Who's behind the leak ?

Who's behind the leak ?

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Who cares what this faggot has to say?

Druckman is playing 4D chess and leaked it himself


Yas Forums
for like 8 years now

isn't the game in beaner


post the video links

Post the following tweets where he backtracked and said it might be an employee and he was going to have dig into it more

some dude at naughty dog
do you actually think there is some literal who out there that just happened to gain access to a unfinished build of the game?

>the leaker isn't an employee
well, the leak had to have come from naughty dog and an employee is still involved regardless. its not like some l33t hacker just fuckin' railed their cloud servers and ran off with shit from the game.

Friendly reminder that Jason thinks anybody who likes this kind of design is a lolicon.

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Someone based and redpilled.

didn't some employees at BioWare want Dragon Age: Inquisition to fail so they get a studio constraints lifted? If so, why would Naughty Dog be any different? Obviously, if it's a shared sentiment of disgruntled employees, they aren't going to admit who did it.

>current staff denounce the claims of a supposed disgruntled former employee
Nothing to see here folks.


jason when one of his friends complains about one of his bosses to him on twitter: this is an expose i must write about this
jason when someone from naughty dog is tired of their shit: i will find the leaker and expose him as a lowly contractor

Jews protect their fellow jews.


>literally backtracks

typical kike

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Its in monkey

>so they get a studio constraints lifted?
what do you mean

>ah yes...once again, I've subverted expectations
>and now I can whip them twice as hard under the guise that any one of them could've betrayed the group...sowing the seeds of distrust and chaos just as my ancestors have

I thought some Hue translator leaked it

Why is he going out of his way to defend naughty dog when he doesnt have the info?

you don't see this usage too much anymore

If somone outside of ND had access to all of that, they would have leaked all of it. No ifs ands or buts. It's obviously an employer
This fuckface went to his contact, which would obviously be part of the click thats talked about in said rumours about poltical bullying, and they told him this bullshit while they continue the witchhunt internally and get rid of the leaker quietly

I saw that he blocked the fat guy from two best friends.

Why is he simping so hard for Naughty Dog?

Didn't this faggot leave the gaming industry like a week ago?

That leak is bullshit. That release date timed with the leak had nothing to do with each other. Just bad timing. More importantly, if the leaker was a salaried employee, why the fuck would he be threatened with termination for asking about sooner bonus money? ND also doesn't panic release due to leaks. Just another Karma chasing cunt. Move along

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>I believe X even thought I have no prove

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>Not from a dev
It literally has to be

except for the horrible working conditions of which my career is built around complaining about, my friends at naughty dog tell me that naughty dog is great

Image paying attention to what this fag thinks.

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>it's a great place to work until it isn't a great place to work

that could describe 3 different people

Jewish collusion

>except for crunch
>turnover rate so bad because of crunch that they need to bring in non-vidya animators to finish the job
That's a level of bad you can't sweep under the rug. "It's good except for crunch" may as well be "It's terrible because of crunch"

Again, the people he would be talking to would be the ones in this inner circle.

I've seen enough to believe he did. The Christian scapegoat, the employees being denied pay and bonuses despite requesting and getting his early. He's Jewish. I 100% believe he leaked it to strawman, kill the hype, and all employees lose bonuses.

didn't this guy leak Fallout 4?

They made alot of enemies throughout these past years

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because him and cuckmann are kikes

because he is a pathetic shill. all these socalled muckracking 'game journos'. its not about the truth, its about their own career first and foremost.

does ellie actually die or does the tranny just beat her to unconsciousness?

>jason schiller
he's damage controlling 24/7 for naughty dog and sony
simply being an xbox fan is enough for him to block you on twitter

Asking management about the state of their company is like asking a kid who put their hand in the cookie jar. Whatever they give you, it's not going to be the truth.

Translator would just have the script

Report: Journalists suddenly very concerned about the veracity of claims made in news media*

*when said claims could tarnish the reputation of their corporate sponsors