ITT: underrated gems
ITT: underrated gems
This game was so good. Fucking redditors and dumb normies never gave it a fair chance because muh memes.
Apparently it did pretty good but the Lawbreakers hole sort of fucked them to high heaven.
>radical $heights
>Apparently it did pretty good
>shutdown within 3 weeks
It was so unfinished it had grid textures in some places.
I forgot about this. Making me laugh all over again. Best part was Cliffy B tweeting pages of his autobiography. Had me in stitches.
Just icing to the guy’s downfall that his last work is a poor mans imitation of an Epic game. Omega cucked.
Why's Yas Forums like this?
Yeah, they were preemptively sunk from the Lawbreakers hole, I said that.
They're paid to be
>Red Faction
>The Punisher
>Agents of Mayhem
quality gameplay forward dev that produces constant underated gems when they aren't working on Saints Row.
more like radical shites amirite gamers
yeah why must they be against the hivemind, must be jews amiirite
The 2 big issues were:
>It ran like shit
>Released in a super unfinished state when nobody had any faith in them after Lawbreakers and its progressive bathrooms
So people played it, but gave them no money.
Speaking of, how badly you think they'll fuck up Saint's Row 2 in the remaster?
>Inb4 3 levels of zany bullshit
The only good game on that list is Free space.
Yeah I'm sure they're being paid to shill a game that is no longer available.
Made by a company that no longer exists, directed by a guy no longer in the industry.
Truly, the shills move in mysterious ways.
All they have to do is make it run well and look decent, which are things they certainly capable of.
I only saw people praising the bikes.
shut up Rawb make more urealms
to be fair, you could go full Matt Hoffman on those motherfuckers.
Why are you people pretending this wasn't a buggy piece of shit game that died because it was not only uninspired but unrefined as well.
>in b4 paid posters
It wasn't that buggy, just unfinished. What was there was decent enough for another battle royale. Why do you spaz out when people contradict your pre-chewed opinions?
I actually liked SMNC.
Damn shame they refused to do any form of actual matchmaking, putting packs of new players against 5 man premades.
To this day wish I played that more when it was alive. The concept is cute and the gameplay was solid enough.
I'm not sure what you're smoking OP, but this game was fucking terrible. It was just a PUBG clone with a game show paint job that ran terribly and was unfinished. Thank God it's dead.
>playing this shameless fucking cashgrab
>actually having fun because it's basically fortnight without the building autism
>get killed by some guy blatantly speedhacking and aimbotting all over the place
>send report with my death cam footage of the guy warping around headshotting everyone instantly
>game shuts down
>receive a reply two months after that saying that there wasn't enough evidence of cheating in my report
T-thanks cliffy b
The fact you got a reply at all is impressive.