Why isn't rayman in smash bros

Why isn't rayman in smash bros

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He is he's a spirit. Lose the entitlement buddy

rayman more like gayman

The very nature of how third party characters work is that Sakurai takes great strides to make sure that the publisher and developer in particular are okay with how he represents the character in Smash given the natural case of the game taking liberties from the character's depiction within their own home series. While that may seem simple enough, the issue is far more complicated than it appears to be with constant discussion back and forth. Rayman isn't a Japanese character, he's French. Naturally this means there'd be a language and regional barrier Sakurai has to bypass. When Sakurai requested art for his trophy in Smash 4, they got back a fucking model. Banjo was the first western third party in Smash and Sakurai even commented that he was worried that his messages wouldn't be clear to Grant Kirkhope when he was compositing Banjo's music for the DLC.
There may also be issues with moveset, Sakurai is autistic and wants to shoe horn as many gimmicks as possible for each character.
While Rayman's lack of limbs could make for a gimmick of itself, there's a possibility that Sakurai only sees Rayman as a character who can only punch and kick.
The series is also unpopular in Japan, like to the point where even a Rayman westaboo lamented it. Even other video game westaboos don't care for Rayman

I mean he might still get in who knows

I remember someone coming up with a gimmick where his limbs can pretty much become projectiles. He can attack, and they'll keep going after his animation ends, but he can't use that limb until it comes back which means attacks using it would be gimped.
I think it also let opponents attack his limbs to make it so they'd take longer to come back but that might be a bad idea.

is ubisoft even popular in japan?

I wonder why rayman and spyro never took off in japan

I think the newer Rayman games kinda took off but the Rabids series is def far more well known

He is. As a spirit.

Not sure. Crash was big and Rabbids was huge to the point Nintendo actively sought out a crossover with it.

I don't think the rabbids were popular at all in japan before kingdom battle

>Nintendo actively sought out a crossover with it.
I'm pretty sure Ubisoft approached nintendo

No, the reason I said Nintendo actively sought out the crossover is they confirmed back at the E3 it was announced, that they wanted a Mario and Rabbids crossover. Ubisoft DID seek out to make a crossover game and Iwata was interested, and Miyamoto and Iwata wanted the crossover to be Rabbids.

The Rabbids title for the Wii sold more in Japan than it did anywhere else.

Ubi wanted to make a crossover, Iwata and Shiggy were adamant it would have to be with the Rabbids.

Because they can't make an amiibo out of him

This. Reminder Miyamoto actually prevented Rayman from even appearing in the game as well

> Mr. Miyamoto kept saying, “Show me your colors. Show me your Rabbid’s humor even more. Show me how crazy you can be.” Of course, Rayman was part of the Rabbids games in the past, but now those are two separate universes.

Too OP compared to the rest of the cast.

Assassins Creed sells moderately well
Black Flag even got a manga

Spyro was fucked hard because of how badly they butchered the Japanese release with a changed camera and speed
Reignited is released there digitally but its not localized/translated

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Is this that Rabbit-Minions guys?

He didn't say Shiggy was the one cockblocking Rayman appearing
Rayman and Rabbids being distinct now is Ubisoft's decision
Now the fucking bullshit with DK being a separate universe or some shit, THAT was definitely Shiggy's autism


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AssCreed is pretty popular. Why do you think it's been in Metal Gear Solid, Soul Calibur and Final Fantasy a bunch.

Rabbids are too.

Tom Clancy games have bizarre fujo following just like the Call of Duty games about the campaign characters, but that's pretty niche so I wouldn't say popular.

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Street rules
Didn't say Uno draw 2

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Fuck Ray Man. More like Rain Man lmao!
Gimme Crash!

>Rabbids are too

Why not both
>and throw in Bomberman while we are at it

Cuz Crash is better than those has-beens.

Shiggy would NEVER allow a filthy gajin company to make a mario platformer

Nah they still sold like shit

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>Rabbids Wii titles sold more in Japan than anywhere else
>when Ubisoft approached Nintendo about a crossover, Nintendo was adamant that it be Rabbids
>Rabbids manga published in Corocor for promotion back during the Wii got extended out to like 5 volumes before finally ending

It's really popular with kids/families.

Ubisoft didn't even want to do a Mario crossover to begin with, Shiggy was the one who wanted it to be Mario and Rabbids.

As part of the deal they got to include Starfox in Starlink, which was the original Nintendo IP they wanted to work on.

>Corocoro Rabbids
Got a source?
Can't find it

He's not that important

I wonder why that sounds so familiar...

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Rayman is for fags
Crash is for retards.

I'm playing through Legends again right now. To me, it's second to Donkey Kong in terms of overall flow and momentum. Fantastic game.

He's in Brawlhalla, a superior free to play "smash" style game.