Why the fuck Sonic doesn't tap her already?

Why the fuck Sonic doesn't tap her already?
Is he gay or something?

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Because Sonic isn't interested in Amy because he doesn't like girls that goes after him. Why else would he prefer Elise and that girl from the Sonic OVA over Amy?

because you're ESL
this is the actual reason

he would go to jail

is this the 7 thread?

He's kinda always had a human fetish.

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Ugly cyclops mutant that can't even go super
Sonic might be an ugly cyclops mutant but at least he can go super

sonic is 12 and she is 6

He wasn't too interested back then

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Because she doesn't have a penis

This has to be a porn comic

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nigga what the fuck

Never stick your penis in crazy

Why is Amy Rose the only character with a full name instead of Amy the Hedgehog?

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no way fag

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Sonic banging girl humans left and right.

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She's the only one that lives in the city so she had to register with a full name

Sonic just isn't interested in romantic relationships.

Sonic, much like Adol Christin, is married to adventure, and can't cheat on the Winds of the Earth with a mere female.

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Maybe Amy Rose is her first name but it’s made up of two names and kind of like how faggot parents sometimes call their kids Mary-Anne or John Paul. Amy is just a nickname.

Sonic needs someone that can keep up with his speed

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She's like 14 years old OP. She's barely a child.

Are you saying Sonic should fuck a child?

Would you?


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tails and eggman both have real names

>don't care about sonic at all
>would absolutely plow amy
just how it be I guess

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Play Rush in japanese please sonazefag

Sonic is a human fetishist.

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I wish a girl would vigorously lust after me.

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Amy was made for human dick

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"no way fag"

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Hedgehog girls belong to human men and human girls belong to hedgehog men.
You cannot prove me wrong

>Hedgehog girls
There's literally one

No way fag

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sonic doesn't seems to like girls who are obsessed with him in the boom universe Amy can actually take care of herself and sonic seems to like her in that universe

honestly I don't see the problem with normal universe Amy but things like "this time you are going to marry me" are annoying