Chilling out

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Pass is vee
Lord help me find a good color to use on Lond because I'm not feeling any of them

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When is french bread bringing more color palettes.

With this Steam sale, there's a lotta Jap fighters for cheap. Which ones are worth it? I've heard good things about Koihime.
EDF 4's only 12 bucks, just sayin'

Dokkalfar is best

I'm sure this is just me being bad, but does anybody else have characters where you can't really tell what they're doing? Like visually I mean.
Mika, Phonon, and Enkidu all seem like they do 1 move but it could be anything.

Do you mean it's hard to tell if it's an overhead or a low?

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Play the game long enough and you'll know which move is which.
I'd say only Phonon might be visually confusing because it's mostly a variety of whipping while Enkidu and Mika have both punches and kicks
I'm guessing user has trouble differentiating which character's normals are what, or if a start-up animation for a move looks identical to another, kind of like Nanase 66B/C

I could see people also mistaking Mika 5A and 2A since it still kinda looks like she's standing.

please for the love of god stop picking random stage select. It's not fun watching the game grind to a half because a playable connection jumps up to a 10 delay.

I guess that's the core of it, Mika doesn't seem to change much spritewise. I'm trying to think of a good way to explain it. Look at like, Gordeau. I can tell what his moves are at pretty much a glance, and I haven't played as him any more than the others. Hyde makes a lot of sense too.
Mika's barely different crouch thing does throw me, but that's not exactly what I mean.
Nanase's little flip-kick thing gets me too, so maybe it is just a bunch of similar things.
I figure I am just retarded, but some characters are less instantly legible, I guess?

The stage has no bearing on frame delay at all, quit making excuses.

who still thinks like this that isn't on PC

Holy shit, for once in my life I can know you're going to grab me, and I can't get the timing for it at all.

>I figure I am just retarded, but some characters are less instantly legible, I guess?
I mean if you're new then nobody can blame you for being inexperienced

I've been here for a year is the problem. If nobody else is seeing it I guess I am just basic. Maybe playing Yuzu so long has made me forget what close range stuff looks like.

Branching off to see what other characters have might be beneficial for you then, or a glance at their mizuumi change to see what's what.
To my experience, playing against merk, yuzu, and hilda during my formative months did make me forget about my 5B and 5C way back when.

>using yuzu
>losing to mika and enkidu
phonon I can see but the other two have no range or speed

The one thing Mika's got is the fastest run speed
Enkidu less so but he's considerably faster than in [st]

I know for a fact I'm bad, I'm just trying to see if this trips anybody else up. That and Mika's fast as hell, what?
I've played through everybody's story mode and their missions up to the 3's, something about Mika's smaller profile or something is throwing me.
I'll shut up, it's becoming clear nobody else has this problem.

>decide to get back on xiv because free week
>first day has maintenance
Just like I remember it. PC room's up now.

Up close I can barely tell what's going on when a move starts up, combine that with people liberally running up and backdashing in my face a lot, it just keeps me in a loop of having to guess when to try and get out.

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I don't know what the fuck is going on when I'm fighting waldstein. Comboing him feels weird too


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It probably is just me sucking against high speed beatdowns.
I wish there was a way to know what days I'm gonna be better at fighting games. I swear I'm operating at half speed right now. Shit I could block on Tuesday is ripping me apart today.

Ah shit, the internet died on me anyway. I'm gonna go cry into some JRPGs, call me if you need me.

I know that feel, today I'm dropping all my combos. Losing a game because you dropped a combo is the worst.

Always more Carmine combos to steal

I've watched so many of you perfect me from 10% health. Nothing hurts worse than dropping the last 3 slashes I needed to win.

At this point I know more combos with Carmine than all my subs put together.
Also you mind playing Lond, I really need the MU experience.

If people here started playing Koihime again, I'd be down for it sometime