What are some good games that will look good on a 4k OLED HDR TV?

What are some good games that will look good on a 4k OLED HDR TV?

Attached: sony-a9g-oled-tv_14-768x479-c.jpg (768x479, 60.28K)

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Enjoy your burn in


>falling for 4k
until 8k 240hz glassless 3D oled becomes the standard you are better off sticking to crts.

forza horizon 4

Just buy a new tv if you get burn in. What? You're too poor? Filtered.

>he plays games on anything less than reference monitor quality
Disdain for plebs

Attached: 1588020097866.png (800x600, 633.73K)

>spending $2500 a month for no reason
i ain't poor but nobody here is that rich either

>he buys retarded niche products with ridiculous markups

Gonna start working so I can buy one of those bad boys. I need a proper screen to play my kino on since movie theaters are gonna die.

Attached: star test.jpg (1919x839, 171.18K)

game suggestions please

The fuck would you buy this when apple has the XDR for 5k?


Just get a projector if you want the definitive at-home theater experience.

Pretty sure those have some bad input lag

Only if you get a cheap office projector that uses the spinning color wheel. A proper home theater projector has as much lag as a flatscreen TV in game mode.

Tetris Effect

Oh no no

Attached: 1588314970606.webm (1858x682, 2.89M)

cope harder poorfag

>red is quite clean
You can clearly see the jeopardy stands burned in.



keep coping faggot. oled is the best panel for gaming, period. it's not just optimal for modern games, it quite literally renders CRT's for old games useless.

OP here. This is a thread for game suggestions not arguing about display technology. Thanks.

Is that thing basically a MicroLED screen?

... Nothing? I don't think there are all that many games that look much better with 4K. Maybe something that exhibits a lot of aliasing or had a 4K texture pack like FFXV, but otherwise screen PQ is probably more important than resolution.

there really isn't an argument going on, oled has burn-in, it's how the technology works, there is no mitigation except trying to burn every other pixel too

the industries where people use color accurate displays because they need them for reference, for photography, print, etc, they don't use oled since it's always out of calibration and cannot be considered accurate

if you like "ooh bright colors, so vibrant, i love oversaturated color with no regard for accuracy" then oled is perfect, for a year or two

The 4k isn't as important as the game looking pretty and having HDR support, I'll probably only run it 1440p as that's what my GPU can handle.

I see it too, but then again that was under extreme conditions

Holy shit, fuck QLEDs

Oh, so you're asking for graphics showhorse. Maybe something with rich environs, like forza horizons or rdr2, dunno.

Lack of back light bleed and latency is what matters. Perfect color accuracy is nice but irrelevant in comparison when not working professionally, and good OLED has good enough color accuracy.
I owned a plasma for years, and it never had burn in problems at pretty much the same usage rate. An OLED can last you 5+ years if your viewing habits aren't playing the same game for several hundred hours, or watching the same channel all day.

i have addressed this claim and can verify that the outline seen on the screen is a case (roadie style OSP case) that's reflecting off the screen

Yes, but on PC, and something that's actually a fun game.


Attached: off.jpg (1490x838, 101.04K)

>he fell for the 4k meme

>i have addressed this claim
On the top comment? Are you implying you're the who created the video. lol

those are both on pc. I don't know what you consider fun, but I admit I don't consider either of those fun. Frankly, I don't consider the overwhelming majority of AAA games fun these days, so I can't really help you there.

It's less about the 4k and more about the HDR + OLED, which is mostly exclusive to 4k,

i quoted the post that contained the claim i was referencing, and never implied otherwise. i also did not read any of the youtube comments because i watched the video embedded in the post.

Oh I thought they were xbox/console exclusives. Not a big fan of racing games, but Red Dead might be fun, I just never played the first game.

interesting to me that you posted two of the only current AAA games i'd ever suggest to anyone