oh no no no
Oh no no no
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git gud
not seeing the problem here OP? this is soul personified. you got filtered.
>when you run into a wall
Yes, sonic adventure is a bad game, I'm sorry you got conned by retarded nostalgiafags
Good old Sonic Adventure jank.
oh god yes i love this game!! so good!!!
Now that's what I call a failed gameplay loop!
>there are people sharing this board with you RIGHT NOW that think SA1 and 2 control better than SM64
I MEAN REALLY.................
WHAT WERE THEY THINKING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
fuck off Carlos
both of those are DC, moron
just release the movement stick faggot
it happens once with some people and never again
When Mario does it it's an exploit. But when Sonic does it it's a "bug".
name 1 time in a mario game when you walk into something and it just kills you
>play SADX for years without mods
>never run into any problems with this part
Am I just lucky?
All 3D Sonic games are shitty, buggy messes and people only give the Sonic Adventure games a pass because of nostalgia.
The very first Goomba in Super Mario Bros
fuck off, you know what i meant
The slopes in this stage are why I prefer Heroes.
No, you're just not retarded. Most of the issues with OPs webm is when the player actively moves against the way the game is pushing sonic in those scripted sections.
wow, TASes are so cool!
die classicpedo
>that aspect ratio
That's not even the worst part of that shitty game, the only reason I played Sonic Adventure was because I was deceived by the Demo, in the demo you are presented with that level, it has some major bugs and the pacing is weird, but overall it is a good level, then when you play the whole game, it is an embarrassing attempt at modernizing a series that did not need it, terrible voice acting and dialogue, stupid plot and unnecessary pandering to "cool" kids.
It seems like some 30 year old nerds watched 90's
American movies and cartoons for kids and tried to copy whatever they thought it was cool, what they ended up making is a terrible product that only autists would enjoy.
Is there one for Crazy Gadget?
I hate that this is how you have to play to get that fucking A emblem when pretty much every other level you do normally.
>actively tries to fuck up going up the loop
>fucks up and dies
the absolute state of nintendies
i fucking love stages being skipped by jumping to/off of background objects. unironically kino
>that 1up on the building that looks like you shouldn't even be on it
Does anyone else think that SA2's controls, physics, and level design are somehow much worse than SA1?
when are the adventure fags gonna show me something thats in the most percentage of sonic adventure?
Level design? Yes. Everything else? No.
Why do people glitch during this segment? I've never had a problem even when I played it as a little kid for the first time.
I don't know why, I just find that Sonic feels really sluggish and unresponsive in SA2 compared to SA1.
It's retarded ESL speak for "quit trying to impress us with webms that don't represent actual gameplay."
for some reason after a certain point in the 2000s faggots started to have a massive grudge with this game and anybody who liked it so they needed to prove that it aged like shit and was never good by intentionally glitching out and playing the game like room temperature iq retards
I feel that way about the spindash. Hate how slow to start they made it
>intentionally going out of your way to kill yourself during scripted setpieces
Damn... this PROVES the game is BAD!
But that second one was normal gameplay?
it's not stretched
the game is running at 16:9 using widescreen hacks
The 1Up in this webm is so fucking good, it feels like the area is completely out of bounds but the devs knew.