A wild Ho-oh has appeared do you catch it?

A wild Ho-oh has appeared do you catch it?

Attached: Ho-oh.png (860x680, 11.92K)

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I punch it!

Ultra ball because master ball is for pussies

Repeat ball because it looks good for Ho-oh. Also best legendary together with Fug.

I don't, I just follow it to where it's flying so I can discover another region

fuck no, lugia>dingdong eatin hoho ass, kill that shitbird.

I chuck a pebble at it.

99 Poké Ball

When I was a kid I liked Lugia more, but now I have to say Ho-oh is more towards my tastes.

Lugia is an autistic afterthought shillmon who spilled its spaghetti and burned its tower, murdered three Pokemon and fucked off to it's furry island where it braps nonstop causing whirlwinds and sea storms because it's so fucking retarded

yes, so that I can stick my pee pee in ho-oh and create a pokehuman baby that will unite both species

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Same. Lugia looks goofy to me now and I wonder why kid me loved it so much. But Ho-Oh is one badass birdbro.

Lugia looks cool af, the goofiness comes from its feet

KO it. Fuck forced legendary encounters

you mean fuck legendary encounters

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His weirdo hand-wings are what get me. Like its design doesn't know what it wants to be. He's kind of a mess.

>not going for superior Lugia

Ho-oh isn't forced, though. Not even Lugia is forced. They're totally optional.

What the fuck is this from? Google gives me nothing.


a nasuica doujin series in which she becomes part insect by taking a parasite into her body and exclusively breeds only with other insects, to give birth to the children of insects.

(parts 1-3 are in English the rest is not yet translated enjoy)

part 1: nhentai.net/g/139984/
part 2: nhentai.net/g/91041/
part 3: nhentai.net/g/101843/
part 4: nhentai.net/g/251376/
part 5: hitomi.la/doujinshi/mushi-mezuru-himegimi-5-日本語-1514161.html

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Well yeah it's a hybrid of too many things, mostly a bird and plesiosaur and as such lives both on the surface and underwater. Its concept is pulled off better in its movie due to animation.

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It appears to be well drawn if nothing else.
I'm not clicking that shit because I'm already a degenerate and I'm not about to add bugfucking to my list of fetishes, but more power to ya if ya dare.

yes dare. it's one of those rare doujins that actually has a Good plot and world building. you think you are there for a weird human x insect fap, but you get invested in the story.

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>was literally made before ho-oh
yyyyyyyikes my dude.

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Master ball. Can't be assed to do anything else.

it also has dick nipples.

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>not shiny
Run away

>was made before Ho-Oh
Ho-Oh was made waaaay before Lugia was even a thing
Lugia was made as a shillmon retard


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has anyone in the history of ever failed to catch a legendary and not save scummed?