Just beat Final Fantasy 7 for the first time...

Just beat Final Fantasy 7 for the first time. Knew a fair bit of what was going to happen going in and I was still thoroughly surprised and enjoyed it.
My question, are people pretending to be retarded when they argue over [23 year old game]Sephiroth killing Aerith[/23 year old game]?
Also, is FF7R worth it when it drops for PC?

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>Technology bad nature good
>Human should give up and die so earth could survive lmao

Cloud was so cool, it sucks that they turned him into a faggot.

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When Aerith reaches out to cloud in the ending

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concerns with time jannies aside, the remake does a good job of fleshing out moral complexities, including some what what is brought up here

Cloud was a LARPer who lost himself in the role. I'm not saying that's bad, but the "cool and aloof" Cloud was pretty lame. That said, I feel like there was quite a bit of inspiration from Evangelion in this. Once Cloud gets his head out of his ass, and even a few times prior, I got serious Shinji gives.
One aspect I can't tell if I enjoyed or if it frustrated me was the constant twists. Some of them played out well, others kind of convoluted.

Also ignore shills. Ask the question again in a few months when they fuck off or get over their honeymoon phase.

Honestly, after beating Safer, Cloud just throws out, "well, we sure gave it our all, let's all go die together," really dampened the accomplishment. The FMV was pretty cool at the end, but still. Post-credits were pretty pointless, but seeing Red XIII with his cubs was pretty cute.

FF7R is not that good. What I'm hoping for is that the series is only like three or four games long, and someone mods them all and cuts out all the time janny, LOOK IT'S SEPHIROTH LOOK HERE IT'S HIM, hold triangle, "walk here slowly" bullshit. FF7R: Good Version, if you will.

Cloud was always a try hard.
hell it was literally a plot point in the original
I don't get why people are calling remake cloud a faggot.

it's amazing for such an old game there's so many moment where you're like "that's awesome how they did that"
the set pieces
walking around while the camera moves with dynamic video backgrounds.
looking at sephiroths stats and materia.

>is FF7R worth it when it drops for PC
fuck no it's trash that ruines everything good about FF7. maybe worth a pirate when mods fix it up a bit.

Yeah it is pretty good

but since you are asking that question, you honestly sound like a faggot so no, dont play it, it is not for you


that's not what happened. the ending is deliberately left open to interpretation so sequels could be made.
but even if everyone in midgar died which i'm pretty sure didn't happen. clouds gang on the air ship would have been fine as red 13 is there too.
Obviously everyone survived and 500 years later humans left midgar and it turned into a forest.

autistic nomura faggot spotted.

I will agree, the set pieces and small details were awesome! Honestly, playing through it made me want to play Digimon World. The set pieces were very similar. Seeing the sets move with the background essentially swapped over to FMV while you can move was really neat.
I'm not going to to completely write off 7R yet. A reimagining could be good. It doesn't diminish from the original, it will always be there. But from the sounds of it, they're going to play it safe with the next portions.

No, no. I didn't take it as everyone dying. I was specifically pointing out that after fighting tooth and nail, Cloud comes up and has basically no resolve left after coming out on top. But then he has another break, he rescues Tifa, verbally wishes to see Aerith in front of Tifa, then they all make it out. The FMVs were super impressive when considering the period. But back to the point, I'm sure they all got out, Red's obviously fine. I just felt like it was too open ended.

>Cloud was a LARPer who lost himself in the role.
Incorrect, he was even cooler when his true personality came out.

Uhhhh, no that wasn't the message at all. Did you even play the game?

90% of the remake is a masterpiece. The rest (ending and some filler chapters), depends on your tastes. But I liked them and will keep an open mind for the rest of the parts (if I dont kill myself first)

Cloud was edgy in the 2kewl4u way a character like sonic acts like.

This was a stem of his personality being melded by zack and overcompensating it to the nth degree. He's not just confident, he's a fuckin super star and you're not worth his time. He's not just a little witty with depreciating humor, everything he says has to be aloof and edgy. He IS a try hard because he's an empty shell projecting as hard as he can. He's in denial and confused and doesn't sort that shit out until he falls in the lifestream with tifa. By that point he's developed relationships with the rest of the crew and takes all the lessons he's learned from them and zack to make himself a proper personality. This is why AC cloud is such a kick in the dick.

Remake cloud is almost the opposite. He's insulated, autistic, can't even talk to people. It's not that he doesn't want to, he literally can't come up with a response.This is because zack isn't with him in the remake, future sephiroth is. Cloud reverts back to his autistic childhood self, biggs even mentions how much of a kid he's like. The few times genuine malice comes out of cloud like trying to kill reno and johnny are sephiroth's influence.

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He looks and acts like a faggot.

