The shittiest NES RPG and probably shittiest RPG you've never heard of, Hoshi wo Miru Hito aka Stargazer...

The shittiest NES RPG and probably shittiest RPG you've never heard of, Hoshi wo Miru Hito aka Stargazer, is getting re-released on the Switch eShop. Discuss.

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Whats so bad about?

From what I remember reading about it
>towns and other areas on the world map are invisible, requiring you run around blindly to get anyway
>leaving most of the towns warps you back to the point on the world map you started instead of right outside town, meaning you have to backtrack a shitload after visiting later towns
>you start the game with such shit stats you can't kill have the starting area's enemies
>you don't get the ability to run from fights until you gain several levels
>you can't see the stats on any equipment you buy, and what you buy automatically replaces what you have without being able to sell it
>the weapon in the first shop you come to has less attack than using your bare fists, and you can't unequip it without getting a new weapon
>you can't press B to go back if you select the wrong thing in battle
>you HP doesn't even display correctly, the last digit is cut off, so for example 28 HP displays as 2 HP
>the text is often hard to read because of kana choice and has a lot of typos

Looking it up, some more things I didn't remember
>your walking speed is super slow, about half the speed you walk in other RPGs like Dragon Quest
>your team always gets priority in battle and you choose your characters' turn order, so the Speed stat doesn't actually do anything
>the places you enter or exit maps is all weird and nonsensical, like entering a town and starting in the center of the town
>there are locked doors in the game you need ID Cards to pass through. these cards are super expensive, are one use only, and the doors don't stay unlocked
>if you go through an ID Card door and then there's another door and you don't have another Card, then you're stuck and have to reset the game
>there's an item you need to continue the game at one point with no hint that you need it, and you get it by passing over a certain square on a map with no indication that anything is there
>some tiles can damage you when you walk on them, and there's no indication at all that you're taking damage as you do
>money is separated out between your party members with no way to distribute it. when you get a new party member you have to grind up their money to buy equipment for them


Is it coming in English or just Japan ONRY?

>>leaving most of the towns warps you back to the point on the world map you started instead of right outside town, meaning you have to backtrack a shitload after visiting later towns
Holy shit, what a fucking disaster lol

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This just sounds blatantly unfinished

It looks like Japan-only since they aren't saying it will be translated, but they have an official English site and English translations in the trailer so who knows.

Apparently some Nip made a remake that makes it a bit like the SaGa games.

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i dunno, tree liked it

Game name?

It's literally in the OP you dumb-dumb

Shit your right I'm dumb as fuck

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It's 990 yen and $9.99 along with a full site of English and Japanese text, so this disaster should be coming out this summer it seems and ironically be one of the first real VC titles for the Switch that people can pay to own without any real hoops involved.

Is this the one where you automatically get the bad ending because they didn't have time to implement the final boss?


Reminder these guys made a collection of Ninja Motherfucking Jajamaru-Kun of all things.

This sounds like an absolute shit show...I'm totally buying it

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I'm a Nintendo fanboy and even I've never heard of this game until just now.

Why even bother rereleasing a game that bad?

>Kusoge so funny meme lolz XD

Back in the day it was much easier to get away with selling shitty games. One of the biggest reasons why Atari eventually failed was that because there was no way of knowing which games where bad or good it was very easy to exploit consumers into buying shit

>>there are locked doors in the game you need ID Cards to pass through. these cards are super expensive, are one use only, and the doors don't stay unlocked
DQ1 did the same thing, where Magic Keys were needed to unlock doors and they'd go back to being locked when you left the are.
They were cheap though, and locked doors were mainly something you'd go back and check later on once you got to the last town or so. And you also learned Zoom eventually, so if you needed to buy more you could just go back.

>Trailer is the player getting shitstomped by the first random encounter.
Awesome. They know what's up.

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Basically this that's also why Atlantis no Nazo was in the Famicom Mini or whatever they called it and it's also on FCS for NSO. I mean look at the teaser

It's a Japanese meme game. It's infamous as one of the Densetsu no Kusoge.

If you want to watch a playthrough, and I know someone is going to throw a shitfit at this bit, Mike uyama did a run of this at one of the recent gdq events. It’s really hilariously bad, but is so close to being cool. It’s a really glitchy game which is part of why it’s even playable.

also at the beginning of the game you can run into one of the strongest enemies in the game called salamander and that monster have an attack that has a 100% chance of paralyze you

Holy fuck
I need to watch a playthrough of this shitfest

Officially my most hyped game of 2020

Super Monkey Daibouken is worse.

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Elaborate, I believe you (and that scares me) but your gonna have to elaborate on how there can be a game worse than this

Thank you, I'm already enjoying this