for you, though. He is doing it for his defenders and those on the fence. Pic related is already getting thrown around by their defenders.

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>abuses women and children

Sounds like pol to me.

xD so quirky and rAnDom xDD

So a Jew just taunting people is owning Yas Forums now? I'm starting to understand why nobody likes Jews. Let me guess " only an anti-semite would be mad when a Jew is being an asshole"?


It's actually a common Yas Forums tactic too. It's the equivalent of "Why are you mad? It's only a frog!"

Except it's "Why are you mad? It's only a video game!" and everybody that understands the dog-whistle will agree with Druckman.

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back to trannyera fag