Golden Week Steam Sale Thread

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Anything good?

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How is this?

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We should post our wishlists and see how many of our wanted games are on sale versus aren't.

I want to play a open world rpg with crafting and base building.
And survival elements.
Any recomendations?

Carrottop is not worth $60, get it when it's $20. Or pirate it because bandai namco is a shitty company.

I got the koi-koi game
Time to learn weeaboo flower playing cards

Only weebshit

BMZ 1 and 2 are pretty solid and a little simple. It's been years since I played TEW 1, but it's aight. I don't really know the others. FF7 might have some kinda Square Enix account link thing though.

Should I buy Dragon Quest for PC or for Switch? PC version is cheaper.

Uhhhh Minecraft

Is this Katamari Damacy game good? Is the remake well done or should I just emulate another game of the series or something?

Hanafuda. Maybe do some googling to get the rules learned.

I didn't like stranger of sword city, but that's probably because etrian is the only dungeon crawler I played before so I expected something sort of like that. I felt pretty confused on how I was supposed to be building my party.

Yes I know they're called hanafuda and I got the game to learn it, it has a tutorial and AI and stuff

Tell me which YSses are good! I've played the first 3 on steam!

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the game is fantastic and I do recommend the remake but emulating the sequel would probably be the better option since it's a much better game anyways

Got Superhot, Factorio, Baba is You and Danganronpa all for around $20. bretty good

hum, yeah, and the game is pretty short too, i guess i'll do that. thanks.

aeris dies

I mean there's really not a bad one to be honest.VI, Oath, and Dana are the strongest ones left ouf of the ones you haven't played.

>nothing but weebshit

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What sale are you looking at? Other than DR those are all at least 15 by themselves.
Wait hold on is Oath not 3? Or at least a rendition of 3? I don't want to be misleading.

PC has better graphics but the switch version has more content, JP voice acting and some other random QOL improvements.

When you said first 3 I assumed you mean Origin, 1, and 2. If you haven't played Origin then get Origin.

Blaster Master is great, but it is a NES game with updated graphics if that's something that's gonna perturb you when you blaze through it. It's really fun, though. Stranger of Sword City is a really good jap Wizardry clone, but it is pretty anime if that's something that bothers you. FFVII is a good PC port, there are mods if you run into hiccups.

What the fuck is golden week?

oh, it doesn't have dual audio, weird, most jrpgs have it. I guess I'll go with switch then, thanks

The only week Japanese adults have off from work before going back to struggling not to kill themselves.

they have plenty of other holidays, i learned that on persona

Do they all still roughly play like Oath? I kinda miss the Bumping, but I can live with the new.

>the hidden Japanese gems I wishlisted from this one particular dev that never go on sale at ALL, even during Christmas sales, is on sale now
I guess I better buy this shit now

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tell me which

Out of the ones I mentioned all but Dana do. Dana goes for a party setup where you switch characters. Some people like party YS and some hate it, personally I like both styles.

lol Japan has more national holidays than the US

How are AC Origins and Odyssey to just fuck around and explore? I've heard the environments are pretty good

Can someone see if Granblue Fantasy Versus is on sale?

I got Kero Blaster and La Muluna

Fuck everything else, I'm set

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You're not gonna play all those games


Only 6 of my 100 games are on sale but that's because at least half aren't out yet.

Rad, thanks. I'll look into the less party-based ones.


I'd buy Dragon Quest 11, but it doesn't have dual audio. Cringe!

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>Spice and Wolf VR is 30% off

I'd probably make fun of you, but holy moly the DQ11 VA's I've heard are awful.

they're pretty niche so I'll be surprised if you become interested in them, but at least they're pure gameplay.

I am a massive weeb but Dragon Quest XI has a pretty alright dub actually.

What do I drop?

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I'll take that one and trade you this one:

what do you expect its a japansale retard

I liked GE3, but I played all the others too.
Castlevania collection is just a bunch of ROMs, isn't it?
MGR's rad, you won't regret it.
I've heard LP2 is cool, but GFWL is a dealbreaker.