I am seeing a disturbing amount of people recently who think that humanity was definitively wiped out in the end. At the very least it is open to interpretation, and I'm aware Kitase seemed to imply in one interview that he believed humanity was gone by Red's post-credit scene, but I find it impossible to believe that the game would take our characters, who struggled through so much and already have dealt with so much death, and wipe them out as well, destroying the narrative weight of their accomplishements. The laughter of human children at the end as the screen fades to black says it all, and it does it subtly, but seems to me too many people confuse the ending because they don't pick up on that or have just forgotten.
Really, after Aeris and Red XIII, both surrogates for "muh nature," find our characters at least worthy of friendship and protection, the planet kills them and all of humanity? By what logic then us planet any better than Sephiroth who, after all, only has a problem with humanity for betraying the Cetra?
All our characters struggles and accomplishments to protect what matters to them, Marlene, Shera, Ester, Priscilla, Elmyra, and the countless other innocents, not to mention the memories of everyone lost like Zack, all of that is deemed not worthy of saving by the planet. Humanity needs to die. It is irredeemable, the planet, the great moral arbiter, deems it so.

I for one refuse to believe something so nihilistic. Fuck spinoffs or even the fucking devs. This is art and I get to choose what I take from it. I choose hope, and if the children's laughter at the end isn't reason to do so then I don't know what is.

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I think it's even more likely humanity survived considering the conversation about the White Materia and Holy. One of the characters goes on about Aerith's prayer to the planet - or materia or lifestream - was a plea to spare humanity. At least, I think that's what I read. But then there's the chaotic aspect of the planet's will. In any case, I'm with you on the ending not being completely bleak.

A running theme is death isn't the end necessarily. You become one with the lifestream and reincarnated. Sometimes games have sad, unfair endings. Like terranigma.

Do I believe they died? All we can say for sure is everybody abandoned the fuck out midgar, but AC retcons even that. I'd say there are humans still out there around the globe. We're survivors. The ambiguity comes from what the fuck happened to midgar. Was everybody there killed? Does it matter?

What do you mean argue over it? Like if it was Sephiroth or Jenova? Their goals are the same so it’s irrelevant.

It feels like they’re the same thing though.
Cloud is actively trying to come off as aloof and edgy in remake, but that’s the only context he understands how to act in because he’s got fucking mental issues.
Being autistic in most social situations makes sense since he literally has no idea what a cool SOLDIER man would do in those situations
Ironically, I think that’s what I like about Roche: I can imagine EXACTLY how he’d respond in normal social situations that Cloud finds himself in

What if humanity got reincarnated on Red XIII's puppers?

The epilogue shows Nanaki and a bunch of little nanaki’s running around. Obviously humans survived if they did. Then it shows a run down Midgar. I always took that as humanity stopped Mako generation and moved out of Midgar because it was a plague to the planet, also it was obliterated by meteor.

Good man.

If death doesn't matter, why should be be sad Aeris or Zack died? I get your point, having influence after death is a key concept, but the original FF7 did not have Advent Children's "no one's ever really gone" shtick. Cloud said it all: Aeris will no longer laugh, or cry, or get angry. That kind of life is over for her. It was a sacrifice, not just some state transfer that doesn't really matter one way or another.

Sure, you return to the lifestream when you die and your existence is sort of perpetuated in a cosmic sort of way. But if it was all the same either way, then all the sacrifices and death would mean nothing in the grand scheme of things, which I think goes against the core concept of the game. It's not about the game being "fair" or it being what I want to happen, it would be that the ending of humanity being wiped out would directly undo much of the narrative purpose of the story. No way around it. I give 1997 Square credit enough to not do that.

Yes this is clearly what was intended, further confirmed by the laughter of children right at the end.
See: youtu.be/J2srKV5WTRk?t=70

Only problem was they left things ambiguous enough so that brainlets to this day actually believe there is an implication that humanity was wiped out because... it was ruled by the planet that humans are irredeemably toxic? Really, after our heroes struggled the whole game to protect it... AND WON?
Would be incredibly dumb for that to be what happened, but you see people thinking it all over the place, sadly.

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Mostly the "Cloud killed Aerith" and "well actually, we never really saw who stabbed her." Recently I saw someone claiming Cloud drowned her instead of saving her. In any case, I assume all of it is prehistoric shitposting, but I've been surprised by dumber things in the past.

Does anyone know what the consensus is in the country that matter? JP Since sales domesticall are way more important for companies like SE and Sony.

Right, because he's lost on his own.

Zack was basically babysitting him the whole time in the original until the lifestream. It was like he had a big brother that he idolized whispering in his ear on how to act and he would just blow it out of proportion. Still autistic and unnatural, which was the point, but in a different way than he is in the remake. Since you want to use roche as an example(how in the fuck is he a 3C btw when you fight shitter 3C in the late game that have nothing on him) zack cloud would've done his hardest to try and outstyle roche and probably spectacularly fail or ruin something because of it. Remake cloud is just putting up with his shit and trying to get "the job" done because that's all he can think about. For this cloud that's all there is. For old cloud he was too good for this shit but he did it for his waifus.

Since you beat the original you might find the remake interesting, I know I sure did. Not a fan of the big changes, but its an interesting point of comparison.

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