Beneficial Newfag Spoonfeeding Session

Here's why e-celeb threads are not tolerated here

Vidya "reviewer"/other YouTube "creator"
>why should anyone give a fuck about their opinions? Just because they manage to entertain a few retatds doesn't mean that they're worth listening to
>almost always have a mediocre amount of knowledge about the subject compared to the anons of Yas Forums

>if you're going to waste your time on vidya at least play the games yourselves
>the culture surrounding the larger streams is always cancerous

Both Categories
>attention whores who have the nerve to try to get paid in money as if their ego boosts aren't enough
>have obnoxious fans who regurgitate their idol's opinions thus killing genuine discussion
>appeal to underages and retards, neither of which are welcome here

There are some exceptions to these points but those people still shouldn't be dickrided here. Probably some more points that I can't remember too

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that's nice honey

cringe af

Thanks senpai
No u

>meanwhile my panty huffer gacha threads are perfectly acceptable

can you condense all that down into a twitter screencap so Yas Forums can read it?

Gacha is cancer, never played it
At least the twitter screenshot faggots are more likely to be self-aware of what they're doing

>why should anyone give a fuck about their opinions? Just because they manage to entertain a few retatds doesn't mean that they're worth listening to

You just described every post on Yas Forums.

>no, complain about that terrible thing, not the terrible thing that I'm doing

But those are anonymous and temporarily seen and therefore significantly less faggy. I forgot to mention that point my bad

My favorite reviewer is ssethtzeentach, hes so based

I've never seen his shit but he gets posted here alot so he's probably cringe

Yas Forums is literally feminists and their beta allies enjoying cuck woke genre games, orbiters who donate their neetbux to twitch thots, and shills who like having their balls chopped off by their own entertainment medium.

not when they get reposted on r Yas Forums nonstop because le user said the funny nigger word

Youre cringe, prolly a pewdiepie fan.
I only watch smart and good reviewers

>he thinks that's why e celebs aren't tolerated
e celebs aren't tolerated because they aren't fucking vidya. there's nothing else to it. being "related to vidya," because they make gaming videos or streams isn't fucking vidya.

Gatekeeping only works if you set the rules BEFORE you let unwashed masses come in and outnumber you 100 to 1, user.

How do I get into nekomimi mode?

based, ban e-shit when?
neither are acceptable here
but I prefer having "gachas" than e-celeb shit

I mean I agree with your points but I don't believe most of the anons here are as knowledgeable, trustworthy, or as intelligent as one might believe

I'll take the opinion of a random user over the opinion of an e-celeb every time.


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Some streamers are alright, and I’m not going to always buy a game, so why not see how it plays? What if the games shitty and the dudes commentary is funny?

just don't post about it on Yas Forums

Gacha is shit and should stay on /vg/ but it is inherently more videogame-related than eceleb cancer is.

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Fuck it let's do this, the thread was shit anyway.

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i didnt even read the OP lol

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Pewdiepie is cringey though, I can't stand watching him
That is another good point
There's always more to come, might as well do what we can now
Hell yeah brother
Well put

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>almost always have a mediocre amount of knowledge about the subject compared to the anons of Yas Forums
Ppffttt hahahahahahahahaha

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based mom

I'm talking about when e-celebs discuss vidya, not whatever the fuck you posted

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ALL fighting game players are like this. The only real flaw in the genre is its fanbase.

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Oh nononononooo pffftHHAHAHAHA

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V-Tuber threads are worse than anything you just listed.

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>"here's why e-celeb threads are not tolerated here"
>proceeds to describe Yas Forums

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>appeal to underages and retards, neither of which are welcome here

Then why are you allowed to post here?

I never noticed the cuck glasses


What's your point?

Says the underage cuck. You realize the only people who make those post are underage.
